The Rothschild is afraid.
David Rothschild Rants After Trump Posts Critical Tweet About The Federal Reserve
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Instead of hints, he should just do it. If he really wants to put America First, and not a Rothschild whelp.
Here's me rolling for bad news once markets open.
What do you mean?
I'm not into accelerationism, since i think it's still a small win for the jews, but an economic or currency crisis would be good for our people. Especially since Trump just linked the state of the economy to the FED, a crisis right now would make everyone look into how the FED controls the US money system. Besides, real revolution and DOTR could come only with some sort of a collapse. The jews fear this, they know that if regular people get their ass off the chair and stop watching talmud-vision, they would lose their best form of control.
Who where the other presidents that tried to Audit the (((Federal reserve))) ????
pro tip them niggers got Killed and everyone who thought it was Fucky Became conspiracy theoriests …Pure Coincidence
When did it become okay to tell a president to shut the fuck up? All illusions are gone and these rats aren’t even trying to pretend to respect the fact that the president is the people’s representative. They have the power and are used to making presidents do what they want.
Same thing happened to Hitler.
united states under the right power is the only thing left that can topple rothchilds and literally bomb them to oblivion in 20 min they would all be dead
they might make it into bunkers ,those bunkers would get found summarily and suffocated
bring in the shitskins goy so they never vote for fuck the system but yea little kiddos thw fuck the system party is the democrats that want to turn you into a mud race much like the rhinos for guress who …..a redshield rat
wake up
The kike cries out in pain as he strikes you
when a jew cries in pain strike it and lead it to the guillotine.
Why is he allowed to be so childish and unprofessional?
white slumber and passification however they felt it purdent and us enough pasified to show their cards
BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. to many brandys and inbreeding
The third generation rule? The third one always destroy a dynasty due to laxity and easy living. Though this might not apply to them easily, the newer generations that are born in purple might be their family's undoing.
So very sick and tired of these people getting in the way…
do you have any idea how much hemp can cripple them and just now Trump legalizes it this is a marker that he is at fucking war with the LMAO MY DUDses ppl and yea zionist blah blah any other president would have done that the rat dont like his policies si they get the fed to jack interest rates sending stock market in a tizzy he turns around and legalizes hemp for mass scale productivity all our arable land oh yea
best president in my life time
What the fuck am i reading?
Not exactly a high bar.
uncertainty to jewish stranglehold
not a maga ped hate the jew ties but dam he doing right in some ways not all but better than doing completely wrong like that half whit nigger for 8 years
oh yea hiw long you been alive?
Rothschilds have always told presidents to shut the fuck up. However, this is the first time they have had to do it in public, and not in private while murdering a baby.
with the tarrifs protecting US hemp legalization is fucking huge BIGLY we can now tap into it worth more than gold because it can be reproduced every 6mnth or more depeding…oil.fuel.gas in your care acrylics (textiles) paper,concreate list goes on and on businesses goy their is no limit to the productivity he just gave us as in totally independent. I LOVE TRUMP long may hey reign!!Woooooooooooo!!!! YES!!!
and fighting them jew cunts about the wall shut it down bitch on you
that would be the ice he called out the fed for manipulating the stocks for political reasons like bush 7 hikes yet nigger boy one increase in 8 years the rat has hiked it 5 fucking times since trump the fed is weoponized judaism
No, paid jewish shill, they’re not afraid.
you better be afraid jew or your stupid we are getting tired of your bullshit and when whtes get pissed millions die bitch
He's afraid his golden parachute might not be there when he grows up.
EU crashes whites take their countries back and kik\ck out all jew?
along with your shitskin hoards bthen what israel for you you will end up isolated
you cannot survive without white help you little bitches
you are a dependent for white cum in your ugly jew asses
Help? From us? I don't think so. Maybe "help" stepping into an unmarked mass grave by the side of the freeway.
we dont want you anymore skank ,fight your own wars and get the fuck out of our countries
take your multi culuralism with you open bordersd for israel
millenia and you still dont integrat as no somali or syrian ever would let the come to israel dual citizen hill fuck you
dual citizen shill fuck you open borders for israel or gtfo you hook nose bitches
agree with this statment you fucking rats
Hello kike
when an (((economist))) says stuff like this you have to add the qualifiers.
turns into
and then
actually translates to
The wealthiest members of any society get where they are by mitigating risk. They get insurance that actually works. They are too big to fail so even the government pays for it. Failure is almost impossible for the soft-skinned investment class.
The Fed is raising interest rates for political purposes, that MUST be clear to everyone.
Overall inflation has NOT occurred, and people clearly see this, so why raise the rates? They were kept at near-0% for Oblowme's 8 years.
The Jew fears the goy having a good economic period, as the goy may use it to pay down his debt, and any goy bitten by the debt-weasel, knows not to touch it again.
If goys are not borrowing on credit cards (many young people are already switching to debit cards, and not impulse-buying because of it), then the banks cannot drain the goy of their resources, and keep them enslaved.
So the Jew intends to crush this recovery before it can take off too far, as most businesses use short-term credit to ward off taxes.
The cherry on top is that it also makes Trump look bad if the economy tumbles.
There is a good deal of waking up going on, as it pertains to the central bank, right now.
We need to push for its obliteration.
This will not bring down the entire cartel, but it will take the largest player out of the syndicate, and maybe other countries will follow suit if they smell blood in the water.
"Plate sin with gold, and the strongest lance of justice, hurtless, breaks.
Arm it in rags, a Pigmy's straw doth pierce it." – Shakespeare
I like that quote.
Looks more like someones little rumple is tumbled
Woahhh Roth, calm down there lizard boy.
Well thanks for that quote David, you've done us a great service.
Oh how transparent they have become
Care to name these other presidents?
I'm aware of Kennedy but that's it.
Yes. It's this. Have you compared Soros' son to the father? He's a total loser, and a degenerate. After the old kikes die out, we'll see quick and qualitative changes.
Already a thread you useless nigger.
That thread was made before.
is the clover chronicle the 4chins version of the goldwater… kek
Who is this Rothschild and is he related to the actual Rothschild dynasty? Could use a permanent thread on prominent jewish family trees to keep track of the spread of rootless international cliques.
mom is a kike though
hes one of the mongrels of the central family, but didnt go into banking because his older brother is suppost to replace the antichrist in the picture pushing prince charls around.
essentially hes a rich prick that has no responsibilities other than keeping the family name in high esteem with those 1 billion dollar fundraiser diner parties that raise 20 thousand dollars for starving children in africa
also if youre interested in the family tree heres a general graph made by jews
So this thread gets anchored, but not the "It's the French, goyim, not the Jews" thread doesn't? Fuck this place, seriously.
Let's remember this inbred moron tweeting that everything was about to get easier for him right before the "Time's Up" Congressional train crash.