"The Supreme Court on Friday blocked the Trump administration from immediately enforcing a strict new asylum policy, in a 5-4 decision that marks the second legal setback this week for efforts to tighten immigration rules.
The court, in a brief written order, denied a bid to begin enforcing an asylum ban for any immigrants who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
The decision leaves in place lower-court rulings that blocked the administration from automatically denying asylum to people who do not go through official border crossings. An open-ended nationwide injunction on enforcement issued by a San Francisco-based federal judge this week prompted the Justice Department to seek immediate relief from the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice John Roberts provided the critical vote against the administration Friday, siding with the four liberal justices. Newly confirmed Justice Brett Kavanaugh and three other conservatives on the bench sided with the administration, the order said.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, despite having surgery in New York on Friday to remove cancerous nodules in her lung, apparently voted with the majority, avoiding a 4-4 tie.
The current legal challenge originated in California, where the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also recently ruled against the administration and said the policy was likely “inconsistent” with existing law.
Trump has said he was acting in response to caravans of migrants making their way to the border.
The Supreme Court order comes after a federal judge in a separate case took the extraordinary step this week of ordering that asylum seekers who sued after their deportation be returned to the U.S. to have their claims heard anew."
So basically they held up the ruling repealing the new asylum rules and that those rejected HAVE to be let into the US.
just cut israeli's aid money and use it to feed these fuckers and force registration for reproduction.
Owen Peterson
You know, we already have a precedent where the executive tells the judicial to fuck off. Trump shown some spine with getting the 5 billion for the wall. Would it be too much to ask for him to show some more for national security?
This is 5D chess to expose the traitors, if we let them in we win.
Cameron Morales
This is quite excellent.
Aaron Anderson
Imagine my surprise, the faggot strikes again.
Josiah Stewart
Find me a president with the balls to ignore the Supreme Court. They don't exist. Andrew Jackson was one of the greatest presidents in American history because of the epoch of national development he lived in. America is a declining, rotting bureaucratic kakistocracy. Those don't create men like Andrew Jackson.
Jason Sanchez
I fucking knew this spineless little shithead would be in the way. Supreme Court is useless until Ginsburg croaks but at this point I'd prefer Roberts to get in a fucking car wreck.
Jackson White
W continues to fuck things up even after being gone for 10 years.
Owen Cook
Enforce laws that limit jewish shekels? Don't be silly goy.
Their just the top fucks but aren't sure :D So just because Pedro broke the law doesn't mean he can't come in and get welfare for life hahaha.
I guess the military is going to have to shoot any beaner scum that crosses the border.
Tyler Howard
Roberts is also the dipshit who went against party loyalty on ACA (aka Obamacare) Individual Mandate ruling The whole 5 years we kept hearing about how Obamacare wouldn't be a tax. ITS NOT A TAX. Then the mandate section goes before scotus and Roberts votes that its constitutional based on that its a tax and therefore legal for the federal govt to enact.
Sebastian Martinez
Adam Diaz
One of our greatest presidents, I wasn't surprised when ZOG offered up his name first to replace him on the twenty with a black woman.
Daniel Stewart
Would be funny if this was a report on how some violent South American country was running things.
Austin Martin
it was over at stalingrad
Noah Price
Why do we have a congress or president when the courts get the final say on every single matter?
John Gonzalez
And who's army is going to enforce this abomination
it's not even about the choices of individual white people. that's just human nature. the point is that the jews are in power and there's no way to change that, so our destruction is assured
ww2 determined the fate of mankind and it was a total loss, all of the white men that fought for the allies (whether soviet, american, or whatever) doomed us all
David Jones
>(((John Roberts))) Every. Fucking. Time. Notice how it's always a (((conservative))) justice crossing over to vote with the "opposition," never ever the other way around.
Jordan Reed
It's been a while since anybody has thanked George Bush for this. If you live near him, be sure to thank him good.
Julian Walker
Roberts has really shown who he truly is and where his loyalties are of late.
And this ladies and gents is what a bureaucracy looks like
Oliver James
Do militias need bureaucracies to function? Does anyone have a rifle? It seems to me the border can police itself, if we stop sitting on our asses and expecting the Jews to handle it through official channels for us.
Julian Garcia
pretty much this
Tyler Myers
Daily reminder that Democracy does not work. Not all men are equal so why should power be shared? The system is inevitably sold to the highest bidder, morality abandoned, the ignorant masses manipulated, mass immigration enforced, and it burns in a revolt by the weak against the strong.
Leo Lopez
The US system of government only works when it is conservative religious white men cooperatively sharing power. Now it is merely a weapon used against those same men by their inferiors.
Adrian Sanders
No, actually it's a violation of the Constitution. The Courts don't have the power to legislate from the bench, yet this is exactly what they're doing. The Founding Fathers empowered to kick activist judicials out onto the streets but they have rarely ever used that authority during the history of the nation.
John Scott
Michael Baker
Until the courts conveniently interpret the constitution to say you're full of shit. This is why relying on that stupid piece of paper while kikes rely on , lawyers, and judges has been the downfall of the white man in this country.
Carter Bennett
The courts get mixed up sometimes… and order the wrong thing by mistake
Bump They're operating as an independent executive branch - one that 'overrules' the real one. And what they are independent of is the voters. Clearly against the letter and the spirit of the Constitution.
Owen Wood
>"Here I stand with my bayonet, there you stand with your laws. We'll see which prevails."
Tyler Richardson
Bush was such an asshole holy shit. Although I think the Ds had both the house and Senate at that point.
Xavier Rogers
Because even billions of dollars can't suade the founding stock of this nation to vote against a future for white children, so they have to force it. Zionist Occupied Government isn't merely a meme.
It's a Fourth Branch of government which existence is blatantly in violation of the Tenth Amendment; Kike judges just wave their hands and flap their gums and drone on about the Commerce Clause or the 14th Amendment and how that overrules all the democratic and republican principles embedded in the Constitution.
Grayson Adams
John Roberts let Obama care stand as well, fucking snake.
Wyatt Ramirez
Jaxson Taylor
I've posted more Trump is a kike threads than I can count. And yet everytime he needs an excuse the 5 government lawyers in drag make him look like Lincoln Rockwell. Fucking clown world!
Luis Adams
This post is spot on. Except it assumes we are being oppressed by the weak. We are the weaklings. If the otherwise was true the deep state and faux democracy would be doing our bidding.
William Martin
Fuck off, getting us to defeat ourselves was their only hope, that's why goyim knowing is their worst nightmare, and why infiltration and laying down semitic levels of guilt and neurotic shame was their best tactic. Nothing can defeat the white man EXCEPT the white man. We stepped back from the table thinking others would be grateful for our generosity, instead they demanded the table and the house it sits in.
Landon Lewis
Let me guess it went to the kike 9th circuit
Xavier Allen
"Nothing can " Check your autism. That was the point. We have defeated ourselves. Way past the point of saying we could when the majority of babies are brown. The parasite is openly in control.
Charles Bell
Circuit courts are below the 5 who decided this
Jose Collins
Spastic "muh Hitler will fix it" post in 3,2,1
Logan Brooks
Did you expect anything different?
Elijah Long
What good that piece of toilet paper you call a constitution is when jewish judges keep wiping their ass with it. What good all those guns are when "the land of the brave" is too cowardly to use them on traitors and internal enemies. Your founding fathers were freemasons. Your currency is owned by a private central bank. The private central bank is owned by semites. These semites view you as literal cattle, but atleast you got your first and second amendment, oh wait, you already have speech laws or said jewish judges will convict you of hate crimes anyway and they're starting to curb your rights to own certain firearms, and they won't stop until all you're allowed to own is a replica air-soft. atleast in Europe we have openly Nationalist organizationsover there you will be beaten half to death by mullato shock-troops for speaking politically against the left(kike order)and if you dear to defend yourself you get prison timebut to be fair we Europeans arn't allowed to defend ourselves either
So why is every jew and useful idiot shitting their pants at the resurgence of nationalism and doing everything in their power to silence it? Grow up. Oh boo-hoo we can't have the fifties back, material abundance and consumer paradise with better shit to buy every year. That was NEVER the meaning of life not is it destiny. "Happily ever after" is for little children. I almost hope you're a shill, not just a craven coward.
Bentley Phillips
To wave their schnauze in your face. They need to continually relive their religious myth of muh-caust to bring up good little leaders of tomorrow. If the threat isn't reinforced no one would fear monsters under the bed
Lucas Allen
You realize the oldest person to ever live will be a Nazi camp guard they find at 135 to ritually denounce and prosecute to keep the fear alive.
Since when is the Supreme Court - and even an Afro-American- Affirmative-Action judge on a far lower court - empowered to subvert the will of the electorate and overrule an order of the chief executive officer of the United States?
The ghosts of the Founding Fathers by now must hate the jews, an alien and hostile group within America's body politic.
You realise we no longer care? Ordinary Youtube video comments read like fringe blog and Zig Forums posts did 6 years ago. It's OVER - the goyim know. And more are piecing it together every day now.
Juan Turner
That and a dollar will get you a soda
Liam Martin
> what is the overton window? what is mass consciousness raising? what is millions of ordinary Americans suddenly seeing the enemy in their midst?
Keep thinking it's nothing, please.
Blake Green
Andrew Jackson Did Nothing Wrong
Brody Martinez
This is why we need to stack the deck regarding birth right citizenship.
Jose Reyes
Let me know when I can go for a still in the park and see banker wind chimes. In the meantime we don't have a single elected office holder anyhwere that can even breath the word zog.
Cooper Miller
Brandon Robinson
At this point I see no reason to be upset or surprised. In reality it is going to come down to how prepared we are to lose in the short term. It has been made painfully obvious that things are going to get worse before they get better, and they can only get better if we survive it getting worse. Fuck off from your cities and go somewhere cold, learn to live without the shit that has been created to placate the masses. A lone user isn't going to stop the flood of shit washing over our country if they stand in the middle of the wave, and surely won't be able to fist fight it down. At the same time this shit is going to destroy the very people that caused this, or send them running to areas that we should have already made ours. I don't see enough real preparation for the worst here.
Daniel Howard
The federal government is the enemy. It always has been and it always will be. May it be shut down forever. Death to the Judiciary, death to the Republic. Death to every single kakistocrat traitor that infests it, be it in office or in the bureaucracy.
Jonathan Gutierrez
I mean, am I crazy? Am i fucking crazy. Doesnt our bill of rights and constitution clearly say the executive has final say on who is and isnt allowed in the country, full stop. Why the fuck is it this hard for Trump to do what he's always had right to?
Landon Anderson
An excuse faggots use to keep shitposting on Alaskan moose herder forums instead of doing anything real. Not that I'm doing anything either, but at least I'm not in denial about it.
Daniel Rogers
Because he doesn't want to do it. He's primarily a blowhard. Politicians never keep their promises. Everyone knows this. For double-posting, I come bearing cute girls and tanks.