Top Trump official calls bankers, will convene 'Plunge Protection Team'
Top Trump official calls bankers, will convene 'Plunge Protection Team'
When has anyone been able to stop a market crash?
when the Rothschilds intervened in 1907 to force the US to create the Federal Reserve.
Remember when under Bush after 9/11 there were "conspiracy theories" about the Plunge Protection Team that the media was quick to debunk, and then again at the end of his term, and yet again when Obama took the reins? Now they're just openly admitting it exists and it's a thing.
Deep State BTFO.
I fucking hate this bizknob weasel word.
But I am happy that crypto is going back up now that (((stocks))) are crashing.
Flash trading. Once I read about that I lost all interest in investing outside of (((ETFs))).
tell me more please.
>The (((FED))) being seen as a pillar
No those kikes are seen as the sandy foundation.
Even Ethereum is going back up. Buy buy buy! kek
What's to tell, I guess you could poke around in the old newspaper articles and web news archives for articles, but I said what I know.
nocoiners btfo again
bump since duplicate thread was made
The Rothschilds dont like what they are doing to the FED. and David Rothschild has been sending out crazed tweets for the last 24 hours, calling Steve Mnuchin and Trump "fucking idiots".
Sorry I meant he wondered whether Trump was "fucking stupid" and that Mnuchin is "a fucking idiot"
I hope they kill Trump. That will finally reveal once and for all that whites are completely neutered of their sense of self-preservation. No one will revolt when Trump is killed.
Crypto is (((their))) test run for the cash-less currency, and they manipulate it to their hearts content, just like they gonna do with the official one later on. So do yourselves a favor and bail out the very second talks about a new digital currency make the rounds, because at that stage they gonna declare all the cryptos illegal and close the trading platforms.
Probably lost a bunch of asset value
well pulling out of Syria means they wont get their Genie Oil Pipeline
Ripple and their crypto XRP will get pushed into the spotlight in 2019. For some reason, none of you fags even seem to be aware of what is going on with it even though pic related has been staring you in the face for years.
Is this a Rothschild saying just let them eat cake? These Jews think they are gods. I bet they get sick and bleed like the rest of the goys.
I bought in at 55 cents, and I see it's up a few cents today.
Investors balked at chaos in the White House on Christmas Eve after the most brutal week for US markets in a decade, wading through thin trading and early exchange closures before signing off for the holiday.
US markets were hit hard Monday, with selling intensifying into the close. The S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq all fell at least 2.2%. The Dow was hit the hardest, losing about 2.85%, or more than 640 points.
Monday's selling produced the steepest losses ever on Christmas Eve for both the Dow and S&P 500, and has both on track for a loss of more than 11% this year, their worst since the financial crisis.
t wasn't any one thing that sparked the selling; instead, investors seem to be grappling with a list of concerns.
They're stunned by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's strange call to bank CEOs. Mnuchin just shocked the market by invoking alarming crisis-era language in describing it. Mnuchin is set to convene with a crises team of government banking and finance officials on Monday after a bloody month for US markets. Last week, the Dow fell by nearly 7%, showing the worst weekly average since 2008.
They're worried about the Fed. White house advisers, including Mnuchin, reportedly convinced President Donald Trump that he lacks the authority to fire Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. In what would have been an astonishing break for an independent Fed, Trump had asked aides whether he could fire him, presumably in retaliation for raising rates for the fourth time under his leadership.
They're weighing the end of one of the most astonishing bull markets in history. Propped up by loose monetary policy, stock markets have soared. From the 2009 low to the September 2018 highs, US stocks have gained more than 280%. Yet slowing global growth, a trade war, and hawkish Fed policy are helping usher in what looks to be a new era for stock markets.
> (((advisors))) say the president cant fire the Fed reserve shadow president
Well… naming the Fed is not naming the Jew, but it seems to have a similar effect.
You genuinely cannot read the English language.
Meh. Eternal Misery is Eternal Misery. Their flavor of it is just what's cycling through. Samsara is a punishment user.
Its a boom/bust cycle forever and ever, they know how to make money on both.
gnomes of zurich did it again oopsies
Do you guys think that Trump is a little upset how they're fucking him over by making the economy crash after all of that ass kissing?
Anyone have that post about the history of the NS Treasury Certificate system after Hitler kicked the Roths out and how that led to their recovery from the Roths imposed on them from the Treat of Versailles? This team may be of strategic importance in which the content of that should be meme'd.
I don't reckon this alone is the only reason David an co. are pissed. Donald retweeting Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, even after Rand has been signalling with the block of the 38 Billion, is one thing. Another is that Putin is giving the go-ahead to Lebanon and Syria to defend their country, and Donald being fine with his relations with Mr. "6 million man army of islam to retake Palestine" Erdogan to stop the divide and conquer tactic of the Kurds. While I do feel for the Kurds because I find them racially more desirable than Turks, if Turkish enc-roachment will lead to more Salt from It's Not Real, then that might be the more reasonable choice. Hard decisions. Reminder that the two blue lines on the It's Not Real flag signify the proposed extent of the Greater It's Not Real Project, from the Nile to the Euphrates. While I'd support the idea of a Kurdish state to settle ethnic disputes in the regional, I don't think it should be used as balkanizing leverage to divide and conquer for zogspansion. Hopefully Kurds would realize that and just negotiate to be a state within Syria with a degree of autonomy without fracturing or becoming a pawn.
Fiat money pumped in, bubbles pop, Trump gets the blame somehow.
Am I reading this situation correctly?
Bought in at 70 cents. It's probably going to 3 or 4 dollars.
I kinda have a idea that the crisis can be avoided or minimized just by not talking about it. Part of this shit is just them getting it in our heads. Then people start selling quickly to get out and everything fucking dies. I don't really get where the fuck is the money it can't just disappear, somebody has it.
Fractional reserve banking. The banks are lending money they don't have. This money is indistinguishable from 'real' money. The money that is sitting in peoples bank accounts was created out of thin air on a whim.
This would normally result in the money losing it's value, but thanks to the US army spending blood to ensure oil and drugs are bought and sold using USD, the inflation is absorbed by the export of currency.
This means for a little while people have more money thanks to scummy bankers (boom), when this money has to be paid back, there's not enough money to go around (bust).
Remember, even if money was created out of thin air by the banks, people have to pay them back using money earned through labour, with interest.
>(((advisors))) say the president cant fire the Fed reserve shadow president
Seems to me that if the President has the authority to nominate him, he has the authority to fire him. He needs to ditch these limp-dick advisors and replace them with historians who are well-versed in the Constitutional authority of the Executive.
Crypto is harder to control than fiat, since it's decentralized. No one person can decide how much crypto is worth. It's much more difficult to monitor income and spending with crypto.
Like you say, it's a trick.
It's been a trick from the beginning, all they want is to get people to trust fake money created from nowhere that only exist on paper or in a document somewhere, then they delete or shred the document and cause a panic.
They literally "call in" loans, or simply foreclose the loans and that removes the money from the money supply, they take all the money from the account of those put into foreclosure, and this causes a panic.
The key is getting everyone to obsess of nothing fake fiat Jew monopoly money first, which they have done.
Now, idiots and "DEY MONEY" are too obsessed to quit their false belief system, as they have built their identity around being the best Jew slave or having the most Jew money.
There literally is no crisis. Nothing is going to collapse, because it CAN’T collapse ever again. When the markets fall, this is the jews stealing land and assets from you to centralize them. When the markets rise, that’s them gaining more “liquid” currency with which to buy your stolen assets and land in the next crash.
This is why you don’t understand anything.
Like I said…once they introduce their cash-less world currency, they gonna declare all use of crypto illegal and close the trading platforms. And since their currency will also come with a social credit system attached to it, users would risk significant consequences from engaging in it.
its all 1's and 0's
The president has the power to do what he can get away with. Personally, I'd defend the White House with my own rifle if he had the Fed kikes rounded up and shot. If enough people agree with me, then the president has that power. If not enough agree, then he has no power at all and is just an old man in a suit. That is the order of things – don't get hung up on talmudic legalisms.
Kill yourself Jamal.
Jewiest jewcoin the jews have ever jewed. Every aspect of it is unironically jewy. I have no sympathy for those who lose everything to it
Daily reminder: a plunger is something you use to move shit down the toilet. Very appropriate when you consider the nature of fiat currency.
PLUS 1000
Dogecoin is redpilled.
Check it
I know jews like yourself see whites as weak, but you gotta stop listening to your own media. We are hoping you fags fuck up and kill him. We're waiting for the excuse. Them trying to cover it up won't save them.
Day X is a good example, that even in a oppressed system like Germany, whites will rally. They keep their OpSec so tight that there's no telling if it's for real or not other than the Heer is so spooked that they're legitimately concerned but aren't doing more gay shit to piss off whites in retaliation to the alleged plot.
Are you saying this is normal? Same shit happened on october 13 2008 before a continued wave of selling well into the end of Q1 of 2009. God this board is shit
The crash is inevitable. This is really the dot-com bubble popping, but the fed has inflated bubbles every time the market tried to correct itself, creating bigger problems. Now they are out of road and the can is too big to kick.
The crash is inevitable and healthy. It will stop all the retarded "EVERYTHING IS GETTING FUNDED" nonsense. Governments around the world will be forced to downsize. It will probably be pretty brutal, but it can not be avoided, and it will be fine once it's over. It may take up to 10 years to passs though.
The advice on how to protect yourself is the same as ever, buy consumable goods to insulate yourself from inflation (The Alpha strategy). If you have money left over once you have done this, get some precious metals, as they are universally desired in periods of economic turmoil.
Okay, die.
Gas yourself
I worship no jew. Ok Schlomo? If weren't a illiterate nigger, then you'd see how I said you're retarded to think the white man isn't planning for their over reach to wake other whites up out of the lie. If they kill a president, this time with people waking up that they probably killed Kennedy, who do you think will hang.
What you're saying is that you'll do nothing if they kill a president white nationalists voted for, whether they like him or not. Even if you're the only one in the streets, having that attitude shows you're just as nutless as the people you say have been castrated
Pretty much this. You can't grow an economy without savings, and the FED had to bring interest rates down to 0% in order to keep things humming along. We have only maintained this economy for as long as we have because foreigners are buying up this debt. So what is the long term plan? Why would foreigners buy up this debt that is doomed to never be repaid? What are they getting out of this?
I happen to believe that much of the immigration problems we are having stems from this. China and Mexico are primed and ready to annex tons of American land once the going gets tough, and they will reap the rewards.
We also foolishly believe that Chinese-Americans aren't stealing state secrets. We are literally primed and ready to be exploited on a massive-scale. They want to keep this charade going as long as possible because America on the global stage is a Pariah. They want us destroyed so we can never regain global dominance and they basically have this assured.
I don't believe China or any other country will be buying up US assets, because the US will default on the bond notes held by foreigners before that happens. This has a high probability of being the final nail in the coffin for the Federal Reserve Note as the reserve currency of the world. (I could get into the difference between Dollars and Federal Reserve Notes, but it seems a bit off topic)
I doubt any American President, even an Obama-like one, would tell the American people "We are going to have to live through a recession, live within our means, and work hard, so our Chinese bond-holders can get paid on time".
Market good = king nigger
Market bad = orange hitler
I honestly believe that David Michael Rothschild is a deep cover anti-Semite actor.
They "stop" it by engineering it in the first place, so they can pull the lever and let everyone know how their wonderful systems were responsible for saving everyone (and they'll tie this shit to glorifying the federal reserve and/or central banking).
Same strategy as military industrial complex: