Elders of the Black Sun on Nationalism

Nationalism was borne of the Enlightenment, from the Ashes of the Empire.
Nationalism is a great disease which has wrecked havoc on the worldview of the contemporary ‘Right’ - we seek to convince you of its errors, that you may affirm the Traditional Imperial Worldview.
The Traditional Imperial Worldview was essentially this:
1. The Traditional State was NOT “of, by, and for the People” - rather, the Traditional State was the Sacred principle of Absolute Authority and Power, embodied in the figure of the Emperor.
2. The Traditional State held that the rightful source of Political Power was, therefore, NOT of the Will of the People, but of the Authority of the Divine.
3. The Traditional State was NOT a ‘Nation-State’ - a plurality of communities, languages, cultures, and even races, existed in the Dominion of the Traditional State. (This did not imply 'Egalitarianism’ or 'Mixing’ between these groups, a Traditional State could easily (and often did) set explicit Racial Hygiene policies)
4. The Traditional State was NOT totalitarian or centralizing, but practiced organic federalism via the principle of subsidiarity, allowing for authentic folk culture to flourish and local nobility to rule with respect to the particular considerations of his locality. Every community was thereby unique.
5. The Traditional State did NOT believe in 'Primordial Nations’ - a static, fixed 'national identity’ from a mythical moment of primordial national construction. Rather, 'national identity’ was known to be an organic, fluid construction in which a nation changes with its historical circumstances.
6. The Traditional State did NOT place emphasis on loyalty to the 'Nation’ / People, but to the State / Emperor / Divine / Authority.
You see, Nationalism views the State in a Feminine, Lunar way (an extension of Society) - while Traditional Imperialism views the State in a Masculine, Solar way (Superior to Society)
What caused the death of Traditional Imperialism and the birth of Modern Nationalism?
The Enlightenment.
The Age of 'Reason’ was to bring an end to The Age of 'Superstition’ - an end to Divine Authority.
Now, there can be no question that the Poisonous Seeds of this Liberal 'Revolt Against the Divine’, has its roots in Christianity itself.
Yet, the Traditional authenticity of Medieval Imperial World must be recognized and appreciated.
With the Enlightenment, came widespread 'Free-Thinking’ - the Death of God.
With God dead, the central well-spring of life had been dried up.
Nihilism was the result.
To fight back against the loss of meaning; we began worshipping 'the nation’ and 'the people’.
Our Wars were no longer Spiritual, but National.
Our Kings were no longer Sacred, but Tyrannical.
We took up a pseudo-Imperialism, conquering the world under the banner of our newly sewn 'National Flags’, with newly rendered 'National Myths’ in our minds - that we are a Chosen Nation, with a Special Mission - to bring the inferior Nations out of the Darkness of Superstition, that they may too benefit from the Light of Reason.
The White Man’s Burden has not changed - we still force Enlightenment upon the Savages of the World - it is just that we now acknowledge those Savages who we have Civilized as our full Equals - Mission Accomplished.
From the Brotherhood of Man, will come Peace on Earth.
Nationalism gave us everything you see today - it is a sickly, degenerate disease in need of the cleansing fire.
Neither Rome nor Fiume was ever truly a 'place’, but it was an 'Idea’ which could be found glowing brightly in the Hearts of her Subjects.
Our Fatherland is in the Idea.
We carry the Sacred Eagle WITHIN.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop wrecking havoc.

Shut up and learn faggot

We definitely need more havoc. This domestication was not healthy for Europeans, it has made us weak, slaves and effeminate.

Exactly why I think this should be shared.

Using generally correct statements to make the reader swallow an incorrect one. Typical tricks.

From an illiterate nigger? The term is “wreacking havoc.”

Fuck off kike

Projection. Also a typical trait of semites and those of semitic mindset.

See it? “To wreak havoc.” Wreaking havoc. No c.

So he made a fucking typo. You're a fool if you think a typing error makes a message invalid or less valuable. Stop projecting, faggot

“He made a typo.” You are OP, lying faggot. I made a typo. You didn’t know how to spell it, like you don’t know that you’re OP.

Okay. I'd rather listen to National Socialists from the Third Reich though. I'll pass.

Obviously, you understood what he meant still didn't you? Stop being a faggot and shut up and learn.

There are three threads up on the board tonight that are attacking the 'status quo' of our slavery. This is going to cause the kikes to naturally freak the fuck out.

Fucking idiot. When I say "he" I mean Elders. Do you know how to read a thread title? I am not Elders you idiot

Still not sure who you are. Still have shit for brains.

Elders didn’t create the op, retard nigger. You did.

Hey shit for brains, see

Flip the monopoly board if a kike is cheating, they will capitulate for fear of our towering frames.

And yes they did create this. I pasted it here. Understand?

Who the fuck are you? Get off my lawn, faggot.

Cry harder shlomo

Copypasta nigger, at least cite the works of better men when you try to steal their insights.

Your choice, user.


Doubling down when confronted with opposition. Yet another Jewish trait.

You're not doing yourself a favor here.

Ya, I didn't expect this thread to go so well. So far the shills are in full force

You aren't wrong, but nevertheless nationalism, (but also 80 years ago to a degree), represents a last barrier of identity against something even worse than it, namely a global, mass "nation" of raceless, cultureless "humans".

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Yes it is.


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Elders is one man but he says we as in the Royal form of the word meaning. Don't be a plebian, learn more faggot

Idiot, it says "Elders of the Black Sun" right there. Again, can you not read the title?

And I'm not stealing shit. I'm sharing his wisdom.

Thank you for the reminder, brother. Will do.

Yes, well the plan was to use the USA's individualistic socialism (or civic nationalism…'everyone is my nation' degradation of the DNA) to seed the entire planet with socialism which would progress to communism and the great race mixing of the kike world order. In order to do this they need to find the right blend of socialism to spread like peanut butter on the entire planet. Expect resistance to your OP.

All very insightful books. So are the works of Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, George Lincoln Rockwell, and David Lane to name but a few

Who’s the publisher, the translator, the year of copyright? Fuck you, scumbag larper.

Or civic nationalism. But do you think they are going to roll over and let REAL SOCIALISM come into the program with its eugenics and intense focus on European culture and history? Why do you think they are flooding our nations with SHIT if not to pretend that SHITSKINS are 'capable of socialism as well' and that we are all one big 'happy' family of disgusting mocha people? They will never let real socialism emerge…not in a million!

You’re making a thread out of a quote with zero investment of your own. You may as well be on Instagram with your cumcaked ankles on display, tradthot.

So tired of you fucking kikes.

This was merely a consequence of the technological level of the time. The technology of the time made it so that such a state of affairs was sustainable. Later development of technology also ended that state of affairs. It is not possible today. Today we need totalitarian ethno-globe.

The only things the kikes can offer are degenerated phantoms of the true Aryan ideals. Our worldview is untouchable and incorruptible. The only way they taint our souls is by making us look the other way with their cheap parlor magic tricks. Do not allow yourself to be distracted brothers. The truth is before you. Do not look away.

Do you actually believe (after the general retardation of the CIA's Color revolution in France and the AfD plants in Germany to destroy German manufacturing) that there is any chance at all, without incredible social upheaval that an 'organic National Socialism is going to emerge from the HIGHLY CONTROLLED GRASP OF GOLDMAN SACHS ET AL).


I am with you user.

Oh, it's this faggot again.
Fuck off back to kikebook, you bloviating waste of space

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What are you doing, saying your prayers to ward off evil spirits, weak fucking faggot?

Fuck off faggot, you are either a retarded larper or a shill and any Zig Forumsack can see that.

This was a much needed discussion. We on the right, have gotten so complacent in our views. Never become complacent.


He's only going to be on kikebook for another week and then he's leaving the internet, faggot

Story behind this user. I am curious what is happening here and it seems like everyone else knows.

Is it that "Imperial cult" faggot from way back?

You've essentially called on Zig Forums to dox and destroy your idiot ass at this point. Your best hope is that you're just too retarded to bother with, like those dkmu faggots.

I'm actually impressed by how shit this thread is. This OP is worse than OPs that consist of only a single phrase and no punctuation with an image scraped from some boomer's facebook feed.

Couldn't even bring myself to read it tbh.

I have no idea…I simply know that it is new to me and something I have suspected for a long time since there is no such thing as an 'organic' political movement currently on Earth. They all have too much money and power riding on them to allow for ANYTHING that is original or independent of the kikes status quo. As such I am interested in what this user has to say.

Elders of the Black Sun has had a large presence on kikebook as well as tumblr. He has a job in the US government (I can't remember what exactly) but apparently he is getting a promotion on the first of the year and is going to be under a sort of surveillance so he won't be able to run the page any more. I have only been following his work for a few months but I am compiling a collection of all of his writings so when he's finished, I'll most likely begin working on it. So far it's over a hundred pages.

Have you even read Mein Kampf? The fuck is wrong with you, bringing tumblr bullshit to Zig Forums?

So he's a zogbot. Would be killed on the day of the rope.

If you're interested in his work, I suggest watching his kikebook page although he just deleted all the posts to be a dick (partially I understand why he did it, he wants people to have the hard time of finding out the truth on their own and I somewhat get that but at the same time I still want to offer this knowledge for those who still have a listening ear) so you won't see much as of now. Hopefully he posts more informative articles over the final forthcoming week. Also, you can find some articles on a Tumblr user named aryan-sun. He has posted some really great ones. You just kinda have to dig for them until I get this collection done I suppose.

Seriously, do you realize just how damned retarded you are? The entire OP is absolute shit-tier compared to even the most basic entry level works of National Socialism. Right down to the bullshit drivel of misinterpreted symbolism.
You telling me that Mani was a feminine? Are you fucking that ignorant?

You're stupid if you think literally everyone in our government is on (((their))) side

You just deleted, because now you're afraid of being dox'd.

But I'm gonna spend some time with the wife and watch some Goblin Slayer now so I probably won't reply til tomorrow. Check his stuff out though if you crave the Truth. And read some God damn Evola!

I have never heard of this person, but of the three pro-European threads your is getting fucking hammered (LMAO even my pro-European rape thread is not as shilled as yours) congratulations. I will have to look into it and who this person is…so fascinating.

OK user I will do my own investigation as well. Thanks for introducing me to something new. ;)

Samefag, probably also made the YOUR MIND IS THE ENEMY thread as well. Your schtick is too obvious.

They are, by consequence of literally working for (((them))), on (((their))) side. All government employees will be exterminated on the day of the rope, all the way from the highest officials down to the local librarians. Rope day will see about 85-90% of people killed off when all is said and done.

Nope at least two are completely different people and I suspect the third is as well.

The fuck is happening in this thread?

Don't even bother, faggot.

A massive bulwark.

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

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Fuck off kike.

Doubledubs and linguistics confirm for samefag slide threads.

Don't knock it until you have tried it.

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user, I don't have Fecesbook account; so all I get is a basically blank page demanding I sign up to view the content of the page. Where can this group be reached outside FB (since he is going to leave FB in a week as you said). Will he start another blog or is there going to be a way to contact him on some other forum?

where do these faggots even come from

I don't have a kikebook either, fuck that shit but you're most likely looking at a banned page. He gets zucked a lot. Here's the active one m.facebook.com/EldersOfTheBlackSun

And based on what he said so far, I doubt he's going to have any presence online after the first of the year. This is a main reason why I'm making the collection because I don't want his work to have gone to waste whether he thinks it will help or not doesn't matter to me. He thinks his work is done in a way but I beg to differ

This is all I can see when I follow the link.

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Get out.

Hmm.. I'm not sure why it won't work. I'm on mobile. I'm not sure if that makes a difference, shouldn't though

It is probably blocked at my end. That is not unusual…there are some places that I am not 'encouraged' to go online. I will have to sneak in later. NBD


You're retarded because nationalism is within said civic nationalism and if you read the OP you'd realize that nationalism in all its forms are a disease. Stupid faggot, read more before you speak

Something like that. I thought it was "How to get censored on Facebook, For Dummies".

I'm a huge fan of NatSoc rhetoric… not sure which audience the OP is targeting. Not Zig Forums based on what I read.

You're a low IQ retard. I already addressed the problems with your post here:

Nation-statism ("nationalism") was not a consequence of "the enlightenment." It was a consequence of technological development which made the old order non-viable from a game theoretic perspective. Nation-statism of the form utilized by national socialism was the essence of "traditional order" in a different form accounting for changed technological conditions. The next manifestation of this essence will be totalitarian ethno-globeism


so OP was written by a literal fed
based and redpilled I love white genocide now that a CIAnigger told me being a nazi was bad

The issue is that there is no god.

There cannot be a legitimate divine aspect to our leaders. There simply cannot be. If one claims to be sent from a god, or otherwise contain a source of power derived through the will of the divine, I will simply not believe them.

Image breaker.

TFW, "Nationalism" as it is currently understood can be simplified as expanded Tribalism. Which has no connection whatsoever to the Strawman that Duginists, Eurasianists, Neoreactionaries, and shallow Evolians have constructed about the word "Nationalism".

It is, in fact, a much more eternal doctrine to care for your extended family than it is to create soulless empire.

And you would be incorrect, because one need only consider the first cause to understand the existence of the divine. One need also simply consider truth at depth in order to shatter one's ignorance, as you have demonstrated.

Also, clear Tautology is clear fallacy.

Also, you sound like an atheist beta male loser who knows absolutely nothing about the world of the spirit.

Pseudointellectuals of the Black Sun BTFO by one sentence yet again.

False, too, because the divine has been clearly documented.

When people die, they don't just black out. for a reason.

(legit this is just copypasta from RAMW that OP is trying to pass off as his own, embarrassing!)

Hmmmm. Nope. Fuck you OP.

Most modern nations are not made up of extended families. They're a mixed bag of different tribes, some of which are often not even fully assimilated into a national identity (see Catalonia in Spain; Dagestan in Russia). Nations have more of a blood-bond than a typical empire but both rely on a formative force, whether it's national or based in empire. Both of those two are tasked with united disparate groups, but an empire demands a more powerful formative function in order for things to work. Nations are only slightly more soulful.

another example of a modern nation with nothing to do with extended family: the US, even in its early state it was made up of various non-related peoples from all over Europe, which is even more soulless than any empire to ever exist.

learn what words mean before you use them

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Yeah, but that's not how things played out in reality. If nations were truly honored the world would be balkanized into a million small pieces of land and none of the modern "nations" would exist. Anyways, citing the dictionary definition doesn't matter, there is denotation and connotation. The word "nation" has a wide meaning, but it has always been used to justify unnatural unification of related but disparate people (Andalusians, Catalonians, Galicians, Castialians, etc. for example).

1. >traditional state was not of, by, and for the people
AKA tyranny and rule by oligarchic despotism. Which is what we have right now. Also, most places did not have an "emperor."
Furthermore, the "traditional state" of Germanic people was tribal yeomanry in which the chieftans and kings had to EARN the respect and support of free men.
In other words, you're full of shit.
2. >the traditional state had divine right to rule
In other words, "shut up and obey us because magic sky spirit says that you have to."
"Evidence? Silence heretic!!!!!!"
3.>The traditional state was SUPER DIVERSE GUIS, but that did not mean race mixing.
First, most states were not "diverse" even in the era of kings. "Diverse" states tended to be unstable.
Secondly, when they were "diverse," yes it did. The original Romans essentially ceased to exist during the Roman Empire due to racemixing. Also, a "diverse population" means that many, perhaps most, people are oppressed by those not their own Volk.
4.>The "traditional state" was not totalitarian or centralizing.
It was exactly as centralized and totalitarian as the technology and strength of the ruling class allowed. They centralized and oppressed as much as they could, as quickly as they could.
5. >The "traditional state" did not believe in Nations.
Of course not. They believed that "peasants" were barely more than slaves and only cared that they work and pay taxes. They treated all "serfs" equally badly and mostly wanted them to stay out of sight.
This also conflicts with your claim #4.
6. >The "traditional state" did not believe in Volkism.
Of course not. It would interfere with enslavement of the masses to the state.

This person clearly supports White genocide.
This person clearly supports globalism.
This person clearly supports rule by oligarchic despotism and enslavement of the masses into a caste system (which is a core element of the "NWO").
Reminder that race is genetic.
Reminder that the "hereditary ruling classes" have almost always been mediocre faggots whose ancestors seized power through either force or treachery and then ruled through massive nepotism (in the form of class system). Hmmmm………
Reminder that genetics is the foundation of everything living, including human life, human ability, and human behavior.
To downplay or ignore genetic race is to downplay or ignore the foundation of everything that matters.
No. Globalism, toxic altruism, the decline of White tribalism/Volkism, Christian universalism, and (((subversion))) by hostile "elites" have led to the problems facing White people today.
Volkist Nationalism, separation into racial and ethnic homelands with strict border control, and "an economy tailored to the Volk's needs" is the cure. Also sensible positive eugenics to create a society of highly capable generalists.
There is, and has never been, any "divine right" to rule. "Divine right" is, and has always been, a lie created by monarchic governments as a means of claiming legitimacy via popular religion.

Pick one.


It's retarded.

Monarchic systems rarely defended "identity" (which is a misdirect term to dilute racial Nationalism).
They defended the wealth and power of the ruling "elites" and cared for little else.

"Don't be a plebian"
Just like don't be a goyim, pagan, rednick, hick, heathen, hillbilly, or any of the other hate terms created to disparage working class and/or rural people.
You people are no different from the marxists. They all think that they will be "card carrying party members" and work cushy desk jobs. You think that you will be "nobles" and "other people" will have to be damned to serfdom.