This is the Mattis hate thread! Go!
This is the Mattis hate thread! Go!
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this isnt 4chan.
He's a traitor
I forgot this is kikechan or cuckchan depending on the time of day. Gas yourself, retard.
No shit. I got a ban in 2015 for saying I thought he was a flunky of the Jews and that there's something wrong with a guy in his 70s who was never married and he must be on the pink team.
This site is run by a bunch of snowflake faggots. Free speech my ass.
Anyone got a run down on that blood testing scam company he was on the board of? I remember at the beginning of the Afghan war he lobbied to waste billions of dollars switching the military over to 6.8 spc.
not anymore kikey hasn't been here for like 2 yrs now, who used to give 2 week bans just to be a dick. I wish they'd ban more, it kept it free of assholes. Too far other direction now and just a general shitposting forum.
It's almost time now…
Pay attention to who Trump fires and when…
Rex Tillerson:
H.R McMaster:
Now pay attention to who he replaces them with (((Trump))) is a neocon kike loving peace of shit that tricked you all.
John Bolton:
Mike Pompeo:
General Mattis:
wasn't kikey selling IP addresses? I thought he got banned for that.
wouldn't surprise me. nothing does.
That was when the turkroach was in charge. AKA the main reason this board is so schizophrenic and fucked up. That turkroach did more to set back 8pol than any kike shill could have ever hoped for.
Looks like the Israelis are back to take down another General they don't like. It will work as always, because Anglo-Americans are stupid as fuck. All anyone need do to convince Anglo-Americans of anything is sperg out like an hysterical kike faggot. Maybe toss in a few "Its the end of the world! run!" to seal the deal.
I tend to agree with Brendon O'Connell on the Mattis situation. The Israeli's are stealing American technology and selling it to China behind our backs. It is rumored Mattis is aware of the problem and is moving to end it.
Like I said, Mattis will probably be fired because Anglo-American retards obey.
If you're supposition is accurate, Mattis isn't doing himself or the country any favors by not talking about it very publicly. There are wide open channels to skirt the jewish media today.
Don't know why people still like this dude, wasn't he the one that stopped Trump from disallowing trannys in the military?
People just like saying "Mad Dog Mattis".
Memes drive people, not logic and reason.
I'm sure it would've been a kike infested free for all of goybux into jew corporate coffers, but the 5.56 is an absolute shit tier military round.
The last General the Israelis wanted fired was McMaster. He was an antisemite, so it was important to get rid of that guy. LOL, anything the jews ask, the anglo will provide.
Didn't know he was Israel's bitch too. Good bye neocon.
If one was inclined to feel this way, why would the choice to replace be a round that carries over all the same inherent flaws on top of being heavier and slower?
Rabid Dog Mattis is a traitor (((Neocon))). he's probably also a Pizzagate elite pedo ring leader or a dicking sucking faggot. never trust an old man who never married and never had kids. that is the biggest red flag that something is very sick in his psyche. if he was a playboy leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him, that i could at least understand. do you know any men who are truly celibate and who are not completely fucked up psychos? just look at the Catholic Priests for what happens when men try to be celibate.
Rabid Dog Mattis is probably the mastermind who is the fixer who arranges to load hundreds of cages of anesthetized lil' pizzas onto Military C-140's to traffick them from 3rd Shitholer War Zones back to Lolita Island and Podesta's Hawaiian Hot Dog Stand and Denny Hastert's Japanese island and Lindsey Graham's Air Force Reserve bunker sex-dungeon.
Rabid Dog Mattis is just another blood drinking Dr Strangelovian US general. the Pentagon has an MKULTRA room of vats full of brains growing in tanks where they clone these kinds of robotic faggots like Mattis, who will go out and continue to lead the US military into debacles of World Policing and aggressive Imperialism the blows up in our faces and where they will lead our military into yet another unwinnable war with no defined parameters of victory and into yet another national humiliation like Vietnam I, Vietnam II, Vietnam III, IV, V, VI…. Vietnam XIX. by the way, the real secret goal of MKULTRA is to bankrupt America by wasting our tens of trillions of dollars on pointless lost wars in order to prevent us from having Nice Things like smooth roads, sturdy bridges, and also to ensure every American city morphs into Detroit–decaying Shitholer Hellscape zoos for wilding niggers.
Heckuva job Matty. the unbroken lineage of chain of succession of bungling and evil ghoul SecDefs going back to McNamara remains on course, with a new War Monger Traitor clone always replacing the last clone.
finally, i might add that if you look at Rabid Dog Mattis' military career, you'll see he himself has been part of the problem of the War Machine.
Recall that Mattis was the General in charge of the war in Kandahar in 2001. Mattis let Osama bin Laden (Tim Osman) slip through his fingers and escape via Tora Bora into Pakistan.
Mattis claims he asked for permission to kill bin Laden and was denied by the CIA glow niggers, who wanted their Made Man asset to escape and live to attack another day as a Heel useful to justify the roll out of the American Empire. Mattis was in charge of tens of thousands of Marines and billions of dollars of weapons, but he was not creative enough to "hack" the system and MacGyver up a solution allowing him to go kill bin Laden without permission and in defiance of his ZOG Langley Overlord's micromanaging interference.
how can you trust any General who is too stupid to figure out how to hack back and fuck the CIA in order to Do The Right Thing, damn the consequences? fast forward to Trump's Syrian War, and we can see where such a lack of imagination costs a heavy price on all of us. Mattis still wants to expand the war in Syria, even today, right now. Mattis loves ISIS. Mattis wants to help ISIS, by funding them and arming them and providing USAF cover to them. Mattis is butt buddies with ISIS because Mattis doesn't give a shit about real Justice on Earth. Mattis has probably secretly pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Baghdadi, just like John "Bayah" Brennan has already done a decade ago. Mattis only cares about himself and his faggot Pentagon brass and playing God with little plastic green soldiers and expanding the wars and starting more wars in order to lose those wars and finally bankrupt America for once and for all, so that we will be incapable of defending ourselves against the hordes of Spics and Muzz barbarians at out borderless, wall-less gates.
is that good enough of a hate thread for you?
I'm gonna guess ole' Madcuck wasn't too happy about the Syria withdrawal, nor the military being tasked with building the border wall….he IS a globalist, after all.
Anglo's will fall for it like they always do. A few buzzwords here. A few buzzword there. Mattis will be gone in no time.
Truer words were never spoken…
The 5.56x45mm NATO M855A cartridge is a good cartridge as long as targets are engaged between 50m and 250m. If the target is closer than 50m or further away than 250m the bullet will not have the proper opportunity to perform or function properly, which is to tumble and fragment or spall inside the body. Other variables of the effectiveness of the 5.56 even depend on the mass of the target. If the human does not have sufficient mass (at least 9 inches thickness) then the bullet will not be able to function as designed. This was a massive problem in Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan because the vast majority of those combatants were emaciated and malnourished. This led to the bullets simply passing through the target with minimal damage or injury. The 5.56 was designed for moderate range jungle warfare where targets were generally not beyond 250 meters. Another factor is armor. Very few combatants have ever worn any type of soft or plate armor against US forces since the adoption of the 5.56. The 5.56 was also designed to specifically defeat soft armor and even early versions of simple plate armor. Without that kind of armor coupled with the fact that those combatants were so lithe, it lead to an issue of effectiveness for the cartridge.
If anything, the US military should revert back to the 7.62x51mm as its primary cartridge. It should also employ more use of combat shotguns for combat closer than 100m.
Yep, here come the "tough guy" chicken hawk from Israel. They got that "cowboy" grit inside of their words.
Same 'ole pencil neck dweebs in tel aviv.
You're not on reddit.
imkamfy kept us on our toes, and purged the board of all the same garbage DRUUUUUUMPF posts it's constantly shitted up with now. between muh ZOGNALD posts, muh based jews posts, muh based poo posts, and muh redpill me posts… nu/pol/ is easily shittier than Zig Forums
with all the muslim, spic, and nog posters lately it's probably a fair assessment to just start calling this mud/pol/
Cry more, subhuman. You don't deserve "free" speech.
You say that as though imkikey wasn't quite obviously a paid jewish shill.
None of what you're talking about has any relevance to the original 5.56 vs. 6.9 spc tangent I went off on.
Can't fix stupid.
yeah. so much truth, rabbi.
Some "bullet" talk to make the thread look "military".
Some "hysteria" to trigger the anglo-american brain.
A command to fire Mattis.
As easy as pie, fellas.
It''s hilarious watching all the "muh knife-hands" dickriders lamenting his ahem "resignation"
I'm happy to see that pro-faggot globalist hit the fucking bricks.
Trump is still a kike, but this might be the one good thing to come out of this shitty week
Do you have any idea how much 7.62x51 ammunition exists in the world? I don't, but I would guess there is enough stockpiled that we could fire 100 million rounds per day and fight a war with just 7.62x51 that could last 100 years.
Okay, leave now.
It hardly matters, since no one is ever going to use their fucking guns.
This is way off topic at this point. The original comment was just to point out that Mattis had a history of advocating for expensive, lateral-at-best measures to enrich the MIC.
Here come the "tough guy" jews. Get 'em boys. Make that sell, believable.
A couple "faggots" there, a few "faggots" here. Mattis will be gonners by the weekend.
I took that as a subtle dig at Mattis
ok so don't support israel because i am for israel.
my point was there are both more gun variety and more ammunition should you want to go 7.62 (I have both R700 and AR-15 chambered for .308)
You're clinically insane.
Oh, sure; that's definitely not in question.
I know you are, moshe. Around here it's well known you things are predisposed to schizophrenia, incest, usury, etc. By you claiming that me being against your pissrael really means I am for your pissrael you were engaging in what we also know around here to be called "pilpul".
I'm not sure how you jews spell that in hebrew. But it means to pretend to be confused while simultaneously trying to confuse others while you're losing your argument.
It's ok. We're pretty sure that's like "How to Jew 101" in Satanday School.
6.8 is propitiatory with (((patents))), would have cost us a fuckton
Commit suicide.
What about 6.5 creedmoor? I've been hearing about that recently, but the idea of a buck per fucking shot turns me off, since I can't afford that nor a multi-thousand dollar gun to take advantage of it.
Look at this fucking pilpul.
Reminder that your ZOG military puppet isn't worth praise.
Go to bed Turkroach.
oh fug am i btfo'ing a jewbot? I describe the method the jew is using ITT and the jewbot doubles down by saying it's me doing the pilpul.
dude, if there's a fucking (((brand name))) it's gimmicky proprietary patent-controlled shit looking to suck money from the military, which is Hornady in this case. though it probably is a much better round
oh shit here comes the hasbara TORpedos trying to SHUT IT DOWN
top kek
The anglo-american retard will provide.
Just provided $5.7 billion for that new wall, and no I'm not tired of winning.
Reminder that your ZOG military puppet isn't worth praise.
Oh, is creedmoor a brand name? I wasn't aware of that. I thought it was just shorthand. You're right, though; such specific naming is likely cause for artificial price inflation. Thanks for the info. the ballistic performance over 5.56 is what drew me to it initially
You are just shy of 20% of this thread atm.
All I am asking is that you don't shit up another thread with your roachposting.
Yep… the anglo-retard psychopath mind at play.
Yeah I had no praise. Your comment here is exactly why I immediately called out the pilpul.
All we are asking is you stop sucking baby dicks, trying to control the world, being evil, etc. I literally don't care to measure your virtual benis length ITT. Stop replying to me if you don't want more (You)s, fucktard.
What exactly is the topic other than Mattis hate? This is an extremely low effort/energy OP that quickly drew in a large hoard of jew/ZOGbot supports like (((you))).
The "pilpul" of… agreeing with your lack of support for ZOG. Great going, dumbass.
>siding with (((Trump))) instead of based Mad Dog Mattis
You have to go back
You guys are really still pushing the Anglo vs Germanic angle? You were outed like 3 years ago on that one. Nobody's buying it.
What's happening now? It's a fucking sinking ship at the white house.
That's not pilpul. I don't care to keep up with your hasbara or IP hopping solochamp. The pilpul of calling me a jew for hating Mattis in an really shitty low-tier "mattis hate thread". Then the pilpul of calling me a jew for calling you a pilpul jew.
Pilpul jews all the way down.
this newfag thinks we have mods and aren't global
>What exactly is the topic other than Mattis hate? This is an extremely low effort/energy OP that quickly drew in a large hoard of jew/ZOGbot supports like (((you))).
The anglo-retard psychopath mind now completely forgets the discussion and proceeds into total insanity, with high drama and retardation.
In case anyone was curious if the anglo/germanic thing was really a shitty derailment tactic, go ahead and click this post's ID and see what he contributes to the thread.
The anglo-retard psychopath mind hows now gone full shizo. See,
Basically trump is going to veto the spending bill(instead of getting funding for the wall while he controlled all three branches of government), then the democrats are going reeee, then some more bullshit political right/left that normies will get all agitated about, then the democratic primaries will start, then Trump will invent a stupid nickname for Beto(who is the dem nominee), then Trump will lose 2020 because he stabbed whites in the back, then Beto will pass legislation that makes it illegal to pass legislation to do anything to stem the flow of immigration, then white people die off in the U.S.
Step into the mind of a anglo-retard psychopath.
Tell me another.
The anglo-retard psychopath goes from "tough guy" military man… into an anime watching pedophile.
It's the ovens for you, kid.
there is only one reason necessary to fire Mattis, no questions asked. Mattis failed to catch Amir al-Mumineen, Caliph Ibrahim Abu Bakr Baghdadi. Mattis helmed a $1 trillion dollar global war machine, with bases in over 181 countries, with $3.5 trillion dollars worth of real estate spanning over 500,000 buildings and structures, making his Pentagon the biggest landlord in the world, as well as the biggest Oil consumer in the world, and the biggest employer in the world. just never mind about the tens of audit failing trillions of dollars which were also "lost" under the command of Mattis. Mattis commanded the 80,000+ SOCOM force of super soldiers and elite-of-the-elite assassins, yet Mattis still couldn't kill Baghdadi, who is probably disguised as a kebob cart salesman outside the CIA's secret-yet-everybody-knows-it's-there black site base near the Tabqa Air Base in Deir Ezzor. Mattis had every shred of SIGINT from NSA and NRO scanning every square meter on the surface of the Earth 24/7, yet Mattis still never even figured out where Baghdadi was hiding right in plain sight.
who should replace Mattis? Trump has the shittiest track record for appointing old blood fossils who are Neocons or Zion-Firsters or back stabbing Never Trumpers or Obama loyalists or Crooked Hillary Cronies on the Perkins Coie and MI6 payroll. so i don't have my hopes up that Trump will get it right with Mattis replacement. hopefully Trump can just quit dicking around and appointment an outsider to SecDef who will bring in radically different ideas and rock the boat like a hurricane. the Pentagon's problem is they are a Borg-like hive mind stuck on repeat for the past 30 years.
because smash stuff!
Silly goy, why would the US gov arrest their own agent when they are still useful?
You are clinically insane. This isn't happening. You're derailing the thread and saging it for a reason. You have no power here.
Its weird as fuck still seeing people defending Trump
There go my plans for endless warfare.
I think the timing here really speaks volumes. The full Syria withdraw followed by this a day later. There is just no other logical way to see this than it having to do with that.
shit thread
fucking phoneposters ruined imageboards
I don't think you appreciate the complexity and danger involved in the political game men like Mattis play. The commander of the U.S. 6th fleet was just (((suicided))). Do you think you would be more valuable to your country dead or alive? You think they won't whack Mattis in a second if he steps out of line? I'm not counseling "patience" or any related Q-larp shit, I'm just saying that if he were to report to the "wide open channels" you mention, he'd likely be killed within a few months with a heart attack gun, just like everyone else who takes a stand in this criminal country. Also, there are people who actually believe in the separation of powers bullshit, and Mattis is a dutiful military man; he will literally obey whatever the president of the U.S. tells him to do, as he sees this as the basis of what makes America great, i.e. civilian leadership, not military. Watch his interviews. Why do you think he was approved with huge bi-partisan support? He's a rule follower, and when you're about to start another war of aggression in the middle east, which they doubtless are, you want a rule follower leading the war.
>The commander of the U.S. 6th fleet was just (((suicided))).
You want to share any insight into what his political opinions were or are you just going to let it hang out there and assume it fits what you're trying to get across?
Mad Dog Mattis huh?
Turns out he was just a dog.
glad you asked; what I'm saying is: powerful people have no qualms about murdering generals, and if you are a general, you walk a thin line trying to avoid that fate from both sides. Consider:
then the Kerry-Obama power structure killed him
then he was killed by the Trump-Bush-Bolton faction
they both have access to resources you and I can't imagine; they both kill for profit and strategic gain. Understand? Mattis is an old style centrist who just wants to defend his fucking country and doesn't care much for ideology. This type of person is perennially squeezed out of public life in any empire because the stakes are too high and the only people willing to "do what's necessary" to win are fanatics.
oops fuck meant for
In other words, my man, no matter who this guy's intel could potentially hurt, it would come back to bight him if he shared it.
Yes and no.
I understand what you're saying, but men in Mattis' position have taken on a duty. They are cowards if they act as he has behaved.
Sounds like bullshit to me man. From what I've seen, he's a Ziocucked coward whose ideology is dragging young American men into the jaws of the Jewish death machine to give himself power, wealth and prestige. He's done well at that.
He is a fanatic though, he just gave up one of the most powerful positions imaginable because the President wouldn't support - it seems - the fanatical devotion to warfare in the Middle East for Israeli interests that has taken over the American military and political fields.
By your own reasoning, Mattis is, at best, a cowardly servant of ZOG who just wants to get by, at worst, a willing agent of global death masquerading as a man of duty.
Is this place populated with 18 year olds? Why won't Mattis publicly talk about the biggest multi-trillion dollar espionage network in American history? Well, I assume he is waiting until he has all the pieces in place in order to prevent him and his 100+ military coup from being assassinated.
I mean, come on there kiddo… this is common sense.
Would not support and would fight gladly. Remember you Zionist cumdumpsters:
Behind every blade of grass,
Look at the vocabulary on this moron. Typical retard the isrealis know how to drum up into a frenzy. It's genetic… its called the anglo characteristic. Read pic Understand how the jews manipulate the anglo psychological genetic flaw. They are prone to every type of hysteria.
Tbh the only problem is the risk of civil war. Mattis leaving is a gigantic loss.
Gen Mattis being redpilled, ironpilled while at the same time immune to the vaginal jew, is a sign of a danger to the ((neocons)).
If Trump by 2020 has neither 1) a Wall or 2) a Mattis or someone of equal important that is not a ((neocon)) I'm dropping support.
Lol sounds about right. I've been saying it forever now only change will come from an uprising. No elected person will fix anything. I'm not American but in 5 years time I'm planning on leaving canuckistan, Europe and US have still have a glimmer of hope but not canada.