Nicole Parsons hung a sign that read "F— Nazis You Are Not Welcome Here" in her dorm room window at the University of Massachusetts campus in Amherst.

A college student who put up a sign at her dormitory window cursing at Nazis was reportedly told by a residence director to take it down in part over “issues of inclusion.”

In a Facebook post, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, acknowledged that the student's sign said "F— Nazis," and a photograph showed that it also said "You are not welcome here."

The student, Nicole Parsons, a junior, told Buzzfeed News Sunday that she put up the sign on her window after a swastika was drawn over a "Happy Hanukkah" message on a resident assistant’s door. A week after she posted the sign, Parsons received an email from a residence director asking her to remove it from her window, for an unusual reason.

“There are some in the community who have expressed that the sign should be taken down as it has created mixed emotions in the community over how to proceed, issues of inclusion, and the ability to be active members of their community,” the email said, according to BuzzFeed News.

“While Residence Education cannot force you or your roommate to take the sign down, I am asking that you or your roommate take the sign down so that all students can be a part of an inclusive residential experience, as well as having a respectful environment to be a part of here on our campus,” resident director Eddie Papazoni said in an email to Parsons last week.

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You can bet she's a coalburner.

It used to be “every race but not racists.” This is very progressive. Have you hugged a Nazi today?

Anyone who goes to Slamherst is

Lucky I don't live in US. I learned the other day you have Rap Snacks, chips snacks with rappers' faces and names on packets. RIP.

I bet she'd become a Nazi after meeting the right Chad.

How fucking stupid must one truly be to first actually not know what a Nazi is and second to feel compelled to care enough about the imaginary bullshit to put a sign up to ward off imaginary bullshit.

Fascist with a horse cock.

l already posted this idea here, defend yourselves with the tier argumentation used to defend "moderate" goatfuckers.

She is into fat Jewish cocks. Lel

They know what Nazis are but they use the term as a blanket term for anyone right of a cuckservative with a nonwhite GF.

She is whoring herself for free attentions. Just think free attentions as the free lollies.

So the implication here is that the college wants Nazis to be included in their community?
How long before a much larger backlash against the college for being non-exclusionary to Nazis?

Sure you can. It's not like women have been laughed at for all of history for having such stupid thoughts.

Nah I bet shes strictly into white goy cock but signals against Nazis for social reasons.

Already 8pol nazi kike whiteknights defending this slut like they did with that retarded whore hannah hays

Oh hi it’s you again. You glow in the dark.


So, should her sign read something along the lines of "Fuck nazis, niggers, spics and kikes; yuo are not welcome here"

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She was asked with a shit poor response.
If it had said "FUCK MUSLIMS YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE." a fucking swat team would have been sent.

She just needs a proper spankin.

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True. Every white girl is an angel who may or may not be misguided in the eyes of many here. If the NWO can't cuck the redpilled with the holohoax, then they'll do it via softcore masked feminism tactics

They are their own enemy.

You are too kind. She need some public whips.

the nose on that yid

also no pic of it must have been the work of Hortler

Kek, thats a hilarious idea. She wouldn't be discriminating if she said fuck [insert every group here].

Shame Dan Barrett is a major cuck who created another Elliot Rodgers

haha yees. SO true.
Give a girl 8 orgasms and tell them slowly after sex the redpills. She will be all on our side after 3 month. Girls are basicall a basket to be filled with whatever oppinion that she perceives to be the most pleasure giving.

If she gets good orgasms and you have a strong mindset and hand, she will be a racist fascist in no time.

Hate is not the answer to those dumb sluts. Just good fascist fucking! I have done this several times, and i always chuckle about it. Can not take girls serious anymore.

shlomo, listen. Jews are smelly and weird with small cocks. Girls do not dig that! Maybe for money, but they will always feel contempt for you, because you are actually inferior in everything. Deep down inside of you, you actually know this. That is the reason, you hate aryans. It is just your own inferiority.

wtf. never seen these before. i'd bet that it's on hot cheetos or some other nigger type chip snack.

doesnt get much more nigger than this

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women have two places: the kitchen and the bed. Otherwise they do a lot of very stupid stuff. Like fucking with anima… i mean niggers.

Secretly she desires nazi cock from a real fascist bad boy.

Bascially yes

you know (((who)))is to blame. Girls are just provoking us white men, subconsciously to provoke a dominant response from us. They love dominance it gives them a dopamine rush!
We get a dopamine rush when we see tits and pussy. If you know one trick to see it, even if you do not know why it worked you would use it.

Same thing with girls. They do stupid spovoking stuff to elicit dominant man behaviour because it gives them a dopamine kick. They do it. If they do not get it, they get even more angry.
Girls are dumb, but we got to deal with them like warriors should. Do not take them serious. Just take them :D

and a hard dick. probably both.

literally who?

a retarded porn actress. who was tricked by (((Greg Lansky))) into hardcore interracial for
She has the mental capability of a 10 year old. But guess what - kikes do not give a rats ass about any life form, that is not of their own kin.


Aren’t the Mother Nature grand? Their job is to remains the men dominant and strong. The jews don’t like the Mother Nature rule so they try to destroy the natural rule.

No, she fucks Nazis

1 syllable
2 syllables
1 syllable


What in the fuck are with these cuckchan stories ending up here?? Fuckoff back to cuckchan you kike, I want interesting news not this insignificant crap

Wanna bet this would have been phrased differently if it read "fuck niggers"?

I expected nothing less.

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she is lying about the swastika.

It was real in her mind.

Did…did we get included in the alphabet soup?

Let's make it happen, hope we can get just N.

Imagine the Oy

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I can only hope the product is packed with MSGs and saturated fats.

Hello CHad. Can you teach me how to get laid? Do you usually pick up girls off the streets or on apps or what?

Where can I go to meet all these nazi's? The way college leftist talk about them you would think nazi's are everywhere and very well represented. I'm having a hard time finding legit nazi groups who openly advocate for white nationalism. And most groups that do are very small are not very well represented. Are these people that delusional that they fight the invisible enemy? Are they being brainwashed that extreme to where they feel threatened by people who aren't there? Or do they just need an invisible enemy to feel important?

Surely they must realize their retarded actions will push people to the side they claim to hate? Speaking of hate, aren't they the party that represents no hate and inclusiveness? Which brings me to the epic troll this post represents, well done to whoever is making them follow their own motto.

Hope she goes to Morocco like the girls in pic related so that she can get good head for all her troubles.

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College leftists immediately beg journalists to report whenever things don't go their way.

Parsons is a Jewish surname.

This is a small, but good thing for us. The more people become accepting of National Socialism, the more people will learn and accept it. Not big enough to change the world, but an entire country doing this would be a strong benchmark.

This is a common thing at colleges, man. Every freshman class gets told to just do that shit in your room. It's a way for the college to save money, don't over think this one.

Nicole Parsons I will cum in your pussy and make strong nordic babies

Once you go to Morocco, you never come back.

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If they have guns then they would be alive But they might be anti-gun. Who knows?

Doesn't the semen just get washed down the drain with the water?

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The absolute state of white women. She would probably still say it's the white man's fault.

Damn UMass Amherst didn't go full libtard? Hmmm… that's actually very interesting.

We should encourage the women to accuse the strong and weak white male for being nazi daily to push them to become hardcore fascists.


Gets tangled up in the hair and makes a nasty hair and cum ball in the drain.


Parsons is an English, not a Jewish surname.

That’s so gross.

Yeah, you better stop doing that before your parents find out

Huh, I don’t live with my parents so don’t derail this thread off dude.

Watcha doing Rabbi

I'd blast Sieg Heil Viktoria in front of this dumb cunt.


They made her take it down because the message was not inclusive enough and was interpreted as taunting the basketball team.

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Nazis have feelings too, I applaud the university.

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kinda funny how we didn't hear anything about the swastika she saw lol

If you're looking for legit groups, you need to drop the term "Nazi." It's a Jewish invented slur. Use "Natsoc" for shorthand if you must.

Based fallschirmjäger reporting in

White women need to see this and be put in their place

If this doesn't get your blood boiling, you're a beta cuck and probably less than a quarter white

I don't think I killed enough shit skins in Afghanistan for Israel. Jk, I did it for whites everywhere, Israel be damned.

No, but seriously, white women should stay in white lands and protected by their white husbands. Whores deserve this fate

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I don't know, dude. I'm pretty desensitized to this stuff at this point. If I had my blood boiling at every bad thing that happens to White women brainwashed by the kikes with their (((Judeo-liberalism))), I'd have a massive stroke, and I'm not even approaching 40 yet.

That's what I first thought when I watched the vid, arabs must have also thought the same because she was decapitated after they found out. It was strange that they didn't rape her and just took off her pants before killing her.

You're right. Some thot getting patrolled hard like that is just new to me for it being a white woman. I saw man behead his daughter, and being not white, it didn't strike me as much, that or I was desensitized then and now getting back my sensitivity. I mean, kikes have fed whites into a meat grinder since before even the world wars they cause, but getting used to it takes the fire out of our fight. Idk, maybe some zoomers can look at it and get all hooah about it and get race realistic or help shame those white women into being like they should be. This stupid "go out and travel and see the world and then settle down after" is a fucking cancer. Anyone that tells me it was worth it was either a man who had no objectives in life or some woman that is dying on the inside and crying about how she can't find her love and then turns into a slut with no loyalty.

Was climbing that hill worth dying that way?

Sure that's better than loving a strong, handsome, brave German man?

I always say "they'd probably still be retarded," but nah, I've seen just the threat of that stuff turn white women straight. You gotta have faith these thots were corrupted, they're naturally stupid, but nothing is worth fighting for if they're the demons I've sometimes made them out to be and got a good laugh at. Remember jews just ruin them on purpose

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That's one of the many shitty outcomes being a slut will get women

Semen is a liquid containing many proteins. Some of those proteins denature in contact with hot water. If you've ever come in a hot shower, you know what a bitch it is to clean up. In reality though, they've just walked in on one too many guys wanking in a dorm shower and so they pulled out an excuse from their ass to make it sound more official than 'stop squeezing out the baby batter in the bathroom'.

If she were a slut for only White cocks, I doubt that it would happen to her.

Watchable or kike propaganda?

The retards had it coming. Wrong fucking neighborhood
They went without adequate white men to protect them from just such an occurrence

Not knowing if she was one or not, wearing that stuff has become so normalized that it's just another way the jews are normalizing slut clothing and slut-like behaviors. It's not a stretch to believe she was a slut being that she wore that on a serious hiking trip. Regardless if she were only a slut for white cocks, she probably only had that kind of athletic slim underwear, and if she weren't a slut, the normalization and widespread use and sale of that stuff as just normal undergarments has been a problem for these last three decades. Being around any of those shit skins that do their duty like that, in their country or hers, is just not safe. Even if she were in pioneer clothes like mormons sometimes are, animals are going to act like animals. Non-Europeans are hard to trust with your women.

I love it when they turn on themselves.

I don't disagree. Decades of kike brainwashing has made them think that the entire North African countries are composed of the exceptional higher IQ and more functional North African immigrants in her country. How wrong she was.

Nobody wants your tiny schmeckel, Moshe, except maybe the rabbi who gave you metzitzah b'peh.

semen is NOT water soluble.

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not all kikes have tiny penises. the ones who have billions of dollars and who fuck 8 year ood girls don't. if you too could fuck 12 year old French twins who are your sex slaves and have no fear of the police because you blackmailed the FBI director , then i bet your penis would also swell into a natural egg shape. well, natural for degenerate subhuman Semites that is.

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This is all cancer at its finest gentlemen. We can surf the Kali Yuga the jews tricked us into bringing upon ourselves, laugh as the world tears itself apart and shits us all out, or we can prove that Indian prophecy doesn't account for the Faustian blood we have and that Adolf Hitler fought for. I'm so tired, and so bored of it all, but when I feel that, I realize this is what the jews want me to feel, and I get angry.


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It crutches on the "fighting because they have to, not because they like what they're fighting for" trope.

They're upset because she went solo sjw instead of vigilante mob sjw commie.

They are only sold in the ghetto.

How autistic are you?

These posts hurt because they are true. 8/pol/ fucking worships race traitor white women, roasties are like the bad boy with a juvie record who everyone thinks they can "fix" on this fucking board.

I guess you are too senile to know the no race mixing rule. You glow in the dark.

Live by dildo, die by the dildo.

They dont even care about their own, judaism is a sect like every other, so its some guru scamming people with old stories for his own profit.

You cant have white babies without them. And theyre mentally teenagers, you may get angry about their stupid behaviour, but you know theyre just stupid, not serious.