Ever wanted to learn the difference between (((Socialism))) and National Socialism?
Watch this original film from The New Awakening
Ever wanted to learn the difference between (((Socialism))) and National Socialism?
Watch this original film from The New Awakening
Fuck off moshe.
What is your plan to secure the 14 words?
Thanks, I could use that. You got any books on National Socialist economics and domestic policy in practice, post rise to power, ideally post long knives.
filled with rap music , sage
There is no music, thats a pretty desperate shill. Its a soft guys voice the whole time.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer is a good start. Nothing really beats Mein Kampf for content though.
I'd suggest:
Feders "Manifesto for the abolition of interest slavery"
Richard Tedors "Hitlers Revolution"
Feders "German state on a nationalist and socialist foundation"
Anyways I dont really agree with the video although its not entirely off the mark. Its just not socialism at all, yea theres 2 kinds of socialism but they arent 2 kinds of economic socialism. The healthcare was a carryover from weimar and its not socialized healthcare if soliders already earned it. You earned it, its not redistributed, its something you worked for. The social programs were very few and far between, hardly enough to call it any form of economic socialism. Its cultural socialism, a feeling of common bond and unity of purpose.
Its socialism as in the meaning of the word pre-marx, which was nothing to do with money and safety net programs.
Both of those Feder books are 20s, thats why POST rise to power is important, its all just bullshit rhetoric to get red Berlin on board when they were seeking power, thats why they had to purge those people in the night of the long knives - they thought it was real socialism because Goebbels had a lot of fun playing with words and rhetoric. Ive had Hitlers Revolution suggested before, might be a good one.
Wrong. Socialized Healthcare came from Bismark.
Like most of the suggestions Feder gave Hitler didnt even follow.
Socialized healthcare predated the NSDAP and Weimar was directly before it, which means it was a holdover from Weimar.
Wow, you understand continuity of timelines. Congratulations. Germany's socialized healthcare was originally drawn up by Bismark. It was a republic era system. It was the original basis for the Denmark system.
In other words, it's been around a long time.
Wearing brownshirts post Third Reich just looks stupid tbh
You're just so tiresome.
It is understandable. You are not one of us.
Leave kike.
Ponyfags agree to this.
OP is spamming this honeypot on half chan too
Because a group of white men and women who want to secure the 14 words is incomprehensible
explain how encouraging people to move to a common geographical area to establish a community of like minded people is a honeypot?
unless you feel like ZOG is gonna just round up whites into camps there's nothing about the NF that's inherently a bad idea.
even if that does happens it would be better for the various far-right groups to already be consolidated in a single area for mutual defence.
If NatSocs aren't socialists, then how can one explain Hitler giving out welfare for single mothers to pump out as many babies and bastards as they can? He even goes as far as to gives them medals just for having male kids to send off to the Hitler Youth and Wehrmacht christ's sake.
Because the party saw the demographic decline very early. Much earlier than any of the troglodytes that call themselves right-wing today.
Demographics. Though your language and wording does offer plenty of doubt as far as your sincerity goes.
The only program that was specifically dealing with single mothers was the eugenics Lebensborn program,
but even there a healthy upbringing was the goal.
We'll never know for sure though, because the war came and of course there's no time for that during war.
Aside from that a healthy family and a solid social structure was the idea, the woman was to take her role just as the man was expected to take his in guarding the internal and external structures respectively.
Now fuck off, you disingenuous cunt.
Propaganda socialism in other way, we rule and own, but its in your good. We eat, you magically get full.
Do you also believe commercials, natsoc?
It's absolute trash and even has fake quotes. Read Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor for the best non-propaganda overview.
$20, same as in town.
This book (Shirer) was assigned to me in (((university))) so be careful.
Remove (jew).
We have way too many kikes in the PNW. More and more are appearing east of the Cascades.
You can't just call everything Jewish or a honeypot while lounging comfortably behind your keyboard without evidence whatsoever. How about you show some initiative and figure it out yourself? What's going yo happen, you're going to get doxxed by posting on an encrypted program or an encrypted email? Be more realistic, people like you will only join groups out of convenience and don't do anything, you're the cheapest type of people we can get.
yeah Hitler would call it gay tbh
Funny enough, the guy who advocated for it was a homosexual.
Both the uniform and the fag got thrown in the trash.
Another brave aryan warrior. Scared of bow legged jews.
This board is controlled by hostile foreign agents and you should leave at once.
4chan is objectively better in every regard, which does not speak highly of 4chan, so much as it speaks lowly of what this board has become.
the socialism part of it had to do with the fucking word social and making your people strong with strong families good communities good platforms for healthy relationships etc. Not gibsmedats for ernesto over here
Such a basic piece of knowledge is prerequisite knowledge for posting here.
I have been browsing 4chan Zig Forums since before the whole Zig Forums harbor affect by m00t and ever since 2016 many of the original NatSoc and quality posters and thinkers from cuckchan have moved here. Many infinitychan anons would like to deny that being the reason this board is so popular but its the truth. 4chan does not exist anymore either way seeing as gookmoot made (((4channel))) to bide his shekels, and the (((mods))) and (((jannies))) from cuckchan are proven mossad, cia, and JIDF workers being payed underhandedly. Not only that but the massive presence of braindead normalfags and redditors has caused the collapse of any real debate or actual arguments being made. If you critique their "God Emperor" they fall into a spiral of personal attacks based of nationality, try to assume what you are, and make no real defense against the oncoming evidence that Trump is a pozzed shill for the kikes. I am open minded and am very much interested on what do you mean by hostile foreign agents, if you mean the /inti/ raid thats been currently happening due to Codeshiteky not getting his stuff together then don't bother, its already being well documented by other anons like myself for future use against (((their))) influence. This board is everything 4chan was before the election and I will not let degenerate faggots like you come and ruin it like last time. You will get yours (((kike))). Heil Hitler