Yesterday, while listening to a podcast (Moly), it was mentioned that when we play videogames, it's because the challenges of life are so unbearable, that we retreat into a world that we have control over, are allowed to fail without repurcussions and are often guaranteed success in. This struck me so intensely that I immediately closed down my go-to audiobook and podcast brainless game memelands and started expounding on a short story idea I had Steampunk anarcho-guilds in the age of discovery. 24 hours have passed and I'm having second thoughts because of how much work it will take, how little knowledge I have on character development and generally losing my confidence. What is the mindset that I should have/be developing to overcome my fears and have success in the real world?
Get me off of Videogames
Other urls found in this thread:
Molly is a kike who larps as a philosopher. There are many reasons to play games. I indulge in CSGO because I see it as a killing simulator. That's it.
Faggots are filling the board with bullshit like this. I wonder what is actually habbening. I have never seen so many simultaneous bullshit distraction posts. What's going on, Chaim?
Nah, it's because video games are much more fun than real life. The amount of fun you would get out of scanning your yearbook into a school shooter game and playing that over and over again would far surpass the amount of fun you would get by actually shooting up your school and then having to go to prison.
Lots of gaymfags the last few days.
just dont be ignorant:
If I play video games for 8 hrs
and I cook for 8 hrs
I have 8 hrs of experience in both of those things more than the other person (all else equal)
You have to decide what you want to be good at. If you want to be good at shit posting and taking to retards .
Stay here and keep asking questions
all the cool kids got lives … and you are stuck with the new gen of retards.
you seem in good company
videogames are for faggots who can't handle reality.
Anything short of meeting someone face-to-face and experiencing what their real thoughts and feelings are about something will always lead to people interpereting others in the worst way possible. You fucktards think I'm some hasbarakike or brainwashed molyfag. In reality, I'm some guy typing from Utah relaxing for the evening after work asking for advice that would be good to better improve my life and hopefully have others pick up something good for them. How many fucking hoops do I have to jump through for you to lower your paranoid mental blocks and talk to the real (you)s? If I were looking at you face-to-face right now, as a friend, would you fucktards act this way? God-damn your paranoia!
Haha good larp do it again
Don't let it get to you, it's just the the flotsam washing up after the recent nuking of 4cuck plus Winter break underage b&'s.
And, to answer your original question: there is nothing inherently wrong with video games, but, if what that blogger said struck a nerve with you, it might be your subconscience trying to tell you there are changes that need to be made to your life.
It may even be that video games aren't the explicit problem, only the most glaring aspect of a life wanting and in need of an overhaul.
My recommendation would be to substitute a certain amount of time each week that would have gone to playing vidya with an activity that you never or rarely have done, then, work up from there, increasing the time and eventually including other habits, too.
Polite sage because this belongs in either the self improvement general or QTDDTOT
jesus christ dude get your shit together
Delete System32, homofag. You’re one of those addicts too ashamed to admit the real problem and wants kudos for conquering a pseudoproblem.
Finally an honest response. This seems like sound advice and I'll follow it.
Get a load of this guy.
Do the work. Creative endeavors are hard. Break it down into smaller parts with well defined goals. It doesn't matter if it's good or not, what matters is finishing. You will improve with time and practice.
That's what I tell myself, anyway.
I kind of discovered the same thing myself when GG led me into the 2016 election and beyond into political/historical awareness. There's definitely the element of there being small challenges we can comfortably confront, but it's also that I've been looking for a true, righteous battle my entire life. I was brought up cuckservative so I've got that old valor and honor and 1776 spirit deep in me, and so I was crestfallen when I realized the military I'd almost made it into (health reasons) was just a tactical bludgeon for ZOG and its wholly unwholesome interests.
I don't know how common that is, but it burns me to the core to not have something actually worth fighting against. Now that politics is no longer a distant abstract of pointless news blurbs, video games are less compelling because I'm closer to the real thing than the simulation can provide.
Praise cult leader Holy Moly!
Saves money instead of giving it to resort kikes.
This post is an example of why you’re a fool to go looking for advice on Zig Forums. From GaymerGoy to Blumpf to (((historical awareness))). Someone needs to kill himself before it’s too late and he hurts someone else.
It’s a 4cuck invasion. These nigposters burned their own house down and now they want to live in this one.
You don't belong here. Go back to reddit and/or your nearest mossadnigger office. There is an abnormal number of low effort bullshit threads that have popped up in the last couple of hours and you should be gassed.
Two journalist habbedings and a hugbox published by the enemy? You’re naive. As for OP, that sorry sack of shit is addicted to smelling his own ballsweat permeate the basement. Why give up vidya when you can get your cucked ass off the binary jew.
It wasn't the journalism that got me. It was the Silverstring Media/DiGRA/DARPA connection that finally got me (((noticing patterns))) and now I'm the guy slowly turning my Zionist boomer family members against a country and people they've given unconditional support to for 50 years.
patrician taste. friend me
Can’t even let them die in peace, huh? Your own family.
This is what did it for me. I was a very serious starcraft player, and I just walked away from basically all vidya. I still play here and there, but every time I do I think of this. It takes approximately 10,000 hours to completely master something. If I were to add up all the hours in my life playing fucking video games, it would easily total over 10,000 hours. It's why I can basically pick up any game and do pretty well at it. Is that a fun skill? Sure. Is it… useful? Abso-fucking-lutely not. If I had say, devoted that time to studying mathematics… I mean holy shit, playing the piano or any instrument I would be a fucking god. There are just so many better things to spend your time on than video games. Besides, the gaming industry has really fallen flat these days. I mean the most fun I had with an FPS was fucking DOOM (2016) I played about 240 hours. Had a lot of fun, really was hoping that the industry would take notice but no… so yeah, they don't get my money anymore.
Video games are a pleasant distraction, but they are just… a distraction.
best way for me to do it is to completely uninstall all the games i have after a game binge for a weekend or something. then take a break for a few days, weeks, or even months sometimes depending on what i have going on. then i go back and binge on a weekend or holiday after working really hard all week and repeat cycle. sometimes i stretch the hiatus for several months without playing games, but i go back every once in a while so i can take a break from all the bullshit.
That's cool, I'm playing rdr and just punched my horse in the face on accident.
Hardest I've laughed all week.
ur steampunk book sounds retarded. stfu and kys
Something-something hard truths, something-something comfortable lies.
That’s for them to decide, not you, thumper. If it was a bible in your hand you’d be going door to door on your bicycle like the nuisance you are.
Too late, and a logical fallacy anyways, Moishe. The Gaither veteran crowd now knows the origin of the Star of Remphan.
You're doing the wrong activities. I sure hope you aren't a neet OP. Learn some trade skills.
Allowing blind fools to die in peace is a form of dysgenics. If idiot boomers who voted for the impossible are allowed to live out their unnatural lives in comfort then we are sending a signal which promotes degeneracy.
Let the pensioners starve. Let the boomers try to fight us for their very lives. We're stronger and more deserving of life–the outcome is certain.
the post
Bad sons are everywhere it seems. Babby’s first redpill make him think he can convert every npc to his revelatory differensame. Thankfully, it doesn’t stick no matter how hard he tries and he has to live with both the futility of his persuasive ability as well as an ever sneaking suspicion that he too is a fool for being so malleable. You don’t need to take years to see it. Others can already.
That is why this reactionary larp will never become a political status quo: no compassion.
kill yourself you pathetic piece of nigger shit. bonus points if you can take out the degenerates who created you in the process. you have no worth.
It's worked well enough for me, and I hope it serves you well, just don't let yourself get discouraged and fall back into your old ways if when you hit a streak of new activities that don't entertain/fulfill you; discovering what appeals to/suits you is a skill in and of itself that must be honed – know thyself, and all that.
I'll finish by adding that, after some time at this, you should notice your willpower increasing (video game-pun intendied) through the way you're better at completing tasks/objectives, making/sticking to a schedule, time-management, and overcoming other bad habits.
Show me a real Commie. I mean it, show me a nonproperty owning dyed in the wool Communist.
I know actual Communists. They don't own property, and living in actual communes.
There are no Communists posting or affiliated with 8ch.
get into the oven you leftist faggot. you clearly have no idea what brotherhood/alliance mean.
kys and take your pathetic, dysgenic, ignorant family with you.
im not emotionally tied to any leftists. my boomer parents have always been based and redpilled. but when i share the JQ with them they think im some conspiritard. theyve been brainwashed since birth. much more effective to take the fight to the young enemy soldiers, ya fuckin sperglord edgelord.
also, check my dubs before replying to me. you fucking faggot.
first, check my dubs before replying to me.
secondly, you massive faggot, why dont you eradicate these commies you know
protip: you are one of them
they are the enemy you fucking retard.
ps go back to reddit spacing
they die in peace knowing far more than they would have if user had not enlightened himself. besides, it's useful if you incarnate again.
shoo (((kike))).
all people are teachable and are able to learn, to far higher degrees than what wae previously thought possible. you, me, everybody has 100 billion neurons! how many of them are dedicated to purposes in a life, how many don't do stuff? we literally can learn anything.
i even said it from a scientific perspective instead of a spiritual one or the positive mixture of both.
people have free will you know?
I own property, and can't stand you Kikes. I wish you'd all get on your private planes together and fly your queer asses back to the Middle East where you belong.
Then I would never have to hear your whinu weak voices, or you ugly faces, or read your gay posts on this site anymore.
ahem. check my dubs before replying to me newfag.
Mentally ill parader of strawmen. No counterargument here. I just feel sorry for you.
That's a very one-dimensional perspective, OP. Self-improvement doesn't mean you have to give up stuff you enjoy. It means you actually *also* do other stuff like getting some exercise, learning things, practicing a craft, etc.
Also not all games guarantee success, and some outright set you up for failure. The RNG in Rogue can be a real bitch.
again go back to reddit spacing
You're a stupid nigger and should be buried in a mass grave with the rest. Theoretical potential isn't relevant. What is relevant is that decadent societies collapse because boomer-tier assholes lose their grip on politics and allow conniving sociopaths to run things unchecked. This is inexcusable.
You have no power here Jew. Get lost.
Ask me how I know you’re not from around here.
Compassion for degenerates is a weakness. There's not a philosophy on the planet that disagrees.
You need to look outside your chosen hugbox, illiterate nigger.
Ask me how I know you're a brainlet. Traitors die first. They're orders of magnitude more dangerous that enemy combatants. You are a fucking brainlet. Those among us who plug their ears and shut their eyes are the problem. An example is obviously needed.
edge edge and edgy featuring dante from devil may cry
To say these things about your own family and not consider you may have some brain damage is highly unlikely. Show me where the big mean man touched you.
How fucked is that the Jew is actually making sense, and the bot and queer are just flapping their gay sodomite hands around like they were in charge of something.
the fact that you think retarded boomers had any power over anything proves how new you really are. the unwashed masses are never true players in the game.
There you have it. Decomposition itself is an opportunity to admonish the dead. Nay, it is your duty to do so.
Kill yourself nigger.
Confirmed leftist. No argument. No point. Nothing more than a sarcastic appeal to rhetorical bullshit. You should kill your family and kill yourself. You have no worth. You are less than zero.
Kill yourself kike.
I can’t take these people seriously anymore.
The guy that went through an explosion and failed to produce offspring and failed to raise another man' child should refrain from judging anybody on any merits.
When you basically raise yourself and concede to the reality that you have zero interest in helping anybody because the world is really that fucked up because of a rootless cabal of merchant bankers, then you can pass judgement on my choices.
I don't owe anybody anything. I don't owe you compassion, money, or even mercy.
get busy either working, or chasing an interest/hobby away from the screen. you will no longer have time even if you wanted to. and if you think you can just play just this once, you'll relapse even harder and end up killing yourself because you'll realize your fate.
pro tip: work, toil with non-screen hobby, get rid of your game-capable pc, phone-phag or tablet-phag your chan needs.
rip the bandaid off, you won't be sorry, i promise
Did you out yourself?
So we need cheevos to keep autists engaged.
Still lashing out I see.
No but (jew) did.
Of course you would resort to doxing yourself in hopes that someone would feel sorry that you’re a loon. But you still haven’t made a persuasive argument, so piss off, bawlbag.
Fucking idiot’s even promoting cuckoldry as if that’s such an ordinary sentiment.
Thread summary: some anons have deep-seated anger issues. SMASH!
Get out of here, bolshevik.
Stop listening to Molykike and Petershit OP.
They are turning an entire generation of men into fucking retards.
Both are hacks and one (((Molyshit))) is a goddamn Jew.
Go read a book nigger!
that happens when you meet people face to face as well, what are you, 12 ?
in reality your a faggot that listens to moldyjew and because he says video games are bad you start freaking out and start posting here about you need to stop video games but when you tried you just started writing some shit story and you don't even know how to write so what the fuck should you do??? kys, that's what
See, even reddit knows better.
Molyneux plays videos games, he's admitted to it many times, he's had quake and unreal tournament matches on his podcast before. he's said gaming was an unproductive habit, but he's never demonized videogames as a whole. did somthing new happen? or is this just plan old hypocrisy?
you cant be “based” or “redpilled” while denying the JQ
Is that Adrian Mole book any good? I only know of it from the IF scene. The games seem pretty bizarre.
lol, video games are a lot more fun than mundane life, as are any hobby from gardening to rock climbing that you find unique interest in. Doing anything without exercise is not a good idea, but control is an illusion we think we have until our health or a random car accident comes along. Video gamers are smart usually and can foresee problems as they've trained to think ahead– pretty much the exact opposite of communists tbh.
Looks like somebody plays AAA bullshit, go play Battle Brothers on ironman expert mode and get back to me. I play vidya because real life is boring as fuck to me.
Also, if you don't play vidya for the challenge, then you are basically a nigger. Vicky II, CK II, HOI III Darkest Hour '44-'45. Strategy is good as well as FPS, some RPG's are okay.
I am not going to lie. I do play vidya.
It exercises the mind in ways that you can't get from rigor or by association with anything else.
Don't listen to this edgy manchild , OP.
You're on a better path. Video games are an organized DISTRACTION.
Nah man the whole game is rigged against you. Most people get jobs that are full of people that they know and trust and try and rise up in the ranks according to popularity, popularity being something you have no control over since its based on physical looks and your social development since adolescence. In other aspects of life you'll have men that are much stronger than you or with much more social connections that will take an absolute shit on someone that they see is trying too hard. There are two reasons for this 1) you'll be used as an example onto others so that those people would not try the same thing 2) they know that you are after their jobs/positions and you're making life much harder for them so they have to squash you. You have to not be afraid to die or kill to reach your goals because that is what ultimately will happen, you think that people take defeat lightly?
Yes I love the tactical thinking and situational awareness decision making of Arma 3 for the same reasons.