Execution date set for John King for the 1998 dragging death of James Byrd Jr

An execution date is set for 44-year-old John William King, who has been on death row for almost 20 years for the 1998 dragging death of James Byrd, Junior.

Jasper County District Court Judge Craig Mixson has signed the death warrant for April 24, 2019.

King, Lawrence Russell Brewer and Shawn Allen Berry were convicted of the racially motivated murder of the 49-year-old Byrd.

Brewer was executed in 2011 and Berry is serving a life sentence.

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So what? This isn't reddit.

Yup, they call that black topping the road here in east texas. Man was just trying to make the roads a little safer to drive on.

Kill yourself faggot

Who is that in the cowboy hats? Cops? Lawyers? Do professionals really dress like that for court in current year? I can't even wear a fedora without catching flak.

Mandatory uniform requirement of the Texas Rangers

Literally every state police organization wears stetsons, except the New Jersey staties which weirdly enough dress like the SS

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Kept alive for 20 years on the taxpayer's dime.

Are there any pictures of the corpse?
I would like to see it if any anons have them.

It's not weird at all. The uniform was a direct inspiration for the 1931 SS uniform.

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Only west of the mississippi
t. michfag


Byrd's lynching-by-dragging gave impetus to passage of a Texas hate crimes law. It later led to the federal Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, commonly known as the Matthew Shepard Act, which passed on October 22, 2009, and which President Barack Obama signed into law on October 28, 2009.[3]

No clear motive for the crime has been named. King, who prior to the murder of Byrd, had recently been released from a Texas prison, has claimed that he had been repeatedly gang-raped in prison by black inmates.[4] Berry and Brewer had also spent prior time in prison.[5]

Brewer was executed via lethal injection for this crime by the state of Texas on September 21, 2011.[6] King remains on death row with an execution date of April 24, 2019.[7][8][9][10] Berry was sentenced to life imprisonment and will be eligible for parole in 2038.[11]

James Byrd Jr. was born on May 2, 1949, in Beaumont, Texas, one of nine children, to Stella (1925 – October 7, 2010) and James Byrd Sr. (born 1924).[12]

Ross Byrd, the only son of James Byrd Jr., has been involved with "Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation",[13] an organization that opposes capital punishment. He has campaigned to spare the lives of those who murdered his father and appears briefly in the documentary Deadline.[14][15]

My state's got an interesting choice of uniform.

Didn't WLP have an episode where he told the story of an almost identical murder of a white man by some niggers in the same town, two years after Byrd, that got almost zero media? I wish his shows were indexed by topic sometimes.

Are there any videos? I need them for research/

Just went looking for the video. Did they shoah Herr Nordstrom? All I get now is Africa News, because Jews are very witty.

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On his first day in prison on an earlier burglary conviction, John William King was assaulted by another prisoner–sexually assaulted, apparently. Raped. In reaction to that trauma–and in search of protection–he ran into the welcoming embrace of the devil, in the form of a white racist gang. He became an ardent disciple, acquiring the ideology, the tattoos and the sulfurous, consuming hatred.


Hmm.. So are prison's the best way to hard redpill white men and have more recruits for our cause?

I don't know. The entire thing looks fishy as fuck to me.


September 6, 2002

This article appeared in the Washington Post.

When King arrived at the prison, a group of white supremacists reportedly conspired with the guards to place King in the "black" section of the prison. At just 140 pounds, King was unable to defend himself against a group of black prisoners who repeatedly gang-raped him. This was exactly what the white power gang wanted. Filled with hatred, King was easily recruited into their group for protection. Over the remainder of his sentence, they filled King’s head full of hatred for blacks. When he was released, John King unleashed that pent-up hatred on James Byrd. The gang-rapes he endured in prison are no excuse for his murder of James Byrd, but they certainly help us understand what could lead him to hate so much.

Fuck. What the hell

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Wow you really missed the point. The poor fucker is in jail for something that shouldn't even be a crime.

Are you a glow nigger? Everyone lost something but the glow niggers.

Try piratebay. All his broadcasts were available on there about 6 months ago.

What's interesting is that he never apologized for the murder. Neither did Brewer.

In a jailhouse letter to Brewer which was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the crime and said he realized he might have to die for committing it. "Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!", King wrote.


Sounds interesting to me. Every new white inmate must be told to join up with white nationalist gangs or else made clear what will happen to them. We would soon have an army of white nationalists. Of course like in this example no one should conspire to have them raped but it must be made clear what will happen to them without protection.

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Hey was a good boy, he dindu nuffin

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Yeah, it's too perfect. "Screw your optics, I'm going in."

You can only brainwash or fabricate people like this if you own the prison, but it fails the prisoner's dilemma. Why am I even talking to a retard that can't comprehend the fucking glow niggers toying with him? They tell you stories and you believe it. It doesn't become a hypothetical, it goes straight to operating theory.

He looks like the retarded cousin of Ben Shapiro. Maybe being a nigger was the only job he could pull off for the tribe.

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Will pol fall for leftypols race baiting threads? Tune in next happening!

Baste. When we see real, unmistakable, no nonsense real SHTF situations, there won't be any accountability. Let the purge begin.

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Dragging the nig to death is a heinous crime. That said, keep in mind that niggers sure kill a lot more of our people than we kill of them.

The same jewish 'news' media outlets that whine & wail laments about John King killing James Byrd seldom or never say even one word when defenseless Whites are slaughtered by black He-boons or She-boons.

Happens every damn day.

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Murder shouldn't be a crime? What planet are you living on.

This is the correct response. The reason you hear about it is because the media have a duty to amplify the plight of the underprivileged and the oppressed, notwithstanding the statistics of racial 'hate' crimes.

They had to go back 20 years to find an even at that time extremely unusual example of white-on-black hate crime, so they can do a big media storm about the inherent threat and evil of rising white pride in Current Year 2019.

how can it be a hate crime if hes a nigger himself?

Wow, I missed nothing. 20 years kept alive on the taxpayer’s dime. That’s the point.

I would trade a quick execution for him for death sentences for all the non-white murders and rapist.

Fair trade?

I don't think it was in the same town (jasper, tx), but there were 4 or 5 antiwhite murders around the country that he talked about.

Here is a compilation of ADV broadcasts.

That media 'duty' to champion the plight of the oppressed of which you speak never seems to spring into action when the Israeli IDF bombs schools and hospitals in Gaza during jews' annual infanticide fest.

Hundreds of murdered kids Anne Frank's age or younger every year, yet we just keep hearing about 1945.

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Can't wait for the race wars pkgogogo

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That must have hurt like a bitch. I wonder if he had to get those tats to survive prison

Kek. The good ol' days.

That's not even close to being true. More state police departments wear campaign hats than stetsons.

As far as looking like SS goes, Massachusetts beats New Jersey.

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I heard that in South Africa, black police officers are so corrupt that they are known to pull over white people driving in traffic, and throw them in jail for "traffic violations", only to put them in a holding cell full of niggers so that they would get raped. Many white South Africans have fallen victim to this, but now I see that this happens in America too. Only if more innocent white South Africans who are victimized this way would go out and do what John King did, that would be much better.

They were saving him for later. Specifically, after a set point in time where whites were waking up to race realism. His execution murder is a political stunt they had in storage.

It's like they couldn't decide what to frame their stunt after, that they named it after that faggot as an afterthought.

Both strangely happened in 1998, the same year I was born. A lot of high profile hate crimes happened that year.