I know why I am here. * I know why I must stay strong. ** I know why I must guide them even those who seem unable, and especially those who seem unwilling and uncommitted. *** It is something peculiar to me when I see repetitive hate and pessimistic posts. Nothing matters, the world is over, hope to survive in the ashes - type posts. If nothing matters then posts do not matter then communication does not matter then ideas do not matter. If posts matter and ideas matter then nothing is over and not all is yet lost. In fact if any are truly unable to continue it is for the better, but these are rare.
Most of this demotivational disinformation is here for one purpose and due to one reason. The purpose is to get the millions of young men who are capable, and are willing, to delay their awakening. The reason is because not only is not all lost, but we are getting stronger. If a lot of men prone to becoming effeminate and childless, and a lot of women prone to being self hating and disobedient become feminists and childless, then all our people are the stronger for it. Empathy for your people is great. Empathy for these degenerates and pulling them along with us into the future is detrimental. Let them sort themselves out of the gene pool and remove themselves from our future.
*I am here to provide the guidance to millions of men young and old to the proper direction of their lives. I am here to guide my family and my children through the proper direction of life and set them right in life. **I must stay strong because everyone and everything of the modern world are possible threats to the existence of my people. Someone can appear neutral and even a positive recipient of your ideas and turn out to be just another destructive virus seeking to identify your weaknesses. I must be able to defend my family and my people. ***I must be here to guide them who seem unable, and especially those who appear unwilling and uncommitted because most who seem this way are actually very capable and willing to rise up to the challenge. They may not know how or they may not understand the consequences of not committing to the rejuvenation of our people.
I fear only that I will fail my family, and my people. I have no fear of pain or death. I've contemplated ending my existence and it became clear to me what it meant to live and what it meant to be against life. I've found beauty in all life even those species which may seem unfavorable to human existence. I fear failing because I did not commit, because I did not face the struggle with all my energy and all my resolve. There is no fear. So long as I do not surrender I can not be defeated. I can not be destroyed so long as my descendants live on, as strong, and stronger than I am.
There will always be pain. There will always be suffering. There will always be those who have earned no right to ask you for anything but will tell you that you must give to them. The pain must be endured. The suffering must be overcome. The attackers must be counterattacked and rebutted.
Existence is the stakes and no price is unworthy of preserving a future for my children and my people. If you falter, strengthen your resolve and overcome.
muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY nazi g*rms are weak and should fear the strong Polish master race
Noah Davis
Glowniggers enjoy posting bait like to aggravate any racially aware white men on here into stating he will commit acts of violence. Remember, Zig Forums is a board of peace.
Alexander Ross
you'll be hanging from a rope soon enough (in minecraft)
Fight back in state where doing so is a felonious maximus charge, and it feels better to put the assailants in prison than to go myself.
Matthew Taylor
This was never true and is never true. Every great leader, and some of the lesser ones who don't just bribe and blackmail themselves into power, knows how to speak to the crowds.
Xavier Smith
Preaching is a form of moralizing through moral equivalency. Speaking or oraring ro a group of people is something completely different.
Never preach from a position of strength. Preaching should only be used against a stronger foe to balance the situation.
All things have their season. Be patient, brothers.
Parker Rivera
MFW replies are directly the opposite of the actual threads message.
Charles Clark
This is just masturbation. Come up with something concrete as a counterattack or stop wasting space. You're just spouting platitudes so you can feel like you're inspiring people and pretend you are actually doing something to fight the battle even though in reality you're doing jack shit and will continue to do so. I'd take those who are wallowing in nihilism over pretenders like you who just want a dopamine high just like all those spastics sjws on twitter.
Necketh thineself good sir.
Zachary Diaz
You're here because shabbat is over.
Zachary Rodriguez
You were replied to in the OP. Demoralization has no power here.
Low energy.
Dylan Gray
Luke Bailey
James Clark
Jeremiah Lewis
Good lad, you're not alone
Cooper Evans
ftfy op.
Ryan Rivera
Why are the kikes using less and less effort in these posts? Has their demoralization campaign shifted to quantity or quality? Hell, I don't even think half of these are real (((people))). It's getting way too easy to spot.
Tigers and cheetahs in the same environment? This must be a zoo where something went wrong. Tiger would never get close enough to a cheetah otherwise
Brayden Campbell
Reading your post is like listening to the pep talk from a retarded football captain that has taken a few too many hits to the head. I would bet $5 you're under 25.
I appreciate the positivity, it is often lacking here. This post is a lot of hot air though. Might as well watch a YouTube video like embedded.
Anthony Perez
kill yourself; op and i are getting PUMPED
Ryder Reed
I already go to the gym. You sound like you're getting pumped in the ass. At least post some good shit.
My concern has mostly been people placing their hopes in the wrong places. False prophets, false hopes, inevitable disappointments.
Anthony Martinez
There are no prophets. There are no hopes. There is only being and creating. Making more white children and securing their future is the highest form of being.
Hudson Collins
That video is pretty awesome
Jaxson Kelly
How could the OP have replied before I even wrote something? It's almost as if he knew how fucking cringeworthy and self-indulging his faggot post was. Really makes ya think don't it?
Colton Russell
The fact that you loathe everything European is obvious.
By predicting your empty toothless commentary and including commentary directed thereto, you IP-hopping cunt.
Mason Miller
checked for truth unless they are demoralizing the rat and shitskins.
Dominic Lopez
>being weakened by it We survived a fucking ice age - how would absorbing that and subsequentially cleaning it out weaken us, but not the inverse?
Angel White
According to what I just read, the darkness is a young attractive woman that only seeks to destroy cocks
Ryder Taylor
Sounds interesting.
He is listing all possible options, the inverse is possible.
Andrew Edwards
You survived an Ice Age, yes… And? That's an environmental selective factor.
You're talking about a massive and comparatively-sudden injection of foreign genetic material. Its not the same at all. You can't "bleach" the world, to suggest you can is demonstrable of a total lack of genetics and the traits associated with Europeans which make them 'superior' relative to other clades (many of those traits being linked to recessive genetic features).