Girl Scouts Get Woke

"Reminder: She Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug. Not Even at the Holidays."

"The Girl Scouts advises parents to allow their daughters to take the lead in deciding if they want to hug family members. While the organization says it is not encouraging rudeness toward relatives, ultimately Girl Scout leaders are counseling parents to allow their children to make the choice."

"[W]hile it might be best for one family to use a cringeworthy moment as an opportunity to teach kids about choosing our battles—always an important one—it might be important to another that they set an example for the younger people at the table by standing up to sexism and saying something."

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sesame street is woke, too
They had an African family as an example of French people.

Happy Hanukkah

Holy shit. Not even niggers liked Kwanzaa back when the 90s pushed in the public schools and cartoons. I seen more white liberals celebrate Kwanzaa than blacks.

…and they're suing the boy scouts for letting girls in.


When I was younger, the boy scouts actually did have a group apart of their organization that allowed girls. They were separate, but it let girls go on the camping trips we did. That was mostly why girls wanted to join. They wanted to learn outdoor survival and shit. Girl Scouts doing this says that their join rates are dropping. Probably because of the feminist shit.

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Will tell these cookie merchants to fuck off next time

Drop a few redpills while you're at it in regards to their potential futures under feminism. Though technically-speaking, you can make the cookies at home. My wife knows how to make trefoils, samoas, and thin mints that we use for ice cream. The recipes are easy to figure out too.

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They're getting savaged on Twitter for supporting Kangzaa

What in the fuck does this crap have to do with girl scouts getting woke?? Fuck off back to kikechan you transgender nigger


So since girls can join goyscouts, can mtf tranny join gurlscouts?

Yeah, whites tend to latch onto religions created by jews for some odd reason.

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The boy scouts are bad, but the girl scouts just display how much worse women inherently are. The organization run, staffed, and filled almost exclusively with females is tenfold further left, more anti-white, and more marxist. Who could have seen that coming?!

May a Palestinian shove a White Phosphorus grenade up your asshole, faggot Jew.

Organisation was fucked up officially since 1991.


I'm not surprised. Female led organization upholding marxism 24 years before it went mainstream (and they partially helped it go mainstream, among many other female dominated groups). I've always said it, women were the sword that was used to slice apart our society.


I don't even understand what they are kvetching about this this.

They always have to be fighting for something so you can hear them roar even if it means getting beheaded.

May you move to Palestine and show us all how truly devoted you are to their cause rather than just using it as a leverage issue to attack a Goy you don't like with a shit teir dialectic.

Wouldn't surprise me if there are some kikes getting filthy rich off them. Probably some weird sexual cabal stuff going on too. I don't have any specific reason to believe these things, but I wouldn't be surprised anymore and it would certainly fall in line with what we've seen the past couple years with catholics, pizzagate, amazing desmond, etc.

Yup, many girls complained about feminists taking over and kill the traditions that they used to have so because of that the girls asked their parents to move them into other organisations or create the new organisations. I find it funny that the girls hate the feminists.

They'll push everything and anything that ties the idea of consent with young children. it's a stepping stone to normalizing pedophilia


a good quality meal is much more enjoyable than a shitty cookie

nice dubs
They won't stop until 100% confusion is achieved.


There symbol looks somewhat similar to the design of the pedophile symbols, although I am trying to think exactly how. Anybody else see that?

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They're undermining families. Where have you been for the past century?


The (((attempted))) ruining and minimization of cultural traditions goes on.

Honestly I kinda wished we had stuck to the Greek gods.

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After seeing "Poland Euroweek" pictures this is what they do in the open with no shame. Imagine what is happening behind closed doors.

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Get over yourself. cookies are not even on the list of the top ten things you should be worrying about. homemade cookies especially.

Sylvia Acevedo, the current CEO of Girl Scouts.
Noticed something ?

Attached: Sylvia Acevedo 3.jpg (960x720 75.47 KB, 57.33K)

He's a purity spiraling retard trying to make Zig Forums look bad.

Also, the Jewish involment in this organisation was from the begginng.

Attached: Rabbi Louis M. Tuckerman.jpg (591x1600 53.82 KB, 192.66K)


Problem glasses and a (((suspicious))) nose.

a jew in drag

Nobody fucking cares. Shut the fuck up you purity spiralling larper.

You have no traditions goyim
You have no culture goyim
In fact you don't even exist! goyim


How many times do I have to tell you anons… it's not sir.

B-but we have a right to party, and we need to fight for it.

I wonder how many girl scout leaders are lesbians.

When a woman becomes a dyke she is automatically mailed a membership card to the nearest Trotskytite organization.

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lmao they the worse

TRSodomite fuck off

Sad thing is that dude wasn't born that way. Another homo rape victim egged on by society.

nice beak. would you have hate fucked her in her prime?

haha holy fuck what a degenerate. please, let's take it outside, faggot.

Its confirmed kwanza is a jewish creation
