Ethics of the Ethno-Globe


The Ethno-Globe is the logical conclusion of human sub-species competing over limited resources. In the past, separation was a valid solution due to vast distances and natural barriers to travel. This is no longer the case. Ships, airplanes and instant communication have effectively shrunk the world into a single, unified territory. "World government" is now a foregone conclusion for this very reason. Kikes and their shabbos have a "New World Order" plan in which, as you know, Whites will be genocided and all that will remain is a horde of 70 IQ shitskins and 91 IQ kike slaveowners. Of course this kills the planet just look at what china, india, africa, south america, etc. has done to their respective environments but kikes have never been known for their long-term planning ability. I say: we don't let our planet die. I say: we save the world. What say you?

ITT: We discuss the reasons why the Ethno-Globe is the only valid, permanent and logical solution to our problem. We may want to discuss the "how" of it, but that's secondary in this thread. What matters is why. None of us, alone, will have the entire blueprint for success, and that's okay. Shills will whine about "but hoooowwwwwwww, it's too haaaarrrddddd" because they can't imagine how it will happen. It will look like this:

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Hey, so how should we do this? Do we go about it the old colonialism way where France and Britain get various chunks of Africa and settle them with their people? Or should it be a voluntary adventurist thing?

I'm going to take care of first post myself, last time I made this thread it got slid by 45 threads in less than 15 minutes. I feel like there are enough esoteric board immigrants to justify a thread now. This idea blows people's minds, but if one can control their feminine emotional outbursts and think rationally, it carries the day in a debate.

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Ha! Better luck next time. Beat you by one second.

LMAO…well this should be interesting. Don't forget that Technology and increasing access to 'god-like power' will not permit disperate and conflicting species to survive (either by accidental release of some deadly Life ending technology or by intentional act). To survive people are going to have to be welded into an unbreakable unit that secures its own existence as an unbreakable imperative. This means you can't have violent low IQ Apes running around with access to world ending tech. It has to be a peaceful race (Europeans are the most peaceful people on the planet), a race that values justice (Europeans love law and order) and one with a 'replacement population'. Only Europeans and Whites qualify for status as citizens of the ETHNO-GLOBE.

All good questions. Personally I believe Whites should claim all the land above a certain latitude, and push out all shitskins to the south. And then continue to push that down dowards the equator, and then to the south pole.

One thing people forget is that Whites can kill off 85% of the subhumans by simply doing nothing. Stop feeding Africa and they die. Stop buying chink shit and they starve. Stop feeding India, stop offering world police peacekeeping and let them kill each other.

The degenerate scum of this planet lives solely off the pathological altruism of White men.

Fuck off sperg.

TFW you just have to quote the entire post.

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I suppose because it is my idea originally I don't feel so bad about that. :)


This is true. But how will this southward migration be managed? Will it be done on a state by state basis? Or will it be conducted by a trans-national entity like the EU or NATO?
Also, whom do we settle, say, north Africa with? French? Spanish? English? German? Polish? or Italian?
Somehow I suspect that they won't all get along if we try to create a multi-national colony.

When did you start pushing this? I was shilling it a couple of years ago on a bunker. But I've seen you and probably one other guy pushing it still, and it's still the only good idea in the White Nationalist repertoire so here we go again, kek

Well assuming this is even the best plan of action, my guess is that there will have to be some leadup events. European countries will need to institute ethnonationalism, while America will probably have to split the north from the south and annex Canada, forming a new northern country. Russia will need to enter into a firm alliance with the new Northern country to control North Pole resources, and the Northern Passage will allow the White Military of North America to bolster Russia's border with China in the eventual inevitability of military action.

Something like that.

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Glad none of those shitskin nations have access to nuclear warhea… shit. What now? Pre-emptive counter-attack?

Yea, nah, I'll stick to my principles. Keep trying to lead the opposition though, see how that works out for ya.

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Now you see why I'm coming to the think tank for this. If you have it in your mind that I have the entire blueprint from this moment into the infinite future all currently sitting in my mind's RAM, you're likely to be disappointed. I have some ideas on that, what do you think about it though?

Oh, this old chestnut of gaslighting. Yes, goys, become the monsters we need to portray you as to distance the well-meaning but mild-mannered from your cause. Deliver us all the justification we need to turn the entire planet against you, just like we did to Hitler!

Ethno-nationalism for every country will be adequate. Eradication of the Jews (and Talmudists. I'm looking at you, South Korea) will prevent problems specific to each nation, as they are always the ones sneaking their way in to countries, posing as the natives, and proceeding to try to influence the status quo by popularizing nonsense about immigration and ethnic guilt, in addition to their ridiculously predatory lending schemes. Saying "kill everyone that isn't white"/"taking over the world is the best option" is not going to earn the ideology any respect. Rather, our opponents will feel justified in calling fascists heartless monsters, and they would be justified too.

Multicultural/cosmopolitan societies are primed for taking over because you can easily pit different races and creeds against each other. Hell, partitioning of ethnicities seems to happen organically, even in these so-called melting pots. The close of World War II effectively made any sort of racial segregation taboo in Europe, and in other parts of the world like Africa and the Middle East, whenever there is any sort of government practicing national socialist doctrines, they are quickly blown to bits by the Zionist American government. Look at Libya. They had some semblance of stability before they were so kindly "liberated" by the US. Qadaffi was a hardline Pan-African national socialist. Same with Saddam. But the zog media paints these guys as villains and the rabble fall for it every time.

In short, wanting an ethno-globe is basically confirming everything in the bogus leftist narrative about fascism, and with that being said, OP, you are probably a shill.

What, civic nationalism? Then fuck off out of the thread while White Men figure out how to undo the damage from the last 100 years of that failed ideology.
We're not right wing you reddit fuck, we're third position.

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Here we go, who could have foreseen this?

Prove your fucking claim faggot, give me one piece of evidence that's true and I'll read the rest of your bullshit post.

This thread reeks of CIAnigger trying to fit in. Nice try.

Personally, I am not a strong proponent of this plan of action. Mostly because we are simply incapable of doing so and proclaiming that we will conquer the entire world and exterminate everyone at this point seems like a mouse proclaiming that it will kill a pride of lions. I just want to overthrow the kikes and get vengeance upon the psychopathic freaks who have oppressed us for so long.
Until we have state power, this is just larping.
Furthermore, I actually don't want to kill everyone. Just the sneering, psychotic, monsters who call themselves jews.
But that is neither here nor there.

Also, why must America be divided in two? And what about Quebec? Quebec is far more different from America than the American South is.

Thanks for outing yourself in your first response.

You'd understand what I meant if you actually read the post, but it doesn't really matter because you are just some idiot trying to get people to say "kill all shitskins! let's take over the world, fellow nazis!" and nobody is buying it.

Precisely this.

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Chingis Kahn earned his respect
A good argument for Ethno-Globalism

High quality post, retard

That's called you projecting. Sorry to be so harsh to an obviously good poster but you are projecting YOUR weakness onto ALL White Men. Think about that, because what I'm saying is true.
And I actually don't want to shovel shit out of a horse pen. I just do it when I have to. Think about how soft your statements are, my man. We don't WANT to fight, but we're like 15% of the world population and every other race has openly declared their intent to genocide the rest of us.


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I'm glad to see you are still here. We will become the empire the sun doesn't set on, it is our only way out

You sure seem to know a lot about that, huh rabbi? Guess what, all those prophecies are true, and I can prove it. Just one thing…they're about me, not you

nice IP-hop

The epitome of conquering is to conquer the Earth.

Those that do not: They are weak. Those that do: They are strong.

But it is in the realm of the nerd, the geek, the scientist, the Brain, to actually ponder this, and invent a machine that will allow it. The Jew.

Thus we must be smarter than the Jew. But how?

If OP is the Brain, shall the rest of us be mere Pinkies?

No there are legitimately a good number of ethnoglobalists here. You'd know that if you were from here

1) you think the optics matter … they dont. We are monsters and deplorables even when we create welfare for all

2) while chimping out is not a successful tactic in the long run. Esclation is a positive step forward. Change is needed. I rather have a worse world than this world. Now "worse" is a vague idea but Im willing to go through some austerity if it means not being at peace with these "news station types"

Stop worrying about appeasing. Be part of the resistance. Maybe dont become some goofy neo nazi , but resist any way you can.

I for one will never support black sports, will be studying law in my spare time, and will be searching and supporting white christian industries.

I will not be discussing the thoughts of news anchors and I will not give them any credibility.

Okay, so if you possess state power and a mechanized military and nuclear bombs, why have you failed to nuke IsraHell?

Which is nothing, apparently.

That's not true but I won't bother arguing with you on that.
I'm much more interested why you have failed to nuke IsraHell.

well youll just be a tor fag

I've seen Monarchism brought up favorably more often than Ethnoglobalism. And nobody ever brings up the latter without getting called a retard by everyone else involved.

Fellate a gun.

Are we still pretending this

We're ALREADY smarter than kikes. There are more legitimate White geniuses than every kike put together. It's the dregs of society that weigh us down. Our world is deeply polluted in a genetic, chemical, and spiritual sense. IT's very much a "They Live" scenario. As our ecology of nature and culture are degraded, degenerate forces move in and dissolve the complexity of the creative. But just because a termite can chew up a house does not make him superior to the builder. Remember that. We took the high path, the rare path. Removal of filth is not destruction, it's simply janitorial work. Gods work.

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What are you even talking about the majority of leftist are pro world government

I could only support this if the genomes of the targeted ethnic groups of the world were each fully decoded, analyzed, catalogued, and preserved in a permanent fashion so that future scientific endeavors won't hindered by lack of available genetic material for studying, and the memory of the carriers of this blood were recorded accurately with all the nuance of their cultural identity intact, and were given proper respect, and only if the native flora and fauna of the regions of the world were also radically protected and propagated into the lands they belong in, and not supplanted in favor of farmer fuckface's cows or corn.

Failing these easily surmountable challenges, it can not be supported from a moral perspective.

You're getting emotional because I hit a soft spot. You realize that you're projecting weakness and it sucks to be publicly called out on it. That feeling will pass.
And this is why you fail. You project power onto these things, and believe that since you don't have those things, you don't have power. But that's not true. Think about this: who is in your brain right now, rewiring how your synapses are firing? Is it a nuclear bomb? Or is it me? I'm just here to awaken sleepers, my man. I'm just the alarm you can't ignore. In the fullness of time you'll see what power truly is, and it ain't bombs.

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And yet nobody ever gets further in their debate against it than "But I'm too weak", which of course means I don't care about your weak ass opinion.


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That's what this whole thread is about, becoming a goofy neon nazi. You don't have to care what jews think, but you do have to care what other whites think, especially conservative white men. If you push away conservative white men with families, or ripe for making a family, then you loose. That's what this thread is about, and all the other complaints about optics. They want the right to look like criminally insane losers so we never get the light of day in conservative political and social circles. You can't successfully revolt, launch a coup or maintain a new government without the faith of the people. Threads like this have the sole purpose of severing the bond between 'radical right wing domestic terrorists' and conservative normalfags with families.

Damn, dude. You got me. I guess I'll go order some T-boosters and order a Nazi officer uniform. Maybe I can get Mark Hamill to do my voiceover for cackling laughter; I just don't have that 'insane predatory stereotype' voice we need.

Small hi tech villages dotted around a world returned to forest off planet settlements, "things" are no longer manufactured as such but grown bio tech is the final and unlimited sustainable stage, money is no longer required.
This was achieved shortly after the virus was released that wiped out the resource wasters.

Now someone write the rest, make some films, we need artwork to show how the true white global utopia will look.


It wouldn't be fair of me to monopolize the planning, but I strongly advocate for mass sterilizations of those to be purged, after which they will be given free living for the rest of their lives. During that time, they may choose to record everything they can of their history. A life's work cataloguing the history of your ancestors, unimpeded by the cares of daily sustenance. It's for the future historians, after all. Those White men, just like you, will crave knowledge about this time period. That's one of the few good futures we still have available in my estimation.

You are honestly going to have better luck talking to liberal whites. If "conservatives" still haven't abandoned civic nationalism by now they never will

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But you're doing the right thing ordering that stuff. Not everyone needs to be a figurehead, even if you're not good at public rallies you will be needed.

This is the right move. Just keep imagining it in your mind, refining the idea, and share it in threads. The hivemind will do it's part if you do yours.

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But that's factually incorrect

Now you are projecting. Recall, I am not the one who got angry as you did in

Again, how large a mechanized army do you possess?

Since we both know that you possess none and lack any form of state power, you are just as weak as I am. However, you agre getting upset for some reason. Whereas I am having an enjoyable conversation about your fantasies.

Not really.

But aside from the conditions of the action, we must also consider the condition of the White race. Are we worthy of stewardship over the Earth? I argue we are not, because most of our people still worship a Jewish demon and genital mutilation is still common practice.

Maybe, I assumed you had the feeling of defeat and weakness when you started mocking me for not being able to instantly and unilaterally call in nuclear strikes. Perhaps that was a legitimate question after all, so I'll answer it. Think of a string of dominoes going all the way around a room. I want to knock over the last domino, but I'm chained to the wall so that I can only reach the first domino. I reach over and flick the domino, causing the next to fall, etc. The last domino has not yet fallen. Have I knocked over the last domino?

Now this is a real fuckin poster. I guess I tend to agree with you. It's possible that no race on this planet is worthy of survival, and that all of us are variations of denosovis and cro-magnon, as it were. This is perhaps the most central question of all.

Whoops, I overlooked this. Again, you're projecting power outside of yourself. You're saying that only these exterior conditions can grant one power. I'm trying so hard to tell you that this is false and a DELUSION. Neither a simply homeless man nor a notable comedian have access to bombs, yet even if they're both living out of a car one has more power than the other. That power is the power of persuasion, among other things. Please try to expand your definition of what power is, I find it embarrassing to have to tell someone this.

This, I didn't choose the poopsmith life, the poopsmith life chose me.

Filtration. Those of our race who do not fight for righteousness and self-determination will NEVER be given those things ever again. Those born today and those born to the future will owe their survival and success to themselves and their collaborators. That is the consequence of the last 100 years

We might be 'smarter' than the jew, but our minds are clouded with so many delusions and fantasies that we cannot effectively wield this brainpower and fashion it into a machine that will allow us to conquer the Earth and utterly subdue it completely.

There is a great deal of housecleaning to do. I believe this thread is several centuries early, because we must eradicate, annihilate, extinguish the perfidious Jew, then go through the effort of becoming worthy of planetary stewardship, in that order before we even consider the proposed idea.

But then, if the Jews are gone, most - if not all - problems go with them. At that point, the paradigm of the Earth might be good enough to let things be. Or maybe not. Either way, the total destruction of the Jews must be the sole focus for the present and the foreseeable future.

Which I only began after your emotional outburst. You accuse me of a feeling of weakness because I am keenly aware of my lack of state power. Yet we both know that you are in exactly the same situation as I am.
I don't like it but that is the way it is.

The first domino is organized violence against the System.

You think you're being inciteful when pointing out that influence is power. However, everyone already knows this. The trouble is that I clearly stated that we lack the power or influence to even close our own borders. Our race is literally on the edge of complete extermination. I'm far more concerned with that than exterminating the Japanese race.
Metaphorically, you and I are tied up with a noose around our necks on a scaffold and I'm trying to struggle free while you're loudly proclaiming that you'll kill everyone, and then chiding me for my small mindedness.

It's called unification. Why do you think the #1 goal right now is to not allow Whites to congregate and speak freely. That's one reason among others that it is (((insisted))) that women and zoo animals be included in every possible activity or human grouping right now. When White men get together, speak freely, and think together the world moves

Filtering people is for cowardly subhumans. You were too weak to have any part in any ethnoglobalist expansion anyway, and your words weren't going to mean anything as a consequence.

If we don't kill all potential racial competitors in their entirety, they will become a threat to our race in the future, no matter how passive they seem now.
We don't have to take over the entire planet, but we must kill all non-whites on the planet, even in places we do not wish to take for ourselves.
This includes your beloved nipponese bitches.
Try to stop this and you will be given the same treatment.

This line impacted me. I suppose the supremacy of the emotional over the rational is the cause of this in our time. We can't discuss the need for war, defense or violence even when it comes for us unbidden, because it is uncomfortable and "mean". The feminine overtaking the masculine, the reversal of the natural order, this is the cause of our suffering. In short: it is the influence of the jew

Whatever, everyone should have strong emotions, that's not the point, this is:
You're caught in an NPC loop. Either break out of it or go die somewhere, critical failure loops disgust me

You could insert any number of weird proclivities in here…we tolerate homosexuality and child rape…I mean basically it really boils down not nitpicking the little details of our sickness and immoral behavior. The primary moral concern is a lack of acceptance of personal responsibility. No one could conquer us without our express permission and permission is granted by our people because we will NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions and the product of our behavior or the repercussions of that within society.

Remember the thread on James, the sex change boy? Ok, is it in societies best interest to allow judges, government workers and doctors who perform torture and mutilation on children to operate within our society? I said that we should kill all of them and EVERYONE SCREECHES "FED" of CIA NIGGER…but the torture and mutilation continues because no one is willing to take personal responsibility…even the father of the child, submits to the (((court system))) instead of facing his personal responsibility and hiring someone to murder the people doing this to his son or kill them himself.

Okay, I'll humour you; explain how you will exterminate the population of China without nuclear bombs and a mechanized army.

Going off a tangent, I say the Japanese are our brothers and are literally White, because of their heritage and because of their actions during the World War on the morally superior side of the conflict.
I argue against the intermarriage of Japanese with non-Japanese as much as I argue against the intermarriage of French with non-French - for the reason that it does not preserve the ethnic uniqueness of the White race in either case.

Alright. What about the Thai? They were also an Axis power during the war.

It is not just past actions but also heritage I refer to

I love most of old Japanese culture but their penchant for pedophilia is too disturbing for me at this point. I am not really interested in the 'thing' that their culture has become when the best parts of it were tossed into the trash to make way for globalization and the death of everything that made that culture beautiful and unique on the planet. That was a serious and disastrous failure of leadership like nothing I have ever seen before. Some user posted a picture of the Japanese royal family and the only one out of all of them who was not ashamed of their culture was the elderly grandma…all the rest of them wore western clothes…it was a tragedy.

We're on the same page

I appreciate it, let me see here. I mean the first way I'd think of would be exactly what kikes do: convince someone else to do it. That's straightforward. In fact that's how basically everything in the world happens. Some around here believe that a genetic weapon would be ideal. The point is that if we really, really think about it there are a lot of ways to skin a cat. Brute force is only the most obvious answer. We can brainstorm on the best way to eliminate China if you want. My idea is to convince all Whites to only do business with other Whites and let the rest of the world starve to death and kill themselves. Starvation is a human classic technique, cheap and effective. A fine addition to our arsenal: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Just my kind of weapon.

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You cannot salvage souls that do not seek salvation. The Christian Question that you brought up is worthwhile because they will never truly devote themselves more to their race than their religion through my anecdotal experience with them. All that means is that you move on to the next potential ally and start working with them. Great hardship is coming to the world and those who seek to tame it with words and being nice will have their tongues ripped from their mouths soon enough. Look at the waste of Whites going to Africa and getting murdered by the tribals, it's already happening.

It is because our people are afraid and cling to life, even a dishonorable life, rather than act true in the face of their possible demise. I'm encouraged to hear that you would fight the system if it came to that. We need more like you, in solidarity with their spiritual kin. I believe that the test is to show that we are worthy of stewardship of the earth, by saving it's natural beauty.

lurk 6 years before posting

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Are you retarded? European's are extremely violent and have been taking names and kicking ass in every corner of the globe for centuries. You think we conquered the planet in between mascaraing each other in brutal brother wars by being the most peaceful?

Feels good knowing I was the first person to talk about this on here, and it actually gained traction.

You're letting post-war developments in a puppet state affect your perception? That's no good. If I recall correctly, "de-Nazified" post-war Germany has a penchant for scatophilia. I'm certain you can see (((Who))) could be behind these developments.

72 IQ.

It is not a question of its value. It is literally a question of the survival of our own species because a 'multicultural' highly technological planet IS NOT AN OPTION…the first race to recognize that THIS IS NOT AN OPTION and then act to secure their future by first strike and the extermination of other species/races is the race that will be predominate in the future. This is what will determine who occupies the planet in the next Age. If the nigger strike first it will be a mud hut niggerland Planet of the Apes. Poo in the Loo's will result in a poo in paradise model of the Earth for the next 10,000 years.

'Multiculturalism' and ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY is not an option. Only one race can inherit the Earth.

Daily reminder that there is enough space for everyone, and this ethno-globe bullshit is not what Hitler desired, it's pretty much white supremacist as invented by the kikes.

Who on earth are you thinking of?
First of all, maybe you haven't noticed, but no government on earth wants to have anything to do with us. Anons slavishly supported and still slavishly support Trump and yet he flat out denounced us. If Trump won't even recognize our rights, you're not going to convince Putin or Macron to go nuke China.
Second of all, you point out that if White people would cease doing business with China they would starve. And that may or may not be the case.
But the problem is that if we could convince White people to do anything, that would only be an after thought. As I said, we are on the edge of racial extinction and yet we can't even get White people to organize for our continued existence on planet earth
We can't even get White people to kill the chinks we have here, let alone go kill the Chinese in China.

Three of us ITT think that. We should just chalk it up to the hivemind and consider that all of us were acting as a single unit and therefore we were all first, kek

This is not new, this is just white supremacist per the jew.

The people are genetically preserved but the technology and refined delicacy of their aesthetic is all but forgotten, crushed under the marching feet of the ideology of globalism. My worry in this particular case, is their fragility and lack of resistance/resilience to outside influence. Also, it bothers me because it simply introduces multiculturalism again.

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It's not 1943 anymore. As can be seen in the case of Europe and the United States, if non-whites can physically get themselves out of their countries and into yours they will. How do you propose to combat this? Throw money at them and ask them to play ball? Kill all of them? Gate them into their own lands? Non-whites should have never tasted White Civilization. It was a deep irrecoverable corruption for them. They can't go back to their lands of nothing and not know what lies on the other side, nor can they create those conditions themselves. They will be filled to the brim with envy till they draw their final breath

Always bear in mind (((Who))) causes the world strife and sorrows.

Sorry for setting that trap for you, but as you've correctly pointed out, there is no friendly government for us to rely on. Therefore we can remove that option from our playbook and focus on what's actually possible. Often times removing impossibilities is the quickest way to find a solution.

So if we simply cannot wield state power, what are our other options? Religions have worked before, there's a spitball. We went ahead and made one just to see how it worked. It worked better than expected, so praise Kek. Comedy has traditionally been a way to topple kings, it seems we're pretty good at that too. Being an IRL advocate for these ideas works extremely well for creating advocates, and the "going viral" part of memetics is a way to infect the minds of the masses. This is a subject that needs to be covered

We need to restrict the international trade agreements or other mutual assistances to white people.

Hitler could have never imagined the advances in technology that we are going to go through in the next 20 years. They knew knowledge was accelerating but they did not know to what extent. How long until some other nation starts thinking (they never stopped think about world domination since they do not feel empathy for other species) about ETHNO-GLOBE as well…do you think they will hesitate to strike first when they finally understand the scope of changes and technology (as it atomizes) that will be available to the average man? You are not thinking of the GOD-LIKE power that is going to be available to every individual on the planet.

>implying not only we could muster enough manpower for that, but be able to be ontop of that manpower instead of (((them)))
honestly i think youre just bolton shilling here to support (((hwite))) countries invading israels enemies

how about you take it one step at a time

There heritage has nothing to do with white people Schlomo.

Just go

I couldn't agree more.

Exactly. Multiculturalism and advancement are mutually exclusive in that through ease of access and demand to resources, as well as the explosion in birthrates in the third world, if we don't rebel, we'll be engulfed. There won't be multiculturalism. Our cultures will be gone. We can already see it today with the third world demanding unlimited access to our nations. Now imagine 50 years from now when there's billions more of them in ever worsening conditions, while we sit comfortably in the nations built by our ancestors. Even if we manage to secure our borders, they will still want in. This isn't something that can change. They've had hundreds of thousands of years to evolve and they are what they are. They'll be the same 100 years from now. There's three outcomes: We conquer. They conquer us. We mix. That's it. That is the inevitable outcome of humanity. There's not fourth option. I can travel to China from East Coast USA and back faster than it would have taken someone to travel from one end of Germany to the other 200 years ago. We're a tiny world now. We're at the beginning of that choice, and if we don't pick "we conquer" soon, it ceases to be an option.

This isn't even to mention the advancement issue. In the meantime while the third world attains wealth, access to resources gets even more limited for each group, increasing global tensions and stifling advancement. We're literally wasting our limited resources by scattering them throughout the planet in the effort to achieve a disunifed and varied outcome, rather than using those limited resources to attain a single outcome. Also the third world is destroying the natural environment with complete disregard. China alone outputs more pollution than our entire civilization did during the industrial revolution.

No. Blacks have sub-saharian Africa and thats their land. Yellows have Far East and thats their land. Big majority of borders are set and noone has claims any more.

Everyone sit on your land and thats it. And kill globalist kikes, but thats obvious.

One of the best posts ITT, it covers the gravity of the situation quite well.
Thus why we have to act now. It's not like I prefer to have to deal with all this genetic detritus and deteriorating ecosystem, but we might be the last generation to even have a chance of doing it. So this lifetime of labor is to be my gift to the White children of the future. My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my People.

Then why are these subhumans invading White countries, I wonder? Your theory is shit.

Abrahamite Whites infected with the (((YHWH))) virus keep feeding them and now we have billions of them, and Moishe just gets the EU to pay them to come over. That's why. Get rid of the Jews and their Jewish religions, and we might have peace. Maybe not. But that's a bridge to cross later.

I've become convinced or brainwashed that transgenders are the only way to save the west and eventually take over the world. The Jews currently utilize them for their own purposes, but imagine if we had the transgenders on our side.

Such mental power would be glorious beside an army of the most physically adept men. Transgender is our future.

Let the Eternal Trapreich begin!

Non-whites are at fault for invading the country, but it's the kikes and cucks who enable them to go in.

The problem goes both ways.

THINK user…we are right at the brink of this technology. Right at the intersection between absolute power and immaturity of the species. We have the right to rule because of all the races we have displayed the greatest inventiveness and facile use of the technology that we have made.

The entire planet sucks off our tits in terms of our inventive power all the worlds culture has already been subsumed by our vastly superior culture and method of manufacturing. When kikes say we have no culture, it is because our culture is the dominate and only culture on the globe. Think of the example of the Japanese that I just gave, their clothes, manufacturing, technology, building, food production, everything they and all of the rest of the Earth does every day and in every situation is OUR CULTURE…not theirs, we are predominant in all the world and we deserve to advance over others because we are the best thing that ever happened to the planet in terms of a creative advancement.

You aren't thinking about this carefully because you think that the war and death that the Earth has endured are 'no big deal'. When this is magnified to infinite power, the everyday average person will hold the life of the planet in his hands. Would you give this to a 65 IQ nigger from sub saharan who didn't even understand basic chemistry? You think it is 'ok' or justified to continue in this manner when that is far from the truth, you are doing nothing so much as handing a loaded gun to an infant. You are passing power and technology to peoples that are not prepared or equipped to handle it and never will be (for perhaps another 10,000 years of advanced evolution).

They already do this wherever possible. It is already on the agenda for every white country where nonwhites gain a majority.