Alternative to MGTOW

As fucky as MGTOW is, I think its actually a net positive on society, since its actually not stopping whites from getting married (if a guy finds a QT white girl who has no tattoos, is debt-free, and a virgin, he's going to marry her no matter what MGTOW says), and in the meantime its reminding many a thot of her place. However, I think we can do much better.
Why not just, Men Demanding Excellence (MDE)? Here are the rules:

Do not talk to a thot if she:
- has a tattoo
- has any debt at all. Literally any debt. If its a small amount, she should be able to pay it off quickly and then you can talk to her.
- is not white
- is not a virgin
- doesn't take care of her body to a degree that you are personally satisfied with

These things aside, she can be conversed with. In my experience, these are really the only bad indicators of a girl. As far as I can tell the rest can be fucked out of her. I mean that. Men need to understand that women are just reflections of the strongest masculine influence in their life. You can't "reflect" debt away, or virginity back, or tattoos off, so those are prerequisites. However, beyond that, a woman is actually quite malleable.

Once she has passed into the realm of being able to converse with you, you can feel free to start the courting process if you wish. However, how you perform the next part is very important. There are a few things to keep at the top of your mind.

Attached: roasties.webm (279x381 7.63 MB, 17.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If she wants to be with you, she needs to give up everything and serve you for the rest of her life. She doesn't need to show willingness to do this right out of the gate (in fact, you should be concerned if she dose).
However, as your relationship develops you should continue to make clear that serving you is the role she will play in your life. This means she has to give up her career (unless you want her to keep earning money), give up her friends and family and move to where ever you want, etc.

Do not EVER pass a shit test. This is incredibly important for the entire of the courting period. Shit tests are admittedly one of the hardest parts of a relationship to navigate, and I'm honestly not sure that I can be that helpful here. It requires that you, the male, the one in charge, have your own moral center and are capable of evaluating your actions according to that morality, both retrospectively and in the moment.
Being a Christian, this is second nature to me, so shit tests were not problem for me while I was dating my now wife.

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Not gonna fly.
Maybe but 'Quality' is more preferable.
I call my system QTv3.14

Good luck with that, OP. Not fucked more than 1 person per year and you are getting somewhere. Nowhere does your system mention family. The number three item on my list: not from a broken family. This comes after being a girl and genetically European as first and second, respectively.

ur doin christianity wrong

OPs theory for picking up women leaves him very vulnerable to love bombing. Confirmed beta retard. Also enjoy you

However, it may not be as easy for you if you are not a Christian. Here's the premise of a shit test: "YOU WRONGED ME *EMOTE*". Girls will do this as a power move to see how much control they have over their man. She is taking her lead from you to see what she can do to you. It's an interesting aspect of female psychology that, if you pass this test (give into her emoting), she will learn that she can control you which will make her mentally happy with you, but she will become deeply dissatisfied with the relationship. Fundamentally women do not want a man they can control. They feel the need very deep to be ruled and will eventually find someone else who can control them (this is the draw toward BBC).

So, don't *ever* pass a shit test. If a situation comes up where she emotes, evaluate your actions rationally to determine your moral agency in the matter. And if you're in the right, stick to it like iron. Be willing to stoically stay in that position until the trumpet blast. Explain your thought process to her and let her know that she can appeal to your judgement through reason. If you confront her this way about it she will almost certainly become very angry and emote even more. It's a shit test within a shit test. Now, the way a male psyche is built, this will be very hard to endure without capitulating with sympathy.

But you must not. You must demonstrate to her that her emotions are only a facility of comfort to you and will never be effective as a means of manipulation. If you pass this, as I said she will become deeply dissatisfied with the relationship. However if you consistently outlast her shit tests she will become very loyal and actually surprisingly rational. I have not done much research into the comparative intellect of men and women. However I think you may become pleasantly surprised at what they are capable of when tamed.

Attached: Lana Rhoades Crying About her Deleted Instagram Account.mp4 (1280x720, 2.68M)

Outside of some holdouts like Utah and the LDS church (which have rates that are damage enough), the kikes have been very successful at destroying marriage.


giving in isn't passing a shit test its failing it. smh

Do not be afraid to do sweet things.

I know that this seems contradictory to the previous two, but it is not. Woo her. A man is meant to woo a woman. But in your wooing, be careful not to inadvertently pass any shit tests. Be incredibly sweet and thoughtful, but be absolutely unmoveable to her, except in the most undeniable matters which she presents to you in lucid reason.

Do not ever capitulate to her when she is in tears. But for the majority of the relationship, take her out to nice places, surprise her with flowers; have fun! Dating a woman is fun.

But always be prepared to plant your feet on moments notice and not move from your conclusion no matter what she does. Even if she threatens to end the relationship, say "ok" and start talking about formal proceedings (returning things, etc). I've never heard of a woman in my whole life who didn't come crawling back to a guy who did that.

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With today's women viewing 80% of men below average thats's a fuck of a lot of guys that can't get it for free.

its FAIL shit tests, not pass them for the tenth fucking time

People can never be who they never were going to be. A liar can never be anything but. Your woman is already the way you want her to be. Your job is to uncover and strenghten these parts of her. You play no role in her creation. It used to be the iron curtain, before jews used that term for something else. You must pull it back.

This is good stuff, OP. We're told to "tone down the slut-shaming". Meanwhile, if there were as many sticking out of her, as has been stuck in her, she would look like a porky pine
Don't blame young men with morals or men that have been burned severely by the court system for not wanting to stick it in a toothless man eater

Attached: oh where oh where.jpg (500x475, 77.15K)

Very well said.

Also you can't "make someone happy" and they can't "make you happy".

If you are happy and she is happy you will be a happy couple.
If one of you or both of you is unhappy then you will be an unhappy couple.

If your happiness depends on finding a bed mate then you're already starting out from a losing position.

If they met in their 20's/30's that chance is much higher.
If they met in middle or highschool and have been dating since, that chance is much lower.

A lot of us missed that chance, I know I did.

We are in agreement.
Happy Yule !

Some didn't, though. My close friend's old lady bailed after about ten years, because they had been together since they were 16, when they had a kid. It was made easy by her mother doing the same with her father. Broken families are hard to prevent once the families accept it. Generation after generation it continues, since the children are taught it is okay to run away from problems.

What about ==Whites going their own way==
Obvious shill.

Still is the 'iron' curtain. That is why women are FeMales or Iron[Fe]Males.

Being strong and assertive, especially when concerned with virtue or justice, predates your morality source, since it is what the European nations were built with. Not faling for the "happy wife happy life" boomer meme is just the start. You better be willing to puch your old lady in the fucking face if you have to, should some jew-learned behavior surface in a time of stress and it becomes necessary, such as self-defence or the defence of a child, animal, or cultural principal.
No, you have failed at the sniff test if you have a girl that acts deceptively like this. This girl can never be recovered or converted into a TradQT since it is her instinct to betray everybody and put herself first. Your children will suffer the most at the hands of a woman like this.
Like dogs, horses, or cattle ?
Maybe I know which one you are thinking of.
also, Jesus was really Gaius Julius Caesar and his religion was Epicureanism

I like MAADE pronounced "mad".

Men Aware And Demanding Excellence.

There is no 'White™'.

Why not just, Women Demanding Excellence (WDE)? Here are the rules:

Do not talk to a dude if he:
- has a tattoo
- has any debt at all. Literally any debt. If its a small amount, he should be able to pay it off quickly and then you can talk to him.
- is not white
- is not a virgin
- doesn't take care of his body to a degree that you are personally satisfied with

MGTOW was invented by a Jew.

No Fap was invented by tumblr feminists.

I'm sick of your shit, just let whites be whites.

MGTOW is for losers. Men Demanding Excellence is also for losers. You're living in a fantasy world if you think you're find the perfect woman. MDE/MGTOW are nothing more than incels who will never lose their virginity.

Should've said Aryans, I think it's an accurate word to use to describe our race.

It's difficult to find virgin girls older than 14. And if you want a virgin girl it's misogyny, but Chad choking them out is "sexually free".

Lol that doesn't even make any sense. Women hate virgin males more than they hate rapists (and the reason they hate rapists is not because they rape but because they didn't get laid the legitimate way).

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True. I wonder (((who))) benefits from having a nation scattered with broken families?

Possible but [citation needed]
Ah, credibility by association (reverse of discredit by association). No it's better to stop jerking off to digital simulated sex and start looking for a girl friend.

Have you tried fucking a black girl? Its very satisfying

Don't encourage oil drilling. It's bad enough that mudsharks exist.

Who gives a flying fuck about virginity …

Have you tried killing yourself it's very satisfying for society.

Yeah but Aryans are Ancient Persians.
I just say 'European' or whatever Cultural Group I am from.

How ancient? Aryan comes from the Rig Veda which is quite old … much older than when it was written down.

Marxists. There is this quote from one of Mao's generals I think and it says something about breaking up the families is the only way to gain control and secure the future as they see it.

I would try but I'm too busy fucking the black girl

FYI: Communism, Socialism are Jewish creations and Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, etc are all Jews.

Just leave.

Lets work on this.

1. Doesn't come from broken home. This is a knockout question

2. Has a debt to income ratio lower than say 5%. She doesn't rack up CC bills for material goods e.g. iphones and clothes

3.Must be White

4. Works out but isn't obsessed. She doesn't post pics doing butt poses

5. Must have less than 3 partners coming from at least long term relationships of more than 18 months.

Idk I just go by this:
There is a theory that the Early Neolithic Farmers that entered Europe from Anatolia and brought the dark features are genetically the same as Darius and others, such as the Iberians and other Sud-europeans.

True. It's a fallacy to believe that communists/Marxists and capitalists are opposed to each other. They actually work in tandem to destroy the nation, its family structure and ultimately its people. (((They))) have to come up with elaborate abstract ideologies like (((Marxism))) in order to achieve this. It's not like (at first) a kike can say "Goyim, I wish to completely disintegrate and destroy your society," no, he has to worm his way in over many decades first to get to that point.

Okay I'm leaving to fuck the black chick

Community-ism and Society-ism predate the existence of jews. The modern versions are not the same as their intended form ofc. Capital-ism is in a similar state of misuse by jews.

Women who have had more than 5 sex partners are very unlikely to ever be stable

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No, just let shitskins and Jews take them.
First question on a date, "What's your debt to income ratio"
Wow. Good one.
How much do you work out?

Anyway, this is completely retarded Women and Men have been attacked by the Jew and it's not the fucking time to be picky. Also Women are more loyal to their race than men are…

A noble people who punch women in the face.

Fuck off and kill yourself shitskin.

Socialism must be social, right? Communism must be for the community, right?

Beastiality on Zig Forums. kys

Solid list, I would add piercings that are anywhere but the earlobe.

Still better than being an incel

Might I politely suggest that you ask that before the first date. It is cheaper than paying for a drink and appetizers when you walk out.

You could have picked a better type of animal to fuck though user. Even shitskins chose goats.

Sure, we should let them take an IQ test as well.

Traditional behavior, you subhuman faggot. Kill yourself.

Now you are starting to think properly about eugenics. :) If it was me that would be first on my list.

Their actual meanings and their jewish political ideological meanings are much different, as that is how jews work.

I am unusual because I would almost support rape as long as it was a pure European on European rape. At least I am considering the positives of rape among our own people. I think there is a real case to be made for rape in terms of breeding aggression into our people.

Apparently, all the aryan European animals had their hymens taken

Well alright, in the end Eugenics is a good thing. But for now its better to pick any non-retarded white girl and use your common sense, because if you don't she'll possibly chose a shit-skin or whatever our of despair (or get raped because she's a more vulnerable target).
Whites are on average an intelligent enough people and it's quite hard to go wrong, just use your fucking common sense when picking a girl not check-lists.


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Maybe we could start a culture of widespread European on European raping? At least our women would have European babies. Got to get to them before the shitskins and niggers…just a thought.

Rather, you can get accused of rape and have your life ruined because she's an anti-white marxist sub-human.

The 15 year old Chads are getting all the worthwhile women.

Attached: haer.png (936x560, 59.24K)

Yeah but the thot can still divorce rape you under current laws. So in the end, you can pretend you're a James Bond - Conan hybrid, but once married, deep down you will both know the truth and when shit gets real, you'll have to bend over like a bitch if she threatens you.
I've seen that many 'alphas' reduced to mush that it's no longer even funny.

Only way to make it work is for her to believe you will literally bury her if she tries to fuck you over. Anything less than that and you'll lose.

Maybe you should start shaming young men? Just a thought.

Accused of rape without any of the fun of it.
'Civilization' is murdering my people, body and spirit.

What the fuck kind of sick niggers were they testing?

Attached: datsmydaughter.jpg (600x401, 39.99K)

or stop letting children look at jewish porn and eat jewish poison which fucks up their development

Wide hips are disgusting. Girls should look like they're 15 for as long as possible.

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Not everyone is a pedo like you user.

enjoy your fatty then

Look at it again, mate. They're prettier than 17 year olds, though.

You have a chance finding one before 25. after that finding one with less than 5 is preferable. no fatties needed

cuter, sometimes prettier. but not as sexually attractive

So post your better list.

Attraction to 15 year olds is called hebephilia, not pedophilia. And it's the most natural thing in the world for men. You've let feminists shape your worldview.

Attached: dsafdge.jpg (768x1024, 188.7K)

Katya is 18 in that picture, btw. She only looks younger, to her credit.

nah, who the fuck cares if she is virgin.
I'd just take a partner from my own age, who has not fucked niggers (feel sorry for americans)

Did your Rabbi tell you that?

European girls are the ones growing up in "grooming gangs" though. Much worse.

Women with more than one previous partner are worthless as partners. Only fools and the desperate are interested in these used up sluts. They've had their souls fucked out of them.

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my country has no niggers/sandniggers (yet), so I don't need to worry

You're fucked in the head. That girl needs some ice cream and a pink notebook to write stories about unicorns, not your gross nigger dick and sweaty rolls of fat pressing on her.

How have you kikelets gotten so bad at your anti-white shilling? JIDF used to have standards.z

Anyone who wants a wife. Come on Schlomo make an effort.

15 year old women should have wide hips. They should be pregnant with their first child.

It's actually pretty easy if you find a girl who didn't go away for University

That roastie crying always give me wood.

t. insecure roastie
As I mentioned, Katya is 18 in that picture.


Look, I agree with your bigger point, but this part is nonsense. MGTOW is going out of its way to brainwash men, or more often than not, young boys still in high school, to reject marriage and never reproduce under any circumstances. It's entire goal is to cause men, who are in the situation of meeting a good non degenerate white girl, to reject them or dump them under fear tactics like "she's good now but enjoy your alimony in 10 years" and shit like that. MGTOW is jewish to the core, it's jews playing the other side of the degenerate society they've created giving non degenerate men another avenue to fall into their trap of not reproducing.

It may be useful from a biological perspective, but it's not attractive. All the youthfulness, cuteness and elegance of the female form go away as the hips grow wider.

Attached: sdage.jpg (350x494, 63.87K)

It is the definition of attractive you worthless kike. Attractiveness is our instinct to desire the characteristics that create maximum reproductive success. You want to rape children for the same reason you want miscegenation: you hate nature.

the divorce rate is still 50%.

have you done anything about that? you aren't changing anything. go fix female nature first.

>no, goy permanent alimony doesn't happen! We (((divorce lawyers))) don't profit from skewed family courts at all!
If reproduction is what you want, just skip all the gynocentic marriage bullshit - the juice isn't worth the squeeze anyway - and literally rape your baby batter into as many roasties as possible until you have chilluns

Prison time with three square meals is less stressful than divorce rape.