Israel Has Fired Missiles from Lebanese Air and Waters into Syria
Don't trust any corporate media on this, but here's what's going on via social media.
Israel Has Fired Missiles from Lebanese Air and Waters into Syria
Don't trust any corporate media on this, but here's what's going on via social media.
The kikes just couldn't keep their murderboner in their pants for one day, could they?
The nerve of these kikes, HOT DAMN. And on a Christmas too, do they take pride in being evil scumbags or something?
The worst part is that they'll always shriek, "OYYYYYYY VVEYYY! WE'RE BEING SHOAHED!", when their opposition retaliates against their provocation.
Finally, the kikes and mudslimes will eat one another.
What a great Christmas present!
I look forward to learning how this is the fault of everybody but the Jews.
How do we use this to open normies' eyes about what the kikes really are? Can we argue Syrians' innocence and the point that Israel loves war too much to let us just leave?
Idea: Let's accuse the Syrians of antisemitism for using SAMs to defend themselves.
al-mawt li-israil
Everyone needs to light pissrael up now. Don't fucking wait, just annihilate the cocksuckers. They are attacking multiple nations like cowards. Light them the fuck up before the US can pull its dick out.
OMFG Lebanon, OR? Why?!
Boring. They do this shit every time.
oh no better keep the troops there to fight….Israel?
You don't get it, do you? Kikes piss people off by performing these underhanded tactics. When people retaliate against their underhanded tactics, kikes claim that they were unfairly persecuted. As a result, they request for assistance/funds and sink even lower by performing worse underhanded tactics.
Same story in Europe, US, etc. It's almost as if it's genetic. I refuse to believe that it's genetic. Completely INSANE.
People who still don't get it at this point are very stupid people. You don't need to believe in holocaust denial or Hitler to understand that the demographic is vindictive, violent, and hostile to native people.
The leftists and journalists will demonize Fields for killing one fat whale with a car, but they have zero issue with neurotic fuckheads who fire rockets at unprovoked targets during Christmas.
How much longer do the goyim need to wake up? I was up in 2009 at the age of 17. What the fuck is there excuse with it being '18 and 30+ years old?
This and nothing happens. I am going back to watch animu. Let me know when it actually happens.
This, on the heels of the house of orange declaring a pullout/draw down of troops. gg
Good post. A jew cries in pain as he strikes you.
The best way to stop the kikes from playing "SYRIA STARTED IT GOY, GET BACK IN THERE" is to make it absolutely, certainly sure that Israel struck first.
Spread the tweets OP posted and any (non-corporate) media reporting on it. Don't let them spin a narrative.
oy vey. better get good goy Dawnuld to tell those troops to stay in Syria to attack Assad for trying to gas 6 billion jews!
we really need to make trump know hes making actual right wingers hate him, because he WILL kike out and do whatever him boss Benny says.
As a Black American from Atlanta I support this, lebanese ppl and arabs are very racist.
Should Iran,Syria,and Russia Occupy Lebanon over this the way the jews occupy Golan?
Well, eventually someone will retaliate with nuclear apocalypse.
And if fucking Russia gets a say on how the retaliation will happen, Israel military bases will become glass.
Those motherfuckers would decimate whole villages when they got guerrilla warfare'ed by the locals, until the locals stopped with that shit
Kind of heinous launching new attacks on this day. Of course the jews hate christianity and anything decent.
Imagine if assad dropped barrel bomb on xmas after the war died down? Cnn would be calling him hitler. But bibi glasses some syrian babies and not a peep.
Merry Christmas.
This has happened multiple times this year and nothing has happened. No one wants to fight WW3 over some kikes
But I do.
Might be now or never
kill yourself kike, or else you might piss off the wrong kind off people and they will do it for you.
*No one wants to fight WW3 to go to the defense of some kikes that started shit
It is, I mean, they're simple jews and all they know is jewing, so when Trump withdraws troops, exposes (((ISIS))) and removes their jewing targets, something must be done. Never again!
(((Cohencidentally))) it happened on Christmas
They're aliens. Easiest way to grok it.
This wouldn't shock me, their actions are so unbelievable that it surprises me they're actually comprised of mixed human dna.
An 'in yer face' message from the jew to the Christian
Not on Christmas, what the fuck man.
The narrative is being set once again.
Spread this shit everywhere. Do not let this false flag fly.
God Wills It.
Cui Bono?
There is a Jew streaming about this right now saying the missile from the second post in the op was either fired from Damascus or is a malfunctioning Israeli missile
Never happening when you say it is.
You'll give those kikes a century worth of new Holocaust memorials and shoahspoilation films if you do that. They want you to do your worst so that they'll gain more from it. It's what they've always done.
Are you sure it isn't a Dolphin-class with a total range of 20 miles sitting off the coast of Israel bombing its own kikes to justify war and garner global sympathy to kick the 'perpetual professional victim' can down the road?
Unless you got a plan that will end up in a final solution that we all could follow, I will just hope they eventually bite more they can chew and manage to self-holocaust
So I think what OP is trying to say is Merry Christmas. They always do this at Christmas.
Great redpill for American Christians that worship Israel.
Like Germany against Poland's invasion of Germany?
that xir really gotta lose a few pounds
oh those silly kikes and their goofs, woopsy doopsy missile went off! :::((((
shoo d&c jew
Why would Israel fire missiles at ISIS, when they could just fire them from their jobs instead?
How is that D&C you dumb nigger? Germany's peoples were being raped, murdered, and tortured after WW2.
Germany did not start WW2 by invading Poland, it was the other way around, along with other countries.
Trump just pulled out our troops so Israel could mossad the assad!
The levels of altruism and empathy have reached beyond the psychotic and the suicidal
Gimme a hell yeah
Jesus Christ that didn't take long. This is going to drag the entire world into conflict.
oy vey
the missiles where just defending themselves against hostile un-armed syrian civilian women and children
Also, let's hope Putin gives Lebanon a surprise Christmas present in the form of S-300 anti-aircraft batteries.
yeah this bs only required S-200
Lets get the show on the road
Nothing surprising here seeing as jewish history is filled with examples of this pathetic and cowardly behavior.
they literally saw those pictures of syrians celebrating christmas and thought 'great time to attack'
They hate Christianity and it is the ultimate goal of their cult to destroy it. Christmas is an affront to them and it makes sense to them to have war during it.
This was predicted in the France Jewish graveyard (((vandalism))). They are trying to make everything that unites us and bonds us into something about them. Don't be surprised if New Years has a mass shooting, explosion in a New York mall, or Syria has another (((chemical attack))). Everyone saw this coming and if you didn't you haven't been lurking hard enough. If Trump re-enters Syria then it better be to shoot those kikes on Christmas. We are entering the demoralization and dehumanization stage for the white man, while the last couple centuries have been infiltrating and subverting. Don't be surprised either if on Easter a Synagogue is blown up or America fully backs Israeli assistance and an attempt at Iran occurs, which might cause the lead of WW3. If WW3 occurs remember to shoot every Israeli soldier, sympathizer, and subvert the U.S. military from the inside by creating NatSoc pacts, groups, and even convincing your higher commanders once you reach a certain point of brotherhood. If they send me off to Israel first thing I am doing is marching to Jerusalem and screeching Deus Vult until the streets run red with kike blood. This is all satire FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, DEA, etc etc so prosecution and illegal tracking of such threats will be punished by court of law if found out, and if not upheld you will have more evidence piled upon the miles and miles of bullshit you've left behind.
How would you know? Critics say Jews experience neither altruism nor empathy.
Consider what the writer HL Mencken observed about 'charitable' acts by Jews.
They don't hate you because you worship their race-traitor nearly as much as they hate you because you're a European.
Why would they?
They don't care about the faux-jews celebrating a fake holiday in place of their native culture. It's a fine time to attack, while you morons are distracted with pretty lights and awful saccharine media made by the cousins of those same Israeli fuckstains.
Thread theme.
Based and redpilled.
Israel could pick off every country one by one. WW3 will never happen.
Merry Christmas Goyim -Benjamin Netanyahu
lol i knew it, time for trump to help israel
t. kike
The thing to pay attention to here is if US troops or positions are "attacked". The only way they can hope for the US to stay longer is to pull a FF so something is coming in my opinion.
t. kike
that not how it works shamus
that not how it works shamus
Nah, thanks.
Hard pass
I'm sick of this fucking site. You literally get called a jew for insulting jews. Enjoy the circlejerk folks. You're clearly defeated them!
Then fuck off forever, Jamal. Nobody will miss you.
All good as long as they only attack the Muslims and not the Christians.
Where is Hillary?
Posting in an historical thread. Knock those kikes dead, boys
Or Kike or go take your meds etc.