More The conditions in Afghanistan – at the present moment – make American troop withdrawals a high risk strategy.
Yeah why is that Lindsey Graham? Because the kikes will need to false flag America again in order to trick the idiots into another war? Fuckn faggot. This is the first good development out of the Trump White House in a long while Fuck permavirgin Mattis if he doesn't want to put America first for a change.
Joseph Watson
Trump is a kike and will only do what his best mate Bibi tells him to
Don't mind me, just replying to the 4/750 non-shill posts in the last thread:
this is what I expected the second this news came out; the nation building i.e., nation wrecking and destabilization strategy is out; direct war with Iran is incoming; withdrawal from ICC was in preparation for this, and, very sadly, so is Brexit. Israel is pushing its allies to shore up their claims to sovereignty so they can take near unilateral direct action against Iran. It will however be interesting to see whether it occurs under a Trump administration or not; for all their faults hard leftists in the USA hate Israel's guts and their bully-boy Meuller was partly appointed to try to avoid this conflict, and Kerry's rogue "diplomacy" is likewise aimed at this. Whether they succeed or not I cannot foresee. you niggers saying this is some great development need to read your Machiavelli; we're pulling out of a (((war))) we haven't declared, against an enemy our own intelligence agencies deliberately created? Lateefuckinda. Wars with your TRUE, existential enemy are inevitable, and the US has identified Iran as its enemy. Zig Forums likes Iran for various reasons, but read American history; the people who run this fuckin place sure don't count them as friends. The financial ponzi scheme absolutely depends on there being no other credible regional power on earth besides the US, and the Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran Muslim empire chain (they were trying to unify for many years, that's why all their flags look the same dipshits) is ALMOST broken, in fact, IS broken, now the base of the chain, Iran is left. You think ZOG is going to stop here? Tell me, how many years did they chase those fucks who shot some jews at the olympics? Did they give up then? You think Christian zionist psychopaths like John Bolton are going to quit? No nigger, they're not. inb4 some faggot calls me blackpill.
Wrong. Look at a map, read geostrategy books written by neoliberals; Iran is an excellent flanking base for a war with China, which is the only serious threat to global US power. They would like to take this flank without it looking bad but that is becoming increasingly difficult and so may go direct. This may greatly speed up China's shift to an aggressive foreign policy, but they've calculated that this is probably to the US's advantage as our tech is currently still better than theirs, so making that war happen this century, and not next, is probably the better of two bad options. Like I said, war with an enemy is inevitable; one can delay, but never avoid. The US will lose the imprimatur of morality with such a war, but what the hell else is going to keep this debt-slave hemisphere afloat? this is their thought process, not mine
I guess with daddy bush dead, we can finally close up shop in afghanistan. If he does end up pulling out of afghanistan the CIA will kill him. Thats how they are funding the bulk of their operations abroad(opium).
The cycle of the zionist cuckservative, also known as the controlled opposition wheel: 1. Stand idly by and hand the most jewish party victories. 2. Toss a bone to your restless but fooled support base that is desperate to believe you're their guy. ←——- You are here 3. Openly show support and even collaborate with the most jewish party. Restart at Step 1.
Were you expecting anything less from a guy who got popular for bashing cultural marxism aka jewish tricks, but spends more time cucking for jews?
Cuckservatives are the traitors while the leftists are the obvious enemies. It's natural to hate the traitors more.
Joseph Williams
Let's actually see results before we cheer on Trump. He talks a good talk but we've been burned countless times.
Joshua Walker
QUICK REMINDER Check pic related. ISIS predominantly attacks countries around Israel… but leaves the (((Chosen))) alone. Isis also attacks European countries for… well, they don't really specify a reason beyond "We wanted to, fuck you." The US has no ISIS operatives in it's soil, has not suffered direct attack from them and there's no fucking reason to keep 2/3 of your army abroad guarding sand dunes confident that securing several miles of desert will prevent ISIS attacks on the US.
Do you want to avoid ISIS attacks? It's pretty easy: just keep sending billions to Israel every year. Otherwise, your greatest ally will send it's friendly Islamic debt collector. Reminder that both France, the UK and Spain tried to cease paying alimony to Israel like the US does, and reminder that they paid the price for it.
neocons are the reason kike shills can find wedges to blackpill with
Evan Johnson
I have been watching this shit show that we call world affairs for more than 30 years and This is an historic moment! For the first time Ever the USA is saying Fuck you to the Zionist!
I think that disclosure about the JQ will be the next phase! And when this happen …..
Easton Thompson
Why did our ancestors let them in when they were warned?
I wish I had a link to the video of him whining about the (admittedly fake) scratch marks in the death showers when somebody in his chat had the nerve to deny the Shoahcaust.
Josiah Price
They weren't warned. Did you not see the Codex Theodasianus thread? Go here:
Even the men squeel like antifa bitches when they get arrested.
Julian Williams
Imagine being a delusional jew like Jacob Wohl. Thinking Trump would pull troops from Syria and Afg just to regime change Iran. These kikes missed the "no nation building abroad" part of Trump's inaugural speech, it seems.
Obama went through 4 SoDs. Though, Mattis wrote a letter blaming Trump of aiding Putin and China, so in the end he was neocon everready to die for Israel, and smited his boss going out. Good riddance.
Libshit are from your regular tranny sjws. Neocohen is hollywood, media, political think tank people and some high level jews. Far more potent salt. Pic related.
This. They're tossing whites a bone. Whites that want to keep believing that something is being done, that trump is solving problems, "Trust the plan" Q-LARP - the illusion that government is still working has to be maintained on some level. So they're scaling back their schemes and also soothing the pains of before.
Tonight do you see people talking about the niggers being let loose? Are people talking about Trump wanting to give billions to niggers? Are people still talking about the bump stock ban and how that will lead the jews closer to banning guns? Nope.
The political theater is alive and well. And whites are catching a breath. Whites must learn to see past the theater and stay dedicated to planning a real purge of jews, their servants, and their pets.
Jackson Lopez
Odd, I don't see Israel in any of the Collective Defense Arrangements we've signed, nor are the Israelis in NATO.
pretty weak showing from Rick "that's-totally-not-my-nigger-grandkid" Wilson, tbh. I expected saltier.
Nathaniel Richardson
Whites will never learn. But maybe 3% of us will. And that could be enough.
Caleb Edwards
First part of International Jew clearly explains why jews having a monopoly in media was going to be destructive for the nation. No one listened. Now people are paying the price.
That'd be more than enough. Most people don't realize how extremely easy it would be to exterminate the jews, their servants, and their pets. Even with with the full force of law enforcement and the military involved.
That's where we're headed. A year ago I didn't believe a race war was necessary and that a legal way was still possible. Instead of despair, I'm assured that this next step is not only necessary but in reach, and will be a success.
Isaac Ross
How much you want to bet this is a slide to distract from the negative press he was getting about the wall and he'll backslide on this military deescalation as well?
Ryder Baker
He believes you can scratch concrete with your fingers?
Charles Sullivan
I still find Balkanization more likely, and much easier to execute.
I'd bet a lot. This is a bone to a starving dog to keep it from biting an abusive master.
Hopefully he's bringing the troops home and telling Mattis to suck a bag of soggy dicks so he can use the military to purge every blue checkmark neocon faggot on twitter.
Michael Baker
IF we get to chew it, yes.
William Fisher
Check the op faggot. Mattis is gone and neocons are on suicide watch.
Brandon Smith
I thought that at first too. But when I saw how whites essentially surround all of the jewish and nigger hives, I realized that no matter where the race war kicks off, whites could clear all of the rural areas with ease and begin cleaning out the major cities. All it would take is a spark to set it off and whites from around the US to emulate it.
View the 2016 voting map as a battle map and pretty soon you'll see that niggers and jews are fish in a barrel.
Connor Wilson
Only when we start killing them en masse can we safely claim that.
Cameron Fisher
This is true. It's comfy to know that we have a firm path to victory in either case as long as we don't quit kicking.
"peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups" - Good Fences: The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Peaceful Coexistence - Alex Rutherford, et. all
"Those who prefer living in a community with people of their own ethnicity and those who don't have a preference both experience a loss in social trust due to ethnic diversity." - Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: The Role of Exposure in the Micro-Context - Peter Thisted Dinesen, Ph.D., University of Copenhagen
"inhabitants of diverse communities tend to withdraw from collective life, to distrust their neighbours, regardless of the colour of their skin, to withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more, but have less faith that they can actually make a difference, and to huddle unhappily in front of the television." - E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century - Robert Putnam ——- Reality reads like The Turner Diaries.
Eli Thompson
suck a bag of soggy dicks as in telling Mattis to piss off. I'm aware Mattis is gone and I'm aware the neocohens are kvetching on twitter.
Christopher Russell
Lindsey Graham has improved immensely lately… I'm not saying the old faggot is trustworthy, just that he has taken a step or two in the right direction, and has given Trump some support (to the chagrin and anger of jews).
You're totally insane. Not only are whites not waking up in any meaningful numbers, they're not going to physically fight back at any time. THERE IS NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION. Jews own EVERYTHING, from voting machines to the fucking government itself. You cannot vote your way out of this. Only guns can save us, and none of us will use guns.
Most grocery stores in cities only have maybe three days of food and are dependent on infrastructure outside the city limits. You're better of quarantining the cities and letting the urbanites do most of the work for you.
I've found pro-white nationalists at California college campuses, you are wrong about whites not waking up. Potential for violence cannot be ascertained while bread and circuses are still readily available.
Adam Robinson
This is the same Bill Whittle who cries out about government overreach but in one of his recent videos he said that "yeah Texas should totally tell people who they can and can't boycott" The comment section was a gold mine of people not falling for it.