world is being covered in black goo, 95% of universe apparently covered in it.
Black Goo
Low effort thread, fuck off faggot.
we wuz goo n shieeettt
Shit thread, shit reply.
people are being sacrificed to it, world leaders know what it is, they drank liquid coming out of a mummy.
You don't seriously believe this shit do you?
we are already aware, redditor
Even the craziest person on earth would read that sentence and immediately say "Wait a minute, what the fuck…?"
Provide evidence, or something we can discuss. Lunatic ravings aren't particularly interesting unless you elaborate.
do we have mods lol
Did you just link me 2 hours of an AIDS-ridden looking motherfucker, adding nothing to your post and expect me to even consider anything in the video?
Before we go on, answer me this: what are you trying to achieve here? Are you trying to convince me or someone else? Spread something?
If so, look at what your doing. Do you think you're doing it right?
Because, I'll be honest with you, I'm pretty sure you're unknowingly burying something you care about into the pile of "tinfoil hat crap you should disregard".
I mean, it could be possible that their models are wrong.
I made jokes about drinking the forbidden coca cola. It was just that, jokes. Literally zoomers making zoomer memes. You sound like a boomer terrified of them young people and the Pepes.
the elites know of things that ordinary citizen does not. which is why they are so traitors and believe they are untouchables.
skull and bones in paraguay
black magicians
bush family
No, sorry user, the mummy juice really was just a joke.
That was actually sewage that had seeped in.
Dark Energy & Dark Matter = Our purely theoretical math based religion can't explain why none of our models hold up across various scales so to account for all of our shit being wrong, 95% of the universe must be composed of unobservable fluff that by pure coincidence perfectly fills the gaps in our theories that are definitely not unworkable.
: ^ )
Looks real enough to me.
sounds good.
yet it's all theoretical models on computer simulations and no one can actually build it.
the universe has a great soundtrack.
How is that my fucking problem?
It's your thread, you build the prototype.
The fact that you can compress substances into a critical mass and release energy is no longer theoretical. It has been done and is well understood. Gravitation is entirely unexplained. We can measure its effects, but its mechanics are entirely theoretical. We have no idea how it works, yet when we observe something that does not fit into our current expectations (the rate of expansion of the universe) we have to invent entirely new forces out of thin air based only on what would fit best into our current flawed models.
I eagerly await your revolutionary paper on revised gravitation theory to be published.
The answer is string theory. It explains both gravity and dark matter. Problem is we can't parameterize it well enough.
Are you saying that the mechanics work, but they work too well?
As in they work for pretty much all possible universes and you need some kind of… key? A code that specifies which universe you're in?