Rand Paul Going HAM
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It's a shame that if he was president he would just cuck out like everyone else. It seems that getting the big chair will break just about any man
the president is not a dictator…
Maybe Trump should be
Holy fuck Rand dropping 5 star posts
Why is this?
Theres a lotta angry chinks replying to his posts
someone should be, Maybe not trump.
Looks like that beating the CIA paid for didn't get the message across. Stand by for a lone gunman to have a psychotic break and beat him to death with an unlicensed bump stock.
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amerilard here, what the fuck are you talking about?
And that right there is why democracy doesn't work
Rand Paul married his soul mate and does pro bono eye surgery for people. Donald is a sociopath whose promiscuity compromises his integrity. There's really no comparison in the virtue department.
Rand 2020 blaze it fgt
Also, was Rand always this based?
Amerifats waste a million to give cocaine to geckos
It's some shithole dweller complaining about our gratuitous (((Science))) research spending. Having worked for a number of research institutions myself, I fully agree. It's a bunch of indebted post-grads spinning their wheels to get funding and it should stop.
is it a signal?
The absolute mad lad…
Five star posts. Wonder when he will start pointing out how well the kikes wall works for them?
Is Rand calling for our aid?
Sorry user, ZOGnald has shown his true colors and I'm not anybody's fool. I was willing to support Trump because he was going to push back against the demographic shift, but he cucked hard. Rand has always been a good statesman and a virtuous man, and he was my first choice anyways. I'll unfilter your ID when the wall gets built.
Well I'll be fucked.
rand paul was objectively the best republican candidate, as was ron paul in 2008. any politician who will actually audit the fed will never win tho. delusional zognald redditor cultists will never admit it.
RAND / DUKE 2020
Praise Kek for this research! The data may prove useful. Can you show us the details? Really, let's weaponize the autism that's embedded in this experiment.
Sounds like a good way to get a paycheck.
But if there's video… we could shoop kike-faces onto the lizards as they're blown away…
rand, maybe you are redeemable
You fucking niggers. When did the neocons from 2008 find Zig Forums?
This experiment was done by Harvard biologists to experimentally determine the threshold at which average lizards would lose the ability to cling to surfaces, and then to work out what made the difference and how it affected natural selection.
What was learned was that A) Major hurricanes actually do kill off a segment of the local fauna, B) The survivors have significantly larger toe pads than the average before the storm, and C) there is now an explanation for the previously unsolved question of why climbing animals on islands tend to evolve bigger gripping appendages than their mainland counterparts.
I'm sorry that not all science involves laser acceleration of spaceships, but this is actually useful information to have for biologists studying selection, island biomes, lizards and other reptiles, hurricanes, rain forests, and tons of other shit.
Stop being retards and bitching about fruit fly research being a waste of money, you fucking niggers.
Uncle Sam wasted the taxes of white people aka the only people
That's just the quote from Rand's report.
def not, or at least he didn't show his power levels
Here's a pic. I recommend a "behind this post" meme.
rand won't be running in 2020 against trump, blaze that faggot
t. 150k indebted post-grad
Big Science is a gravy train and you know, and if you don't, then maybe get a job and see the shit theses these hacks are pumping out.
Also, I just noticed the lizard has an erection. It honestly looks circumcised. Is that just me?
I'm writing him in, deal with it.
I don't deny that there are scams galore in academia, but most of them are in the humanities departments. It's just a lot easier, though pharma research is full of shit, god knows.
got me
Fuck off faggot
Scientists aren't redneck Youtubers, fag. Variables have to be controlled, which means lab conditions and professional help setting up measurements and cameras. The lizards also aren't free, and reports have to be prepared for how they were treated during the experiments. There are also paid professionals who help get a paper ready for publication, which sometimes takes weeks.
You don't know that, of course, because you're a fucking retard who doesn't know what genuinely deserves anger and what doesn't. This doesn't, and you're setting us up to look like huge idiots when we complain about it to somebody who knows what the fuck is going on.
I think he's baiting (((Twitter))) to try and ban him at this point. Then the fun will really begin.
Why can't i stop laughing until 2024?
I could be wrong but this reeks of "hello fellow kids, I too love the internet memes and am the hip new candidate" to me
That he's a gay midget niggerfaggot who wants AIDS.
…. wait, why are we doing that?
I bet Rand is having a hell of a time today.
lol what do they do, sexually stimulate the lizards to prevent spontaneous stress? please. You're defending colleges milking more money through subsidies than they already need just so some clueless undergrad faggots can play with lizards in an experiment redneck ralph and uncle cletus could do with a box of geckos from petco. Furthermore what scientific significance does any of this have? harsher conditions give way to advantages through evolution? didn't need 75k to figure that one out, kill yourself you wasteful millenial dolt.
Wtf? That can't be right…. lizards have hemipenises and they're usually blue or red…
That looks to me to be poop (yes, they can have white poop).
They tend to void their bowels when they're scared, such as when you catch one or blast them in the fucking face with a fucking leaf blower.
Another tell is that they change color according to their mood, and that chartreuse you're seeing usually corresponds to fear.
t. the Lizard King
You're as bad as a typical lolbergarian. You deserve Rand.
Hell if I know. Is it possible the Jews at the AP shopped a dick onto an innocent lizard? They're not that detailed, are they?
We have to find out for sure. Does anybody have $75,000 I can use to test the idea?
Fuck off back to reddit you worthless little faggot. You're not from here.
GTFO /ourlawn/!!!
Politicians are experts at playing the public.
user… see the opening of "The Holy Mountain"… Jodorowski was a kike.
Though it could just be the strange angle and the lizard isn't actually hard, but the sick fucks experimenting on it have literally blown his dick loose.
The eternal, retarded myth of the jew is that someday his wretched subspecies of gutter faggots can become human, given enough time, chemicals, mutations, and other comic book skiunce nonsense.
Cool. I get to use this one again.
Some of that fancy communist accounting I imagine…
The lizard is shitting.
This will either end his career or propel him further than he possibly could have imagined.
He has a wife you jew, he doesn't go for the negro mentality and go on a fucking spree just to destroy his relationship for some temporary dopamine you kike
I went crosseyed at how obtuse you'd have to be to make that accusation.
Not anymore obtuse than the Christians calling the ancient Europeans jews. Which where probably from cuckchan and not Zig Forums tbh
I’m not too sure about Rand. He’s too soft on immigration and he supported helping Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemen.
seriously you niggers need to fuck off back to reddit trying to validate a sum 50% greater than the average yearly earnings of a citizen to fucking point leaf blowers at lizards.
We could have had him as president and you niggers picked the Jew. You voted for the Jew. You gave the Jew free advertising and you voted for him. Man, what I wouldn't give to go back two years ago and slap myself in the face for falling for the bait. I was pissed when Rand got (((disqualified))) but I let it happen. Right in the feels. There's always 2020, unless he (((commits suicide))) somehow.
We're a republic, retard, not a democracy.
You lost the Republic when you guys decided on universal suffrage. You can nitpick about the nomenclature all you like, but the fact is that you have a DEMOCRACY now.
…..did we vote for the wrong guy?
The Republic of Rhodesia was the finest state that ever lived. It was destroyed by (((democracy))). Never forghetti.
If he kills AIPAC,and forces their workers to register under FARA he would have my vote.
Anyone else notice that the wall is beginning to drive a wedge between conservatives and Israel?
Consider the linguistic origin of the word 'kike' and then reconsider why someone might call "Christian kike" an obtuse pejorative. You might as well call someone a holy antichrist.
No, we have a republic, that's how Trump won the presidency while having less than a majority of the vote, you fucking retard. Look up what a republic is.
National Socialists believe in science, you LARPing faggot. Every question is worth answering, and numbnuts like you can't be counted on to know the potential value of an experiment until you sit on a grownup's lap and have it explained to you. It's not a town hall meeting; funding decisions are made by department heads and granting bodies that don't answer to the public for a very good reason – the public is full of fools like you
Democracy fails when the moron is the majority. And gee, look at the voter base now, what a surprise.
I am starting to think Rand is running in 2020, and he is capitalizing on Trump's lack of quality shitposting lately.
I thought you mutated apes always said "gibsmedat" and "bix nood" to humans. Or are you one of those jewish science majors that thinks evolution is real but somehow your brand of mutated ape is "better" than regular niggers?
Gas the neocons. Arrest them all under the antigommie act, fucking trotskike motherfuckers.
Nice urban jewish media propagated stereotype. Shows where your mindset is. Filtered.
The other poster referred to rednecks, you fucking dolt. Read like a white man.
hes also not a rapper
Rand was never going to win. That's a fact. Even if Trump never ran, Rand was never going to win.