Already a thread (>>12596592), but it is total shit and an obvious attempt to suppress the news here.
(((Sacha Baron Cohen))) uncovers pedophile ring, FBI refuse to investigate
Sounds like he peeked too far behind the curtain.
He's one of those off the chart weirdo jews where you don't really know what's real and what's not, much like Sarah Silverman.
I always thought American humor was weird but later I found out it's all strange jews…
To get on TV you need to be gay or kosher, preferably both.
FBI are masons, user, they must let their brothers keep making gravy and glue for their generative principle.
The FBI is a joke.
If this is true, then there is something huge and very ugly that needs to be uncovered once and for all !
Let's hope he doesn't give up and this doesn't fall into oblivion. Hopefully Interpol is not as corrupt as FBI and heads will roll.
Not the biggest fan of Sascha after his attack on america and americans. He better watch his back though. Being part of the tribe isn't enough to protect you from revealing such things. Look at Kubrick and others.
true. The fbi is more like the KGB right now than it is like a legit law enforcement body
This, and don't forget that pedo rings/human trafficking is a (((business))).
Possibly true, possibly a demoralization exercise. Everyone paying any attention knows this is going on and also knows law enforcement is corrupted to the point of being complicit. This is likely a limited hangout to taunt us.
what a shock
and Fuck Borat and jews banks and Indians Too
didn't consider this… it's plausible but doubtful. Sascha has too much of a normie following to risk red-pilling them. His fans are all people that consider pizzagate a russian conspiracy theory.
if people involved were all put in a cell you could call it auschwitz. if he's an agent he didn't get the memo.
Or the FBI doesn't want to be in the sequel. the jew sets everyone up. He is never on the side of righteousness.
I could see the cocksucker lining up a sex sting where the "kid" turns out to be a midget tranny or some shit filming a new blacked raw shoot.
Isn't it the plot of Hostel lll?
Eli Roth is another Gross hebrew who likes to exposs this kind of open secret in his flics
ding ding ding ….
3000% demoralizing right?
of course he was exposing them… he knew exactly who in the FBI to contact so that nothing would happen
also, FBI evidence … where is the case number????
I call bullshit
Whatever is going on here, I don't buy it.
What's his angle?
he's always got an angle doesn't he? if I had to guess, it's a convoluted attempt to discredit pizzagate and slander white americans as conspiracy nuts… I'm not sure how he gets from point A to B in this charade, but knowing his politics and morals, this has to be the goal.
about 32 degrees
Pretty hard to get a case number when no case was opened.
They always accuse others of doing the vile things they do themselves. It's standard practice.
In before Sasha dies in a plane crash while shooting himself in the back of the head with a 12 gauge an ODing in heroin…
Notoriously deceitful kike Sacha Baron Cohen cries 'wolf' and nobody believes him. News at 11.
If it was a 100% goy pedo ring, the FBI would have smashed it yesterday.
We continue to underestimate the power of the 10 Jewish pressure groups in Washington DC.
Could be Sacha just trying to drum up some hype for his series. Hard to say without knowing the identity of the man he interviewed.
Remember, he did go and troll the IDF and Hamas in the same room at the same time. He's likely doing it to jab at his fellow kikes like Mel Brooks always did. It doesn't make him based, but it does make him right in this instance. Only that there are childfuckers and most of them are kikes and the FBI doesn't do shit.
I experienced the samething a few years ago. Via hacking for completely unrelated reasons I uncovered some real nastiness.I sent it to a lawyer who works for a corp you all know and he sent it to the FBI because they deal with them daily for spam and such things and nothing ever came of it. I serve them up a case on a silver platter. America is just fucking pathetic now.
Nice marketing.
Not even going to pirate the show
I know pedophile rings are real, but I don't trust anything that comes out of this faggot's mouth.
Any press is good press for these people.
What did the Indians do?
Limited hangout;
Sasha is a jew.
The jew pretends that he's hot on the trail of a gang of pedo pimps. No evidence, no video, no audio. It's all very vague but don't worry he's on the case. Jew will investigate jew and the crime will be solved. Go back to sleep goyim. And don't worry when the internet switch at four and eight chans gets thrown off.
We'll protect you from these troublesome stories, don't worry bubeleh..
He's British.
hes a jew. nothing british about being a slimy prefidious jew.
Honestly if this is the response to literally fucking any and everything that could happen, I hope it does get turned off and people like you have to go the fuck outside.
huff gas
The schizos are starting to come out in force. Paranoid about any and every- thing.
4channers flooding and shitting up the place.
Deny the Jewish identity of Cohen, and praise him to heaven for criticising Talmudic Marxist and Zionist ‘jews’ and their identities and activities. Self hating jewry that abolishes Judaism out of shame is the way to go. That, or literal genocide.
Are you new?
He's a jew.
He's about as British as gefilte fish.
I'd guess it's about the same angle Kurt Eichenwald took in 'exposing' a pedophile operation he was actually patronizing in order to look heroic and protect himself if it ever gets busted.
>(((Sacha Baron Cohen))) uncovers pedophile ring, FBI refuse to investigate
Never accept jewish solutions to jewish problems, there are no good jews.
If there were no jews in the west we wouldn't have a pedo problem this "based jew" is "helping to tackle".
Complete removal is the only choice.
serious question: why do most semites faces look like they are smelling human feces?
He better start praying.
Inbreeding, the arab and jews national sports because they suck at real ones.
Well actually now that you mention it…
It's not paranoia when the jews are actually engaged in a global conspiracy to destroy our race.
Possibly, there are shabbos goys out there. No doubt, whatever the case, the FBI would have safely transferred the "saved" children to more welcoming semitic hands. If anybody would have stepped in to save the children, they would have gotten WACO'd.
I think the problem is the evidence would not be valid in court.
Since Baron Cohen lied in order to entrap the defendent.
This has always been a term for pimps and human traffickers. There's one shitskin in Portland running such a (((service))) called Trybom. Pic related, the shitskin was even molesting girls at Portland Soccer Academy and trafficks white women to Qtar.
Bullshit. It was not his intent to do this, and even if it was, that's how the cops catch them too.
Well of course not silly! They're too busy trying to get white nationalists to incriminate themselves and making up terrorist plots to investigate their bosses!
How new are you? Every (((atheist jew))) is a fucking Satanist kike.
His angle is either
A. Misinformation
B. Trying to prank the FBI
C. He really did find a storefront for big pedophilia and was somehow previously unaware of it.
Now keep in mind that there is a global pedophile industry that is worth billions and that the FBI is both aware of it and participates in it, but there is almost no fucking way Sacha is actually trying to expose it.
This is such an odd story. A giga, White-hating kike snitching on an obviously shitskin (read: Israeli) kid fucking front. I can't make hide nor hair of this. Release valve? playing both sides? who benefits?
Kek! This is a great red pill for boomers who believe in muh omnipresent govt.
As an amerifat, British humor is much better.
It probably the same as the jew down the well song.
So he makes up a contrived story and shows other jews and jew friendly sjw's how quick goyim are to believe false stories about jews.
Because it adds a layer of confusion to the factual stories about jews doing very evil things that are constantly coming out.
Oh woops, his career seems to be over.
Bong here, I've followed his stuff since the late 90s. He's not an establishment shill, his shows have always been about being funny without hidden agendas and attacking everyone basically in the vein of South Park. The whole shit about "I said the antisemitic/homophobic stuff to get people to expose their bigotry" was lip service bullshit, all his shows were a smorgasbord of ridiculous shit making fun of black people, feminists, muslims, the IRA and their enemies the UVF/RUC, jocks, fashion industry airheads and there was no common thread to show an agenda of who he was attacking he was just trying to get the most ridiculous shit possible, even falsifying with sneaky editing just to make shit funnier.
His latest show reeked of creative interference, like he was forced by media execs to drop democrat parts. He was under pressure making this and his second season was cancelled in the wake of him reporting the pedo ring to the FBI.
I haven't watched most of it but I saw the professor cuck bit and the "DJ Solitary" part which literally sampled the beginning of MDE's "Ideas Man" in the prison rape song and the DJ Solitary name is a take off of "DJ Trustworthy" which is an MDE soundtracker and this was a brilliant piss take of the state of modern DJ scene and the idiocy of the crowd.
I have no doubt that for all the parts were republicans got punked, which were funny as fuck, there were democrat parts that were left on the cutting room floor that execs blocked from airing. This was the one show that had effective comedy against republicans in the Trump presidency and they pulled the second season - that's not because it was failing, it was because of internal pressure over him reporting the LV pedo ring and likely disagreements over them forcing him to censor democrat parts that were comedy gold. The mossad character parts where he got the guy shouting nigger and using his buttocks to disarm the ISIS guy was fucking hilarious and you only get that when someone is putting comedy first and not frothing at the mouth with an agenda hence the weak as shit anti-Trump comedy. They fucking cut the best democrat parts and I have no doubt about that. I hope we see a directors cut with the full footage.
Friendly fire?
Just the act of legitimizing the idea that elite pedo rings exist is going rogue against the establishment, they want to gaslight the public that there is no such thing and it's just the "satanic panic" and all psychotic people and zioboomers engaging in mass hysteria.
Why the fuck would someone try to 'prank' the FBI by making false reports and wasting the resources unless they wanted to go to prison?
It's C and he was shocked by what he heard. The off-chance is it's Sheldon Adelson or the Trump Tower in Las Vegas who was the concierge to get at Trump but even still, preventing people from knowing about elite pedophile rings is a higher priority to spooks than taking down DRUMPF.
The reason for this that should be fucking tradecraft 101 and everyone should understand is that intelligence agencies use SEXINT - blackmailing pedophiles to create networks of puppets and it's how they maintain their power.
Opinion discarded. Go wank to Question Time or shit on NA anglokike.
0.03 usd has been deposited to your account.
Question Time audits their audience members to have room temp IQ and incapable of independent thought and they've been caught putting plants in the audience several times and Dimbleby is an EU shill who I enjoyed watching get angry calling Brexiters RURAL AND SUBURBAN RETARDS and breaking his neutrality when he didn't get the result he wanted.
NA is a fucking MI5 honeypot and it got derailed by a bong on halfchan who doxxed the MI5 agents and made them pull it before they could carry out false flags and british charlottesvilles. The fucking leaders had posh public schoolboy accents and were operating out of the northwest, most blatant JTRIG shit ever and a total failure - reassurance MI5 nonces will lose.
Borat is in fact an accurate portrayal of a typical middle eastern male.
This is a (((shtick))). One of his perfidious skits desensitizing the public. His people find him some material the public will believe, he rolls out these claims or does something bizarre with it, they hook an audience for his HBO show, and then he humiliates everybody.
Lol. these pedophile Jews run the FBI and the CIA.
The gay mafia is real lads. Usually the only retribution is when the victim grows up and kills the abuser. The victim then ends up in jail for hate crimes.
He was probably selling out his own low level contacts. How else would they know to get that dude on camera? The dam is breaking anons, and those in the inside are selling out those at various levels for a plea deal.
a day that will live on in infamy…
Yes you do want the chans shut down, don't you, Percival?
maybe. I don't know the context of the skit. If it was to show what a shitpit and modern day Sodom LV is; then yes, you're correct. But if it's to show "whites" in a negative light, it's just (((fellows))) being exposed. I have to assume at least some management kike at whatever hollyjew rape factory aired this would tell him to pump the breaks before hand. I was thinking maybe he went rogue, but he's an ultra-othodox yid, so there's no way he'd betray the tribe.
there are no good jews, so I'm totally perplexed by his actions. The actions of all other parties involved, however, make perfect sense.
Perhaps. But this is a fucking sore spot to pick at right now with the Harvester going down and what looks like Kiken Spacey going off the reserve. A total blackout of the subject and more direction to attack orange man would have made way more sense, and they wouldn't be flying so close to the sun here.
They always double down, never fold.
I was going to type the kike word of "audacity" but I don't know how to spell in satanic verse. If that's the case, I think It's a tactical error by the (((tel-avision and movie))) industry. But, it's the jewdicial system so, pic related.
>kike exposing (((pedophile rings)))
Who wants to bet that some bad goy user bugged his shit and gave him the choice to either use his celebrity status to help expose the big fish or have his little delivery order exposed by a third party?
You hope too much. Good things don't happen.
A Jew detecting goy pedophile politicians with a Mossad device.
The bad goy knew the Jew's game and didn't take the bait, therefore Mossad Agent Sacha dropped the video.
I think you're wrong because Sacha has been in showbiz for many years and every Hollywood "star" is aware of what their producers and execs do. Is there a small chance he's fed up with it and rebeling? Maybe, and in that case he's fucking good as dead. I think this is just a limited hangout as others have said since the huge international pedophilia industry will never allowed itself to be exposed.
Lol, the FBI guy looks like Charles de Gaulle
In season 4 of Eastbound and Down, Cohen played a tv executive with a boy protege who followed him everywhere. The boy had herpes and was often ‘sleepy’ pic related. I can’t say whether or not he was dog whistling or normalizing pedophilia tbh; he still gets the rope. Sage because gay slide thread. The only way this would be interesting is if the hotel he filmed at was the ((((Mandalay Bay))), (((mgm))), (((Wynn))), (((The Sands))), (((the Venetian)))…
Oh shit niggers I think I’m on to something.
Sasha is going to get publically shamed and character assassinated and/or murdered.
Sacha to "accidentally" die from auto-erotic asphyxiation when?
Tldr: worldwide pedoring uncovered. CIA takes the case and shuts it down.
Its difficult to prove intent.
But its easy for the defendent to say that Baron Cohens persona was designed to make him admit to a crime he didnt commit.
Its like on 'catch a predator' where the pedos rarely get charged with anything because they can easily say Chris Hansen entrapped them and the show is designed to entice them in to comitting a crime.
Eli Roth didn't direct or produce Hostel III.
Yeah right! This loser is just going to accuse Republicans only. He going to larp pizzagate and divert the "conspiracy" to the right wing
If I learned anything from Hillary Clinton and her camp, it's that the best way to handle this is to leak the information. Of course FBI will cover it up, hasn't he been watching the news? They are corrupt as hell! Shoulda leaked it anonymously and let public make up their own mind.
this is just low level diversion
faggot kike nigger
No it isn't :^)
This is a really
sadly they are not a joke, while they do not do the lawful and just enforcement they are supposed to do, they are a deadly serious group of bad actors within the government with full intentions of subverting the process and characters of all politicians