Donald Trump ladies and gentlemen.
Donald Trump ladies and gentlemen.
Israel panics and does something rash in 3.. 2…
I thought it was $3.8 billion?
Pretty much this!
and planes, and guns, and fight their wars for them
Get ready for another 9/11-style false flag.
6.5 billion? How are we supposed to defend ourselves with 7.8 billion? We need at least 9.6 billion minimum, goy.
Everyone saw them attack Syria on Christmas, they really aren't popular right now.
Trump is saying (let's see what he actually does though) that it's time for the US to abandon the region, and that Israel needs to fend for itself.
You trying to lowball them at just $10.1 billion? When we've agreed to $11.8 billion already? Keep your goy hands off of Israel's $13.5 billion!
Remember the 17 billion!
I moved the embassy don't you forget!
This thread delivered the lulls
But wasn't Trump supposed to be a Jewish shill?
It's barely enough to defend them, definitely not enough for an offensive.
This madman thinks he's JFK-proof
Can't even get that right, can you?
He was, now he's figured out the scam. Only took him 2 years. Yeesh.
What sickens me most is, if Israel has him killed, all the commie faggots will have parades instead of a national day of mourning
Maybe, just maybe, kikes shouldn't be attacking others.
What is your point? You think we should go on fighting for them? I don’t.
This is why he is Teflon Don. No matter what they say he will always say "Of course I support Israel I moved the embassy."
If Trump was assassinated there'd be a million man march of armed men blaming our own government.
It's funny that you think this.
They would be too busy protesting the fucking shoah that would be unleashed upon the kikes.
No one killed jews when Kennedy was shot, even though the jews were so terrified that they would that they shot their own assassin. No one is going to kill jews today over the death of a true shabbos goy, particularly after 60 more years of kike brainwashing.
Oy vey, only a hundred billion a year! Can't you spare two hundred billion dollars for your greatest ally- the only democracy in the Middle East?
Yeah, no shit, the old fuckers were dumb as rocks. People are wise to you cunts now.
Bibi has said 'Israel does not need help from US. Israel can defend itself'
Huh, let's see what's in those books. That should be interesting.
I want their nuclear energy program audited before they receive another dollar. If they have nuclear weapons, as is rumored, they get nothing.
If anything untoward happens to Trump I will personally start killing jews, no question. I'm very, very serious. Over xmas dinner, I was arguing with my aged mother who only watches the msm (she couldn't watch TGSNT because she said it made her feel ill) about Trump and she said the near future will either bring his death or his impeachment. So she was parrotting the msm talking points, or deliberately trying to annoy me but she was adamant in her belief. I told both my folks right then if the jews kill him I will consider my life forfeit and I will be taking my revenge. God will hopefully understand. I believe 100% I'll be tripping over other bastards trying to do the same thing.
Just how much money goes to Israel? I thought it was $3.8B, but now trump it's actually a lot more than $4.5B.
Based Trump giving Israel 4.5 billion dollars
Netanyahu is a real leader, I wish he was president of America. Imagine if we had Bibi in the white house instead of Obama
$300 billion? Why are you insulting me with only $400 billion? How will we get by without $1 trillion a year, chopped liver?
Clearly the jew plan isn't well thought out. How exactly do they defend themselves from literally an entire planet that wants them to die?
Too risky. They'd be putting "Please gas me, I'm a faggot" signs on for Pence.
kek though, the 'zognald' told the kikes they are on their own
It gets funnier when you realize there's actually a seven-nation army on Israel's borders now, thanks entirely to Mossad.
Infiltrating every other country that allows them in.
In other words the Diaspora.
what are you some kind of juice?
man i just dont know what to think anymore
holy shit
Maybe they'll take notes from Trudeau and nuke themselves.
Kek I'd said on here that if he wants any credibility at bare minimum, he'd better deliver the wall and pulling out of Syria, which is a really true statement of where he lies on the kikes. He'd done fuck all in Syria but be an obstacle anyway, now Al-Tanf is surrounded with incredible amount of forces and the kike backup plan aka kurds are going to get shit raped.
French think they can take over, kek I don't think so. They'll throw foreign legion mercs at it as usual (as they have since aiding in starting the war) but will fail as they have most of the time in the last few years.
By what insidious curse, does this make me laugh while I know it to be true?
It's actually 45 billion though… 10 years of 4.5 billion signed by obama, though once he's hung for being a foreign agent, the deal has to be scrapped.
He should be put in a museum. We all know he was only the monkey puppet of the kikes anyway.
Puppets deserve no mercy either.
That is so much money. That is ridiculous.
We could build a border wall with that money.
They're inanimate objects, user.
What a fucking timeline we live in where the President of the USA provokes this much kvetching.
Jews block wall because of "money", then turn around and demand more money for Israel.All you've got to do is say "Unfortunately there are many Jews such as the Krystol family,and Sanders who made either Marx or Trotsky their rabbis."
Use the word "many" and I feel that you would be in the clear. That way not only would you be in the clear, but you would plant a seed in the mind of republicans that associates Jews with communism.
I want to see a video of him saying it. Why is there no video?
we give Israel more money than the annual budget of FBI ((($9 billion))) or CIA ((($13 billion))). America is insane. America is infected with a brain parasite. we certainly do not get our money's worth by fully funding the lazy thieving kikes in Zion. all we get is the Radical Islamic Terrorists directing their instinctual Jihad towards is for our propping up Zion. do you see Iran launching attacks against Russia? why not? do Pakistani spies infiltrate Russia's congress like Imran Awan and surveil the dozens and dozens of Congressmen and steal hundreds of terabytes of top secret dox and escape to Pakistan with it? why not? why is it just America who is the Great Satan who is the center of the bullseye for every goat fucking durka durka allan snackbar ofnthe world?
there is a cancer that is the root cause for why America is the world police now, and that disease is why America starts a new war every 2 years and why we have long ago bankrupted ourselves to fight the whole world on credit. that cancer has a name: Israel. the sooner we chemo blast that cancer and starve that tumor, the sooner America recovers from a fatal diagnosis.
That's a very good point regarding those budgets. You've came up with a good series of memes. What are your thoughts on this idea?
Merchants continually asking for more money with a citation of how much they get each time.
It's against the Torah to go into combat as the forward group, they are told by Ba'al to send the goyim out front.
As the only group they'll have to do or die.
it's always the first time
been so fucking loyal
80% democrat votes
can't live with them, can't live with them
OP is a faggot.
That was actually referring to Hitler in that song.
Israel was created to be destroyed. It's part of the NWO plot. Google: Albert Pike "Three World Wars." OP is either a MOSSADnigger or really gullible.
fuck off spamming shill
Not an argument.
Crap bad version.
< download.jpg
This user gets it. Jews are preparing an actual shoah to blame on the new American white minority.
$38,000,000,000 USD
is equal to
$143,288,500,000 Israeli Shekels
< it's the lizard people, not the kikes, goyim!
I want to believe annon but I dont want to get hurt again. So until he deliver
who said it's not the kikes? that's not even the conversation. shill harder moshe.
Nice counter-argument magapede.
The publicized figure is around $19 Trillion goybuxx. And this doesn't include US military support, materiel, personnel, vast forgiven loans (jewbilee), all of their ongoing money-making scams, and the servicing of their money-making scams. Never mind wealth extraction scams via the markets.
Your figure is very close to what's on the books and off the books.
German Empire didn't even exist when that was supposedly written. Debunked.
Damn I'm skeptical but if he keeps this up he might regain my support.
You're a "noisy meaningless" shill. We know the type, and have a lot of experience in this area.
Because kikes are on the run, they are now outputting incoherent nonsense. It's a kike thing. And you, you, damn your name, are a kike!
That's not a meme.
This is all it will take to strip whites of the little power they have left, prop up Jews as the new leaders of America and Europe, and give low IQ mudpeople the emotional justification for murder
Wake up.
Attacking and leeching is what they do. History has shown it.
What's not a meme?
Wait a minute…why are we giving them so much money?
Trump's grandchildren need to see their fatherland when they grow up.
Are you retarded?