Lauren McCluskey who paid the toll in October in Salt Lake City has had her phone calls to the police released.
Here are the transcripts:
Lauren McCluskey who paid the toll in October in Salt Lake City has had her phone calls to the police released.
Here are the transcripts:
>>>Zig Forums
What's the color of your skin?
You copy pasted from /tv/.
op is a faggot.
No toll was paid during the calls in the transcript
TL;DR she burned coal, got burned by blackmail of her being a roastie, called the cops, cops told ape, ape got angry, toll paid.
The thing that seems to be missing is the gap between the cops telling him to stop and her being killed. If memory serves with this issue he killed her in his car so not only did she not stop contact with him after she called the cops/after he pulled that shit but she then met with him again. Fuck….
thank you sir , but I do appreciate OPs humor
Why do women ever think it is a good idea to take pictures of them in comprising positions? Sure some male faggots do it, but the overwhelming majority of men do not. Since like fucking middle school, every girl I've been with has sent those type of pictures, a lot of the time without promoting. Do they realize what they're doing?
Why do people post threads like this without the said compromising pics? Let's see that roll of tarpaper blasting her asshole wide open. Son of a bitch, do you have to be reminded that this is an image board??
Yes welcome to "women". Two main reasons.
1) attention , same thing with dressing slutty
2) its who they really want to be, they want to be sluts and they want you to accept them as sluts. So when they show these pictures they are looking for men that will still be positive to them because thats who they are. Yes all are like that. They only become "good girls" under the discipline of man. And this is actually what was happening, because even though girls want attention they dont want bad attention and she was going to come out on the losing end. So she decided to run to white daddy after rolling with the nogs didnt work out.
go ahead bro
give us the real ones you fucking nigger
nobody wants to listen to 20 minutes of whiny coalburner
Getting behind in the paperwork
The race-mixing just gets more and more common, and it's white women leading the way. Now before any faggot white knights post stupid dating website stats, or marriage stats, I'm talking about casual sex. They are 100% leading the way.
Looks like these dumb Russian bimbos I see taking over cam websites. How'd she get an Irish name?
Crazed coal burning social media stalker? She got those dead eyes…
No wonder she chased the coal.
Skinny cuck father, bulldyke mom…
Fuck off back to /r9k/.
another bites the dust, she won't be missed
I am always confused as to how these awful things happen. Is because the women are roasty toasty whites? Seems too easy of an answer. I think it's more so because of WEAK MEN in their lives.
(((race mixing shill)))
if she was smarter she wouldn't of done it. Stop giving retards a pass and get better standards you betaknight.
But the foundation of the weakness of the men and the roastieness of the race traitor is juden programming for the last 70 years.
Modern advertising began after ww2 and was called "peacetime propaganda" by its creator, the nephew of freud, who used his uncle's (((techniques))) to emotionally manipulate the opposite to sense and decency. That was a major step in the reversal of morals.
First test he made was to convince women to smoke, by associating women smoking with the idea of independence. The two are unrellated, but by linking them he doubled the customer base of cigarettes.
Now put 70 years of continuous programming on top of that.
You absolute fucking brainless retard. Think about what you are writing.
Yes look at . I think her ex-boyfriend is her alternative strong authority substitute male figure until she found out that he is not who he is so maybe she never love him? Just need someone to dominate her.
If USA is a ethnostate then none of this messes exist.
Irregardless, he could care less.
This is good preparation for when the xenos show up. We don't want any race mixers then.
As with the retarded Danish girls having their heads sawed off in Morocco you're not going to get much sympathy here for a privileged Utah coalburner. The facts are available to every stupid skank who has enough brain cells to see reality. It's going to take thousands of White female bodies piled up, with video of course, before their childlike behavior is even slightly tempered.
Fuck off, roastie. Women are responsible for their own thought and actions.
Of coursh! She was dumb enough to be a fucking traitor in the first place.
I wish all mixers would die today.
Proof that white women need protection of the white man. Step it up, boys!
You can see in his cuck eyes he hasn't the will to cut the nigger whom murdered his child up with his own hands. Pathetic soul.
It is a moral imperative.
why gary why …. the band is out of the field
Law enforcement, fathers, hell even child abductors were all more based back then.
mein sides
You can look into their eyes and see there isn't a single racist thought. Even after their daughter was raped and murdered by a nigger.
beady jew eyes … hes a cultural jew.
his daughter was a thot
are you saying she didnt get "just deserts" … she chose the path. In death she will be a martyr to younger women.
Burn the coal pay the toll.
Maybe others will change before its too late. No matter what method was used to convince her to racemix she should have chosen death instead.
Choosing racemixing is choosing death. It does not fill me with joy but I dont complain about gravity.
What if niggers are god's punishment for the sins women commit?
He probably didn't even become a felon and have to give up his guns.
The only thing is, If a european girl decides to have sex with a black guy, for example, is that decision not a reflection of the quality of her genetics?
If she is unable to perceive substantial differences in her qualitative capacity with said man, and unable to perceive the social engineering and propaganda that is inorganically facilitating those circumstances, is anything of value really lost?
I know this is difficult for many to grapple with. I think this is basically the mindset of the global elite and i think this is where you start to get into hardcore eugenics and population control.
anyway, Merry Christmas everyone
the thing that cracks me up time and time again is that hitler was truly benevolent; the reich's eugenics were benevolent, for lack of a better word. unlike these unbelievably sinister zionists running things now.
What a trip.
Look a Chabad poster
you're questions beg the assertion that women have agency. they are basically all children, and treating them as anything otherwise, either outwardly or internally, is a fool's errand.
Exactly, that is why they're the first to follow trends, and dress exactly the same no matter how ridiculous the fashion is.
Damn you, user.
That's one fugly nigger. Anyway toll paid, she can join the two recently beheaded in Morocco traitors in hell.
At the risk of summoning /christcucks/ I will confirm that you are spot-on according to the bible. In Genesis Eve is seduced by a "serpent" into committing the original sin. This sin was not eating an apple; her sin was in partaking of the forbidden fruit. She had sex with the serpent. And no, the serpent is not the devil, or satan. The serpent was muh dik. And she even cucked Adam. Also, her son Cain was mixed race, and what did he do to his younger, pure-blooded brother? Remember that Judaism begins in the middle east where africans are used as slave labor since forever and africans are regarded as the lowest tier of humanity, so this explanation reinforces existing jewish beliefs.
Holy shit, the wife looks like the kind of middle aged man you'd expect to see on ESPN talkin about niggerball statistic.
No, because she happened to meet a black guy first? Over 90% of white women think race mixing is acceptable, you'd have to apply the same measure to them as well.
How is this argument still being repeated ad nausuem? You internet experts aren't as intelligent as you think you are
To be fair to cunts white men racemix more than white women as a statistical fact. It's time to just accept the whole race is unsalvageable. Take the black pill.
Why the hell would you choose to not fight for your race knowing how bad things are? Pathetic
Our enemy is our other half of our nātiō, and we lack philia.
“In the field of social psychology, group polarization is a term that refers to a phenomenon, where by individuals will become more extreme in their views when they are surrounded by a group of people who hold a similar perspective. Group polarization is an observable phenomenon in of itself, but their are different theories to explain why group polarization occurs. One such theory is called Social Comparison Theory. According to this theory, group polarization is caused by the desire to be liked by the rest of the group. What happens is that individuals within a group are constantly reassessing how other group members present themselves. They then readjust their own positions, in order to be perceived in a more favorable light. Isenberg refers to this as “one-upmanship” it’s like “im similar to the group, but i’m just a little bit better than the group, I hold the popular opinion, but I hold it even more than others.”
Consider group polarization, and social comparison theory in the context of our cultural struggle. Think of the European who emphatically spits on his own people, what drives him to such an extreme? Like all Europeans in the 21st century, he is sensitive to, and appreciate of, the ever present threat of being labeled a “racist”. Pushed by this fear of persecution, and pulled by his desire to come across as “better than average”, it isn’t enough for him to stop at saying it’s bad to hurt other peoples. He has to one up his peers and say “not only do I believe in treating people equally, I actually really like other peoples. I don’t just really like other peoples, I prefer other peoples.
I don’t just prefer other peoples, I hate my own people. My people are a bad people. See? That’s how far from racist I am. Not only do I not dislike others, I actually hate my own people. That’s just how much of a great person I am. See how unracist I am? Im not just good, I go above and beyond. Im outstanding.”
For this polarized European, this kind of self flagellation is an opportunity to prostrate, and humiliate himself before the group, to demonstrate that he is not a rebel, he is completly onboard with the norms of the group, and then some. Even if those group norms are screwing him over. He says, “You don’t have to worry about me sir, I’m a fully brainwashed conformist, and I like it that way.” This is a depressing and pathetic state of existence.
Like the high school outcast who makes a fool of himself, in order to gain the temporary and superficial approval of the cool kids. Rather than standing up for himself, and enduring the hardships of swimming against the stream, he buckles under the pressure, and embraces his own oppression. Now, the classic case of group polarization occurs within an actual group of people but perhaps the same psychological mechanism can be generalized to a polarized environment of homogeneous ideas.
The polarized environments to which the self hater is exposed to include, our movie theaters, our living rooms (TV), and most of all our educational systems, especially the Marxist echo chambers, that are our universities. Raised on a diet of anti western propaganda, perhaps it doesn’t take much for those Europeans of an acquiescent disposition, to be pushed to an ethno-masochistic extreme within these polarized environments, The pressures and the incentives of the group dynamic drive those conformist Europeans to abandon their homeostatic and adaptive instincts of self preservation, and instead they conform to a new extreme of maladaptive, self hate.”
from genetic perspective, it's a little bit her fault for having dumb brain and accepting kikes propaganda, however it's mainly media and especially her parent's fault for not teaching her to be a good girl. it's not like your children will go full natsoc if you don't discipline them in the first place.
If the acceptance of niggers persist yes. None of the women in my life can stand nigs. Most loathe them and all of them 'blame' me for opening their eyes. Women need men. All men need to look after all women.
The kike has distorted whiteknighting into neckbeards being creepy. It is absolutely nothing like that. Women are lost without strong men.
I think everything goes back to WW2. To hide, run from, obfuscate, ignore, avoid the truth of WW2, of National Socialism, of who the good guys truly were, the European self-destructs.
Good guys were too busy being boyscouts. Maybe if we didn't have a art major in charge the generals could have lit cities to the ground instead of invading them. You don't win in war by being a cuck.
LOL. Stay butt-blasted by the truth you pathetic waste of oxygen.
Yep there were white women defending sitcoms in the tweets about the beheadings.
shitskins* They are saying how dare you use the tragedy.
Someone please shoop a Wakandan chasing her into the 2nd image
In what form did this woman pay the toll? Don't feel like listening to some long ass shit.
i'd do it too
Every fucking time!
Even in the [CURRENT YEAR]+4 vast majority of White women don't date interracially, that means there's still some instinctual drive at work and the outliers genetic deadends.
Fully deserved to pay the toll.
these calls fuckin blow ass
As it should be.
Darwin can sometimes suck but its necessary for the species to advance.
Today he would have his gun rights revoked and sentenced to life in prison. This was from before a time when (((anarcho-tyranny))) was in full swing.
Essentially yes. Had Natsoc Germany and the Axis forces won, there would still be Rhodesia and pre-94 South Africa today. The kikes destroyed those countries, and their destruction serves as the template for the rest of the Western World. Some boomer will chime in and say, "b-but Israel supported Rhodesia and South Africa!" Yes, that is correct, however their "support" basically had consisted of taking whatever technology that the SADF and nuclear development that SA was working on back to Israel for their nuclear weapons program. The kikes play both sides as always.
Also, the kabuki theater between the (((UN))) and Israel is also just that. Notice how the UN retracted the resolution condemning Zionism as racism, but never retracted the resolutions against Rhodesia and South Africa? It speaks volumes.
Forgot to cite
Fucking heretic!
Look, the race-bait, the constant effort to demean sex among the sexsperate.. It just gets otherwise decent people ruined. As someone once told me… You don't believe it, but they do.
People will have as much sex as they can handle when they can handle it in a spirit of peace, respect, and/or comedy (pick two). Model a better way so the people who are most vulnerable (the "strong" opinionated ones) can find a route back to their desires.
Nobody is weaker than a strongman - just because powerful people like academics and comedians have taken to abusing the vulnerabilities presented by the facade of strength is not a good reason to double-down forever like a liberal refusing to back down from their tormenting control of society's poor and disfavored. Seek a path of truth, free from the lies that constrain the potentials of others.
you say wot mate?
this is a great jordan peterson impression
This is actually Richard Spencer, not Jordan Peterson. Notice he complains about liberals, which is what bolsheviks and lefty/pol/ do.
Awww, that sucks…
Really good post, user.
I'll be really offended if you don't save my epin OC nao.
The hate and sadness wash over me in alternative waves. It would be so simple if the enemy were a just a man or an army we could go fight head on. I hate living in cultural rot; I feel paralyzed.
Wew, sorry, I will fix the errors, I have to proof-read, kek.
Here we go again, I should have caught all errors.
Note: I changed the terms and wording a little, in hopes of subtly adding a persuasive layer in there.
Same thing happened in a small city near where I live.
Roastie got tired of being beaten up, broke it off with her chimpanzee, chimpanzee convinces her to meet him one last time in remote park.
Shotgun to the face for her, similar suicide for the chimp.
You can't fix stupid.
Sometimes it's to rebel against strong fathers that warn them away from such shit. They reach their majority, out of their father's power, and they do the opposite of what he's been telling them will get them killed.
You can't really predict it, it all depends on the character of the girl. Some are smart enough to listen to the voice of experience, others have to make their own mistakes before they learn. Sometimes the mistake is fatal.
Daughters of weak men ALWAYS turn out fucked up, there's no chance for them, at all.
which part of the video says that?
is OP being a lying faggot?i want to believe that its there, but don't feel like sifting through the videos or giving them clicks
Wow, what a fucking surprise.
Zig Forums is constantly right.
Won't work with the majority of women.
Women are driven by social acceptance, and if movies, TV, and commercials convince them that they won't be socially accepted unless they burn coal, then they will burn coal. After that, they are emotionally invested in coal-burning, and will not dis their own daughters for doing it, even though it may well ruin their daughter's lives or get their daughters killed.
They are the most easily manipulated of the two sexes, that's why they are targeted by Jews, commercials, politicians, etc.
There's a reason why shaming people for their clothing "style" not being up-to-date is aimed directly at women. Men don't care, but women are deathly afraid of being shut-out, or different from, whatever "group" makes up their society.