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Ice on Mars
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Ice on Mars = big news
Pyramids on Mars = SHUDDIT DOWN
People actually believe this.
Kampfy brought a lot of schizos from /x/ over to further dilute this place.
Topic: Uh, haven't we known this for a while now?
stop baiting and actually do your homework
Every time.
Buzz Aldrin claims there's monoliths on the moon and asks us "who put them there?"
Was it the mothmen or reptilians?
Why don't you ask the astronaut
How should he know, we never landed on the moon. Sheeple, pffft.
I'll just get my crystals and Ankh out and ask Xenu myself.
Thread instantly destroyed by paid jewish shilling.
This is codemonkey's fault.
Are you fucking dumb?
I teleported to the moon using my Astral Body, and I didn't see anything alien there. ffa1ae Clearly needs to get on my psycher level.
I bet the people who believe this also think clouds are messages from Yahweh.
Suicide immediately.
No u
Fixed that for you.
That's a side-effect of the MKU treatments that made him believe he went to the moon.
I love rocks too, user. But you're just being needlessly hostile.
If you look at the positioning and angles you find numbers corresponding to sacred geometry. Explain that, rockcucks.
Fake and gay. Mars is a projection and rover footage is from the Arizona desert.
Paid jewish shill confirmed.
I thought it was all fake, that Earth is flat and we're stuck here to be eternally slaves to the (((choosen tribes))), that Hitler's V2 program was totally fake, Von Braun is actually jewish, etc.
I'm glad we're defending Israel instead of building cities in space or FTL travel.
Are you implying there weren't any rocks on earth when the Egyptians built their pyramids? Were there just giant spheres of nothingness in the "sacred angles" until they built shit?
alien creampie :^)
Ok that's pretty nice and important for colonization candidate sites. Most of the ice on Mars is just frozen C02 near the poles. Previously it was looking like we'd have to extract soil water to run anything there.
Take your lithium niggers.
I tend to find better space discussions on /v/ and /vg/ than Zig Forums.
The Great Scar, Olympus Mons and many other "volcanoes" were formed by a massive burst of plasma.
Holy shit this is laughable. Might as well say a massive organism fossilized into the planet because they look like veins.
it's not "impkampy" you nigger retard
it's definitely some kind of well-funded agency that at least has the resources to develop some AI programs
it's probably the US government bot net
It's the jews' previous holohoax memorial. They are planning to put a new one here.
photoshop image. shocking ice.
Ancient "humans" from earth.
This guy thinks mars is a realm comparable to earth. How droll.
Jewish martians cooking meth for CIA
Fake news. There's no such thing as Mars.
Why has Zig Forums been going full retard the past year when the topic of anything relating to space comes up? Have retarded boomers fucked it that hard?
Cuz spaceelevator threads were banned
That's real neato. This probably instantly became the prime candidate for landing base #1, no way we'd pass up that much easy water. I wonder if there are any frozen microorganisms in there? I bet ice cores from that crater could tell us a ton of information about Mars' history.
I miss SpaceElevator threads. Seems like Zig Forums hasn't been able to have a good space thread in years. These /x/ rejects implying they aren't shills trying to discredit Zig Forums and prevent actual discussion of space exploration need to fucking leave.
That photo isn't real
There is a crater on Mars full of ice, but the real photos are all in black-and-white, that photo is a computer generation of what it probably looks like.
Ever hear of a little thing called the Mars Polar Ice Caps? Water on Mars has been known about literally for centuries. Was there an actual purpose here on Zig Forums for this thread OP?
Let me guess, are you one of those liberal faggots who believe that if you just have water you automatically have life? NPCs like you could do with some actual science education. There are hundreds and hundreds of factors that have to be both present and also exquisitely fined-tuned for life to even exist, much less thrive. It's extremely likely that no other place but Earth has all these qualities and many of them can be observed telescopically across millions of light years.
Yeah, it's a CGI render stitched together from several different photos.
This image is more accurate. It's also been colourised and stitched together from different photos, but they didn't add a perspective shift to it.
Why did it take fifteen years for them to find/announce this? The orbiter has been up there long enough I would’ve expected them to have shown this by now.
The "space don't real :)" niggers are getting on my nerves. I don't know where they came from?
This crater was known since at least 2005 and they also knew it had ice in it. The orbiter flew by it in April and the ESA only recently created these images. The orbiter doesn't take normal photos, which means they have to merge several different types of data together to get these images. They had the topographical data on this crater since 2015.
The press has to be spoonfed information or else they'll never report on it, these images are good clickbait. Now they're all acting like this is a new discovery.
You unironically believe this hillarious bullshit because people wearing jumpsuits told you it was true, and that's sad
I don't stop at pyramids. there used to be an entire civilization. they colonized earth. They were most likely white and are the origin of the stories in the Vedic scripts about vimanas, Atlantis, the Sumerian accounts on the Anunaki ect.
Some planet or large celestial body got close to mars, a plasma bolt arced between the two planets and destroyed mars, leaving very little charge in the planet to sustain the magnetosphere or internal heat. See electric universe theory for better details.
Of course the remnants here had a rough time when the imports stopped, and the rampant nigger natives breeding like rabbits, and then the younger dryas wrecked what little they had left.
This is on the same level as the Yakub shit the kangz talk about
TV said so stop questioning!
You can't see the north star in the southern hemisphere, therefore the earth cannot be flat.
/x/ get the fuck off of Zig Forums
There are literally hundreds of different reasons flat Earth is bullshit, don't bother.
Fair enough. I'm tempted to poke at what their opinions on Trump are; it might explain a lot of things.
Also, Saturn's ring is a massive antenna. For the supercomputer at the core.
Maybe, but unlike the indigenous niggers we can actually go there and look for truth, we just can't do it via nasa as they have proven time and time again to alter images and purposely alter facts
of course not there is only Ares.
In NASA we trust. Not like Science hasn't become a new religion having to cover up its storyline so it doesn't lose credibility or nuthin.
Hey did you hear about the latest miracle? The virgin mary was cryong tears of blood in Rome!
What was the render time?
Carbon Dioxide gas frozen as ice, who fucking cares.
Have a Shinobu.
Did someone say 'tender time?' Oh nevermind it's just more Youtube-taught morons trying to repeat the science words they heard from the disgraced scientist narrator dude.
Explicitly says water ice, you illiterate yid.
This thread really goes to show that cuckchan is here to stay, holy shit.
Shinobutt sucks, have some best *gatari
Skeptic-niggers are completely fucking retarded.
Yes she does.
NASA openly admits to recoloring images, they usually say so in the captions. It's done because our increasingly shitskin country is losing any interest in space exploration at all; unfortunate, but not unreasonable. Also I highly doubt that 3rd image is legitimate.
No he's not. Niggers can't do shit. Aryans are smart enough to colonize whatever
Chomos have to stick there dick in every thread don't they? I personally can't wait to get my hands on you short eye creeps.
Only if the Aryans have enough self-esteem.
A time capsule of either frozen material that will change our understanding of the universe or pure mars drinking water, which will sell for 1000 dollars a bottle. Regardless, we must go to Mars and examine this water immediately.
This chart sure looks like bullshit. I'd bet there's actually a linear correlation between self esteem and achievement. Chads don't just become Chadly by thinking they're average.
This, I had a friend working for them doing the image stitching bit. All the colors come back in a little different so for a lot of the big press release images they just brown it all so that it’s easier, faster, and looks like what the public expects.
You need to look up the jobs, the folks stitching inages are low level and interns. Research is not conducted on stitched warped images with color changes. Research on the pictures, which NASA is very good about leaving public and are readily avaialable, use original photos.
Just dumb mass media articles use the stitched images but it’s literally the only thing cobspiritards can talk about.
Yes. The moon is also acceptable; harder to sustain life on, but with comfy low-gravity.
They can't excessively nuke the moon without risking tidal effects on Earth, so that's a bonus. But Mars has a way better buffer zone.
Have we developed a way to keep us from getting weak from low gravity?
You're one gullible nigger
There are ways of compensating for it (probably easier on the ground, actually), but a lot of ideas haven't been executed yet. For now, it's still bungie cords and treadmills. Also low-G avoids some of the negative effects of micro-G (especially nausea and some of the inner ear issues), while still increasing bloodflow while you sit!
Fake pic. It's obviously been computer-generated. Don't fall for kike lies
ESA say on their own fucking website it's CGI you dunce.
Remember that time the CIA used remote viewing to see what happened to the people on mars?
I remember.
Judging by a lot of the posts in this thread I don't think you guys realize this isn't an American operation, it's by the European Space Agency, not NASA.
Started with American funding, and developed by American scientists.
All those European science agencies and groups use American scientists. CERN for example is full of American scientists and American technology.
You act like europe is any less pozzed when in comes to history and science. they both worship at the alter of acedemia. neither will publish work that effects their narrative.
This. Much easier to use the moon as a logistics point for going elsewhere in the system.