I can't believe I used to support these marxists.
A Woman on Twitter is (((Abused))) Every 30 Seconds, Claims Amnesty International
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Who cares.
Also there was a study done that most of the "abuse" is by other women.
Don't care. White women are worthless cunts.
People that want to keep kikes from passing more anti-speech laws.
Found the kike.
Why go mgtow when you can find a perfectly fine wife in Asia.
You should take a trip to Morocco with your White cunts.
>Introduce new (((rules))) to combat (((toxicity)))
>Use it as an opportunity to further eliminate dissenting opinion and consolidate the echo chamber of (((popular opinion))).
It's been done before and the fuckers will do it again. Rinse and repeat.
Riceburners get the rope too.
Only 30 secs.? Give me a few..
it should be every 15 seconds. women need to be bullied back into the breeding chamber so that they can birth the next generation of hyperwaffen death squads who will rid the world of jews and shitskins so that hyperborean overmen can once again rule over the earth
fuck twitter. i haven't used it and i never will
Twitter is marginally useful for keeping abreast of things like new software and hardware developments, as standalone websites get killed without notice constantly. It's definitely bad for rational communication, and attracts all sorts of idiocy. The company itself needs to appear in a firing line, but if nothing else, ban-dodging on that shithole improves one's ability to speak indirectly or in code.
Still, I'd rather it did not exist.
i wish i could be a cunt to everyone and anyone who calls me a cunt goes to jail
Twitter is one if not the main tool for spreading degeneracy and kike fueled propaganda throughout normie (people who came online after 2007) population. Just see its use in modern (((journalism))).
Is way more sophisticated than that…a) it accelerates resistance and violence, which makes arresting dissidents like shooting fish in a barrel b) more ammunition for the aforementioned oppression laws and the main target c) the justification to bundle the upcoming enslavement under the cash-less currency together with a social credit system, which awards people for (((correct))) behavior and punishes them for being a bad goy.
So why doesn't she leave her abuser?
Get the fuck off Zig Forums then.
Why the fuck would any guy have kids with that freak? He just destroyed his bloodline mixing it was that genetic mutant.
And people say Muslim women have it bad.
What about men?
The last one just look like londoners.
Just FYI, Amnesty International doesn't speak for (European) women. Ok? It's simply another infiltrated organization that avoids Jewish crimes against humanity while helping shit-skinned peoples around the world.
Err, pretending to help
Another notch on that White knight rescue list, huh faggot?
Just saying that the Amnesty International doesn't speak for all women.
All these Feminist or pro-Women movements are Jewish creations and controlled by them, all to make Women look ridiculous. They're conflating flirting with actual rape by calling it so or what-not, so that actual rape will be taken less seriously, this is convenient since Europe (and the United States) will soon be flooded with hundreds of millions of migrants from low IQ countries and I foresee that there will be little opposition to the mass rape of women and children because of these controlled Feminist movements.
And I see every attempt to drive a wedge between Europeans as an attack on our people and a misdirection from the Jewish conspiracy against all non-Jews (starting with the European people).
There should not be two units of time measurable by the servers hosting Twitter between posts attacking women.
Not even I can get it up again that fast. What women want confirmed.
Time to step up the game
I bet it is just like that video of the kikess that walked through ny to show how often she was cat called and it ended up being all shitskins and then she got called racist. Wonder what the racial ratio is and how they would back away because they would be censoring lil niggatarious tyreke from tweeting about muh dik or sandniggers from rapeposting. Then again saying hello is rape.
oh look the angry gook poster is back
Two things. They consider anyone who challenges their statements "abusers" or "harassers" (they are not) so the statistic is invalid on it's face. Secondly they forgot that twitter isn't their small coterie of soyboy beta orbiters but people who will call them on their bullshit, so it's like claiming public masturbators are harassed by police every 30 seconds.
There are millions of bots and fake accounts on twitter, a massive chunk of which are twitter's own. Many are "bad guys"; dissident voices made to portray independent thinkers as kooks. This is so much YKW with digital spray paint.
Lemmings need a boogeyman.
>(((Michael Greenberg))) is the Chief Financial Officer at Amnesty International USA. He joined the organization in 2015 following a dozen years in the nonprofit sector heading up the finance functions at Human Rights First, Acumen, Environmental Defense Fund, and other organizations. His prior experience is with start-up tech companies. His introduction to the high-tech field was in 1997, as the founding CFO of Internet Billing Company; Forbes once rated iBill as the fifth most visited eCommerce site and an early dot.com success story. The start of his career included a six-year period in international reinsurance management with Swiss Re and articling with the “big four” accounting/consulting firm of KPMG. (((Mr. Greenberg))) holds a Bachelors of Commerce degree and a Canadian Chartered Accountant designation, and he is a Florida-licensed Certified Public Accountant. During his spare time, (((Mr. Greenberg))) serves as Chief of the ""Fire Island"" (Fagtown, USA) Pines Fire Department.
Enough said.