((((MGTOW)))) is another mind control program created by Jews that has the task to make white, male Goyims passive about the ZOG and that they do not realize that Jews created feminism! For example, the Youtuber (((Turd Flinging Monkey))) never talks about racial differences and defends in several videos "the poor, innocent Jews" who supposedly did not invent feminism and promoted it in Aryan countries… and at the same time he always says:"Take away women's rights", but that would mean that all men have to stand together to overthrow this system, but then that would be collectivistic and not (((individualistic))) and therefore not (((MGTOW)))…
((((MGTOW)))) is another mind control program created by Jews that has the task to make white...
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Just putting triple parenthesis around a term isn't convincing. You're going to have to show that the founders of the MGTOW term were Jewish, or that preceding use of that term, that proponents of the underlying concepts were Jewish.
MGTOW seems like a natural response to Feminism's removal of men's rights and making marriage exploitive of men by allowing women to divorce-rape them and steal their kids. So the Jews are certaintly at least INdirectly response for MGTOW, but I'm not sure about DIRECTLY responsible.
MGTOW would go away if men were correctly empowered by backpedaling the sexist system which makes the game not attractive to play.
Fuck off kike shill.
You are the kike, go to the gas chamber!
Turd Flinging Monkey, has repeatedly said that the Jews have nothing to do with feminism and that it has spread by itself in Aryan countries, which has changed the law. Do you need more evidence?
MGTOW seems like a natural response to Feminism's removal of men's rights and making marriage exploitive of men by allowing women to divorce-rape them and steal their kids. So the Jews are certaintly at least INdirectly response for MGTOW, but I'm not sure about DIRECTLY responsible.
That's exactly what Jews do, just think about (((9/11))). They first create the problem and then offer the "solution" …
Yes, but if we Aryan men want to have the Power back we have to do something for it and overthrow this system, which in turn means we have to stick together!
Uncontrolled wimmenz is the reason I am a total furry faggot, user! Not me, blame the wimmenz for CoAlpha men like me being fat, bloated p***ies!
White wimmenz are the real enemy, Pol, not the jews who actually wants Whites to have children, so stop guilt-tripping me! The teachings of the Suprem Gentleman are based, redpilled and right, you Russian bots!
Nah, it's shilling to poz opposition to feminism with pure, AIDS-ridden cancer.
So, I'm pretty sure Turd Flinging Monkey used to make pornography. The guy in link related sounds a lot like him.
that being said, mgtow is a survival strategy against feminism/gynocentrism, regardless of such (((infiltration))). it's basically the mike pence rule writ large.
Whiteknight kikes
tfw sexbots with some basic AI routine have already surpassed the modern roastie
If you are a white male you should be supporting white male sovereignty
I'm officially a supporter of WAR(White Androcentric Republic)
In Group preferences are natural. White women do not care about White Men. They only need white men for gibs.
Today technology is on the verge of giving the 2 things white women have provided white men. Sex and reproduction. Robowaifus will fulfill all your sexual needs. Artificial wombs combined with state of the art eugenics will provide a white baby boom of amazing proportions. We will have enough white manpower to take back our countries.
If you are a white male an do not support WAR then you are an idiot who is going against your own in group performances and supporting your own extinction. Don't listen to tradcucks, traditional society is never coming back. Either we keep up with the times or we are doomed.
No, on the contrary, I do not worship women, I only see them as property and that's why I want to take away their rights! But to take away women's rights, you have to do something and not run away from them like a coward, you castrated faggot!
MGTOW is definitely Jewish but things are very bad that most men will end up losing if they marry and have kids.
I did not say that men should marry and have kids in the moment, i said that we men should overthrow this degenerate system, to take away women's rights and regain power!
You are a liar
Women did not have the right to vote. Then tradcucks like you GAVE them the right to vote. You know that this will happen again. You are a cuckold who wants to keep white men dependent on white women.
Do not listen to cuckolds like this. Jews fear the single white man. Single white men have nothing to lose. Married white men are domesticated men who are lulled into being slaves for the plantation.
>((((MGTOW)))) is another mind control program created by Jews
Allow me to explain why you're retarded: for every one good, marriage-quality woman, there are 1000 or more good men willing and able to marry and support her and have as many white babies and they can make. MGTOW might (might) reduce that ratio from 1000:1 down to 990:1. But here's the thing: reducing the ratio from 1000:1 down to 990:1 has ZERO NEGATIVE EFFECTS on the good, marriage-quality women.
In other words, MGTOW is not reducing the number of white families or white babies because the limiting factor in creating white families is the prevalence of good, marriage-quality women.
If anyone is a jew here it's you - that's right, you're the jew, whether you know it or not. Every time you bitch and moan about MGTOW, you are distracting people from the real problem, which is the corruption of women. Every second that someone spends reading your anti-MGTOW bullshit is a second not spent creating pro-white-family memes. You're a jew because you're wasting everyone's time. Stop being a jew, jew.
If you convinced every MGTOW man on earth to become a white nationalist and to spend the rest of his life looking for a good, marriage quality women, you would have increased the number of white babies by 0.0 - you would have done fuck-all. On the other hand, if you convince a woman to desire a white family, then you've increased the number of white babies by three or four.
So stop with your jewish-tricks anti-MGTOW time wasting threads.
I am not a tradcon, you fucking faggot! I am a National Socialist, who wants to destroy this System and create a National Socialist state, where women have no rights! You are the fucking cuck, who thinks that (((voting))) is something good… i don't want anyone to vote! >Jews fear the single white man.
Yeah sure, Jews (who think tribal) and literally want to kill us Aryans, fear fat cucks like you, who don't make Aryan babies…
Artificial wombs will solve those problems in 20 years. What we need right now is to fix the laws, and your plan does fuck all for that.
(((Artificial wombs)))
Trust the technology goy, we promise we won't mess with it.
Sure thing chaim
Who will control the artificial wombs?
Who will control the production of ''Robowaifus"?
Who will select the parameters for eugenics, YOU FUCKING IDIOT?
I refuse to believe that this is just stupid. JUDEN!
I am from Germany and not from (((Cuckmerica))).
Yeah, i don't want american-traditional families…
put one thing on your empty head: there is no family without children.
If the only ones who know the nature of women (and the Jews) do not perpetuate their genes, there will be no future for the West.
Encouraging those who are able to perpetuate their lineage not to do so is a crime. You are a Jew.
Men have always "gone their own way", whatever that means, and always will. We don't need a movement to do our own thing, we just do
Nobody I know respects MGTOW at all.
They certainly aren't respected on Zig Forums
Same question, who control the women now, yid?
OP is right about MGTOW being populated by bluepilled faggots who are oblivious to the Jews. He's wrong about the movement's goals being inherently bad however. White women are fucking out of control and low sample size stats taken from middle aged couples do not change this. If you want the white race to survive the tradcuck attitude needs to die and white women need to be brought under control before they all go and get themselves beheaded in Morocco. I know Zig Forums has a surprisingly high number of women who screech about being trad while at the same time undermining any male movement and advocate for nothing short of a gynocracy.
There is literally not a single fucking word in your post that addresses anything I said. Is this what you jew shills do when someone hits too close to the mark? You ignore their points and try to change the subject?
Here, jew. I'll demonstrate how an intelligent white man addresses a post - I will go sentence-by-sentence and give meaningful responses to everything you said:
This is a tautology. It's not something we disagree on. What I said was, there are 1000 good men like me who have the ability and the desire to support a family. I did not say anything remotely like, "I will have a family without children"
Granted. But once again, this is not a response to anything I said. As is typical for a jew shill (which is what you are), you are responding to me as though I made the following argument, "I have the opportunity to have a family - there are good, marriage-quality women available to me, however, I choose not to have that family, I choose MGTOW" ←- had I said this, then your response would be meaningful. But since I didn't say that, your response is not meaningful.
I encourage you to reread and address even one of the points it raises, if you can, which you can't. You probably didn't even read it.
MGTOW kikes
MGTOW isn't fighting for a return to traditional society where women are under the control of their fathers until they are married off to their husbands. It's shilling for a homo transhumanist future without women at all, and it's actively shilling for white genocide in the present day by telling white men (and white men only) to not propagate with white women (this same shilling is not done in nigger, chink, mudshit, or spic circles.) It's jewish to the core and you're either naive or purposely lying to suggest that their goals aren't "inherently bad."
Thottery transcends race
i dont see MGTOW as a thing. i dont think men say, "fuck this i want to be single" i think there are just less people together and more antagonism between the sexes (of the white race) this is a societal problem with many causes
That's a weird way to spell "rigged gynocratic court systems and commonplace life-ruining female accusations" lmao
it was never anything else.
thats a weird way to spell "jewry"
Jews are an effeminate race, after all.
MGTOW has made many men realize that our main enemy is the state. We now have a society that encourages and rewards bad female behavior, so of course women have abused it. I'll agree that most MGTOWs are hopelessly bluepilled on race and the Jew problem. I like most of what TFM says, but he either hasn't looked into the Jews as much as us or he won't admit it out of fear of loosing his sponsors. Or he really is a Jew, but broken clocks can be right up to twice a day.
not popular enough.
their religious tradition is for cuckoldry. their men cannot have jewish children, only jewish women can. imagine that. a jewish woman fucks a nigger and has a kid… and the kid is jewish. a jewish man impregnates a mutt with a jewish dad and white mother… and that half nigger is more jewish than their 3/4 jew child.
Have you seen his series on the Traditionalism Cycle? It's a damning refutation of feminist "trad"cucks which are so common here (Most likely from cuckchan)
Fuck off shitskin.
How funny is it that I was the first goy here to point out that MGTOW was entirely Jewish and I got called a Jew for pointing that out.
That's the last time I infiltrate groups like that for you guys.
You should know by now shills are crawling all over this place like flies on shit. Most anons are able to see through it, and you deserve plenty of thanks for infiltrating those psychotic homos.
The nigger community is 99% "muh dick" and encouraged to have 15 babies by the state. Just because you have 5 token niggers in your shitty discord doesn't mean MGTOW is popular among niggers. On the contrary, the only time nigger men go their own way is after they already got a negress pregnant.
1. The idea that our path to victory can only be wrought by getting into a breeding match with shitskins is ridiculous. Only direct violence against the System will overthrow it.
2. The idea that we should have ingroup loyalty is correct. our loyalty must be to OUR RACE. The idea that we should despise half of our race because they're the wrong gender is literally identical to feminism. Dividing men against women and women against men is the greatest accomplishment of the jews. No other race on earth thinks this way. Our in-group is OUR RACE. Get it through your heads.
3. Speaking of racial loyalty and revolution, when the time for violence comes, it will be very beneficial for both White men and White women to be on the same side. Modern asymmetric warfare requires men and women, old and young, rich and poor, computer geek and woodsman.
These are undeniable facts regardless of your personal issues. If you hate White women, fine. Don't interact with them. But this idea that we should be at war with our own race is absolutely an idea that the jews would want to peddle.
I am NOT at war with my race. I am at war with the jews and this war will not end until I am either dead or every last jew is dead.
I'm a MGTOW. What are you going to do about it beyond adopting the exact same shaming tactics women/leftists use? I'm not going to settle for disgusting single mother cock carousel roastie with STDs, there's nothing in existence more cucked than being that man. Women blame everyone but themselves, it puts a fucking grin on my face from ear to ear knowing this disgusting whores will suffer the consequences of their actions.
truer words hardly spoken
This is the ideal.
This moron is selling you fraudulent propaganda that will ruin your life. Your in group preference is to your race AND your gender. Hundreds of thousands of failed white marriages. Countless cases of white fathers who killed themselves after the white women aided by the state took their children away from them are a testament to this.
If you think the white woman is your ally in this fight, you are in for bitter disappointment. If you think that theses tradcucks are going to establish a state for you where these women will be your property then you are delusional.
The white man is on his own. He has no ally no partner. We fight to make this planet our own or we burnt it down. Its that simple
Exactly right. Women aren't our allies. Their sole purpose is being incubators for children. If they can get the artificial womb tech working, women will have no value whatsoever. I consider every woman a threat to the future.
moreover; you don't sperg about it publicly and try to make a "movement". You shut up, go innawoods and disappear. No need to tell everybody.
Actually, this judiazed individual is selling false advice. OUR RACE is our ingroup. As as I said and will say again, these jews gain their strength from dividing our race against itself. What this individual is peddling is literally feminism. Feminism is simply a jewish ploy to keep White people divided against ourselves.
Now, he points out that men have had their lives ruined by feminism.
As if that's an argument against White people. It is not. Feminism is an argument against FEMINISM. Which is jewish in origin. Thus, feminism and the lives of men and women ruined by it is an argument against the jews.
>(((The white man is on his own. He has no ally no partner.)))
Nah. Not falling for your tricks, Moshie.
MGTOW is a reaction to discovering James Bond and the myth of bedding endless women until you find a 'nice' girl to marry is anti-white.
Look up Ian Fleming, he worked deep in the spook section that plotted dirty tricks to combat Hitler, he was an early-era shill for white genocide. His books are full of half-caste women, describing mixed race like it's choosing flavor shots in your coffee.
Having premiered this model of debauchery, the simultaneous introduction of birth control led to the cultural meme of life being a fuckfest that lasts until (optional) marriage and kids, with a 'nice girl' who is somehow veiled by societal purdah from wanting her share of the 'action.'
This flies in the face of human nature.
MGTOW is a reaction to the reality that this isn't happening and that women, given the power and privilege men used to possess, lack responsibility and the ability to look out for their own best interests, and become sterile and socially destructive.
Why are white nations more feminist?
Higher racial IQ means higher female IQ, meant to be passed along to sons.
But the presence of higher IQ, while it is very destructive when paired with atavistic drives and anti-white programming, means there is hope to recover them, when the correct input is found.
MGTOW is a counsel of despair and any man who perpetuates it, putting his own feelings against the good of his people, is a traitor.
good pasta
unfortunately, Zig Forums is infected by a lot of people who lack the critical thinking necessary to override their (((programmed taboos)))
Inaccurate pasta, age of lawful marriage in Rome was 12 for girls, 14 for boys (not the 7 that poster wants), age of marriage in Greece was 14 - 16 for women.
Any male who gets excited thinking about a female that has not even menstruated yet, has no breasts or swell in her hips, is saying he's willing to destroy her cervix and her fertility for the sake of unnatural passion.
Marriage was for creating children right away, not masturbating into the injured body of a female far too young to reproduce.
Did you even fucking read it? Just because one married a women at a young age did not mean they had sexual intercourse with them. Do you think the man in the picture had sex with a nine year old?
You're missing the point. The point is to form a relationship with a younger girl in her formative years so that it will last forever. If you "raise" her right she will be immune to the degeneracy that the outside world pushes on her. She will also be loyal to you. In today's world you obviously cannot marry a women at a young age. So the best thing to do is to court a younger women and teach her what you know, waiting for her to turn 18 to then marry her and make children.
MGTOW is the male mutation of feminism and both are a cancer to the white race
You don't need to be married to groom a girl.
Grooming is usually illegal, on top of that.
I think MGTOW is pathetic because they forfeit the effort to get laid and then get salty all day about not being laid.
That said, if you think Women were entitled stuck up cunts only after Jewish tricks you're retarded. There is no solution for women besides rolling back their rights to colonial American era days and that will never happen, even if the Nazi's won control of America tomorrow, it would never happen. Women respect power and nothing else; they will not join your redpill crusade on logic alone, and most don't even "think" like human beings "think". They "think" with pictures or emotions on full NPC autopilot. OP is the naive type of fellow or a paid shill who wants you to believe (or worse, believes himself) that women are worth effort beyond fucking and producing children; that etherial womanhood and innocence will rain from their hearts once the jews removed and will bring him a beer while he plays fortnite. I think I'll stick to one fight and not waste my time on fretting about every whore and how to convince her dog tier brain to be a good trad thot.
This. If we had artificial wombs, there would be no "breeding war" against the muds. Hell, I wouldn't mind using clones as cheap footsoldiers at this point.
Most men in colonial times married women when they became most fertile at 13-17.
sadly this, it's either you redpill women when they are young, or (((they))) bluepill them first.
not know the different between hating and disagreeing with a female
the words of king MGTOW muslim roosh v
so in his words national socialist men are dogs.
Or a white man with a mother and wife who does not consent to the genocide of half his entire race.
Why are we endlessly proffered so many ways to mock, hate, and then annihiliate more whites?
Bit of a coincidence.
Female personality is meant to complement the male, robots could drift over time and destroy society as thoroughly, with no model left to compare them to.
The artificial wombs would be creating eggs from male DNA, this is a blueprint for a massive faggot society populated by wanking machines that speak in soft voices.
Critiques of the flaws of feminine minds in the clown world we have now seem awfully like critiques of everything else, from distribution of wealth to the meaning of life, that led us to our current predicament.
The pasta dicusses age of consent, this means sexual consent. It is that I take exception to, for obvious practical reasons, nothing more.
what if setting the arbitrary age for marriage was a jew tactic
sage for shills but seriously MGTOW is some laughable beta male faggotry. If you can't control women… you're tard tier.
shaming tactics are WOMAN tier
Biology sets the age for marriage, nothing else. Creating, carrying, and birthing a human baby is not an arbitrary thing.
Early pregnancies often fail, the cycle of hormones takes a while to settle down, not 23, or even 18, probably around 15 - 17. But each one has a different age for onset of menstruation and maturity, presence of menstruation doesn't mean the pelvic girdle is strong enough to give birth.
MGTOW should rebrand as Men GETTING Their Own Way.
He's calling shitskins dogs.
Like they did with setting the arbitrary age to fuck little kids if you're a hebe?
Well think about it, historically according to fagpedia:
While the general age of consent is now set between 16 and 18 in all U.S. states, the age of consent has widely varied across the country in the past. In 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[2] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century.[3][4] By 1920 ages of consent generally rose to 16–18 and small adjustments to these laws occurred after 1920. The final state to raise its age of general consent was Hawaii, which changed it from 14 to 16 in 2001.[5]
Look at women now, finding a virgin 18 year old woman that isn't a walrus or some other vile creature is damn near impossible. So if jews bumped the age up to build in a buffer to allow women to corrupt themselves then well played because it worked.
MGTOW is indeed weak movement. But false proposed alternative is continuation femi enslavement of men.
Real hit to feminism would be abolishing of alimony and tax discrimination of man but it tough one as Christians are indifferent to fact that Jews are stealing their money via state because Jesus said to give money to Caesar.
My gender doesn't exist without members of the opposite gender to produce them you disgusting kike. My grandma, sister, mother, etc. are all members of my in group.
Look at this cope. Neck yourself, Cuckold "would rather a godly nigger" Filth, before we do it for you.
Isn't it easy to spot them?
The liars? Those trying to make you follow (((them))) instead of actually rising up to the gargantuan struggles of being a man?
Don't worry shlomo. When the day comes your grandma and everyone other member of your in group will join you in the oven. Dirty ratfucker
See this is why nobody takes you seriously, you never make an argument in good faith, you purposely take things out of context and then straw man the post you're responding to in order to make the most extreme non nuanced point possible. I even agree with your broader point about alimony and tax discrimination. "Femi enslavement of men" is a broad term, the institution of marriage and creation of white families, the fundamental building block of all previous European civilizations, is not the "femi enslavement of men." The jewish legal system, courts, laws, and politicians are the enslavement of, not only men, but the entire race. The solution is very simple, eliminate the jew, remove the sicknesses they've brought pumped into the country, and fix ourselves. You brought up Christians, the bible also states that divorce is adultery and adultery is punishable by death, so I wonder what your real motive is in trying to infect this debate with religion. Being ok with the concept of taxation and being ok with taxation being used to fund pro homo and pro divorce initiatives are two very different things and you're purposely vague in confusing the two. I'm pretty sure if you delved into voting data, it's not the religious Christians who are consistently voting for higher taxes and more government welfare programs that allow women to escape their role as a homemaker.
This is such a sad fucking attempt to fit in.
False dichotomy. Opposing state husbandry and Judaic women's rights movements =/= being MGTOW or incel.
The thread is literally about MGTOW
Youre assocatiating a large range of opposition to modernity in regards to women with being MGTOW, that just isn't fair.
The post is literally talking about members of MGTOW, maybe read it and read the OP. Unless you're talking about the derision of transhumanist homos who aren't MGTOW, in that case, I give zero fucks, they deserve all the derision they get.
And how proposes such? … … ? Nobody. back to the business aka
Because Christianity paves why to greatest tool of Jews, chocking people with debt. And not only by usury but more importantly taxes and arbitrary payments they drop on those who they want to suppress the most. Guess who is taxed the most? And against monetary choke conservatives who take spiritual inspiration from Christianity have no counter.
This is the same thing. Caesar is not obligated to spend your coin on things you want. Actually Caesar spends coin on things that are hurtful to taxed population (in the end Jesus was crucified by legionnaires paid via this coin) but Jesus tells to surrender coin to Caesar anyway.
Republicans voted for and worship Reagan, pioneer of divorce alimony rape.
What exactly are the logical arguments against MGTOW here?
1. We're not paid jewish shills.
2. We can't be fooled by paid jewish shilling.
3. White people should exist.
Kill yourself.
Men who want to go their own way should. Men who can find meaningful relationships with women should do so. Those who demand that every single White man must marry and produce 10 kids are being ridiculous. If you want to avoid contact with women, that's your choice. Believe me, I understand your anger.
However, there are plenty of men who do want meaningful relationships with White women. And that is our prerogative. Those who demand that we start beating White women to a pulp and advocate implementing Israeli style White-slavery policies are either disingenuous paid shills trying to get us to commit crimes or are being simply ridiculous.
Someday when the jews are punished for their crimes against humanity, I suspect MGTOWs will be surprised how many of our problems will vanish.
>>>Zig Forums is better suited for you
One of my best friends committed suicide after his wife cheated on him, divorced him, still got alimony + child support because she was a stay at home mom and the court was worried about the kids. This guy was as decent as they come. Good father to his kids, worked hard to make sure his family was comfortable. Wife was bored & lazy with tingles, didn't give a shit about the consequences to her kids. After the court ruling, he was utterly destroyed financially and couldn't even find a place to live (I offered, but he couldn't stomach being dependent on anyone to accept help).
I think you're wrong about MGTOWs being surprised, most of the ones I've met all know (((they))) are responsible for this disaster that's unfolding. I'd bet most MGTOWs hate jews as much as anyone here.
MGTOW are all homosexuals
What a bitch. Ignore I know that this is not true. As I said, I understand MGTOW anger.
I don't know if your friend was racial, but I really hate hearing of decent men who commit suicide. Desperate men should not kill themselves. They should strike at the System that has abused them.
flaming faggot
He was just a normal beta suburban white guy. Quiet, worked hard. Pretty much the quintessential stereotype for the most part. The only thing that mattered to him was his kids and what they thought of him, and system took that from him. Court should have given him full custody + child support + no alimony and kicked the whore out on the street where she belonged. But no, it's a poor woman who can't fend for herself. The system fucked them all up.
I hate how the image is painted that if you think mgtow is an anti-natalist campaign you automatically have to be a Woman Respecter™ who is gonna get married and have kids
I would wager that about 99% of Zig Forumsacks have zero fucking plan for keeping their women in line. Anyone who has ever went mgtow could easily tell you about the noticeable change in the girls behavior after you stop tolerating their constant horse shit.
Not to mention that women are basically useless for any kind of projects you want to work on that may support rebellion. They are a constant drain, and it takes a lot of fucking energy to keep them from going ape shit. There are a fucking myriad of things you can focus on to support white nationalism that don't involve just having kids, don't reduce yourself to a baby dispenser.
Obviously you should have lots of kids. White genocide is real, so the birth rates have to start climbing soon, but that doesn't mean that you should drop all projects you're working on to try and get a good girl™ who's fully baste and redpilled™ to have kids with you.
It's because most of them don't have experience with women and/or are completely blue pilled about the behavior/instincts of women. Women should be viewed as threats to civilization and should be heavily regulated by society. Either that, or we need artificial womb tech ASAP.
Hi, paid jewish shill. MGTOW will never fool anyone here.
Women can't be redpilled.
Stop being a cuck beta and letting women dictate how you live your life.
Pick one Shlomo.
Hmm. Such a shame. I wish I could have explained a few things to him.
In a healthy, non-Jewish society, a White society he would have been a happy member of a productive, wholesome society. A paragon of simple virtue. But the jew has created a society based on internal conflict. It's so fucking disgusting because it mostly harms completely innocent people. And because White people internalize everything, we don't flip out like niggers do.
That's not true at all. There's a reason why modern terrorist organizations utilize women as well as men. It was a woman who walked into the Pentagon back in 1969 with a bomb. It's women who often slip bombs past security because they're under less scrutiny than we are. Women also make excellent spies and bait. Many a soldier has been lured to his death or torture by a pretty girl. Besides, anyone can pull out a gun and pump an unarmed traitor full of lead.
The uses for women in modern asymmetric warfare are endless. Use your imagination.