It is apparent that the eyes of a true Aryan, and therefore one who belongs to the masterrace are the shade of blue...

It is apparent that the eyes of a true Aryan, and therefore one who belongs to the masterrace are the shade of blue, as is blonde hair.

The physical attributes of the superior, masterrace Nordid is as follows:

For mental attributes:

The ladder descends, in terms of purity, as such:

While all of these groups are capable of greatness, the most viable offspring is that which rests higher in the hierarchy. The Nordics are descended from the ancient Atlanteans, the lost children of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Chosen by God as His own, with blessing apparent due to their prowess in every field.

It is realized that the founders of the greatest empires, such as Rome, were once helmed by light haired, light eyed people. Augustus Caesar being one of them. If we look at these pictures we can clearly see that where Muslim invasion and rape occurred, these genes became less prominent. Greece is perhaps the best example of what happens if a population becomes replaced, as they were once know for their light hair and complexion, and spoke of it greatly, even Alexander, who has since been 'blackwashed' by the media. They suffered first by ALEXANDER'S mandated racemixing, then Slavic invasions, then finally a Turkish invasion to finish them off.

Where the prominence of these genes declined, the civilizations declined. Is it not strange that the civilizations which have contributed the most towards human's advancement were ALL from countries in which these traits were commonly found? And how slowly the amount of inventions, IQ, and prosperity would decrease as they became more rare?

The decline of Rome was no accident. It was caused by interbreeding amongst the cosmopolitan empire, starting with Carthage, which led to unwanted traits being passed onto the people. It was said during the Third Punic War that the Roman Senate was a lion's den, full of virtues. Is it not apparent that these traits are not only based on mere culture, but they are bred based on genes, much like physical attributes?

Is it not strange that in Italy, the most prosperous regions are those with the most Germanic blood?

Europe is the ONLY place on Earth where these genes are found, and it is why we have become so great. We are destined for greatness by our pedigree. Just as some dogs are dumb and ugly, some are smart and beautiful. We must take the final pill in realizing that not all races are equal, even among Europeans.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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People always try to deny the level of shitskinning that Southern Europeans endured. Some of these people literally look like fucking Arabs.

Most of the whining comes from people who's genetics have been compromised, and feel inferior because of it. That is unacceptable on Zig Forums, as it is important to most of the people here's ideology that they are superior.

The reality is for thousands of years our genetics have been decreasing. We are not even close to our great statures thousands of years ago. Even a pureblooded Scandinavian.

What must be done, and the least painful thing we can do, is ensure that the majority of the population, when the time comes, is being bred upwards, a breeding program like the Nazis had, a healthy form of Eugenics.

Eliminating genetic diseases, deformities, undesirable traits through selective breeding is the best way to improve humanity. Those who are clearly unfit (history of mental illness, physical illness, extremely low intelligence) must be sterilized.

Transparent D&C


You might want to renounce loving Hitler as he'd agree with me.

I’d say that I have all the attributes of the aryan except my hair is dark brown. So close

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This thread is More jewsy bullshit.

Obvious D&C thread attempt by a half-wit jew who thinks they're being clever… but ain't fooling anybody.

sage ffs

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Germanic celtic here. Dont mind doing hard work for good pay for smarter aryan men. Niggers are dogs and must be seperated.

Well done, user. This will go swimmingly on my 'OkCupid' account wish-list for possible matches.

The first thing we have to do is stop the regression. Eliminate all the monkey races. The 80/20 is very powerful.

Nothing wrong with meds, they were on the frontlines fighting the good fight. Someone had to be, and they did a damn fine job for the most part. I can't imagine that any med would say though, "I wish I was 5% darker", or "I wish I had more north African or middle eastern admixture".

"The 80/20 rule is very powerful", I meant to say.

Ever notice how whenever something happens to cuckchan there is suddenly a surge in D&C?

Lets get this D&C thread started on the right foot

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That's a complete caricature.

Okay, retard.

Cuckchan is really going all out now

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Hitler had blue eyes and desired the Germans to become fully Blonde and blue.

Shall I use my cuckchan brainlet memes now?

The Med salt is always great whenever I post this. They have an inferiority complex and they know it. No matter what they say you can rest assured a good portion of them will be checking their assholes in the mirrors now.

Pink asshole is like the lottery. Brown is bad, red is great, but pink is the mark of a superior specimen.

Found the hamplanet.

Of all the things you could've baited with you chose THAT?


And yes I picked that one out because white women through history have been petite. No one here who isn't a kike like yourself shares your fecal fascination fetish.


OK so why feed it by talking down to them like this? Sounds like you are enjoying it which makes me suspect you are not acting in good faith or are possibly a useful idiot. Not to mention a few people don't represent them all which any "nordic" man should have the intelligence to understand.

Celts, especially Irish and Scots, are the most Aryan:

Scandos have some of the higher non-Aryan paternal Y-DNA (I1) lineages in Europe.

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I rate this bait 9/10

Many pre-Aryan Europeans were and are still around. That doesn't make them inferior, mind you. They are our brothers.

Yeah I don't remember Sweden or Norway getting ravaged by WW2, yet there they are, blue and blonde and unable to defend themselves against the simplest of Jewish mind tricks. Liek what are those norse godmen doing? Why are they not fighting back the brown hordes? Seems like it should be easy for them to do

I should add not only are the Celts most Aryan genetically, but in terms of their social conservatism they preserved more ancient Aryan elements in their social structure, mythologies, etc.

It's also worth noting that the patrician elites of ancient Rome would have been R1b-U152 descendants of the Urnfield culture and went down into Italy from an area north of the Alps to become the Italic tribes. Those who stayed behind would become the Hallstatt Celts, i.e. in a sense a branch of proto-Celts were the elite of ancient Rome.

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Celts are admirable, especially for their creativity. But their minds are more towards conformity and they have a tendency to drink too heavily.

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Perhaps you should ask the same question about every single other European nation as well?

The Nords are the most heavily targeted because of their genetics. They have the highest intelligence in the entire world.

Interestingly enough, the North Germanics have the highest IQ points. However, because they are more prone to genetic diseases (defective gallbladders, physical deformities) they still are not rated as highly.

Whether those qualities are true or not doesn't detract from the genetic reality of Celts being the most Aryan.

That said the English, French, Belgians, Southwestern Germans/Swiss are essentially either Germanicized or Latinized Celts. These people are also most highly represented in European accomplishment. Northern Italians are also quite Celtic and could be thrown in here.

Contrast with Frisians, North Dutch, North Germans, and Scandos who are the most purely Germanic….admirable people with admirable histories, but they pale in comparison with the former groups in terms of influence, ingenuity, etc.

As to conformity, while Aleister Crowley is not someone I can say I admire greatly, an interesting quote here by him:

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So where do white people with dark brown hair and blue/green eyes rank in the hierarchy

Anything with brown hair can still rank in the top two.

However, it becomes less likely the more you go down based on heritage.

It is possible to be an Italian with black hair and brown eyes while possessing Nordic intelligence and traits, but it is far less likely.

It's all about increasing the averages. Now you Meds can go to bed happy pretending you're the exception.

ITT: WE WUZ KANGS, snownigger addition

Cool it with the smarmy remarks.

You fail to recognize the fact that even the most Celtic people on Earth TODAY are still only 5% similar to their ancestors of two thousand years ago.

The same ones who got invaded by the Anglos and Saxons, Germanic tribes, and bred out of existence. I only call them Celtics so as to distinguish them. Celtic genetics really don't exist anymore on a large scale.

Meanwhile, the majority of the accomplishments of Mr. Magician's celtz are from English areas in which the Vikings repeatedly raped and pillaged. For hundreds of years.

That is why East England has more blonde hair and light eyes.

Quite frankly, you are utterly wrong, and cannot be right. There is no scientific base for it, nor a historical one. As the 100% Celt "Masterrace" of the past was conquered and bred out of existence.

Alexander the Great advocated race mixing? Forevermore he will be know as Alexander the Muh Dick.

He is the first known advocate of racemixing in history if I am correct.

When he conquered Persia he forced his generals to adopt Persian wives and mandated racemixing so as combine the cultures.

Ironically, this is right before Greece's great decline, after it's great ascension.

Strange innit?

Lol, jews are Aryan? Wtf?

No I'm showing an example of it. Look closer at it as it seems to be their end goal as far as meme goes

Nah brah, English typically range from about 20-40% Germanic in ancestry, with the highest Germanic ancestry being in places like East Anglia and Lincolnshire. A greater majority of English geniuses hailed from more Celtic regions like Wessex, etc. and the Scots who contributed disproportionately relative to their population in all fields are even more Celtic genetically.

Furthermore the English were conquered by a mix of much more genetically Celtic Normans and Bretons who have ruled over them ever since.

Of course Northwest Europeans are all closely related genetically, whether Germanic or Celtic, so the differences aren't that great. Celts had blond hair prior to the coming of Germanic tribes, though the Celts have more instances of red hair while the Germanics less so.

Not a med but thanks anyways, just a mutt

Daily reminder that most scientific discovers were not made by blond hair blue eyed snow niggers. Brown hair is a stronger sign of being a masterrace than blond hair and that's just plain fact. Green eyes are more also rare than even blue, because they are blue eyes with yellow pigments in them that reflect green.

Objectively for male aesthetics brown+green eyes is best, while women do look best with blond+blue eyes.

If you had asked me a year ago wether or not I would be classed as a superior human female due to my pink asshole I would have laughed in your face. I can relax now that my asshole and nipples are the correct color spectrum. Whew, that was close.
Course what to I know, I didn't even know that women had brown nipples until a few days ago, I freaked out and almost barfed in my mouth and didn't believe it until I looked it up on YahooAnswers! It is making me ill to even consider this deformity or what it might be like to bear it on your body.

True Aryans were all dark haired (Yamnaya)

If you strictly talking most rare it would be red hair w/ green or gray eyes.

t. mutt

That's because the vast majority of people are NOT blonde. Even in the OP the picture directly includes light brown hair. If the populations of these countries were made up of those with blonde hair however, I would expect more positive traits to aid in their discoveries.

Don't forget about AVERAGES.

You don't seem to understand that the Anglo-Saxon people are Germanic in origin. As in, they came directly from Germany. Now if you want to give me this shit about Brits being majority ancient-Celtic you need to pull up some studies.

The Celtic people in Switzerland literally are Germanic it's just another term to separate the cultures.

I knew you'd slip up sooner or later, and accidentally reveal your jewish scatophilic obsession. Now, go ahead and use your own thread as an excuse to dump your latest snownigger images through your VPN again.

Attached: Poo poo jew 1.png (812x3717, 367.79K)

Greek here. While you nords were in caves, we were too busy creating the basis for western civilization through philosophy, warfare, irrigation, law, and having a written language.

You guys didn't even have a written language until the Romans gave you their alphabet which they got from us.

Speaking of which, we got our alphabet from Middle Easterners. How does it feel knowing that Middle Easteners were more advanced than you Nordcucks prior to the Romans civilizing you?

6'5, blonde, blue eyes, endomorph, 220lbs, 146iq here. Descended directly from Nordic sailors who conquered Yorkshire, England. Family name goes back 1100 years to a village they founded.

Are you telling me pewdiepie tier millenial Nords are superior beings because they didn't hop across a small sea? Or do you just know little about English heritage? Notice on every map you posted North East England is exactly the same colour as Scandinavia. Half of us were't conquered by Vikings or Normans, we ARE them, still here.


Read the post again if you know how to read. Ancient Greeks were Nordic.

Culture and language indeed are important markers of identity and in that sense the English and Swiss are Germanic, but we know that an Anglophone Negro who reads Shakespeare and eats scones at tea time isn't an Englishman. Similarly if all Norwegians were Sinicized and adopted a Chinese identity, there would remain through blood ties and ancestral spiritual ties something Germanic about them.

By and large the English descend from the Celtic inhabitants that were there when the Anglo-Saxons showed up, with the the eastern coasts and especially East Anglia being the most Germanic by blood, and even there only at a range between 20 and 40% depending on locale.

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Note how this post uses the exact same spacing and sentence structure as OP's posts in the thread. Now compare this thread to OP's previous threads which have been made on a weekly basis for at least a year now, and note how this pattern repeats every time. Note also how these threads started being made as soon as the the recurring snownigger image dump threads started being deleted for being low effort spam. Finally, note how the snownigger images posted in these threads always get posted on /tv/ first, a notoriously shitty Zig Forums infested board.

These threads are just one continuous Zig Forums raid, which has been left unchecked for months. And likely it's just one autistic tranny doing it.

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Clearly this is the peak of whiteness

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I'm sorry Turk, you're not white.

It seems to me that you're proving my point of Nordic-Germanic superiority when you point out that the most Celtic regions are the least prosperous and inventive within the UK, while those with the most Anglo-Saxon heritage are the most. Looking at the graves of people from ancient times doesn't count, obviously.

That's not a contemporary portrait of Alexander…this one is though.

Attached: Stag_hunt_mosaic,_Pella.jpg (1533x964, 2.32M)

Your entire argument is just "individuals are the averages of their countries". If I meet a Southern Italian who has blonde hair and blue eyes, is he inferior to a Swede with brown hair and brown eyes because Italy is 35% Nordic and Sweden is 88%?

Every person in Italy isn't 35% Nordic, 65% Arab you retarded shill. There are pure Aryans everywhere in Europe.

if these purity spiraling retards want to disavow THE ROMAN FUCKING EMPIRE as non white they can eat shit

I wish I could prove you wrong just so I could laugh at you even harder.

Do you even have that data? Clearly you don't or else you would have already posted it. Only info we have is that blond hair snow niggers are inferior overall to brown hair masterace.

Reminder than the birth of European civilization in Rome and Greece were 100% not blonds and as much as you screech "WE WUZ", it will never be true.
Reminder that the vast majority of Anglos are not blond and yet ruled the entire world.
Reminder that Franks are not majority blond
Reminder than not even Germany is majority blond
Reminder that Nordic countries pre 1900 did literally nothing of use besides consistently act like niggers

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This entire post has nothing to do with what I was saying. Must feel bad being a low IQ subhuman eh?

Yea but red hair is a sign of being a potato nigger, and nothing on earth is worse than being a potato nigger.

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Must feel bad being a med subhuman eh?

The most Anglo-Saxon areas weren't the most inventive, though inventiveness and economic prosperity aren't necessarily indicative of superiority as we can see with the modern West being a degenerate cesspit with greater technology and money than any previous culture.

That said England is but one facet of the Germanic superiority over Celts argument failing. More importantly is comparing Frisians, North Germans, and Scandos (the most purely Germanic groups) with French, Belgians, Rhenish Germans, Swabians, Bavarians, Austrians, and Northern Italians. The latter groups have all been more important than the former.

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North Italians are the most genetically similar to Romans we have today.

South Italians are bonafide mutts. Greeks the same.

We wuz philosophers n shieet

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It's medcuck vs medcuck D&C because blonde hair comes mostly from mediterranean peoples

There is so much more shit snowniggers do to cope with their inferiority its quite humiliating. You claim Hitler fought off the Jews while a majority of Hitler's government structure was based off that of Mussolini and Greek philosophers. You claim that Meds are all arab rape babies, yet you've been raped by the "rape babies" in so many wars then wouldn't that transfer? A majority of Nordic countries all thought the exact same thing like fucking barbaric animals, "LESS TALKING MORE RAIDING" is a real thing. Next thing you know you're going to claim the Franks and Italians are Nordic and not Mediterranean. Oh wait you already did that. While "Med shits" were conquering the new world and dividing the world between themselves, you faggots were getting assblasted by the Ottomans, killing each other STILL, and doing nothing productive for hundreds of fucking years besides uniting your shit country after realizing, "hey those Mediterranean guys look pretty strong united we should do that too!" Just embrace Med superiority then I will agree sven.

Well I am by no means anti-Nordic or Germanic and admit their greatness as a people. I just like to speak up for the Celts (both in a cultural and genetic sense) because I think they are underrated, especially since most people have viewed history through a Roman/Latin or Germanic lens. Thankfully genetics have proven that the Celts are still with us.

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Filtered and reported for spam

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I advise you to take a long walk. It helps to burn off the frustration my med friend :)

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C'mon pol get your act together

Cherry picking. Anyway, Nords are a mobile society which is required when resources are scarce. No point in establishing permanent residence anywhere.

basically, exactly what you'd expect from a race of people who relied on each other to survive in harsh cold and desolate conditions.

Are they the best whites? I don't know, but they are the most prepared for space travel, which birthed the space viking meme.

Yea you have to be mobile when you are on the run from European police after acting like niggers so often.

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>A screenshot of a (((IQ))) test
Time to dilute the asian subhumans with my superior seed.

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Yeah OP really showed out the more he posted

Which region of Italy has the highest IQ again? Oh right that Northern Celtic region, Gallia Cisalpina.

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And now the Moorish mutts shall collectively wale at your antisem–I mean divide and conquer post.

Love how a majority of those Nordic countries get ass blasted by the Roman Empire and are eventually enslaved to Meds and sold openly. Visigothic Kingdom lost to Rome, Normandy lost to Rome, Ostrogothic were eventually kicked out and their Tuscany brethren murdered, Vandal guess what? Conquered by Rome, Kingdom of Ermanerio, Rome, Stavroplo? Roman. I can go on and on how this map is not only shitty for not including timelines but is also before Meds even discovered there is a world past the Mediterranean Sea. All these kingdoms have fallen to Latin hands and this map proves nothing. Sure you conquered northern Briton territory and Slavic but we're talking about Meds friend. Also its funny you claim that the Praetorian guards and late Roman Emperors were Germanic, because the last great Roman Emperors were'nt Germanic, and guess what happened when Romans started hiring Germanic auxilleries for their fighting? The kingdom collapsed on itself for weakening its grip on you plebians.

Attached: French_Empire_17th_century-20th_century.png (2534x1540 1.8 MB, 357.27K)

I really hope you're baiting because if not you're legitimately retarded.

Protip: All of those kingdoms you mentioned conquered the Roman Empire, which directly made it collapse.

"Conquered by the romans"
Retarded. If there were rules against retardation I would have reported you. Shame.

Maybe because Northern Italy was the most developed during the ages of the Rebirth and Classical Eras? Maybe because thats the place where the famous Florence Art school was created funded by Latin powers all over the world? Southern Italy is not nearly as developed as rome upward, Stop cherrypicking faggot.

The current "huge asses are sexy!" garbage is a Jew psyop to try and make lesser races appealing to real humans.
This alone tells me two things…
1) you are basing your opinion on anything concrete.
2) you are easily susceptible to Jew influence, proving you are the farthest thing from any "master race."

Thread is garbage, sage

Attached: Asses.jpg (1000x1551, 214.49K)

*not basing*
Put in a fucking edit function, already!

All those kingdoms didn't conquer Rome they merely beat it while it was down, even when Rome propped them up after utter Gaulic assraping. Anyway your "nordic" countries got wiped off the face of the planet after Latin countries united under Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, and minor Latin states. Reminder that the HRE couldn't rein in Latin superiority.

Literally everything you said is completely false and not even worth arguing against.

It's pointless to try to conversate with a low IQ retard. Must feel bad being a med cuck eh?

Also retarded

Ok nigger

Rome was simply too large for the logistics of the time, even so, it lasted hundreds of years, and the eastern Greek half of the Roman Empire lasted over a thousand and a half years, only the Alexanders Hegemony, the British and Spanish empires and whatever the fuck America is calling itself compare

Oh look, you're OP hanging around this thread defending fat cunts. Huge surprise. The bitch in the middle was obviously a beaner mix. I agree with the other user. You're an easily susceptible piece of shit. Most likely a nigger yourself.

How to win any race debate: by nordicucks

Step 2: ?????
Step 3: PROFIT

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Look, another hook nose. Hey while you're at it, don't forget to tell us we glow in the dark.

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You glow in the dark

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