Why's Peterson going CC-skeptic? It comes off as funny given his earlier comments about conspiracy theories being the "lowest form of anslysis" (my paraphrase). It seems like (((they))) are widening the lid of the honeypot way more then necessary. And of all things, why undermine CC - prob the most important element of the plan? Won't this damage his professional reputation? How will he lend his expert advice to the UN on (((their))) behalf? What are they (((they))) so desperate to misdirect from?
Why's Peterson going CC-skeptic...
Kill yourself jew. I hope a pack of niggers rapes you before you hang yourself.
wtf is CC ?
Climate change
Read the goddamn rules.
I smell a new book coming. Expect to see it soon on the front page of (((Amazon))).
He is desperate to remain relevant.
Has he ever explained why he is skeptical of climate change? I’ve seen him retweet things, but never heard him explain his position. I also don’t understand what CC has to do with trannys, feminism, individualism and self improvement… his normal talking points.
On a side note, the weirdest thing about JP is that he looks different in every photograph.
FACTS? Rising CO2 levels have NEVER preceded a rise in temperature ANYWHERE. That's grade school.
Or you know, UN people openly ADMITTING it's about economics could also be it.
Peterstein knows that it's about enabling rich people to trade futures in literal hot air to become God tier wealthy. All while serious environment issues WE CAN DO SOMETHING about, are ignored. If you care about the environment (and why wouldn't you unless you were a cheese pizza eating demon) then you care about the environment. You don't cherry pick one thing, let alone something that is essential for life.
I've seen fuckheads advocating for cuts to CO2 levels that would mean, THE DEATH OF EVERYTHING ON EARTH. That's how whacked out these fuckers are. It reminds me of a time years ago when some cunts at Greenpeace wanted to ban chlorine before it was pointed out to them that it's an element.
Anyway, polluting of the oceans, deforestation, soil erosion etc,etc, is never mentioned by these cunts.
His stance is confusing to OP because the same people attracted to Peterson (fatherless cucks) see government as an omnipotent, father like figure. It's part of why so many shitheads freak out about Trump. But the government doesn't control some magically, thermometer for the planet. As such the only thing carbon taxes will do, is let broke governments continue overspending for a bit longer while further restricting our freedoms.
Because the "Intellectual Dark Web" is a group of jewish thought leaders and nudge agents. It could well be they have realized people power may now demand the heads of the companies that have benefited from this climate change, investigations, more realization they're all fucking jewish. They have realized perhaps they have screwed normal people for everything they have got already, new taxes will lead to violence, they already are.
Just get out.
Peterstein was shilling climate change for years. He's probably doing this to try to distance himself from the UN report on (((sustainable development))) he worked on for 3 years that used climate change as a justification for transferring wealth from the West to the third world.
Archived tweets:
climate change is fucking retarded… jordan is a money making machine. he can't be seen shilling for globalism. beleiving in climate change is a tacit advocacy for globalism. climate change itself is a made up problem whose only solution is globalism – we all share the same atmosphere after all.
While it's good that he's not buying the bullshit, try to get him to talk about the conspiracy elemnt of CC.. the fucker will balk and come up with some hokum about how conspiracies are impossible because muh too many people.
He worships Satan, the master of his masters of the Synagogue of Satan.
Hey does anyone have a copy pasta dig on Ben Shapiro?
Better get on board with the "Intellectual Dark Web". They will use that as a new platform to de-monetize the "alt-right". And as we all know, everyone that doesn't think like you're supposed to is alt-right (aka nazi).
None of your narratives work in the west tard ape. Nor you or your talmudist dark web of pushing the 70 year old boogyman in 2018 even works right and you look like a flimsy tard screaming in his wheelchair while I laugh at you.
Any thread on e-celebs especially Peterson is a shill thread.
No infinity anons give a shit about ANY e-celebs.
so if you newfags see anyone giving more than a zero they are not from here.
* all threads on this honeypot are shill threads, but I'll leave that as an exercise for user to realize himself
Seconding this.
He worships Lucifer, bucko. Stop listening to his Satanic lies.
here are the other proofs.
Notice the art in the background is the same. All the photos are taken in his home. Notice the same mask from the other photos is in this photo of him standing. It is underneath the writing of the poster behind the floor lamp.
"i'm left wing" -Jordan Peterson
this is all you need to know. find the video yourself, peterdrone, you're afraid.
This. He's just a tool of obfuscation, trying to make simple concepts abstract to kill momentum and turn everything into an ivory tower.
anyone got the wash your penis clip?
Fuck Peterson
He is a full-time globalist. Everything he does revolves around promoting globalist related agendas.
Grabbed this gem from Youtube moments ago. Couldn't find the JBP deprogramming thread so here you are!
You folks notice anything (((ordinary)))?
OP is pic related
Post all david irvings
No he's just a jew. How anybody is fooled by these retards is a mystery to me.
newfags take note, this is how you shit post in a e-celeb thread with lazy board mods.
Jordan is an Alberta boy. I know people there that know him. He's been a popular figure there for a long time and now that he's world famebous he's a hero in Alberta.
So it figures he's a CC skeptic since Albertans are all about oil and they despise CC theorists.
All of you really love to analyze this guy to death and delve into his personality to dismantle it on a philosophical level but the fact is that if you know Albertans, especially the Calgary/Edmonton got rich in the oil patch ones, then you'll immediately recognize his speech patterns, his clothes, his political analysis and his prejudices. He did go to U of Toronto though and so there's a bit of a UofT veneer on him so there's that. That's probably the odor about him that offends you the most. The Alberta stuff is just boring. Alberta is boring.