Hitler and islam

Did you know that hitler and the president of the supreme muslim council admired each other and hitler even thought of islam better than Christianity

What are your thoughts?
I think its real and not kike propaganda cuz i can see why hitler would admire islam and the thought of german muslims is actually kinda nice.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who gives a fuck, Hitler is irrelevant.
The 100 million new Hitlers that want rid of international jewry couldn't give a fuck about islam as long as it stays where it belongs, south of turkey.

Prussian aristocrats have always wanted Germany to be muslim. Fredrick the Great went so far as to invite them in and let them build mosques. It was felt that islam was better for a military empire.

But then Frederick the Great was a weird faggot so there you go.

Attached: Friedrich_ii_campenhausen.jpg (1755x2231, 2.84M)

look at all those sources

Weak bait

Attached: WW2 Leon Degrelle talks about Hitler and Islam.webm (444x344, 10.73M)

Aristocrats always had a soft spot for Islam because it lets you fuck up to 4 women and beat their ass if they step out of line.
Thomas Cook the first travel agent only had 1 destination, Mecca. The only Victorians that could afford to buy those tickets were the elite and it wasn't because they wanted to run round a fucking box, but it was boxes and fucking they wanted alright.

Who cares what Hitler thought of Islam, phone poster? Many of us live in western countries outside of Germany. What we want is a better life for ourselves, our families, and our people. Islam is not compatible with that.

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If I’m not mistaken, he also had special Swastika emblazoned Qurans awarded to Muslim members of foreign volunteer divisions for valor in battle.

These 4cuck threads are embarrassing.

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But hitler was not an aristocrat at all

Hitler also thought that Great Britain would join him. Now due to his incompetence you Muslim fucks have spread your disease all throughout Europe.

Viva la reconquista putas

I always thought Islam would make a fine addition to Zig Forums given that one of their perks is that they hate jews even more than we do, but considering that the Zig Forums consensus is mainly molded by Americans who live under extreme jewish influence i don't think it will ever be discussed truthfully without retards screeching over the muh sand nigger terrorists and actual paid jewish shills from tel aviv.

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Just because they dislike jews supposedly it doesn't make them compatible with western civilization. It's the pedophilia, polyamory, halal slaughter, circumcision, and sharia law death sentences mainly.
Then there's the clothing, language barrier, and the total lack of need for their presence, and the historical problems with all of this on top.

gee I wonder why

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Islam is a Jewish control scheme. When Christianity ended up taking on too much European paganism, the Jews abandoned it and had a round 2 with Islam. It was initially funded by Jews of Mecca, who invited Muhammad into the city after being exiled from Medina, and gave him safe shelter while he was robbing caravans. Except when its financiers wanted rival Jewish tribes taken out, Islam has always provided cover for Jews until the Jews backstabbed the goatfuckers so they could have their Israel. There is a plethora of reasons to exterminate Islam off the face of the planet whose crimes against humanity and whites are almost as numerous as the kikes are.

Attached: fuckislam1.jpg (1696x6224, 2.09M)

You should have a look at Saddam intelligence report on wahabism.

What's the problem here? Everything that Muslims were unfairly blamed for in recent times was shit that the Jews did.


Explain to me how 9/11 wasn't the work of Mossad. Go ahead.

So what?
The reason Hitler had anything to do with ragheads and praising their cult was to keep the fuel flowing without having to fight for it. Because Germany didn't have oil. The 1st war was about Germany getting oil from Ragdad which would make their Army & Navy compete with Britain and give them an Airforce.

Occam's Razor would suggest that 19 Arabs hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings. Arabs like blowing things up. They don't need Jews to make them.


First off, 9/11 was the result of controlled detonations, given the evidence. Second, there was cause for the Israelis and American governments to participate in the attack on New York: mainly, the purposeful destabilization of the Middle East for the security of Israel, the profiteering of the military-industrial complex, and the avoidance of scandal from Rumsfeld's trillion-dollar laundering of Defense Department funds.

Face it glownigger, your boss was incompetent then and is incompetent now.

>Immediately following the attacks, President George W. Bush stated that: "Nobody in our government at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envisage flying air planes into buildings" and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice claimed: "no-one could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile". An Air Force general called the attack: "something we had never seen before, something we had never even thought of."[1] A few days after the attacks, FBI Director Robert Mueller announced: "There were no warning signs that I'm aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country."[2] However, Mueller noted that an FBI agent in Minneapolis said Moussaoui might be "that type of person that could fly something into the World Trade Center."[3] Mueller said this warning should have been followed more vigorously.

Holy shit you're retarded. He admired their fighting spirit. You probably are a mooslime, being that retarded and all. Odinism has your number. You faggots are just a more aggressive version of christ cuckery.

You have to be mentally retarded or else a firefly to believe that the American government would never engage in false-flags or harm its own people for its own benefit. And sage ain't a downvote, either, faggot.

Sage so that the thread doesn't bump and waste the time of other anons.

The answer to all good possibilities in this thread is..

Dubs also confirm the retardation of

Simply put, he went there for a trade agreement, and small talk about how The Allies didn't honor their contracted sovereigns when it came time for peace talks after WW1, and instead about how the region would be divided into colonies. Of course
hitler dindu nuffin! X DDD
Get back to terrorizing your countrymen!

Attached: 4xJH4ui.jpg (700x1000 25.96 KB, 167.46K)

>entire air defense grid is shut down and the Air Force patrols on active duty get sent to Canada for (((exercises)))
>every witness who talks has an (((accident))) in six months or less
Are you fucking serious, newfag? It is IMPOSSIBLE to believe the official version of 9/11 just off major indicators, and that's before you know about the 60 Mossad agents with explosives training who were arrested and then let go by the feds, some of whom had the goddamn towers painted on their fucking van with planes flying into them.

Don't forget that the first British Division in WWI was sent to…Iraq. Things have not changed much.

Why do you think the jews destroyed Saddam? The jews never leave loose ends and never forget who once named them.

Or another good FBI employees covering up for his treasonous boss, inciting white nationalists, and importing Muslims.

Kill yourself.

You live in an echo chamber. Fuck off faggot.

Oh yeah? And where did you call out the FBI?

Most influential leader in the past two centuries

When did this turn into a fag site?

When I called them fireflies, you retard. I'm sorry you're incurably retarded, niggerfaggot, but don't spew your worthless words here on this board again.

It's just another shill. Fact is, despite islam being a degenerate religion bred from the works of kikes, and founded by a pedophile rapist thief liar and criminal named muhammad (pigshit forever be upon his pube-like semitic beard.), there are as many branches as christianity and far more heretical sects that were islamized to prevent the members from being executed for blasphemy. The Suffi's are one such sect (though a very diverse one.) that were birthed of the same lineage of Sophian sects of greek origin. They hold many principles such as the 7 rays and the mysteries of the wells and most importantly, the "midnight sun. think the Green Ray and Black Sun of our ancestors and esoteric hitlerism and can be converted to our cause. All other mudslimes hate them, and they would likely create their own ethnostate theocracy like Iran did, if the kikes and sunni's who oppress and murder them, were removed.

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Oh, so it was you on a new proxy. You saw the (you) but had a different ID. Nice try, FBI.

Fuck off you diseased glowing faggot.

No but the aristocrats put him in power. He was their talented mouthpiece. Very talented.

Occam's Razor would have to explain how NORAD shut down for an hour and forty minutes that morning allowing 4 hijacked planes to fly all over the most heavily policed air corridor in the world in violation of FAA law when Payne Stewart's little private jet had 6 F16's respond within seconds the moment his plane went off course and failed to respond to ATC.

911 was on many levels a jew run shit show that no dune coon in a cave in Afghanistan with a craptop computer could dream of pulling off.

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Fuck off nigger. Adults are talking.

The hijackers changed the transponder codes. Government employees are incompetent when anything out of the ordinary happens. It is entirely plausible that the worthless cunts in the FAA failed to provide enough detail to NORAD.
Post link.

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Are you that new, or do you really know nothing?

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I call bullshit on the transponder codes. They went off course, they were tracked on radar, they failed to respond. All that should have been enough but there were some that actually called in that they were being hijacked.

Go back to wherever you came from.

Just 2 cultures trying to save themselves. Same for Japan. They knew what was coming.

Voting is futile, you can't vote yourself out of this crisis.
Democracy is a jew fraud.
Hitler was voted in by the German people.

Attached: p8yGWcM.jpg (500x316 2.41 MB, 40.93K)

Neat. Why don't you post (20) more times. If it's an echo chamber, then get the fuck out, shill.

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You haven't even read Mein Kampf, have ya shlomo? Do you really think that some "mouthpiece" would march at the front of his supporters and take a bullet for the cause of his people?

Attached: der_fuhrer.webm (640x360, 4.46M)

See this is the weakness and the advantage of having an ancient aristocracy. It's a cadre of fanatic nationalists that are deeply tied to the soil and even the peasantry and the workers. If they're mentally healthy they can repel outside parasitic infections, like jews.

If he was a soldier and a fanatic, sure. There's no way he'd have been the leader if he didn't have the support of the German elite like the Krupps. Don't be silly.

Thanks for the link.

I am now watching the following video.


Well, it's a well known fact so you wasted a fact. Also, it was the Palestinian moslem cleric or whatever who gave him the idea of exterminate Jews. Remember the concentration camp stuff happened long after the Nazi party came into power. If it wasn't for the mulla or whatever muds call it Germany would have been the greatest white empire since Rome.

We had a discussion about not calling Zig Forumsacks shill or jew. Not only does it derail the thread but also divides the community.

Hello Schlomo Goldberg. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?


You forgot to switch your proxy, faggot.

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Yes and a lot more than that, the mufti visited the bosniak SS and then they compounded that propaganda by distributing the well known picture in Crimea to the tatars, mixed with allowing them to sing from their minarets was enough to get them to fight against communists. None were citizens of the reich. A few niggers existed in ghettos and werent citizens or allowed to participate in society, drop this horseshit rhetoric.
Thats from the table talks which are disputed, dont spread that horseshit like its fact. Its not.

Attached: islamic-nazis.jpg (1366x1410 40.43 KB, 1.08M)

Despite having just chewed him out over the facts, Iranians are Aryan, Shia are anti-Jew and dont blow themselves up or rape kids nearly as much as Sunnis. I dont want them in our countries but they are decent allies against the Jew and white genocide effects THEM too if you like it or not. Aryan is Aryan and Iran means land of Aryans.

Attached: Gab-Loves-Iran.PNG (637x397, 150.04K)

Yeah…no thanks on all of the above.

user, not really helping here, but at least you're being honest. Really, it's like comparing the (((Catholic))) church to the orthodox church. Both suck, but one's a direct and full puppet of the kikes, who's leaders fuck little boys.

where did you read that Hitler thought Islam was better than Christianity? I find that extremely hard to believe. He may have sought an alliance with Islam in order to take control of the MidEast and Africa, can't imagine the leader of Germany favoring sand niggers over Christ

Looking at your photo…I fucking swear I will never understand you guys obsession with pearl diving in a cesspool in the hope that you will find one pearl among the shit when our own nations are FULL OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PEARLS ANYONE COULD EVER WANT AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WADE THROUGH SHIT TO GET THEM.

The Commander of NORAD went before the 911 investigation committee 3 times. Each time he told a different story. The committee unanimously voted to have him put on trial for perjury but were overruled by the Kissinger appointed chairman, Zelikow, the dual citizenship kikenvermin.

both are sandnigger religions in origin, the former at least had a heavy warrior spirit since its inception, and Hitler essentially said it would've been better, if Europe had to choose after the fall of Rome, for the Germanic races to be converted to islam instead of christniggery, and then they would've conquered the earth(especially after it syncretized with Germanic paganism)

Iran is Shia, Northern Iraq is Shia and places like Lebanon are Shia. Theres also many of them in Syria, which is more mixed but its also an ally of Iran, who allows Hezbollah to operate inside their borders as a proxy. This is called the Shia Crescent, and you will regularly hear kikes kvetch about it. Its their justification for everything. Not all Shias are Aryan, but the middle eastern Aryans are Shia.
The ones blowing themselves up are almost exclusively ISIS, who are WAHHABI - which is what Saudi Arabia is. Thats the shit cunts over there, and NONE of them are Aryan. Thats the enemy.

When they blow up its because Sunnis blew them up first, and its rare they do that at all. Bitterness and revenge, not because their religion says to in their eyes.


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I find manifestos to be a bore frankly. I prefer Louis Ferdinand Celine as a fascist writer. He's much more intelligent than Hitler. Frankly as an antisemite I'm not that great an admirer of Hitler. He failed badly. Dragging your entire nation down a big black hole of rape and death isn't really an admirable accomplishment I find.

Does it matter? Even if he did, do you think he would think that the CURRENT 'ISLAM' is better than Christianity (such the shitshow that it is right now as well but at least it was pagan MEANING EUROPEAN in values as opposed to shitslam the beheaders, tortures and murders as well as destroyers of ancient culture and artifacts). Also, Hitler didn't know FUCK ALL about genetics, computers or things like the internet (do you think he would have 'loved' islam if he had seen them in all their 'gory' I mean 'glory')?

Someone dredge up the webm of muslim ISIS running over that Syrian man with the tank…do you FUCKS think Hilter would have 'loved shitslam' if you showed him the fucking bullshit that it is now?
Fucking postal box women who couldn't find their way out of their bedsheets that morning walking all over the place. THAT IS WHAT YOU THINK HITLER THOUGHT SHOULD HAPPEN IN EUROPE…
Someone post the webm of the two Scandinavian girls who were beheaded by 'shitslam'…THAT IS WHAT YOU THINK HITLER WOULD HAVE WANTED FOR EUROPE?

Ah, so The Other has spoken. So, how long ya been here, newfag?

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Photoshop…mud people…shitskin nigger DNA…no thanks

>12601926 (((You)))
really don't know where you are, do you shlomo?

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Theyre probably more Aryan than you are, youre a larping fake natsoc here for memes. Heres a tip: Europeans arent pure Aryan. No one is. That little girl in the picture had zero nigger blood, youre just anti-white. Anti-Aryan is anti-white. Its simple stuff.
t. looks like Seamus

Attached: Superior Irish White Genes.jpg (550x309, 47.72K)

I swear there is one thing where boomers stand head and shoulders above all you lesser GenX Y Z fewls; your need to colorize all photos and movies is aesthetically deplorable. Seriously learn how to love black and white imagery. Its expressiveness is sublime. Movie directors should not be allowed to make color movies until they've spent at least 10 years or more making movies in black and white. In fact even great directors lose their way once they go to color cinematography. Their vision gets muddied and incoherent.


oh look, it's another "shitskin kebabs pretend to be aryan" post
did you not have enough fun in your "based kurds" thread, you paki piece of shit?

Bibi says
Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the Jews

this one minute linked [VIDEO] presents the moment Netanyahu plainly says so - -


The highest echelons of your entertainment mediums are literal pedophiles who have groomed kids for such a prolonged time that pedo behavior is not only accepted when done by then but expected and defended.
The so called western civilization that you defend so fervently has been effectively replaced by undisputed degeneration and self centered hedonism.
Other than from a productive point of view, how is halal slaughter even an issue?
As any societal organization, there must be principles which serve as a basis for future development and cohesiveness within a people. once you allow the mockery or transgressions that go against such principles then you can expect the others to follow thus ending a society in the cruelest way possible, a betrayal by its own people; exactly the same betrayal that is plunging western nations into chaos as we speak.
There were always translators and most recently technology has advanced to the point we can make educated guesses about the meaning of a written sentence on a previously unknown language.
there are many things that need to be erased but the american has chosen to serve the most parasitic, cancerous of them for life.
a society as ancient as the muslim one is bound to have their most distasteful episodes documented, but their benign contributions still impact our world, even if said contributions where stolen by others.

>not realizing that the (((allies))) just used cheaper equipment in higher quantity, like everything else they did.
The state of this nigger.
Working overtime shlomo?

Learn to webm.

Fuck your d&c

Hitler wasn't perfect.
Remember, the public conscious is that there was no holocaust, but there should have been one.

Muslims are degenerate, they are giving up cooperation with even themselves, and that is the greatest superpower of whitey.

Hitler simply had no idea that he was going to walk out of the semitic frying pan and right into the other semitic frying pan.

Someone post the webm of the two European girls being beheaded by shitslams in Morroco.


Wanting to support Arab nationalists isn't really a mistake. At worse, they're like niggers and spics, and are only an issue when they're in White nations, while the jews are an international problem.

I have nothing against original color photos. I think colorized photos and cinema are shit.

What does this have to do with us not wanting even MORE semitic/muslim pedo's in our nations?

Attached: raped baby and mulsim pedophile.jpg (1360x1200, 177.95K)


I am listening to the real time audio now. The voice of the first hijacker is Middle Eastern.

I wager the middle east does not want more american mercenaries invading their countries yet they keep going there, if you really wanted to stop the refugees and the opportunists that mask themselves as them from coming into your country then you should do whatever is on your power to stop your military from going there and helping druglords get into positions of undisputed power.

Attached: one thing two do.mp4 (540x960, 1.46M)

I hear that as well.


Hitler failed me.

he wasn't completely inept at making useful allies which had access to oil.

You're fucking stupid.

That's a kid you perverts.

Good thing there are no jews with Middle Eastern accents, nor is it possible for the Mossad to recruit and direct actual Muslims, like they did with ISIS.