Just tired of the constant bombardment of demoralization d&c (((posters)))
Kike hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
yids wonder why they get kicked out of 6 gorrillian countries
I know I'm just dumping but hopefully some refugees haven't seen this content
whys this one bumplocked but the nigger/spic ones arn't?
Jim and CM shut it down, probably.
well fuck
(((Who))) runs this board?
I'd really like to think that its not a kike. I haven't posted in a while and got a new ISP.
2nd one-saved
Kekkin' hard on that 2nd one
oy vey! da goyim know! better bumplock the thread!
t. kike mod
to up your powerlevel, start using jew every time, without exception.
this cross/kikel bullshit is smoke and mirrors and their last backdoor in case of persecution.
it razzle dazzles 99.999999999999999% of all Christians if a jew converts "despite the kikel thing omg he really must have seen the light hallelujah we can't kill him now".
The kike shills are going into overdrive on Zig Forums. All it does it makes everyone hate them more and I didn't even care before. Gas gas gas.
Demoralization means they dont like what could happen. This site just exists. They exist to kill this site. Very nice feels.
Don't forget Hortler's pedal powered brain bashing machines!
for the weebs
white women standing in wheat fields
That coliseum pic is a really good one. Probably the closest thing to a normie safe holocaust redpill I've ever seen.
yeah its pretty good, there is more like it floating around
wtf now i hate jews
god he sounds exactly like George W. Bush
A strong supporter of the Third Reich, the brilliant writer and editor of the mid-20th Century, Ezra Pound.
By the way - Italy's Neon-Fascist organization, "Casa Pound" (House of Pound) is named for him
What's on the horizon? It's like something huge is about to come out that they all know about and this is a kind of damage control.
sup rabbi! is the weather in tel aviv kinda nice this time of year?
that 3rd makes me fucking rage after looking into it, also fuck the guy above me not even worth a (((you)))
This is real.
I'm just tired of trying to figure out who is a jew. I'm 65 and I've been studying these people closely since the late 60's, growing aware of the way they dominated the pop music industry and the film industry and Hollywood and the publishing industry. They don't all proclaim it and often they'll actively disguise it. I feign amiability to worm my way in with them, learn about them and this entire thing is very complex particularly among the anglos; any anglo who isn't a total loser (ie working class) is likely a jew. It's not a science; it's an art. You have to waste a lot of time speculating about them, interrogating everything you've learned about them to try to reach some kind of conclusion on whether or not they're jews.
Anybody that says they're just 2% of the population is a fucking brazen liar or an idiot.
By the 1500's they were the most populous nation in Eurasia, about 20 million of them. They're a fuck of a lot more ubiquitous than I ever imagined. The more I study them the more I get amazed by what they've done, how deeply they permeate society.
adrenal gland is above kidney
dipshit roasties cant anatomy
There are some very good Jews out there. The attacks on Jews here are most likely a lefty and CIA deflection tactic. Come on and ban me cunt.
I have no mouth and must scream.
webm related.
gtfo this board, boomer scum
you want to know how I know you're from r/The_Donald?
It's the work of leftypol. The mod is an Adderall addicted bedpan nurse on a powah trip.
just ignore the shareblue shills who want to attack the god emperor ammirite fellow migapede?
Um, because you're a faggot?
Come on Zig Forums is this the best you can do? Where's the cunt to come and spam infographics at me. Same as a fucking snowflake. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you want your safe space, where you can remain delusional, wile your people get genocided outside?
How are you any different from the race traitor left turds?
So the answer is that we have to be even bigger assholes than the muslims. I'm ok with this.
Its coming rats one way or another no mater what you do you will all be killed even if it means nuking the planet to rid it of you parasitic worms.You are chosen for nothing but extinction you disgusting rodent like peices of shit.
No. The boomers we all hate are 72. We 65 year olds grew up under their thumbs, and for all their fake altruism and hipness they were vicious merciless bullies to deal with in daily life.
This means two things;
1. I hate real boomers (born in 46) and
2. I am utterly inured to all bullying and thuggery so that nothing you say affects me in the least thanks to the vicious hypocrite boomer bolshevik sexually degenerate scum.
Save your hate for the hedonistic, coke snorting, status symbol worshipping GenX psychos..
you're the same schizo who was posting new age kike stuff the other night
the 65yr old boomer is going to die of a heart attack when he misplaces his heart meds
>Just tired of the constant bombardment of demoralization d&c (((posters)))
I'm in better shape than you are. I've been training hard non stop and eating a strict diet since I was 15.
You know the another bad thing about this timeline? You will never see real life cuties dressed up in NS uniform.
Yeah, I remember when it came out. I did a search. Interestingly, it's still on Jew tube but appears completely shoah'd from the onion.
never seen that one. oy fucking vey
Give it 4 years, and you will.