The three foundations of the alt-right: Homosexuality, racemixing and wife beating
Ronny Cameron is a hypocrite and a race-mixer.
During the debate with Nicholas Fuentes, he was trying to rationalize and defend why having a 35% black and 15% Asian girlfriend would produce white babies.
This is hypocrisy at its finest. He promotes white identity and having more white children, yet he has a 50% non-white girlfriend that is browner than Britanny Venti. I don't know why anybody would take Ronny Cameron or the alt-right seriously anymore. The "alt-right" can't even live by their own standards, which is pathetic.
Not only this, but Richard Spencer is a failure. Everything he tried to accomplish has failed. The "altright" label has become a toxic brand and is forever associated with hailgate and Richard Spencer, is outdated and has failed, NPI has failed, everyone that was associated with Richard Spencer has distanced themselves from him, his podcast has failed, his relationships have failed. Now he is trying to jump on the youtube streaming fad by having a show on the "Heel Turn" youtube channel, which will end in failure.
only thing gayer than the alt-right is spic fuentes and his merry band of irony faggots
Ryder Ramirez
some of the shilling is so out of touch it's beyond belief lol
Jaxon Taylor
They cant be much more than "ironic" tbh. Being a castizo kinda puts a damper on unironically wanting a system that will deport you at best.
Cameron Brown
He's not doing so bad, millionaire business owner, White kids, replacement good looking White girlfriend. More than a few could only hope to fail that well.
and you're a defeatist shill if you think any of that constitutes anything even close to a victory.
Brandon Brown
Never heard of it.
Ayden Ward
You're going to have to walk through how pointing out Spencer has succeeded in the fundamentals of life is defeatist.
Oliver Adams
What do they do besides putting up flyers and posters?
Liam Wright
Jeremiah Cook
Jace Gutierrez
Oops, I thought you were talking about the AR as a whole.
Jackson Gray
could you try and be more vague please?
Asher Watson
Great. Another thread telling people who don't care about the alt-right how they need to stop caring about the alt-right.
Justin Price
It's a requirement to join. It filters out insincere, uncommitted people from joining. The funds are also used for lawyers and organization.
It's called building a network and having a functional organization.
The goal is to look like ordinary white people, advocate for white people, not be some stupid wignat making holocaust jokes and praising Hitler.
For an organization to function, it has to have some sort of revenue. It's not like they get billions of dollars from Jewish donors like every other political organization.
Ordinary white people are not racemixers who advocate for the opposite. Praising Hitler and making Holocaust jokes are the only reason anything like this exists, at all, fuckface. Comedy is how you disarm. The election was won on Pepe and gas jokes, not effeminate fags and the white shariah pieces of shit. If you say wignat you are anti-white. Period.
I don't have a problem with anything you said, I just detected you're a Daily Informer cuckold and therefore commanded you to get off of my board. Your pro-jewish meme gave you away, not to mention your use of the term "wignat", a Daily Informer forced meme intended to steer young White men away from National Socialism towards kosher alternatives.
I've been spending time on twitter for the first time in years and for those not in the know OP is apart of a faction of civnats called "ironybros" that steal from chan culture and constantly fight with the alt right because they are muh ebil stormfag neo naghtsis.
They keep posting personal army requests on cuckchan and Zig Forums because they are impotent little crybabbies and drama sluts.
They also share doxes of right wingers with antifa and vice versa.
Ethan Diaz
That doesn't add up. White people love Hitler more than anything. Note, I did write people.
You cannot have the pulse of actual life within you and be deaf to the call of the Führer.
Mason Sullivan
What's your alternative to National Socialism, hapa ethnostate ruled by jews?
Cameron Long
"I'm a National Socialist"
If you're calling yourself a "National Socialist", you're clearly mentally retarded.
That's because jews don't live in reality, they live in their own delusional worlds where they are special.
Adrian White
You didn't answer my question: What's your alternative to National Socialism? Neoconservatism? National Bolshevism? Straight up communism? Some kind of civic nationalist shithole recipe?
Charles Morales
Yeah, you look so much better making a personal army request on a natsoc imageboard. loser
Kayden Gray
It's almost as if you have never been on Zig Forums before. What a surprise.
Jose Cook
Let's not forget your sperging after your request was denied. Wonder how long you'll be at it.
Michael Torres
Yeah the US is Brazil
Julian Long
Jaxson Phillips
The majority of white Americans wouldn't even want to associate with you, let alone join your "National Socialist" movement.
Not even racially aware white people want to be associated with it, since it already has negative historical connotations attached to it and has been relentlessly demonized throughout ever faucet of American life.
The goal has always been to look like normal white people, advocate for white people, not be a larping Nazi.
Is that why all you ironyblows are a bunch of nihilist halfbreeds?
David Fisher
That's not why. We don't care for national socialism because it's the polar opposite of what the founding fathers advocated for, which is what we want.
Jonathan Roberts
Not being fat, no tattoos, nice haircut and wearing a suit are hard requirements for wignats.
Ryder Anderson
Filtered for D&C.
Gabriel Wright
I never said that you oversensitive little bitch.
Camden Gutierrez
Doesn't matter.
Identity Evropa instantly ban retards like you from joining, that is why it's so successful.
Samuel Taylor
What's the point of this thread? Literally just filled to the brim with completely useless fucking garbage name calling and d&c.
Levi White
Its a civnat crybaby making a personal army request.
No, that's what your kind look like, actually. My kind are the working class rural white population of this country. Something that will never side with you.
These pics., this is what we look like. This is what will never side with you. We are our own breed, not some larping faggots trying to be like some dead Euro movement. We stand by the founding fathers. You can't beat us. Simple as that. You'll only ever larp on the internet. We won our independence. Hitler and the national socialists did nothing but fail and get their country destroyed.
Please explain how IE has shifted public opinion more than Hitler memes and Holohoax derision? You cannot, faggot.
Also, I know your organizers and “thought leaders”. They are less than useless and they are full of rats, feds, and actually fags. Organize small and local with friends if you want to do funny and helpful things like posterings. Don’t give money to moralist pansies with no direction. It’s beyond easy to sprout something up regionally that makes a difference, raises awareness, or hits the news. You can even go pro-white only instead of anti-other and still be more effective than joining their shit tier organization.
But, let’s be honest, newfag, you haven’t done shit, organized anything, nor made any difference whatsoever. You spend your time here defending Fuentes and the IE mouth breathers. You will not make an argument as to why they are important to “the movement”, and we are shit, because you literally cannot. IE is fucking reddit tier MAGA garbage with cringe marble statue posters. IOTBW blows anything they ever did out of the water.
Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.
Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions. Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless. Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless. Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth. Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions. Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur. Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless. Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless. Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes. Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.
And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.
Now to the important tally: Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0 Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.
tl; dr: jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized. Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.
Chutzpah is a mental illness, though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.
Brody Jackson
Filtered. Your low IQ just shows what your ideals appeal to.
But it doesn't. I read three lines and realized it was a copy and paste and was completely irrelevant to the conversation and stopped reading. You're just showing what a lack of independent thought you have when your sole means of communication with others on political topics is repeated regurgitation of the same thing which you probably didn't even type to begin with.
Not really. They have video call interviews. They demand dues. They allow racemixers. Doing something directly and local is far more meaningful and within your control, not to mention keeps up reasonable OpSec.
Literally nothing wrong and you are still just speeding and collecting yous without any counter argument. Because you are weak and unintelligent.
Julian Mitchell
That means you have read it before.
Whatever works, I just got you to admit that you have read the pasta before.
And the first three lines are the most important, because it's both genital mutilation and inhumane treatment of animals.
Laughing at your feeble attempt of banter. Enjoy my pasta in your mind. You will never remove it from there.
Look, there's literally nothing gay about Identity Evropa. Does this video, made by their current leader, seem like the kind of thing a homosexual would make? Maybe you need to change you priorities, stop thinking about fringe ideas like ethnostates, and focus more on naked men?
Alex McNabb unironically deserves to lose his job. Nobody should have to put their life in the hands of someone dumb enough to use their real name on a "racist" podcast - even a fake one hosted by a jew.
Ian Wood
Please address my criticisms, civnat douchebag. And that IS where wignat comes from, a desire to deride whites fighting for their existence and somehow associate it with obvious honeypots (not so dissimilar from the one you are shilling ironically).
Answer: how did IE shift public opinion and raise awareness more than Hitler memes and holohoax exposure? What had a greater effect on the election or any issue we bolster: real talk laced with humor, or some esoteric marble statue posters?
It’s pretty funny you bring up the founding fathers too as they were white nationalists you fucking retard, and they kicked Europe’s ass for independence. Hitler had more in common with Washington than Nathan Damigo.
Go back to TRS and talk about how Jews had nothing to do with 9/11.
While people like you LARP about the JQ, Patrick Casey and IE are looking at the hot naked men that Bronze Age Pervert posts on twitter. What do you think is doing more for the survival of the White race?
No, that means unlike you I have an IQ above room temperature and I know you didn't type that in the short period between when you posted and when I posted. But you didn't, you low IQ monkey. You're just showing us you're incapable of deduction. The NPC meme fits you perfectly.
Dominic Diaz
Neither of these shifted public opinion. Forced diversification and an overconfident left making massive leaps in forced societal and political change shifted public opinion.