Donald Trump Can Fund The Border Wall Without Congressional Approval, So Why Doesn't He?

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Because he doesn't want to stop the foreign invasion. It's the same reason why he downgraded it to a fence.

this, the shutdown is kabuki theater for his MAGAPEDE base so they are happy he tried to get a wall but in 2 weeks there will be no wall, or fence or barrier or whatever the fuck he is calling it now, and things will go back to business as normal, I'd say cap this but everyone with a brain already knows it

President Coulter….

He only began pushing for the military to fund it when the republicans lost control of the House. He could have done so any time before that happened.

Trump was never serious about the wall. First it was Mexico, then it was tariffs, then it was cartels, then it was crowd funding.

Trump could have pushed for the DoD to fund it on day one of his term but he did not.

He would rather give the money to kikes and niggers.

Wouldn't it follow that the president does not actually have a populist agenda if he appoints staff who do not work towards it?

it's just an unspoken mystery that he filled his entire administration with neocohens and establishment republicans, we will never get to the bottom of this truly impossible to solve paradox

presidents aren't enough and we'll never have the lower congress again.

I think Trump doesn't want to be known as the guy who did the Obama thing of going straight for the jugular hence maybe why he makes a show of trying conventional channels first.

Regardless, if he vanished tomorrow, he achieved some things I wanted and more than we'd have gotten from any other realistic candidate so I'm not upset. If RBG shuffles off this mortal coil and we replace her it'll be just fine.

Its up to a coup, and you know our boys would rather fix bayonets against us than Schlomo Kikelberg.

That question is irrelevant. Even if he wanted to, and I have my doubts but try to remain optimistic on this one issue in regards to Trump, every liberal and neocon would do everything in their power to stop it. Regardless of what powers the president does and does not have, the president will find himself without the power to do things he is supposed to be able to do if he works again the interests of those than plan to destroy us, and has powers he shouldn't if he works within those interests. More people need to realize that politics are no longer a serious issue with rules, a destination and rational people. What we are dealing with is a fantasy show with poor righters where whatever one side does is wrong and therefore their strength, weaknesses and powers are adjusted to whatever is needed for a good show and to "stop the villains". We are at the point where the rules tomorrow can be the exact opposite of the rules today, without the say of anyone except those that want the rules to benefit them. Now, move on to the next part: Calculate all of the steps required to build the wall. From funding to a completed wall. The hiring of contractors, the obtaining of supplies, the labor, the plans, the security for the guys out there building that shit near Jaurez and other hotspots. It is a flight of fancy to believe that the wall will be built because EVERY one of those steps will be questioned and denied endlessly in the bureaucratic circus that surrounds us. And as I said, the question in regards to Trump is irrelevant. The entire machine is working against you and I, and against Trump (either truly or for show) and against anyone with a goal other than the one planned.

I know that. The president and even the Congress are just window dressing. But I like to fantasize a President Coulter sending 35 million immigrants back to the shitholes that spawned them and then building a huge wall.

Ann Coulter would make Margaret Thatcher look like Hillary Clinton by comparison.

Despite the extensive measures to preserve her, the human body has it's limits.
She's reached hers. At this point no amount of young blood will sustain her.
She's a fighter, I'll give her that, but she's only staving off the inevitable.

Jesus, the autism here.

Honestly that will have just as much impact as a wall.

il pass on the nigger lover white woman and her nigger kids thanks, points for gorsuch though, kav already has voted against us so fuck him

Imagine her being the first female president of USA, that would be FUN.

No women in politics.

Go back to reddit. Nothing you say or do is even remotely relevant to us.

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you have no understanding for politics


Because the fucking 4th circuit court can apparently overrule anything the president does

These anons get it.

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'cause he's a jew puppet no different from obama bush clinton bernie etc. literally everyone in politics. you aren't a jew puppet, you don't get to participate in politics. you try, and get some success, you commit suicide with a staple gun to the back of the head and then so does your family. they have 100% institutional control of every branch of government and also the economy and most industries including strategically valuable ones like education and medicine. they are all-powerful and we are already defeated since ww2

ann coulter is a coalburner that fucks niggers and muslims

I kind of half think that's the point behind the Afghanistan/Syria pullouts, and could be the real reason behind the Mattis resignation. All the monies allocated for Afghanistan/Syria operations will be sitting there going unused. Why not use that money and those soldiers to build the wall?
I'm not saying it wouldn't get cockblocked by some homo nip or spic or woman judge somewhere. I'm just saying maybe that's the plan.


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It's so transparent: Trump is securing the existence of his people (Israel) and a future for his jewish children. That's why Israel has a wall and America doesn't. The Trump family will move to their true home, Israel, once they've taken as much as they can from us.

Just leave.

Mayhaps it is. I, personally, remain unconvinced until I see concrete action(s) from Trump. Auditing the Fed/Revealing the Names of the (((Private Shareholders))) of the Fed.
I think he can just ignore most judges if he is using the military in his personage as their commander in chief in the interests of securing the sovereingty of the Nation. I could be wrong though.
and why the fuck does the spell checker think I spelled sovereingty wrong? Da fuk is this shit?

but you aren't even american. and they said the same thing in 2008, then in 2010 there was a republican sweep.


Who cares about the stupid fucking wall. Most illegals don’t vote anyway. Legal immigration is what must be stopped.

The primary function of government is to pretend to fail. Planned obsolescence is a huge business

Because oligarchs dont need gov, they are the gov, whatever we see is just for show.

can you prove it?

Because his (((masters))) don't want him to.

Not Trump.

This. Even conservative women, while better, still aren't "all there," so to speak.

This. Trump, while not racially a kike, is a kike in spirit, an honorary kike.

Funny thing is Truman actually disparaged the kikes in one of his letters, or his diary, I forget which.

It wouldn't take much money or time for Trump to deploy the military to set up a concertina wire razor fence along the whole border. Yes, that's not The Wall, but it could be done immediately.

Can a president use an EO to get a aid money refund?

I would get that 30 billion bonus and use it to build a wall,and fund mass deportations.

Diary; post-war.

That's the whole reason he's doing it this way, if he wants anything done he must get it done with political pressure, he can't just write an EO and expect anything to happen. That's why he has dragged it out into the public eye in the loudest way possible, he knows this is the only way to make it happen. The powers Trump has obtained are almost exclusively the presidential microphone, I don't believe he has much or any ability to order 'his' executive branch to do anything.

70 millions tourists are visiting USA annually so he would have impose $30 fee on tourist visa and earn 2.4 billions.

He can use DoD money. Enough with that Bullshit.

If they refuse to fund it then keep the government shut down.

Trump could've started construction on a wall day one in office using either the military or an executive order. It seems Trump either has too much faith in the functions of democracy, or has completely lost his balls once he landed his spot in the Presidency.

Have he actually used DoD funds to build the walls?

I exhaled through my nose with half a smirk.

Because he doesn't now and never has wanted a wall.
He could also use the Military budge to build it.

He keeps dodging that.

That’s disappointing.

Silly user, any power any branch of the government has can swiftly be ruled "unconstitutional" by any judge anywhere in the country, and suddenly the whole system halts. Didn't you know, judges are literal gods and goddesses among us! I've yet to see anyone do anything to stop these all-powerful judges.

He's exposing them.

As traitors?

Because Trump is a faggot and a Jew puppet.

Gorcuck and Kavanigger are liberals, retard.

Then you find the lobby behind them and it makes sense so you start getting revolt and your surprised you have to get the leverage of desperate for IQ people on some kind of ponzi scheme to push their own genocide. Wow how is that working out for the current model of leftism?

Why doesn't Trump just start posting all the random shit that gets funded to show that the cost of the wall is nothing?

Actually democracy doesn't even work, no jews needed dumb fuck.


he is a pro business president, big business wants us to be flooded with immigrants to lower the cost of labor, he knows exactly what he's doing. It will be funny when he loses texas in 2020 and his reelection. Cruz won by the skin of his ass, and trump will have 2 more years of the spic flood to vote against him

Except, by definition, it is a wall, as it has a solid foundation along it's entire length.
He should have gone with the one with the park in the middle tbh.

No one knew Congress was so complicated.

The answer to any article that asks a question is always a negative or outright "no".

Per the article:

There is no peaceful solution.

Indeed. Neither a peaceful nor a political solution.

The idea is to browbeat the Congress into obedience, every play has to come down to optics. While he could do that, the problem is that then the opponents will use this as a talking point up to 2020.
If the Congress does eventually pass it, then the problem is on the Congress, all the optics will be on the Congress and not Trump.
Again, he should just use this excuse and shut down the Congress indefinitely because the Congress is out of control and subversive to the American society.

You have to go back.

Is there anyone here that still believes in Trump, if ever ? Of course Hillary would have been much worse, but that doesn't change how kiked Trump is.
I think it's time for my American friends to put these yellow jackets on.

Donald Trump can also order Delta hitters to clean up the opposition so why doesn't he?

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this is clearly the correct move as trumps approval rating is 98 percent among trump voters and congress approval rating is about 18 percent among congressional voters.

sick, 5% of the wall down, 95% to go

He’s threatening to shut down the southern border, again, if they don’t fund his Wall. Source is his tweets. Tweet tweet tweet do it motherfucker.

Because he wants to act like he gives a shit. Notice how he only asks for 5b instead of the entire 10B which would complete the entire project (for that new pole crap hes passing off as a fence).

Go back to shilling on reddit, you'll never fit in here, nigger. Filtered.

But wait, Hungary put up a fence and it worked perfectly, and this is a bigger, stronger, taller fence. Filtered.

because he is the bitch of the jews who only dog whistles to White people to appease them so they dont start to prepare for the the inevitable anti-White takeover that going down in 2020 or for sure by 2024

trump's job was to:
divide america (50/50 split in election)
congeal hatred for White America (so when the anti-White takeover happens they will attack us more fiercely)
appease Whites into thinking they have a political voice, when in fact we have none
demonize any future Nationalist candidates

remember that it was not YOU who elected him. no meme war did that. he LOST the popular vote and was installed by the electoral college.
deportations are lower than under obama
israel is getting everything they want from $38,000,000,000 to "anti-semitism" legislation passed

you have been had, like in every modern election. we are post politics. prep, form groups, vote with your feet and move to the whitest reddest areas you can. keep a low profile. this empire is about to come down hard, and Whites (who will then be the minority) are the only group who will have a stake in trying to save anything. the brown hordes will just seek to steal and kill.

wake up MAGAniggers.

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You're a dumb nigger. Winning the popular vote due to coastal cities isn't how you win a presidential election. The electoral college honors the votes of the people in their states.
It's not that people who disagree with you aren't aware of things being bad, it's that you should exactly like a shill. And if you're not, you're a retard. Prepping for the future doesn't mean you neglect the present. Filtered. I just can't be bothered to deal with stupidity.

you sound*

t. shill

He also can't have a Muslim ban, though, in theory, he could, but he couldn't, because elections are fake. But you know this, you lying kike.