Another one down
Metapedia was taken down, by (((Traditional Enemies)))
And nobody here cares, where do Zig Forumslacks even go anymore? This place is fucking leftypols toilet.

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Other urls found in this thread:!0h9EXQwI!L2mv-2rJnd11v6KUmAkZqVTMLW7Gt-YEMdlsiWTNlhg

The problem is, and has been, that the moderation of Zig Forums has been controlled by the enemies of Zig Forums, it would not surprise me if all of the moderators on Zig Forums are either appointed because of their opposition to NatSoc and WN, or if they're actual glow in the dark niggers.

not familiar with the site. heard of it. followed a couple of links to it, over the years, but no more than that.
is it a good sign? no.
but personally i also think that sites like this act as a release valve.
there is only so much of being buttfucked while the talmudvision says everything's fine even the normiest of normies can take.
long story short, my opinion is this: each and every one of us, personally and individually is probably fucked already. but eventually truth, or something resembling it, will prevail.

Patience triumped and /intl/ emerged the winner in the power struggle for Zig Forums

Do they even exist anymore?
apart from the occasional amerimutt spammer or "how can whyte bois even compete" posters?

The Spanish Metapedia is still alive. Years ago, it surpassed the English Metapedia in both amount and richness of content. The articles are several bookpages sized. Etc, etc.


Fuck you. Why? Metapedia has been down for years. What do you propose to do about it? Your post has no content. Don't waste our time.

Your post doesn't have much content either.
Neither does this one.
Or the next……

Go back to your containment board.

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Do you have a link to the Spanish Metapedia? do I just change the website domain from english?

do you have a archive of metapedia or not?

The server is down and I will have to look for back ups. How is that "Tomb" project coming along?

this place is shit

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So sucking cut cock will get us places?
It sure isn't helping people like spencer and AmRen.

Hopefully, Metapedia comes back. Their wiki software was quite out of date, and the site in general was just lagging behind. This wouldn't be so bad, but Rightpedia is also down.

Just the domain name.
How odd. (((jewgle))) still has the Spanish Metapedia indexed and in the top search results. I thought that it was still alive, but I just looked and it's down. I'm sorry user. That wiki has truly amazing resources.

shoo (((shill))), shoo.

Fuck off.

Learn how to read.

No fun nigger.

Support them

They had a donation drive going before they got (((shut down))).

Get out.

That's just a shitty knockoff, with lots of edits by the Mannchild from TRS.

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As somewhat of a side note, this destruction was done really well by Moot or his Kike handlers.
After two failed deletions, he set off trying to enforce what are actual global rules, though only enforcing them on Zig Forums and no where else.

When that failed, he did the opposite. He removed rules from Zig Forums entirely and let bots destroy the place until everyone left. Half-Zig Forums now is a joke.

I have a feeling they won't come back and that message was written by the people (((shutting it down)))
Should people stop using Echoes?

An example of the richness of the Spanish Metapedia:
"Musical africanization
Musical africanization is the process by which music, principally European music, adquires musical and cultural influences of an african nature, which is seen reflected in the musical liking of Europeans and eurodescendants for this type of music. Musical africanization, like all cultural africanizations, is an instrument of the (((jewish supremacism))) to destroy the unity and national identity of all civilizations.
To determine if a music is africanized is not a question of subjectivities, preferences or sensibilities, but of objective and verifiable criteria. There is general concensus amongst critics and (n.t: could be translated as "affitionates", one that is affinite [in the sense of taking a liking to something, of following something and its development] to a certain thing, but i translate it as "fans") fans that genres such as soul, gospel, blues, jazz, reggae, rap, hip hop, reggaeton and latino dances such as salsa, mambo, etc. are genres of a clear african nature. More problems surge to recognize that rock, pop, metal, RAC or Oi! are genres which have not avoided suffering a certain level of africanization, although in a lesser degree, and (n.t: original word is "variable", variable. Because of syntaxic changes, i translate itas "varying", "[algo] que varía" instead) varying too (n.t: "en función de", "in function of" can be understood as an euphenism that means "as the [Being] interpretates it) in function of the interpreter.


I hope he knows that his shilling here was the beginning of the end for his heroes.

I've never thought much of the brackets but I suppose have a use.

There's much archived wisdom in the website. I've been wondering often how to back it up offline.

Where is the link to the Spanish version?

Your point? Who gives a fuck about Spencer as well? You are so fucking shit that you're argument is to bring up Spencer lmao! What a fucking dickhead. Try not worhipping and doing shit yourself.

Yet I am still here, you impotent fuck. Cry more while you know I am right.

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Be that as it may, they had practically all of Metapedia's stuff. I find it a bit (((fishy))) that both have been taken down at around the same time.

Copy of Metapedia downloaded through httrack:!0h9EXQwI!L2mv-2rJnd11v6KUmAkZqVTMLW7Gt-YEMdlsiWTNlhg

Thanks, I can recommend grab-site as well for downloading websites.

Bump of thanks

Downloaded it and it works well, thanks a lot.

It's, but it is also down.

mods are definite controlled. They remove more posts than typhus killed jews. The catalog is barren and little to no traffic except for very specific threads they allow through. set topics are all that get through.

Valiant effort of goodness with trips: checked.

hahahahaha, you're ridiculous with your shill lies!

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I am pretty sure that his *actual* job at Google is to automate posts, threads, datamine and basically do everything possible to disrupt Zig Forums. He still has control of the whole site, boards and moderation, gives free passes to his bot posting army and shill organizations, etc.

Still not telling you where the bunkers are.

yes, mods are kikes, but the board shouldn't enforce a worldview through moderation. We all saw how that ended up with kikey and the MIGApedes who still infest the board.

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America first. We can fight over politics after we finish with soros.. Let us finish him firts and if You Lefties want to get it on lets get it on

I had to check that stupid site to see if they really said that shit was true. Not even snopes will say thats really true.

Those screnshots were taken right after "fire and fury" came out. The kikes were telling normies that Trump watched 17 hours of gorillas fighting everyday for months.

Would explain his ways with the niggers.

This Jew is back.
It will never be white. 95 IQ
The Muslims will be 107 IQ faster than Jews.
and when we breed… You Kikes will be 95 IQ and we will oblitherate You. Everybody now hates You Kike Jews. Whites will Never be the same after what You Kikes did to us and the Muslims Everybody Hates Jews.

Kikes own Zig Forums.
You switched it around.
Kikes will never be White

tell me please


That was superior to what we have now. Board now full of open commies, kikes, shitskins, and shit tier spammers. Mods should be natsoc, or at least picked out of exto posters. I don't come here to debate, I come here for information, and you can't get that if stupid kikes are allowed to start fights, and skizos reply to 50+ posts/thread.

No, imkikey was superior to nothing.
Then there's no reason for you to be here. >>>/polarchive/ is for information.

You can't use that for current news, and events happening right now.
Also why would you ever consider debating, shitskins, kikes, commies? Those should be exterminated, not talked to.

Oh, Voat, then. Go there.
Eat shit, subhuman.


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>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
fuck off anglo
