Porn sites ‘will all require proof of age from April 2019’
..And TERFs are celebrating.
Porn sites ‘will all require proof of age from April 2019’
..And TERFs are celebrating.
Access to porn sites shouldn't be allowed for any age in any Muslim country.
Only on cuck isle without a proxy.
unironically good for our case, if this is really going to happen. but it's not like people are stupid enough to not know about vpn and tor.
I think all porn with more than 1 person should be banned. a girl solo naked isn't porn, a girl touching herself and moaning is porn but ok
it already happens in chinkland where people have to pay just to breathe in restaurants. brits will follow soon.
Yes, people are that stupid. If it requires ANY configuration (read: thought) on the users end 90% of people won't bother. End the eternal summer.
A woman naked is still soft core porn
>make millions because they somehow like it
You can sell literal dog shit to chinks if you tell them eating it will grant them virility and youth, just like that time they found an used fleshlight in a well and paraded it on the news as some "rare mushroom that grants immortality"
Jesus fucking christ. SAGE
AOC is 16 in bongistan. Why is the age limit 18 here? This is fucking retarded.
Masturbation is literally homosexuality.
this has nothing to do with porn. it all adult content. adult content is basically everything that isn't social media.
nothing wrong with female homosexuality
soft core porn shouldn't be banned. you can't ban nudes anyway
Alcohol; the shittiest drug.
Kill yourself.
> I am not surprised
Nobody who's been here since before 2016 should be. This place has been flooded with low IQ reactionaries focused on virtue signaling over having an actual intellectual thought.
give up your jewish religions
Guys…. I think you are missing the point completely. As much as pornography is a degenerate hobby, many people are into it. The government does not give a shit about your lustful desires at face value, they're not after a video or a pixel that relates to you cumming. This is for (((data))) and that, my friends, is the new oil. Kikebook, Jewgle and the rest are running dry and they need to go after the remainder, every last little scrap. They need more info.
Pretty much this.
Sorry for samefagging here but the other critical part is this… Pornography still has a stigma related to those who are not degenerate. And even those who dabble in a cheeky wank from time to time still wish to remain anonymous. So this is essentially a tool to weaken identity and anonymity. The dude who jerks off to margaret thatcher or whichever muslim is currently in power does so because he know his wife has given the same amount of info, if not more to various suppliers and publishers based on her shopping habits and internet behaviour. This is a slow burn and it's just the next phase of things to come.
Back in the day even the free sites required a credit card to verify age.
Yep, dup really fucked you bongers on this one. Should have gotten based putin to rig it for hillary for you
At least well have the shills officially ID themselves
Now that would be a golden age
OP conveniently neglects to mention this is happening in Britain, where you need to be over 18 and show your license to buy plastic spoons.
Are you old enough to own a spoon? Woman asked for ID when buying teaspoons in Tesco
I bet that if VPNs and encryption are still legal in Britain they soon won't be.
Did he died?
You do not belong here
One thing that tends to happen under these types of regimes is that enforcement on a large-scale becomes near impossible. You're unlikely to ever be arrested for having a VPN, but the constant fear when using one will deter people.
If you make everything illegal you end up with an odd situation where illegality and criminality become almost normal in your population. At a certain point the law becomes nearly impossible to actually follow and people stop caring.
Good, porn is fucking awful.
who actually gives a shit about EU
it's dead, we know
…people end up seeing murder as merely yet another crime - which if they commit it, it makes no change to their status, since they are already defined as 'criminals'.
We can see a very recent parallel to this in the hashtag #IchbineinNazi . Normfags are getting called Nazis (an illegal taboo label in NPC-land) so often now that they no longer care.
Even the red commie that pranked his girlfriend with her dog saluting in bongistan was labelled "Nazi".
not just that, but widescale corruption becomes commonplace in such societies.
This is a leadup to Real ID online
This is how they’ll get everyone used to it.
A working model already exists in worst korea.
It would be mexico.
Never has this been more relevant. This is the firs step to a totally controlled internet. THAT MEANS THE END OF US SHITBAGS
Only if both girls are hot. If either is fat or butch then it's degenerate and anti-Christian.
Only if she's over 18. Otherwise it's art.
Enjoy your cuck party by yourself. Strength survives. Weakness dies.
This was already foreseen by anons, and solutions are already known.
The disgusting part is they actually ate that shit. Makes me queasy just thinking about it
This has nothing to do with porn you moron. Its the first steps to tie the individual to the content they're accessing on the web. That means they can control what you see or if you're more "extreme" you'll be v&. If we lose our anonymity, we no longer have any power.
Sounds like this is just another coy ploy to anonymize the internet. Also makes me wonder if this will spark an increase in the purchase of physical porn media and porn bootlegging (kid's used to do that all the time with CDs, SD cards and flash drives will make that incredibly easy now). All those "book stores" that went out of business might come back thanks to this. In general I have a bad feeling that this will actually increase porn consumption. As this is essentially a type of prohibition. And that shit never works out.
I meant De-anonymiz the Internet. Wew
Why would trans exclusionary radical feminists be celebrating this? I mean radical feminists always celebrate any victory over pornography, but why does it matter that this particular branch of radical Femmes is celebrating? How well does this figure into their Anti-transsexual ideology? Aren't the vast majority of them already lesbian separatists anyway?
You know the stereotype of a "feminist lesbian," who is a dyke, ugly-on-purpose, and could be a beautiful maiden, but is instead happy to be fat, ugly, rude, mean, and generally shitty?
Well, a transgender girl is the exact opposite.
A transgender girl strives for elegance, beauty, cuteness, politeness, and to be the most perfect little flower. Feminism corrupts some transgender girls, but most transgender girls have the most beautiful personality in the most masculine body.
And a TERF is the most hideous personality in the skin of a female.
I was wondering that myself.
Whether you're joking or not, the weaker-willed anons will see that and consider what you're saying. Please stop. It's Christmas time and my faith in my fellow Man is already at an all time low. You can still talk about sucking feminine dicks in a week or two.
Show me the part where I said it did faggot.
Pro tip: I didn't.
lel! Fuck you're new! Go find out who invented the botnet known as the internet. Who do you think funded the research for it to gain traction?
You can be found even if you're using i2p, let alone torpedoing. Did you examine the hardware you're using? Did you examine the logic gates in all the chips on your pcbs? Seen the log policy of every site you connect to? lel.
Anons have know this was coming for years and have prepared to meme in the shade
This is blatantly false. Generally these men want to be women because it excites them, or because they have such a low opinion of themselves (often from childhood abuse or social rejection) that on some level they think they are incapable of being a man.
*sorry bro, ignore 1st unintended (you)
"Trans" is a code word for
gender bigot
"Details of exactly how ages will be verified were not made clear at the committee, though previous reports have suggested viewers will be able to register with one of several online services.
One service, AgeID, is operated by the company MindGeek, which runs several of the largest porn websites such as PornHub and YouPorn."
I havent fapped to 3D for a long while anyway should I feel bad about fapping to 2D too though
They will have a hard time pushing for pornID but no voterID
I'm conflicted on this one. Double-edged sword. If effective it will stop porn addiction in many developing minds. However, giving a government mandated card to access content on the internet is some fucked up authoritarian 1984 shit.
you'd have to be a full on retard or NPC to give an ID over, here in bongland most people I know find ways around the increasingly shitty authoritarian bullshit. Hoping for some yellow jackets of our own since there's plenty of grumblings, and we'd do a better job at it than the hons once it got underway.
Good for the cause. Stop watching porn. Get a wife, have some children.
Since when have feminists been against porn? I always see feminists advocating for legal prostitution and female empowerment to do whatever they want with their bodies. That wouldn't make sense for them to be against porn.
They probably won't enforce it too much if at all. Porn is one of their greatest weapons, so making it a hassle isn't going to help out. They did crack down on UK porn production a few years ago, but access was kept the same as usual.
What, allowing the government to control every aspect of our lives? We're currently living in a run down ghetto house and you want to move us into a cell. I'd rather find a way to move out of the ghetto into a nice neighborhood. Porn is bad, but authoritarianism is worse. Rather than attempting to control the viewer, we should be going after the companies themselves through their financial earnings and the things they need to survive. Or maybe you're some fucking bolshevik and this is good for your cause. Who knows…
this site is a (((")))porn site(((")))
oy vey goyim you need to show us your id to access Zig Forums and its adult content
its board is hosted on a website that also hosts nsfw boards
So, someone posts a couple of pornographic images and suddenly a problematic website gets blocked?
How (((convenient))).
I'm sure it will be extremely uncomplicated and inexpensive to get in compliance, too.
Ho Lee Phuc!
Please tell me you have a sauce on that.
It's not a problem. The government knows only about the WWW, and the WWW won't matter in 10 years. Get on IPFS and other new technologies, or lose out.
There are some feminists who hate the porn industry just as much as traditionalists because they believe it objectifies women and thrives on their exploitation and abuse. A broken clock is right twice a day.
calling bullshit. find me ONE feminist that wants legalized prostitution. they dont want that because then the value of their pussy dips even lower and men wont bother even looking at them. women are attention whores and this goes against that. Youre retarded.
since the 60's you also forget that feminism has multiple factions. sex positive factions like the (((Lacie Green))) types and sex nahtive factions like the (((Andrea Dworkin))) types. they all basically want the same thing, they just go about it differently.
i think most of them do, sex work. look at the feminist butt-hurt from thotaudit
I could see some roasties wanting legalized prostitution because it would give them permission to charge money for doing what they would normally do for free (sleeping around). Not only would they be able to continue whoring themselves on social media for attention, but they could earn thousands of dollars from selling their body to their most devoted orbiters.
>For some reason, (((somebody))) keeps trying to dissuade people from using Tor
Really makes big think.
Tax companies like MindGeek such that they have to start charging for their services instead of relying on advertising revenue. Most lads are not so desperate to pay for bottom-o-the-barrel-tier pornography. Porn is an elastic good, and an increase to the price will quickly drive down demand, even given with dopamine riddled minds.
Pretty humorous that the UK is leading these 1984 style trends imo.
I imagine she had body image problems lel.
I also recommend watching Bowden's talk on feminism.
prostitution is already technically legal. you just have to make sure it's filmed. then magically it's no longer considered prostitution or illegal. and as I said before, feminism has multiple factions. (pro-sex, anti-sex,TERFs,christian, comie, etc)
Go take a stroll through twitter and check out what all the whores say. It's not a coincidence that nearly every cam girl and e-prostitute is a feminist. Feminism births the mentality that this is okay behavior. To say that feminists are against what their ideals produce is ridiculous.
Women are a lot more depraved today than three generations ago, and that's a direct result of feminist literature, indoctrination, and control of the narrative. Feminism literally created the social acceptability of being a porn star, cam girl, escort etc. You can't be against what your ideals produce. Then again, these are marxists. They always say one thing while doing something else.
Any hurdle to stop people from being electric jew cucked is good for us. They have your browsing habits constantly gathered already. And if it brings awareness to people about it, its another positive. People forced to learn how to avoid it - good too.
The advertisers themselves also need to be attacked. Advertisers have more control over the content allowed on youtube than google. Advertisers have been collectively forcing changes in TOS across multiple platforms, and have been leading the charge in censorship. These companies need to be bankrupted and a crop up crowd-funded websites need to take their place. Ironically, youtube now has a subscription-based service, yet we still have none of the power. Pornhub has a subscription-based service, yet we have none of the power. Win-win for them, and advertisers still get to collectively bully content. Advertising companies need to be heavily restricted, fined, and taxed.
she was a drug addled prostitute in her early days that stole most of her book ideas from whores she used hangout and turn trix with. she claims that he distan for (all) men came from mostly jewish men in her family sexual abusing her since birth.
Come on bongs, get your shit together. This is like watching your dad become an alcoholic depressed cuck.
t. Burger
Yes it's a very grim situation. I need to apply for a penis reattachment license and a new orgasm license now and then I need to wait 5-10 years for the NHS to reattach it and that's only if a follow up investigation determines if it counts as a weapon or not (above 5 inches in length).
ohh wow
thats why 2nd and 3rd wave feminists are always fighting each other. 2nd waver's are mostly old fat angry dykes that want to blame pronagraphy for rape/sexisem. 3rd wave's are a mix of genderless blue hair'd over/under medicated psychopaths that see pornogrphy as easy money and a way out of working a real job (or having to depend on a husband or the state). see "e-thots" for more info.
It's funny, people would deny all these marxist movements spawned from the same source, yet they all push this same talking point without fail.
this will cut down on degeneracy
shes just like.. all the evilness of a jew but with some asexual extra disdain for beauty, reproduction ect>>12594610
What is a VPN.
Oh and this has nothing to do with porn, it's a trial balloon to see how people react to bypass the age verification, the long term goal here is clearly enforcing a "digital identity" so they have total surveillance.