>Garmo is the mother of two daughters. In 2014, the father of her eldest daughter, now 13 years old, reported Garmo to the Barnevernet as an unfit mother. Garmo thinks the agency believed him simply because he was an influential businessman with friends among (((judges))).
Zig Forumsand does it again, it won't be long before Hungary and Poland are accepting white refugees from America, Canada, Australia, etc. for people running from their psychotic liberal governments
>Garmo is the mother of two daughters. In 2014, the father of her eldest daughter, now 13 years old, reported Garmo to the Barnevernet as an unfit mother. Garmo thinks the agency believed him simply because he was an influential businessman with friends among (((judges))). Yeah fucking right, the women ALWAYS gets the kids in the west, there is something more to this story.
Nathan Williams
Brandon Turner
Hahaaa big if true.
Ryder Murphy
fuck off roastie
Christian Diaz
Yeah right.
This chick is fleeing the father claiming she's a smackhead, and her father is a prominent left-wing politician. Stop shilling for faux-Nationalist (((Poland))) taking in roastie thots stealing a man's child and fleeing righteous incrimination for being a drug addict and slag.
kek, Poland is literally being sold by US You dump cucks force "polish death camps" narrative and then pull shit like act 447 so the mighty (((Israel))) can "regain" (((their))) property
Well sort-of spotted. A whole thread on Zig Forums no less, supporting an obvious EU psyop clearly designed to make seeking asylum relateable to Whites. Also obviously crafted to pluck the heartstrings of women,
John James
Leftist whore mother feels wrath of Leftist government. It was nice and happy when men were affected, but it became a problem when a woman was targeted. Boofuckinghoo.