GoFundMe Border Wall

The GoFundMe for the Border Wall has grossed $18,000,000. Seems like a great way to trigger lefties. Thoughts?

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Low energy OP.

People are going to be so pissed when he runs away with that money.

He will refund or donate it to charity so don’t make the story up.

Mexico was supposed to pay.
It's self-cucking. Pitiable, really, but for the disgusting nature of it.
We were promised a wall, and that mexico would pay for it; but instead the plebs are tapping their own limited funds in a vain attempt to signal to those who continue to ignore them between election cycles. It's the weak scream of a quadriplegic man with 4 cute daughters, a beautiful wife and no firearms in South Africa as the ghouls kick in his daughters bedroom door, an emotional outburst aimed to signal will or capacity to action is absent, only manifesting in an increased predatory response from those to whom it was directed.
It's all so horrifying, which makes it all the more tiresome.This world must be torn down.
May the Gods bear mercy for those whose low wit entangled them in this foolish endeavor of suffering.

Attached: War Never Changes.webm (426x240, 7.46M)

They got jewed by a crippled Zionist ZOGbot

I should add: what a time to be alive

shill detected

Look, this is weak rhetoric. Nobody fucking cares. I could easily counter that by pointing out the new trade deal as being their form of payment. Weak.

One incident with people shooting immigrants on the borders and they would stop coming. One box of ammo, thats the price.

At this point I don't really care who pays for it, it needs to be built

Read the guys post on GoFundMe, the deal is if they can't donate it, you get refunded or you can put the money towards another charity.


200 IQ response, very cool

shills and liberals thought that trump was serious. and they thought his base was dumb enough to believe both.
thats why they describe going into a negotiation with expectations above your own, so you walk out with exactly what you wanted, while they think youre upset with the outcome as "4d chess"

Isn't this targeted harassment against Mexicans goyim? Better get it cancelled.

Fuck off shill. The "wall" was an esoteric metaphor for how strong you can be when holding hands to people of different cultures.

Taxing remittances was always the last option, shill.

That was Hands Across America. Try to keep up.

nigger, it was the plan all along and everyone who's not a complete newfag from reddit/cuckchan knew that when he first said it.

That's nothing. You should see me when I make an effort.

The real wall is what we have in our heart.

What makes you think GoFundMe will not just shut it down like they did with the James Fields legal find and pocket all of it. GoFundMe isn't exactly known for refunds

Because the James Fields optics were bad. You really think gofundme would survive the PR backlash of stealing $18,000,000 from a cause started by a triple amputee purple heart recipient?

Its about the message it sends, it doesn't mater if it hits the 1 Billion goal. Learn to think outside the box

Absolutely, the money isn't going to the amputee directly it is supposed to go to the wall. There is no reason the MSM or any news site would mention the amputee. They would just say that a bunch of racist right wingers for caught in a scam and wasted their money, and then gloat about it for weeks as GoFundMe promises to donate a small portion to Planned Parenthood. No one on the right other than that triple amputee is dumb enough to trust GoFundMe, the right uses different services. GoFundMe would not really lose business by scamming the right

This. Organize militias on the border.

We need to fight their cartels on Mexico, otherwise white children will fight drug addiction!

The exercise of sovereignty was the friends we made along the way.

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Wtf are you talking about

Only $968,000,000 left to reach our goal!

nice dubs, it didn't missed huh

As an american retired in Mexico, why would I want Mexico to pay for a wall?

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/b/fag raus

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