Druid/pol/ FREEPLAY THURSDAY Bunker Thread


I bid you welcome to the most portentous Freeplay Thursday bunker thread!
FPT has become a sacred rite to our Order. So without further ado, let the revelry continue and Druid/pol/ #0027 shall be up tomorrow day sometime.

Eat, Drink & be Merry….

And post good tunes.

Also unafflilated outer Zig Forums anons are welcome to join in should you wish to, providing you have a sound taste in music and contribute some quality tunes to the thread.

Attached: dance of the druids.gif (500x280, 1.55M)

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keeping this ball rolling….

…all night long!

OK then

Good one lad. Speaking of rhythm of the nights…

Carrying on some more cheese rolling

Patrician taste lad. Its probably for the best that Rotten and (((McClaren))) (who to be fair was pretty good at innovating despite his half merchant blood and the tendencies that come with that.
PiL is Lydons finest work and McLaren lead to early breakbeats and fusing classical and electronica together. All worked out for the best. Plus mclarens dead and are Johnny is still alive and kicking.

Go for it lad

As you asked so nicely

Fuck missed

moar 90s cheese!