Maybe it will happen. Maybe it won't.
I can't and do not want to say.
But I do want you to debate whether or not it will happening.

HAPPENING: Tonight or tomorrow, or 1/7/19 because of Russia and Ukraine adhering to Orthodox Christianity.


Attached: c9546de2416541a58807428471ed2423_18.jpg (800x450, 56.66K)

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Nah, go away, Q-LARPer.

I'm a hohol and what is this

Hold cash, gold, bitcoin, bullets, toiletpaper

You and your country might be at risk of an attack. Or maybe it's just Newsweek throwing shit upon a wall and seeing what sticks, lol.

Thanks OP I will go adjust my schedule accordingly.

I'm actually a us citizen, lotsa family in kiev tho

No thanks.

At least their blatant bullshit has become even more apparent since they can't diverge from their typical nu-speak if their lives depended on it. This is what a diet of information sustained off of hollywood and fake news does to you.

I would imagine that Russia simply wants the NEOCons off their doorstep. This is highly interesting with the timing of the Mattis resignation. I actually like Mattis.

How do American politics correlate with what is happening in East Europe?

I also imagine that Russia wants their fucking wheat back from Egypt since it got shipped their for 'safe storage' by (((merchants))). With the serious food shortages starting this winter and running for the next 10-20 years, I would imagine that taking the grain of an entire nation and 'relocating' it to Israel/Egypt to feed muzzies and niggers might be a 'conflict of interest' for ethnic Russians.

The NEOCons were the ones who arranged a 'color revolution' and overthrew the Ukraine government the same way they are doing in France right now with the 'yellow vest' color revolution of the Marxists.

Makes sense

Grain shortages were the reason for the Russian's invasion in Red Dawn

Really? It has been a long time since I have seen that movie. Yes our global crop failures are getting really bad and going to get much worse in the near future if things continue.
Just scroll over any of the pins and you will get a feel for that high percent of crop loss and a dollar amount (billions etc)

If only, then we wouldn't have you kikes shitting up the catalog.

The kikes are in the Ukraine? Who knew?

Download link, click "open", and enjoy! adoninas.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/d2-peter-munk-george-soros-cheney-paul-wolfowitz-h-w-bush-gwbush-john-kerry-clinton-september-11-attack.pdf

Nothing is happening, everything is fine, goy. No worry.

Attached: 7f36b5244030679e1e55b45cc345360324838fc40a51dcd4b97b94991432ecaa.jpeg (544x788 146.33 KB, 110.48K)

Third pict. I like how they are all wearing the same tie.