
Give it time .

She'll go back to crying im sorry ill never do that again nigger and he'll kill her next time.

Screen cap this.
Its INEVITABLE . FINAL TOLL will be paid in full. Women are dumb and niggers are niggers.

Attached: blood.png (1234x847, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I detect a troll here. Her nose doesn't look broken, there's no real swelling or bruising and the blood looks fake as shit. She's smiling contentedly; that's a smug self satisfied smile on her face for a bitch that just got severely beaten.

The urge for pranking fame on the internets is getting huge these days.

"Did I do that?"

Attached: BTCPTT.png (640x365, 405.46K)

looks like kelly

wait for a few weeks before she blamed evil whitey

Looks real to me

T. Emergency room worker

That's because she's getting hundreds of likes per minute. Female psychology, lad. They live for attention, that's how they evolved to know they'll survive. Women are dependent creatures by nature. They live to secure the attention and concern of others.

This is why all women look "high" while staring at their own asses in selfies

Attached: pay attention to me and keep me alive.jpg (1024x1024, 221.35K)

fake prank confirmed.
You outed yourself but don't realize how.

Attached: I HAVE TO LIVE IN THIS HELL HOLE.webm (480x360, 706.09K)

Not a prank. Just a technician who comes from 5 years security background. I've seen hundreds if not close to a thousand assaults with bloodied faces and broken noses.

Looks real to me famalam

I am asian and I want to fuck that rabbit

Everybody know this zach.

She's lucky that she's not fucking dead. This is what happens when you mudshark.


Ya looks fake

maybe he found her lack of faith in the force disturbing?

That's nice, take it back to kikechan, nigger.

Wow a white woman was jewed and got harmed fucking BASED FUCK our women amirite fellow incelniggers


And this is why I don't give a fuck about white women. Tell her "burn the coal, pay the toll," and it only makes he want a nigger more. Rebellious until the end. Genetic trash. I'm fucking sick of them.

You mean she's genetic trash and has a brain the size of a peanut.

Another eternal white woman. Why do you have a picture of that trashy whore on your PC?

Attached: 1443916963454.gif (400x384, 183.05K)

It's like women are female Buffalo Bills.

I don't think she's smiling, I think its just taken from a downward angle.

Let's see the comments she got from her "friends".

This tbh

It's too bad that he didn't kill her.

She does have a perfect ass. You say that like submissive and dependent females are a bad thing, look at this dumb kike, thinks women should work and be independent.

If I was with that blond you posted I'd get higher than a motherfucker staring into her big blue eyes while I tickled the rim of her silken rubbery butthole with the utmost in lewd tenderness.

Fake and gay.


She didn't pay the toll; she's still alive

Let's just look closely at her injuries. The bridge of her nose is perfectly straight and narrow. Not bent or swollen or mishappen in any way shape or form.
And let's look at her eyes; despite some eye shadow below her eyes her eyes show no evidence of recent weeping or painful agony. They're not bloodshot or red rimmed at all.

Now the blood is applied in a nonsensical way; why the streak fo blood under her left eye? And more importantly there's been an effort to make it look like there's been a lot of blood that came out of her nose but if you've ever had a bad nosebleed you can't stop you'll know that blood flows and obeys gravity pretty well; why didn't it flow past her mouth and onto her chin and then drip to her chest? There's a few little flecks spattered onto her chin but that's it. Did she hold a towel to her face to stop the bleeding? Why no smears from the towel?

Now she says she has suffered carotid artery dissection from strangulation. That's pretty severe; where are the bruises and red roughed spots on her throat from this strangulation. Why isn't her throat swollen. And there's this from Cedars Sinai hostpital;

Common symptoms include:

Scalp pain
Eye pain
Neck pain
One eye with a droopy lid and small pupil (partial Horner syndrome)
One-sided weakness or numbness
Pulsing sound in an ear
Trouble swallowing
Abnormal or lost sense of taste
How is carotid dissection diagnosed?
Your healthcare provider will ask about your symptoms and past medical conditions. He or she may also ask about recent injuries and activities. During a physical exam, your doctor may focus on your face and eyes, strength, reflexes, and sensation.

Tests are done to evaluate for different types of headaches, nerve disorders, bleeding of the brain, and stroke due to other causes. Imaging of the carotid arteries and evaluation of blood flow can help diagnose a dissection. Some tests that may be done include:

Lumbar puncture with analysis of your cerebrospinal fluid
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and neck
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the brain and neck
Cranial computed tomography (CT)
Cranial computed tomography angiography (CTA)
Carotid doppler and ultrasound
If you may have a specific condition that increases your risk of carotid dissection, you may need additional tests. Your doctor may refer you to a neurologist, vascular surgeon, or neurosurgeon to make the diagnosis and to manage your carotid dissection

Do you see those symptoms?

I don't.

Also where is she in that photo? Some kind of persian carpet hanging on the right and some kind of rough wall on the left. That's not in Triage that's for sure. She's at home and she's casually taking the time for a selfie after almost being murdered by a nigger supposedly.

Attached: 2F5A7E3600000578-3358959-image-a-2_1450127598335.jpg (590x859 65.4 KB, 88.26K)

Watch out, we got a fucking Sherlock Holmes here. So tell that fake slut, if you´re such a hot shit.

Why? I don't mind talking to you guys but if I'm not even going to get a condomless blowjob where she swallows the entire sticky load or a good fuck in the back seat of my car why would I want to communicate with this dumb cunt at all?

all this circlejerking and no fucking digging
reverse image search led me to a bunch of fucking cuckchan threads, and those faggots could find the post and a proper screencap with her name

and her facebook photos
there doesn't seem to be much of interest, other than he being a colorado model posting to social media marilyn munroe quotes
a facebook comment suggests the accused was already married, which might explain why he's not in any of the photos
assuming, of course, this is real

Attached: coal accuse.png (685x886 640.52 KB, 73.53K)

Kinda sad that she wasn't killed. Now she is just a used up roastie.

If she stuck to White cocks, this wouldn't have happened. Or at least a lot less likely to have happened.

Attached: toll paid.jpg (512x375, 56.15K)

all these coal burners will end up in same stories. either still alive then blame white people, or end up dead.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (527x720, 351.07K)


Attached: I wonder who could be behind this pun.jpg (1920x1080, 169.92K)

that guy looks like a black Sam Hyde


Attached: bog digits.jpg (626x461, 53.68K)

Ooga booga if anyone was ever even slightly tricked at any point they're retarded and should die ex ddeeeeeeeeee
Kill yourself, purity spiraling larpnigger

You can see the break on the right side, I think it's hard to spot because her nose would normally be abnormally thin.

Katy you always wuz a silly ho

Attached: 9BD24DD3-83B5-4834-BD36-94943829EE7D.jpeg (184x184, 17.51K)

If she dies, she DIES!

She has petechiae (burst blood vessels) in both eyes from being strangled by the guy.


Even the Urkel niggers will kill you never 4get

Really? That's her epiphany?

urkel was a good nigger

its wasnt urkel , it was stefan

he strangled her eyes?

This is really a double sided issue, you have Mrs. Smoke stack getting culturally enriched by T. On the other side you have this fucking dumpster of a human who is probably completely intolerable (hence why she fucks niggers). It's crazy because I truly believe these thots that mix the pot are doing it because they know they're on par with the apes. Modern feminism created ultra aggressive females that can't control themselves, that need someone animal level to slap the shit out of them for acting up. As a strong white man it's your duty to slap the ever living shit out of a thot for misbehaving (open palm).