Right Wing Compassion Squads?

Merry Christmas anons.
I got tired of going through the motions selecting useless merchandise to throw my money away on, to gift normalfags who already have everything they need. Making bloated (((corporations))) that much richer while adding my stamp of approval to the whole materialist charade just seems to be against who I am now.

This year, instead of giving gifts to friends and family, I just sent them all cards. I am going around my city and giving Christmas cards with $20 to homeless men that I find. Spending about the same I would have on gifts for family (I don't have children or else they would come first).

I am selecting older White men who have been on the streets for a long time. We know that women and minorities get all the "help" they can manage, copiously poured upon them by our traitor class. It's the old grizzled White men that have it the worst out there. No one gives a shit about them.

I am writing a personal message in these cards to try and inspire a tiny spark of hope in these men.

I just wanted to encourage others here to do the same if they are feeling empty and burnt out on the same hollow Christmas rituals, but still love the holiday and want to express something closer to its true meaning of peace on earth and goodwill toward men.

We also know that the shrieking left has all but abandoned their pretenses of helping the poor, and have fully pivoted to identity politics in their hopes of D&Cing the West into oblivion.

As NatSocs and/or Third Positionists I think it is our duty to demonstrate to people how we are different.

Most normies have a completely distorted view of who we are, and fancy themselves the moral standard bearers. We can change that easily because they are all so full of shit. We are the ones who have fare more compassion and empathy for our fellow man.

I don't like virtual signalling so I'm not really telling anyone about this except anonymously here. I would encourage you to think about doing this yourself and we can slowly make it into a movement, something we become known for besides just being "supremacists" and "hate mongers".

Personally I don't like being tied in with the "Let em Starve" republican shitbirds. I've always been more about helping the people who truly need it by cutting off all the useless leeches and chronic parasites. It always surprises the leftist hypocrites who know me to realize that I'm more serious about helping the poor than they are.

Thanks for reading my blogpost and have a real Merry Christmas out there wherever you are.

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Marry Christmas!

Why the fuck not? You a fag or something? We need more whites.

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Maybe he has a genetic illness. Maybe he can only get access to roasties. Maybe this is all a larp.

didn't take long for the greasy kikes to emerge

So u give druggie old white dudes money? I think I got u beat making food for the homeless. A sandwich is a lot harder to trade for drugs

I disagree. Most of them don't trust food from strangers and I wouldn't either. It is not for me to judge what they wish to do with the money, this one day of the year. If they want food they can select their own dietary choices. If they want to go get a bottle with it, so be it. I can't say as I fucking blame them, can you? Quit being so damn high and mighty.

Well done, user. It becomes clear that religion is not looked upon highly here, but in the real world we can do for our own without becoming civic cucks or ever showing our power levels. Religion has become a euphemism; meaning something different to everyone. The bottom line is that 'hopefully', we see benefits proportional to what we put into the "movement". We won't know what the future holds, but we can make every effort to right the ship, to prepare minds to return to our glory.

Muh White babies. Please stop sperging and realize that having healthy White children is but one way that men can contribute to the cause. It's not the only way. And, try as we might, we will never win a breeding war against non-Whites. It's all just a drop in the bucket. Quality of Man counts, not quantity.

Thank you, it feels like demonstrating charity in the real world is the best way to honor Christ on his birthday. I am not a super religious guy but I feel closer to God when I look for ways to build up my fellow White Man.

Speaking from personal experiences as a former White homeless man, the idea that White men are spending money they get from strangers on booze, drugs or shit tier decisions is just a stereotype used to make assholes feel better about not doing anything for White homeless guys.
We already are behind the 8-ball because; women, and non-Whites are given preferential treatment in the workforce. jews have their own huge in-group nepotism. The standard for White men is higher because he's White. He's no longer competing in his city, his state, nor his nation; he is competing globally. His treasures are plucked from his pocket and given away to useless eaters. Then, along comes an event like September 15, 2008.

I hope that's a nice spacious closet you've got there, homo.

Fuck your "good deeds". Christmas rocks.


Sorry, I didn't hear anything after you said: "I'm a fucking faggot and unfortunately my ass can't get pregnant, so producing white children is less important than giving a degenerate white boomer on the street 20 kike-bucks to pay the liquor-Jew."

Attached: Immigrant_Children_3.jpg (3966x2200, 1.76M)

Send this special Christmas card by Email
to any progressive friends or family members
you know … it'll make their head explode, as
liberals can never process info or images that
blatantly contradict their prescribed narrative.

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If you don't have children, find a girl and rape her. There's no fucking excuse, if you want to keep up with roving bands of raping muslims there's only one thing you can do.

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Reminder that codemonkey personally allows these posts.

If Zig Forums could solve the mystery of how to print without yellow tracking dots or some way to defeat the tracking dots; the whole "flyers being sent to the appropriate people" thing could be exploited at max level.

Just use an old printer. It’s not that hard to find one. Even vintage laser will work. If you find an Apple LaserWriter on eBay or something, you can still get cartridges for them. They were the best damn machines on the market for a decade. I’m sure someone has hacked together a driver for modern Windows.

This is exactly why Zig Forums split off from 'ThatOtherChan'. The NatSoc community does not encourage a brother to Chimpout. The community here is not out to score major points seeping with every thot. The NatSoc only needs one woman, and he chooses wisely when selecting her, as she should him as well. The future favors quality over quantity. No White man worth his salt is shitposting Trollympic level OC on the site, like the basement dwelling faggits here. He's out being productive or reproductive.

We're missing a great opportunity to trigger tf out of the easily triggered, unless and until a Zig Forumstard finds a way to defeat and verify the defeat before sending said trigger to said individual(s) about to be triggered.
This particular media outlet works very well, but so much more could be done to take the wind out of the sails of those screaming their loudest that their 'feelz&emotionz' are priority 1
tl;dr There has to be a better way to send OC aonymously

Good job user, don't mind the shitposters trying to get a rise. As an aside, have you thought about anonymous donations to white families as well? Something to save up for next year maybe. Either way, Merry Christmas and Yuletide user

Good idea! Very good idea!
Share the message

Those of you who haven’t any money can always consider donating your internal organs. Everyone has something to give.

Fuck off reddit.

This might have something to do with it

Speaking of low attention spans; ya gotta synopsis for this 2-hour excursion into unknown territory?

Holy Mole, over two hours of the shit!

I guess he’s going to teach us how to be Fkeece Johnson, but in an open air prison.

Thats a lie and you know it. Your bff kike was born in spring. December 25th is the winter solstice and has nothing to do with christ except being co-opted to better subvert their host nation.

Great idea, OP.
"Charity begins at home" - or in this case with our own kind.
We should establish some kind of organization for this.

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One issue I think you would find is that family life has been decimated. So I hope you plan on introducing some other conception of family (race).

This stupid fucking meme. We were winning the breeding war all the way up until 1945. Just stop fucking feeding them and they die because most of these shithole countries cannot feed themselves.

okcupid was 80/20 rule, tinder was 90/10, instagram is 95/5. In other words 95% of women have access to the top %5 of men in the metropolitan area. Celebrities have teams who manage their instagrams and mass-message all 7+ women in the area, so they all think their personally getting messages by DiCaprio/LeBron/etc. If you aren't famous these days and didn't bother to stay with your highschool sweetheart you're probably destined to shack up with used goods or marry a 4-5 at best.

Quality and quantity both matter. Once the collapse hits and there aren't gibs the cities will fall into chaos and there will be a mass die-off. Rural whites will sweep the cities and genocide the survivors. We'll need both quality and quantity to position ourselves to take over and rebuild.

Feliz Navidad!

Slave life must have been really tough

Could be survivor bias. The toughest, most durable and healthy survive the hard life into old age, and live longer than most old folks due to their hardiness.

You have to go back Pablo

La puta que te pario!

That's a cute story, but did they have to dress in costume for it? Poor negroes were probably scared out of their minds. I don't have much hate for blacks, despite what I know of black-on-white crime, I just want them to be sent back home. I think we should invade and recolonialize Liberia, and annex Ghana and Sierra Leone to accomplish this.

No, high quality white men need to collectively bargain against women to demand more from them. If we refused to do things for them unless they meet a certain standard, they'll meet that standard out of necessity because they can't do anything for themselves and are dependent on the goodwill and horniness of men.

wow, what a faggot

Merry Christmas, user! Helping the homeless is, in general, important for a variety of obvious reasons, and it demonstrates leadership in the community. When done correctly others will follow your example.

It's also useful to keep up the morale of homeless white men. Hello brothers. Merry Christmas and Happy Yule to you. Tough it out a little longer wherever you are as we mop up and shift the culture. When things do get better they will get better fast.

Good for you OP. Much respect. Ive been homeless. as has almost every white male in my family. my father is a veteran, hes been homeless many times. like you said, they dont give shit to us for help. i never ask. most ive ever done is get foodstamps for a brief moment or go to a church for help with small stuff. otherwise my father refuses help any other way than working for it. so once again, good for you brother. Merry christmas folks, and remember we celebrate this for Jesus Christ. God Bless anons.