Christian baker who went all the way to the Supreme Court to not poz his business is back in court, this time because of the trannies.
Masterpiece Cakeshop, the Colorado bakery that made headlines in 2018 for not decorating a wedding cake for two fag activists is back in court again, this time for refusing to cater to the delusions of a transexual deviant.
The deviant involved this time, attorney-at-law Autumn Scardina, reportedly visited the Masterpiece Cakeshop in June 2017 and requested the owner, Jack Phillips, to bake a cake that was blue on the outside and pink in the middle, to celebrate the faggot's decision to get his cock and balls cut off. Phillips allegedly refused, on the grounds that he's a believing christcuck and God doesn't make mistakes like giving women penises.
The tranny freakshow filed a complaint with the Colorado Peoples' Central Committee of Ideological Conformity, alleging that a thought criminal has been detected in Sector 6.
This Tuesday, the absurdly expensive legal team that's been sucking out Phillips' blood for years now filed a complaint in Colorado court about fag harassment and constant persecution by demon-possessed fag inquisitors. Phillips is asking the court to dismiss the civil rights complaint against his shop, citing his own recent precedent at the Supreme Court as grounds to send the confused faggot back to privately dilating in peace, rather than pursuing him and his poor family into the poor house.
(((Legal experts))) expect the gambit to fail, setting the stage for another protracted legal battle that may end up yet again at the Supreme Court, where SCOTUS may rule on the protected status of men who get their crotches mutilated to quiet the evil voices in their heads. On the plus side, the absurdly high suicide rate among tranny lunatics has a distinct non-zero chance of ending the process early, assuming there's enough medication in the faggot's cabinet to make sure the job gets done right.
A brief check of the Scardinia Law website (, which seems to be having bandwidth issues at the moment, reveals that it is, of all the fucking things, a family law practice.
Experts in modern degeneracy are quick to point out that there's no such thing as a gay agenda, slippery slopes are just paranoid right-wing conspiracy theories, and regressives who don't embrace the new religion get the bullet, one way or the other.
Imagine being so evil that you intentionally try to patronize a baker that you know will refuse you service specifically to attempt to destroy his life in a lawsuit.
Imagine being so evil that you will platform these trannies on your media station, provide them legal service for free, and find their intentional lawfare a human right despite the fact that the vast majority of the country would believe their behavior to be disgusting.
Imagine having so little regard for a people that you literally orchestrate fake dramatic events, massively publicize it, invest countless hours on framing the event in the right way, and pack the courts to agree with you, all for the sake of subverting the will of the people of that land.
Imagine being an evil fucking jew.
Luis Brown
It's almost as if trannies are degenerates with massive personality disorders. Or demonic possession, if you're a traditionalist about it.
Thomas Thompson
I just wanted to make cakes for the normal biblical couple.
Gabriel Brooks
You speak truth brother. It is utterly sickening. We can only hope for the best. Otherwise talk is over.
There is so much wrapped up in that request that one could write an entire novel covering all the levels of delusion contained therein and still barely scratch the surface. Simply put, the cake is meant to represent the complete opposite of reality, that no matter what that brokem shell of a human chooses to present themselves as, they cannot change the fact that they are blue inside (a male). Nothing can ever make them pink on the inside yet they have deluded themselves to the point where they think that if they simply affirm their belief in this falsw truth hard enough, reality will reflect it as true.
Colton Carter
the drawing's eyes look particularly sick and dead. nice job in conveying (((their))) madness which is dead.
Cooper Turner
Jeremiah King
Catalog, niggerjew.
Dylan Lee
This thread is better. Or at least it was, before you immigrated to it.
Isaac Barnes
Demonic possession of a human is entirely independent of my spiritual beliefs (or yours). Satan doesn't care whether you believe in him or not, only that you go to hell with him.
Brayden Kelly
Fuck off Zig Forums astroturfnigger.
Dominic Brooks
How about a cake with a chicken with his head cut off?
Jayden Garcia
He's right though, you dumb nigger. There is spiritual warfare, it is very real. Demons are real, and must be confronted and driven out - only possible by the name of Jesus Christ.
But also kill the trannies, they actively consort with the demons too.
Lincoln Edwards
You are correct. Buttsex is mind control. I mean, if you've convinced someone to shove their dick in a filthy asshole or have one shoved in their ass, they must be under some kind of influence.
I feel really bad for the baker, but I'm glad these delusional faggots keep poking at innocent people, hopefully it will make everyone sick of them again.
That's one person's beliefs. Mine are more along the lines of possession isn't possible unless you are weak willed and cede control of your sovereign turf (your own mind and body). And what you cede control to may be evil as fuck, but how such an entity came to exist in the first place may have nothing to do with anything you read in a bible; maybe it's something created by the mind in question.
Elijah Moore
He'll win and then they'll send in some fucking furries. They can't let this go. A White man standing up for himself and winning? To these animals he must be ruined.
What he should have done, is told them, he didn't know how to make such a cake. Be all, 'I'd love to make you such a cake, but I simple don't know how'. No legal problem then. If they want to play games, you can do that as well. It's not illegal to be unable to do something, to lack in a skill.
Juan Butler
Wouldn't a counter suit be enough?
This is obviously antagonizing behavior.
A 20 million dollar punishment would be enough to make them forever fuck off.
Benjamin Gray
No one would take the furry seriously outside a fringe and the pesdo would go to prison. But yes, it has gone too far and he should just request a jump to supreme court just to get it over with. This is (((westboro baptist))) tier shenanigans.
Justin Diaz
Should the baker counter sue over harassment?
Josiah Myers
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly…. 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
They are the most evil people on the planet. There's a reason all the elite jews and their goy puppets are pedophile homos pretty much without exception.
Jack Rivera
Wouldn't this count as double jeopardy?
Joseph Smith
Imagine how much self-control the baker has, when most men would perhaps have blown their mentally-ill heads off with a rocket launcher. Funny thing, the only examples I can think of where there is flat-out actual complete discrimination is (a) dyke bars; if you're a male or some fag in a dress, they won't let you in, no way. And (b) fag bath houses; if you're a female, they won't let you in, period, ever. Or (c) women-only gyms; faggots in grandma's panties need not apply, you aren't welcome, nah uh. So… Go to a lezzie bar, strap on a vidya recording device, be refused service, file a human rights complaint and sue the owner into bankruptcy. And then sue them some more.
Hudson Robinson
doesn't anyone know how cook for themselves anymore
Kevin Green
Jayden Carter
why has no one turned the tables on this? Im going to find a hard core jewish bakeshop and demand he bake me a hitler birthday cake, complete with a picture of auschiwitz on the front? or perhaps a gas chamber?
Grayson Miller
Why should I give a shit again OP? Christcucks preach tolerance, let them enjoy the fruits of their subversive kikery.
Because whitey doesnt have the same rights as its jewish masters idiot. When will you retards learn you are now 2 nd class citizens at best, and you are tolerated not accepted, for now.
Talk was always over; kikes are racial enemies and trannies (and most other leftists) are mentally ill. Violence is the only thing that can remove their threat. Problem is, we try to stage a violent revolution right this very instant, the FBIniggers will nab and crucify us. Hence why we bother with political shit like City Hall meetings, networking to create neighbors who won't rat us out/are willing to fight with us, taking 5 minutes to vote (even if it's a rigged system) for presidential candidates with loud controversial platforms (IE: Trump) to put their ideas in the normalfag sphere, among other Opticuckery.
It's not much, but it's much better because it's an actual plan; we're doing something this way. Better than sitting around shitposting about our fantasies of killing kikes that we'll never act out, or wasting time "MINING LE SALT" from screeching harpies who already freak out about every little thing, or being a retard like Bowers and attacking targets of opportunity rather than valuable infrastructure. No, I'm not telling you to blow up a federal building. Like I said, the feds are watching.
This is literally a thread about how a Christian has more balls to fight ZOG and it's Cultural Marxist system than you ever will. Daily reminder: the NSDAP had a zero tolerance policy for fedoras.
Though that being said, this isn't wrong. That's why the correct solution is to build a group of friends who have the same views as you, and then move with our families out into the country and begin the process of either starting your own town or taking an existing one over by working together. The system can't be fought directly, but you can build a city state for yourself and prepare for the collapse to come. We can use Hitler's rise to power as a way of understanding how to radicalise whites, but we also have to understand that the NSDAP never had to deal with mass immigration or a shrinking population of Europeans being slowly overrun by nonwhites. Nearly every single one of Hitler's enemies during his rise to power was German. Nearly because Jews, obviously.
The correct choice is to find a good woman, fill her full of children, build a life away from the major population centers, bury as many guns as you can in as many different places as you can manage, and be ready for the day the nigger hordes collapse the socialist system that can no longer sustain them. An epoch of anarchy is coming, and it is up to us, as old men, and our children, as the leading edge, and our grandchildren, as the generation of hope, to bring order and peace out of the maelstrom.
The final redpill is that there is no day of rope coming. That would be far too convenient. You're in this fight until the day you die, as are your children. Only your children's children have a hope of living in the sort of world that Hitler and the European Fascists began creating for their people. Make your peace with that truth now, and prepare for the long night.
If you weren't a kike or a deaf autist, you would have realized I was advocating for the taking of territory, not the ceding of it. Or are you actually retarded enough to think we have territory now? Please, by all means, tell me what part of this country belongs explicitly to White Christian Men of Good Character and Standing, as described by the Founding Fathers?
None of it, is the correct answer. No part if this country belongs to you. And before we can do anything at all, that will have to change.
Says the person too cowardly to go "fuck your optics I'm going in" and too lazy to move away from cities that can't be saved and start building a self-sustaining community from which fighting back might actually be possible.
You're full of excuses and insinuations that everyone with an opinion you don't like is a Jew, and there's not much else in you besides that. You absolutely still have a place to hide: your own room. And you're hiding in it right now.
Next you'll probably sperg and try and tell me that I'm a cuck for implying there are any good woman left, or that any woman can 'be' good.
>"After a decade of successfully representing (((large corporations))) and (((governmental entities))) as a trial attorney, she opened Scardina Family Law to seize the opportunity to apply her passion for advocacy, tenacity for problem-solving and strong interpersonal skills to help improve the lives of individuals in a more direct way."
Thread MVP right here. Any sane court should recognize this as targeted harassment. I feel bad for the baker, he just wanted to work his craft in piece but these demonic buttfuckers won't leave him alone.
Liam Murphy
This is the same type of person that hides behind the rules or law. They antagonize a target until that person or thing takes action against their harassment, then they cry foul and have the authority figure punish their target.
The only way to counter this type of faggotry is violence.
I'd really fucking doubt that he'll lose this case, unless he just gets the wrong judge. At this point it's so fucking obvious that they're antagonizing him that it should be thrown out.
You say that now, but no one would take these trannies seriously even 10 years ago, yet here we are.
Easton Wood
Suck a dick faggot.
Jackson Brown
You retards will still be sitting around talking about jews when the left rolls over you.
Ryder Fisher
Ah. Still basic, intellectually involved and dull enough to believe the (((Left))) and (((Right))) dichotomy aren't two sides to the same shekel. Back to 4cuck you go.
If it wasn't clear before, then it is now; these people only care about harassment. It's high time to start murdering them all.
Adrian Hughes
Pv5? Also, why are you using your residential IP on here?
Benjamin Clark
Reminder to scope this. I'll check out Scardina Family Law LLC further, and what (((government entities))) this tranny or his family have been involved with. This seems like another Christine Ford scenerio, where by becoming so overzealous and greedy they in turn become sloppy and lazy, and end up exposing certain connections and relationships they may have.
Asher Murphy
Kayden Carter
because hes surrounded by niggers
Jackson Flores
Imagine living right next to where this is happening, having the tools to stop it before it metastasizes to the rest of the US and the world, and just doing nothing.
Samuel Walker
Don't expect anything more than muh jooz from the emotional stunted manchildren who usually post here
Carson Wilson
That's some serious cuck shit
Cooper Hernandez
I think the idea is that the nigger fucks Santa. Hence, "husband." It's more inclusive that way.
You kikes are just advertising your own demise, you know.
Jack Walker
A cursory web search shows no such thing exists. In non-memespeak, please?
John Thomas
It's obviously a joke.
Joshua Gonzalez
If the baker is smart he should rename his bakery to Insallah Bakery and present this case before muslims in US. It's quite clear which "organized" group holds most physical power in US.
Dominic Carter
Only recognizable organized force in the West now are Muslims. Period. Had this happened to a muslim backery that tranny's head would be sitting severed and bleeding on a plate by now.
Noah Gray
He should have baked the cake and made it blue on the inside.
Brayden Howard
Trixie has gotten fat since last time i saw her.
Camden Ortiz
Coloradoan here: our state is worse than canada for personal freedoms and non-pozzed ideology.
Blake Myers
(((City life)))
Cooper Long
This is the organization defending him and you can donate: