Dad puts woman in a chokehold to defend his daughter in fight at Florida Zaxby's
Who was the other white guy? Is it possible a random white guy stood up for other random whites to defend against an attack from feral niggers? They'll probably both be charged with hate crimes and sent to the Gulag.
I've noticed in a lot of these fight vids as soon as a white guy actually starts laying into some nigs some other random white cuck swoops in and randomly starts grabbing at the original person.
Swing fists or get the fuck out of the way especially if it's a defensive fight you can't have some random loser wanna be hero throwing off your tempo when you need to put a dangerous nigger down.
That guy starts pulling the old man off while she's still chimping, introducing unnecessary danger into the situation by preventing that old man from subduing the assailant.
On top of that he does a real half ass job of protecting that white girl.
wonder if we'll ever see the establishment's video.
I dont know what video (you) watched but the in the one I'm looking at the stranger is trying to pull the negress off the white girl while the old man is trying to restrain the other negress.
*forgot visual depiction for the differently abled
His daughter looks like she fucks niggers.
No need to project your porn preferences onto the situation Schlomo.
She looks autistic as shit and probably couldn't get a dick in her if she tried.
Not wrong.
I don't see any white people in this video.
The guy with the red shirt.
4chan go home
Is that a quadroon? He's got a big flat nose and nigger kind of skull.
Ya beat me to it.
No he have blue eye.
What did they fight over? A piece of chicken?
Why are americans such degenerate niggers?
Matt Damon's cousin, chubbs.
Fighting at a Fast food chicken restaurant Good god you can't even go out and get dinner without having to deal with Drama sad
This is the future you choose. They can you can't. You have to put up with their shit or you get in trouble,,,, Basically Spread your cheeks and take it because (((reasons)))
It's gonna get comfy soon Historically speaking shit will get better but Violent shits gonna happen sooner or later
"They" didn't start the fight. Niggers gonna nig like niggers always do.
This scuffle is hardly a Zig Forums worthy thread. White people are being slaughtered on a daily basis by muddy interlopers.
Provided subtitles for the deaf/nosound anons
Jews first. They'll never allow you to harm their pets.
I wonder if those nigger beasts could be tracked back to a gang member lair for larger game. Get some fbi posters and give them coordinate grids so they can do an fbi job/s
What I’m suggesting is if find out the she-boon’s activities and follow their tracks back to Tyron and Jamal for swat raids. for future endeavours, have drone squads on ghetto hoods for gang member surveillance.
total gang war(fbi,Police vs red,blue and cia)?
send all our findings to: f.b.i. tips @
We do fbi’s job, so fbi can posts on an Vietnamese massage parlour boards so cia can have their donkey shows.
OP fbi poster uprising red post
Oh my god….
This is America ? lol
Lincoln freed the slaves but it was the jews who were the architects of granting them human rights. Without the jews you wouldn't have a nigger problem.
Only because jews owned and operated all the slave ships and were the slavers / rum runners.
Yes, but that's also because the jews were the slavers who had niggers brought to the new world. They've always been slavers and still are.
There were plenty of Christians who were more than happy to take advantage of free labor. Although I cant imagine that they ever thought negroids would be granted human rights.
FL; the beginning of Youtube censoring/editing content not showing minorities in a disparaging light AKA the CNN women brawl at FL gas station, even Tosh.0 did a skit about that…
pic related edited version
Were American niggers bred for aggression? What the fuck man.
No, they are simply the most spoiled niggers in the world.
Doesn't matter, I have seen literal niggers with blue eyes because blue eyes is a ressesive trait all a nigger needs to be is 1/16th white and blue eyes will still occur even with two nigger parents
Slaves were not free labor. They were expensive to purchase, and you had to feed, house and clothe them. You still needed to pay white people to keep the nogs working, and they did less work than white laborers. The overall savings vs simply hiring white farm laborers was actually not that big.
Just the average day in the lovely diverse state of New Cuba.
Glad to live in the great white Midwest.
It's even openly admitted. Even more important than dealing with the biological enemies in our midst, is dealing with their (((handlers))). Never forget; (((they))) are Pri. 1
Lol how much jail time for whitey being racist will we see here?
Please some one fallow this so we see how much jews punish whitey for self defense!
Yep fast food and flip flops is some kind of nigger tier behavior in itself.
That's not how that works, you retard.
Those two nigger twins on youtube have blue eyes.
Those sheboons aren't 'Americans' dumbass, they are the offspring of chimpanzee slaves. Surprised you didn't know that…what I wouldn't give if pop's had been packing heat.
The fact that niggers are alive is the real problem.
12 year olds are balding now
Cost effectiveness is not a factor for the kikes in keeping slaves. They don't care anything for the 'money', they like the power of keeping slaves. It could be the least cost effective thing on Earth and they would still jizz in their pants just because 'they had a slave'. They are Death personified in the flesh.
Look up the order general Grant did to expel the kikes from his areas.
That woman is an abomination in the making. Is it just me or does she look like the daughter of Ginsberg? She is so fucking kike ugly I can barely stand it. What a fucking nasty assed horse faced troll.
Is this guy a lolcow or something? It's been a while since I've over that way.
That has nothing to do with what I said or what I replied to. Learn to read.
Sent to CIA secret torture prison maybe. Get with the times
Racist remarks like, “ the line starts behind us”?
Anthropomorphic apes should NOT be allowed to roam the streets among humans.
From the vid
I'm gonna have to say it on this video too I guess. I know the father and daughter in this video. I know why it started and what happened to the 2 black girls. The black girls were mocking my friend and when they were laughing at her my friend laughed back at them, mocking their laughter. Then they went after them. It isn't about a charger. And those are headphones she picks up after they tried stomping on her. She thought they were hers because she was concussed. And if you look closely you can see that they're headphones. No racist remarks were made to fuel this. It didn't start because anyone called anyone anything racist. The father is in his 60s and they are pressing charges. They've got lawyers. The black girls are hookers who were more than likely crackheads or tweakers. (I don't know this for a fact, but in Eatonville and Lockhart Florida where I live there a lot of that going around. Although I do know they are hookers) there was even as warrant out for one girl's arrest. They both got arrested. My friend had a concussion afterwards. She called me from the hospital.
The old jew will get away with it while the random white guy will be charged for it.
Implying Lincoln wasn't jewish.
No one in this thread is avatar fagging, what are you talking about
Can't tell if all these cocksuckers trying to derail the thread are niggers, kike, asshurt civnats, or all of the above.
uncanny valley tier heebiejeebees
he was a melongeon
He has paler skin, but he lives in the ghetto with niggers, so I'd bet money he's a spic.
Who was in charge of sending the freed blacks to Africa? Because they really fucked up on that one. And don't say jews unless you have actual proof that it was jews that prevented Andrew Johnson or Ulysses Grant from sending them to Liberia.
Lol someone screamed worldstar in the background, sad to see our world has become so atomized we like violence because they can be posted on videos to get views.
The 56/tv/ mutt, nigger.
I would have just laid a haymaker into that greasy nigger cunts face
Just the average day in Florida
Why do niggers move their whole head when they talk? It's like they're trying to force their words out even harder, the same way they try to speed up bullets by thrusting a gun.
What a fucking faggot. People like him and the HWNDU faggots are the top reason I'd never want to meet any of you idiots in real life.
What choke hold? He put her arms around her shoulders the second time and around her chest the first time.
If she had been in a choke hold she couldn't have snapped back up like she did.
How the fuck does this old dude lose his pants and undies all the way?
What happened to wearing a belt
Finish her!!!
It's frustrating that nowadays nobody can just have a good old fashioned fistfight without it being broken up.
I have no idea why Zig Forums never says anything about the gahoole clips you've been adding to your threads kek
Niggers. Every single time. From zero to chimpout in fucking seconds.
Anywhere niggers are, you better be ready to defend yourself and others.
Give them their own state, and let them chimpout on each other.
Pretty much this.
Boomers are turning into niggers.
kill all niggers
Also this video shows how useless it is to use non violent methods on chimpsters. If the men would have just started knocking the fuck out of those stupid bitches this shit would have ended fast. All they would have had to say is that they thought they saw a knife before boot stomping the cunts.
>all european women like to _ __
sure, in your cuckold fantasies, mister
honestly, every time a european woman is posted on this board it's just the same reply "she __ ___"
like come on it gets annoying
That's not what he said, he didn't even mention Europeans. Americans are deracinated mutts. They're lighter-skinned Haitians.
Yeah, pretty much. The Civil Rights era and Johnson's (((Great Society))) were a huge mistake.
So they were bullying them, not to buy the take away food?
If you were to give that state multi-angled 24/7 webcam coverage and charge an innocuous fee I'd definitely try to find a pirate stream.
Niggers gonna nig
It is a good idea for them to start business based on $50 monthly membership.
Now imagine if his daughter was attacked by a black man.
black women are stronger than black men
black men are gay ferries for the most part
Naw, let them kill each other you faggot.