Zig Forums regulars know what I mean. Not even summer has the pathetic level that some of these amateurs are showing. Wonder what's going on behind the scenes?
Zig Forums regulars know what I mean. Not even summer has the pathetic level that some of these amateurs are showing. Wonder what's going on behind the scenes?
It's mostly wishful thinking on my part, but maybe the US troop recall actually did just make Israel freak the fuck out and now they have no idea what to try and spin the narrative as.
Every thread right now is being deluged by demoralization shills.
You see the one where the OP is unironically going with "the wall isn't to keep them out, it's to keep us in" narrative?
It's like a slutty girlfriend crying with makeup running down her face swearing she'll change.
Keep a look out for OPs like this one. He made it almost 100 posts before he tipped his hand
Theyre losing engagement. Meaning their shillong isnt working. Meaning theyre in random mode
The realization is setting in that they will soon be hunted and exterminated.
Well shit they have to argue for why America pulling out of the middle east is bad.
But there isn't a single reason it would be, "Russia, Iran, and Assad are big baddies!" Doesn't even fool normal faggots.
It's a sign that conservatism is winning in the real world, and the grimy little Jews and tranny furfags can't do shit about it. All they have left in them is to bawl on twitter and slide threads on a disused chinese image board while telling themselves they're making a difference.
Go away.
The (((mainstream "liberal" media))) is now shilling for troops to stay there now.
This is creating a whole new generation of people who hate neocons
Your next line is "civic nationalism is great and so is democracy"
Kike detected.
No, your next line is "Hey Schlomo, what should I tell the goyim?"
Hi, paid shill.
Hi, paid shill.
>The (((mainstream "liberal" media))) is now shilling for troops to stay there now.
Just like in 2003.
Just like in 2003.
You think they'd learn.
Kill yourself jamal.
lol, cry more
Paid shill from the other thread confirmed. THERE IS NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION.
Satanic kike is rectally ravaged. What, your dad didn't use lube last night?
Come on, post the copypasta.
Filter it.
lol, cry more
Kill yourself kike.
Kill yourself kike.
You will now spam 600+ posts of the same text as always and the moderation will (((refuse))) to ban you.
it's polite to shitpost with a sage on
or if you don't want to keep shit threads perma page 1
Cry more.
Commit suicide.
it's like fullchan forgot how to troll honestly
Yep, there's a marked increase. I'm noticing it too.
This is clearly one them
I know, I had to dump the fox shit cartoon to make the mods do their fucking jobs. The absolute state of this board, I swear.
I like the new shills. They are so pathetic it's actually pretty funny to watch them derail and torpedo.
There was a bizarre series of raids the other day, targeting apolitical, slow-moving boards (notably /g/) with irrelevant but not ideological, pornographic, deceitful or gorey images. It was unlike CTR type activity and something like old times.
You're right OP, I think they're just throwing everything they can to see what sticks.
A bad recession is coming and it's going to fuck the left up goooooood. Most of these fucktards are posting from some made up job to fill a coon quota. That shit is going away as it's a luxury. No virtue signaling when it actually costs something. When things are tight, you can't justify having cross eyed Pedro sit in the corner and mumble about, muh gay hispanic rights and sheeeeit.
Not everybody who disagrees with the popular consensus on here is a shill, paid or unpaid. I'm going to get flack for this post but all ideas should be questioned and challenged to see how they stand up to criticism. Isn't that what everyone constantly rags the left on about, creating echochambers where no dissent against the hivemind is allowed to exist?
Don't try to graft your degenerate conservatism on Hitler or National Socialism.
Every day, morning to evening, the same stupid questions which have already been answered get asked. Either by ignorant anons who didn't do their homework, or by shills who know that they can wear down Zig Forums like waves beating on the shore. Eventually, you get tired of dispensing the same fucking redpills every day. Eventually it's easier just to shitpost the ignorant anons, and call the belligerently stupid ones shills
I don't see it that way though. For example, there's one or two autists on cuck/pol/ who keep spamming pro-Israel threads day in day out every day and then argue with the posters in the threads. My first impression was that they're shills told what to do, but I came to realize that they're actually stoking and keeping the antisemitism fire burning by posting the same garbage every day, whether they realize it or not. The same principle would apply here, no?
You should stop, you don't know what these words mean and will not persuade people who do.
Reposting the same thing every day has never been allowed for ideologically neutral self-explanatory reasons; it has been made de facto legal through sheer numbers and is normally the majority of the catalog at cuckchan.
That much is obvious, just saying it has its uses whether it's intentional or accidental.
cuckservatives are cancer holding our volk at bay against the enemies of our children.
They are defending the "steel slats" right now. Fucking subhumans. I hate them even more than I hate the kikes and commies at this point. Filthy traitors.
The shills are the same as always, they promote the exact same thing as Kampfy and the isreali jews on here did and sadly still do
I mean I actually think they are stoking hatred for trumpkike at this point. Or do they think they are doing the orange kike any favor shitting on people who voted for it?
This. Their tactic was to claim Trump was a zogbot shill because of Syria and now they can't. They're moving toward some weak tea 'US is fucked now' shill tactic.
That guy is a nigger loving cocaine snorting piece of shit shill
Go away, Jew.
That's like accusing a down's syndrome kid of being emotionally manipulative.
It's not wishful thinking, they're legit panicking, the number of active IP's quickly shoot up to 3000+ (700 more than the usual 2300) since Trump's announcement.
This thread is literally a meme, you imkikey cunts are the real shills that have plagued the board for 3 years and now that you can't control the narrative anymore you whine like little bitches.
This is wrong though, some literally who (((journalist))) told me this board "unanimously supports Trump":
I noticed it too. A drop in shill energy. A certain desperation in the air- lazy ass attempts to slide. It's almost like there is less of them somehow. Or only young israeli university students with shit for brains
Who knows. who knows. It's way too easy to spot and slap them around right now.
Just fresh of the oven, happy Hanukkah!
Wrong. They're marxists, neolibs, neocons (far fewer are neocons, as most networks cater to the left), commies, socialists, but most importantly, they're bolsheviks.
That's a fantastic video user, I used to follow that channel.
Fuck off retard
very based channel
I think the guy is actually a Britbong. surprised he hasn't been vanned yet.
This. If conservacucks had their way in Germany, we'd be watching Kaiser Wilhelm V marry a nigger.
Shill thread again, huh?
Not if the fed has anything to say about it, and they're the only ones with anything to say about it.
In no capacity is that true.
The jobs will continue. You realize that they HAVE to keep existing, right?
The number of shills here is disgusting. Trumpfags as well. You won't demoralize us
If something can't go on forever, it will stop. The fact that you believe that the federal government will continue to employ 80-IQ niggers to spam image boards when bread hits $20 a loaf is embarrassing.
They have to. It's how they maintain control.
This isn't happening anytime soon.
Global Report.
Look nigs get guns and train yourselves in all aspects of combat and survival. The fecal matter will impact the fanblades eventually. $20 for bread? If you're worried about that you're not prepared for shit except to get fucked by niggers
This has nothing to do with you.
Yes you are. Good call.
They have to NOTHING. They had to keep the infantry an all-male force to keep it combat effective, yet here were are.
No one is coming to save you.
Okay, you're done. You don't even know what words mean.
They do, yeah.
They didn't want it to remain combat effective. They got what they wanted.
Well you're welcome to pretend you're accomplishing something.
The quality of the shilling is the lowest in the history of Zig Forums, they make JIDF look like all stars. It's so bad that half of them even admit they're shills after getting called out, they don't even know what to do or say. I've noticed a huge uptick in spam posts also, just straight shitposts that nobody is going to take seriously on either side and they just get filtered right away, I don't know what that's about.
Fuck off.
It'd be better if you did, tbqh famalamborghini
obvious yid larping as natsoc is obvious
Just spam, then. Fuck off.
Good talk, girl. Glad we had it.
When the goyim are dying for Israel, it's best that they get results.
You've been spamming up the board for the last month with your inane nonsense. You really should just cash in and quit.
He can't. The 4niggers brought him over, so now his paycheck is dependent on his ability to disrupt our normal (dysfunctional) board operation.
Fair point.
Didnt say that shitfuck. Wtf are you doing?
Video related:
Yes, meaning more dead goyim, meaning less combat effectiveness, meaning you're mentally ill and have no argument.
Thanks for admitting that bread is not going to $20 a loaf for the foreseeable future and that everything else you said is wrong.
No one is coming to save you. It's literally exactly what you said. "Sit back and wait. Never do anything yourselves."
No one cares about you, paid shill. Everything you said is wrong. Fuck off.
Do they have a gun to your gay lovers' heads or something?
You morons did this to me.
>Video related:
lel disregarded m80
I don't follow, rabbi. So you want less effective golems, but MORE dead enemies of israel? Do you work for Lockheed Martin by chance?
Wrong fag, faggot.
Thank you for admitting that the jewish control scheme is fundamentally dependent on paying people to control the narrative online and that it will be the last thing to be defunded in the event of an economic collapse. See also:
No one cares about you anymore, paid jewish shill.
Yes, that's what jews want.
Yes, that's what jews get with less effective golems.
anti-heeb bump
they are in here, most probably shilling for for free
u rite
You realize the thread is spam, right?