Trump calls Santa fake news, media chimps out

"At seven it's marginal, right?"^tfw

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maganigger free first post.

That's generally how I read this type of post. How far off am I?

Not everyone who dislikes Trump is superior to you.
He may well be from the US too!

Shit thread, Trump joins the war on Christmas I guess.
Redditspacing and nothing to discuss.

Its a very Trump thing to do. Will never have a president as fun as Trump Again


business as usual. nothing to see here

Based. Being seven years old and believing in Santa is nigger tier.



u r gay

Attached: Trump tells boy Believing in Santa at 7 is 'marginal'.webm (360x360, 3.39M)

Here is a hint, you atrocious boil on the face of the earth.
Santa is a tool of the jew to downplay the birth of the Christ.
Christmas is about CHRIST, not about a random german fatass bringing gifts around.

More like Satan amirite?

Amen! Jesus Christ is Lord!

It kind of depends on how you worship. The bible doesn't really tell you to celebrate Jesus' birthday on Dec 25, I think that was decided by Constantine. I think it has something to do with a solar cult mixed with organized christianity. You're probably better off not looking into it, increasing knowledge increases suffering.


The bible says nothing about Christmas.
The bible says nothing to suggest Jesus was born in December.
Christmas is not a Christian holiday. Read your bible you fucking heathen.

He's nothing but nice, and the anti-Trump army goes and shits bricks.

Depends on the region really. In the Nordic region it's celebrated on the 24th, because that was when the jul celebration culminated during old norse celebrations, after having begun with the lusse celebration around the 13th. The celebration itself came from the older sun worship, which was based the 13th being the day when days started getting darker longer than they were bright, and the 24th being the darkest night, after which the days started getting brighter again. Exactly how this celebration looked is hard to say, because there's very little recorded about it.

In the old norse celebrations this took the form of hanging up offerings of meat and fruits on ash trees, and leaving hay in boots for Odin's horse Sleipnir, who was said to start riding around the sky during this time in the wild hunt to drive evil spirits out of the land. Later on there was also a celebration of Thor driving the frost away where they'd build and burn a large hay goat, or keep one inside their homes. When the region was later christened, the new celebrations were just put in place on top of the old jul and eostre celebrations, and easter became of larger importance than christmas until about the late 1700's. Regardless, throughout all that time and to this day it's still just called jul in the Nordic region, and is unmistakably heavily influenced by the old norse celebrations.

It might seem odd that it's all referred to as a christian holiday, but the celebrations are very distinctly influenced by old norse traditions. But that's just how the conversion went way back when, often you'd just take an existing holiday and put the name of saint issued by the pope on top of it, and that made the conversion significantly smoother. The same thing happened in lots of other regions, but I don't really know that much about the specifics of those.

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No one cares, jew.

My parents told me Santa was a bullshit at five. They told me if I was bad that they would personally beat my ass and that I could forget about getting the gold colored gameboy.
An ugly truth is better than a beautiful lie.

It's then you realize even your own parents are Jews.

Attached: JewBabby.jpg (500x338, 33.34K)

When did you stop believing in Holocaust Claus?

Kill yourself Zig Forums

You are missing the part where he doesn't say "kike free". So he's saying "I'm anti-Trump and I'm also a yid." Cause he could have just said both, he chose not to.