Obama…Beto…now Hogg in the latest line of Manchrian polactivists.
Obama…Beto…now Hogg in the latest line of Manchrian polactivists.
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If any havardfags read this post, be sure to haze the shit out of that little kike faggot.
I'm counting on you
Indeed, David Hogg is without a doubt a facial match for the crisis actor who played the role of Adam Lanza, from the Newtown, Connecticut terror drill and federal embezzlement Big Lie event.
Before he's useful to the global oligarchy, they need to have video of him fucking seven year old boys in snuff clips.
Harvard hasn't turned out a decent grad in 30 years. It has morphed into a kike run indoctrination center for crafting the next generation of elites. It's been clear for a long time that they aren't taking the best of the best but rather those who have the most likelihood of influencing society. If Harvard was really the best of the best then this faggot Hogg would fail out in the first semester. Obviously he won't though, he will be given a pass like all the sportsball niggers are given in college.
That dumb-ass stupid fucking tool can get into Harvard now? His IQ is what, about 95? Maybe?
Harvard is no longer an elite institution, not at all. It' s now a school filled with Jews and Jewish profs and Jewish tools. The only thing of value left at Harvard its the infrastructure itself, the buildings and grounds. The people in it are just fuck-all, a (((liberal))) paradise.
Fuck Harvard. I've seen the standards go down, but this is pure useless chutzpa. David Hogg at Harvard! Ha!!!
(((Hoggshwartz))) school of bitchcraft and faggotry
>harry potter reference. no bully plz
The more I look at that comparison the more uncanny it gets; the NOSE…the shape around the mouth…His father was FBI…it's more than possible…
Is the med school still good? Looks like the humanities is crawling with le 15% face.
As much as their quality of education has fallen, normies still fail to differentiate a good education from an ivy league degree. And they will continue to fail at this for centuries.
It is "good" in the sense that the residency match process isn't solely meritocratic and prioritizes prestige.
Paul Fussell nailed the Ivy League in this book
It should be kvetchcraft and yiddery.
>(((political science)))
what a shocker, another parasitic leech who will live off of your tax dollars for the rest of his life
deepfake it.
Harvard also has a 37 billion dollar endowment, the largest in the world. Harvard could give stop charging tuition, have all its alumni stop sending support, and still run forever.
Harvard never deserved your respect. It has always been a front corporation for Bonesmen, masons, priory of sion pedophiles, and other kikes. If someone says they went to Harvard, your response should be to walk away and never speak to them again. Harvard "graduates" aren't people.
being accepted at harvard means nothing nowadays anyways
theyll accept any random affirmative action nigger as long as theyre cultmarx or just good goyim in general
harvard is pretty much a zogbot training camp
Isnt harvard 60% jewish? you're talking to only shills by talking to people on Zig Forums who attend harvard
It's a glownigger indoctrination centre. Two names: Gates and Zuckerberg, and they didn't even graduate. Hogg follows a long and storied tradition.
And no, Jews have an IQ similar to that of people of European descend but has been heavily manipulated to make it seem like Ashkenazi Jews have a higher IQ than Europeans.
**Should "Jews" be written as "jews"?
Usually only auto-correcting phonefags and kikes capitalize jews. Does anyone capitalize chinks? Or how about gooks or honkeys? Do we bother capitalizing niggers?
He won’t make it past his freshman year.
redpills on jewish nepotism at harvard pls
Get some chick to accuse him of rape
Blunders like that are either intentional or proof of concept.
The backers(and origins) of this movement are either top echelon CIA cultural engineers trying to discredit Hogg and team as a matter of the narrative's progression. That would make Hogg an ignorant liberal being used to discredit ignorant liberals and would allow us deeper knowledge of the intentions of our military industrial complex's true motives beneath their very apparent schemes and lies.
This is a weak link in the chain; Hogg has no backers in Harvard, is completely uninformed and is thus being ostracized by the producers of the narrative at large(as suggested above, for reasons listed above), directly implying he has no ties to any intelligence conglomeration be it US, Jewish, Chinese, Freemason or otherwise.
My research suggests the former is the actual nature of the narrative and CIA is doing this for you.
Didn't he drop out of highschool?
This isn't the answer to what you're asking but what if you put scare quotes around "Jews" and convince people that niggers are the real Jewish people to pit their puppets against them (see: black Israelites).
This link will 'name the jew'…
(((They))) need to be watched closely.
Hogg was a fuck boy for lots of umbrella groups that have Bloomberg at the head of it. Is he still a useful idiot? Maybe. Will he continue to be? Possible. His pig dad and jew blood would suggest so. If he ages badly and or gets crazier then he'll be out. This little faggot has never worked a day in his life and never will so he'll probably look the same at 45. Obviously they want to make him a controlled congressman like the spic cunt in ny. Move his bitch ass back to CA and I could see it happening. This country is so fucked now.
His father arrested Whitey Bulger, so I'm going with former and that there is a factional war going on.
His words were to the effect that he wouldn't be returning until no funz because he felt unsafe.
Reminder crisis actor David ZOG graduated high school in 2014, unusual for somebody to get into the Ivy League late in the game like that. Hmm, must have been his glownigger father's connections that got him in.
I don't know about that pic but he looks much older here.
Look at those liver spots and wrinkles around the eyes.
Is Hogg actually Jewish?
I guess it's true.
JFL, most gun rights advocates who are serious have jumped ship to GOA.
why do you say that?