If someone is born in India and is a Hindu for example, and doesn’t believe Jesus was the son of a God, does that person still have the opportunity to go to heaven?
How do Christians explain different religions?
Verily I say unto you that if in your heart you gas the kikes all things are possible, all Christian options are on the table, including heaven.
Even Jesus has gone full neon.
Christcucks worship their dead kike on a stick. They sucked his cock so much they made an entire false view of the world to justify it.
Everyone has that opportunity and the opportunity is called Jesus.
There is in every life at least one entity who sees everything you do, and the existence of at least that one entity is axiomatic.
Who the fuck knows or cares. Focus your efforts on stopping young white women from being whores or being stupid about "wanting to see the world"
Is this the fate you want your daughter to have?
Ok kike, at least he's not the Kassar asskinasi whatever mud shit you are, and I'm not even a Christian. Your ugly nose and stench just piss me off. Fuck on off back to reddit where you cringey faggots belong. You ruined how I was gonna shitpost this user
This is a thread best suited for Zig Forums, not Zig Forums. Zig Forums is a Kekite board after all.
The issue is that all religions are false, and there is no god.
The mythologies and cults and other stories that have built up throughout history are not necessarily true, just as many things we have been told throughout just our lives are not necessarily true.
It is best to simply accept this, while also still appreciating the legends and the symbolic power they often have.
not Zig Forums, kys
One Body. One Church.
Re-legion, comes from re-joining of the body. Same latin as ligiment. Religion is a Christian theme only. Others are an attack on the body. Multiculturalism causes "autoammune" disease. The body attacking itself. Muzzies just attack everything. They are fake and not a religion. Synagague of Sa*an is even more sinister.
Christ crucified and giving of His Body in the Eucharist is healing and restoring of the body/ligament.
There's plenty of pagans in the old testament, and God says it's fine for the Jews to kill them all because of it. Same principle would apply here (and did in New World colonization), no?
faggot op go ask this in >>>Zig Forums
Why would you ask about Christianity here? This place is infested with kike who go rabid at the mere mention of Jesus Christ.
who the fuck cares?
There is no heaven.
All other religions worship the devil and are the spawn of Satan. This is what they unironically believe. Except for the Jews, of course. Jews are god's chosen and god blesses those who bless the Jews. Amen.
Christianity like all modern religion was originally tied to a nation. Traditionalist religions can adapt naturally maintaining its purity, even when new gods are added.
Christianity was remanufactured to be a globalist religion but kept the monotheist idea from its soilbound origin.
It could be asked about any other religion. This question was only asked to discredit christianity, but the argument is stupid.
What does Satanism think about buddhism? What does pastafarianism think about shamanism? But it had to be christianity because (((for some reason))) it always gets to be the one to mock. You would be surprised how much common ground christianity have with history and other religions.
Sure all the flood stories in many religions were made up all over the world for the lols and mainstream science just can't find any proof goy.
13 thousand years ago a comet hit earth and caused a global flood. This is remembered in many religions. It also explains the amnesia of humanity and the piramids' old age and abandonement.
lel, nu-Zig Forums is shit
>>>Zig Forums you fucking OP mongoloid
Basic Christianity.
God creates Man. Man has personal relationship with God and is being raised/taught/matured by God with his purpose being the "steward of the Earth/creation". Woman is deceived, and man in full knowledge damns himself by choosing woman over God. Man learns what good and evil are as this is the first time he has been disobedient unto God, God being good/righteous/virtue. Man is cut off from personal relationship with God, can no longer know God. This is the 'fall of Man's, original sin.
God becomes man in Jesus to re-connect humanity to our Creator. We can now know God. This is what it is to be a Christian. He is described as the new Adam, the one that chooses to do what is right. Themes of rebirth in baptism are to do with us being reconnected with God by no longer being separated due to 'original sin'/ Adam choosing to serve the created instead of the Creator.
Essentially Christianity is all about knowing and reconnecting with our Creator. God Himself becomes Man and suffers death and humiliation for this to happen; the ultimate act of charity and humility from the ultimate power and authority.
fuck off kike, explain the talmud
your are not chosen by GOD you are chosen by his people for extermination with the blessing of GOD to rid the earth of your synagogue of satan you rat parasite.
your dogma means fuck all in the fight against you and the minions you have employed will fall aside when we come to rid the earth of your cancer jew
People have the free will to either accept or deny Christ. You cannot be forced to love God. He gives you the choice. With free will you're going to have people do terrible things as well. In this fallen world, Satan has created many religions to deceive people, such as Islam (Muhammed was famously possessed by demons before he became a "prophet").
◄ John 14:6 ►
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Before anyone starts complaining, know that God is not accountable to men or anything else under his creation. He has done what he has done out of love and mercy. He could've wiped the plate with the whole world but he had mercy and now gives men a chance to choose. You have heard the word of God spoken multiple times on this board. The decision is yours, but know that you will have no proper excuse on judgement day as to why you rejected Christ.
◄ Romans 9:21-24 ►
Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so to make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory, even us, whom He also called, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles.
jewish ppl you say nah just your indoctrination to be nepotistic pos and cut out all the white brilliance that allows you to this very day you should be kissing our asses
you cry muh hitler who saved you from your own actions and behavior ?WHITE PEOPLE you heel nipping our strength is not a good look you always do better historically when your a lowely groveling little bitch that gets thrown scrapes otherwise society turns to shit without the whites you hate so much
the parasite can't deny it
I wonder then I know we are better than you,not only are we white and better looking we are more intelligent,how would you feel rat if all whites knew your intentions o guess your would be boycotted when back in the day Roman I decedned from we should have just killed you and your poumpous imitation of intellectuals is amusing albeit false
No. There literally is zero reason for an "all loving god" to allow a fallen world, there should be no fall, there should be nothing bad.
You do not need bad choices to have a choice.
their are only 2 choices in life bitch and they are…
Whites would rather live so that leaves your rats in an impasse you can't beat us out right so you attack our women like cowards and even this you are going to lose.the fight because we are stronger than you and outnumber you hence why you bring the shitskin and even that won't work because we always know who tried it …burning your bridges in a era of instant info you cannot control OPPS to late now we all know it one of us does.
The cyclical pattern you follow will be destroyed by some good exterminators just watch they are coming already hear and know what you are parasite.
Put away the nitrogen canister, bro, and breathe some oxygen again.
>>>Zig Forums
k, shill
sure would be a shame if you found an ashkenazi with a bible and proof of them trying to frame them with a talmud.
Zig Forums