Pro Israel groups turn on Trump

Trump won praise from AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group, and from other groups supportive of the Israeli government, for his decision to relocate the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He won similar accolades for his decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal. His administration’s voting record on issues related to Israel and the Middle East in the United Nations also won praise.

It was the first time that AIPAC even tacitly endorsed such strong-worded criticism against Trump since he became president in January 2017. The organization also published its own statement, which, though less critical than those voiced by the senators, still made it clear that the organization saw reasons for concern in Trump’s decision.

The statement focused on the “damage control” that would be necessary after the U.S. withdrawal, explaining that would is “imperative that Iran and Hezbollah are prevented from exploiting this development to further destabilize the region and threaten our allies. The administration should work with our regional allies and take steps to counter the mounting aggression of Iran and its terrorist proxy Hezbollah.

The American Jewish Committee, which also supported the embassy move to Jerusalem as well as some of the administration's Middle East policies, called on Trump last week to rethink pulling out of Syria. “We urge President Trump to reconsider withdrawing all U.S. troops from Syria,” the organization said in a statement. “They have performed heroic service, but their job isn’t over. The only winners will be Russia and Iran — and a resurgent Islamic State. Why would we possibly cede ground to them? Stay the course!”

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jew free post.

Love him or hate him, he's ultimately alone. He's out of his element, he's surrounded himself by enemies and backstabbers, and his base is eroding quickly.

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I lost all sorrow for him when he supported Israel and denied white genocide in Africa.

Israel was created to be destroyed.

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It's too bad Trump blew all of his momentum jacking off for two years. If he had started out like this right off the bat, some things could have gotten accomplished. Now he will just be lame duck for the next two years before he loses in 2020 (assuming he even wants to run again).

All of that is his own fault.

He spat on White nationalists, deported a White elderly man for a war ended 70 years ago, banned bump stocks, shilled for non Whites, gave all the money the commies and jews wanted in exchange for nothing, is allowing non stop marxist indoctrination at colleges and universities with federal money, the military he is commanding is a hub for homosexuals promoted by the higher ranks… and it goes on and on.
Let us face it, there is no a comfy solution, accelerationism is needed to make the frog jump the pan.
Trump betrayed everyone, under his sight the First and Second Amendment are being chipped away while he plays dumb, therefore, lets bring back the commies to grab the guns.
Let us have a rightful war.

Trump came from a NYC environment, a city full of powerful jews. Like any good goy, he trusts them and took some with him to Washington with predictable results.

He chose his company.

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The Jew cries while he strikes you

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True. He also allowed his daughter to be defiled by the kike

Henry Kissinger says Israel will no longer exist in 10 years.

Trump has a keen eye to assess people and use them. Then when he's finished using them he fires them.

He used Mattis and now he's fired him, with precipitate haste I might add.

If you look back at his presidential run from the very day he stood up in public and said that Mexico was sending us its rapists….he's been on the ropes, getting pounded hard. I keep saying; "this is it he's done", like every week or two, and it's been like this for three and a half years. Any lesser boxer would have gone to the showers by now beaten down into utter defeat, but there he is up and punching. It's so very odd, he's such an uncanny character.

That's not true his daughter is a kike there is nothing to defile.

he's right

He is flip-flopping, but I would not trust him. You really don't know what he is doing

No she isn't. She's Germanic and a celt. I know what your getting at but that isn't what my statement says at all

If he's moving against Israel, then he has my support. Anybody saying, "sorry too late, take the guns, kill the USA" is a kike. Balkanization will ultimately happen, but these kikes want it to take us all out in the process. If we can demobilize from ZOG frontlines before that happens, then I support our president.

You make up less than 5% of the population. Who cares what you think.

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This is a shill post.
Fuck off Trumpshill

Oh hey, can I take a look at the primary source document? What? You can't tell me where to find the infamous Albert Pike letter? Are you saying it's only a meme on the Internet combining a general insight into the development of world conflicts with paranoia regarding the omnipotence of secret societies?

It's a curious thing that when disinfo is pointed out and people are encouraged to hold random strangers on the web to proper academic standards when discussing history and politics, kikes come out of the woodwork to call me a kike.

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Supporting a flip-flopper is wrong
Besides I have seen these phrases before
>I support (((our))) president
He has always shilled for Trump
You cant change your support over such small actions, otherwise you will just let them manipulate yourself
Trump has already done much for Israel
Besides, I would not trust you too, Trumpshilling is coordinated with multiple posters setting up threads
I guess I would support him, if he will continue on this way until 2020, but he will just keep flip-flopping, mark my words

wtf was he thinking? Is it a goy thing? Serious question.

It's no longer up to a "Trump", nor any other flashes in the pan. The next person to step up to the plate from the pleb side of the equation will likely be part of a group, not as defined by a made up term, but a mentality that wants to protect what Trump was believed to be. Sounds weird but it follows the trajectory

idk what you are thinking
America has freedom of speech?
President has a free will?


Maybe, maybe not. I'm not supporting him as the President or as a person either mind you, I just appreciate when he actually does something good for white people. user's post went certainly a bit too far saying "supporting our president", but I don't think he was Trumpshilling, really.

Kikeposting, exhibits A and B.

How is "supporting our president" going too far? I am American, he is literally "our" president. It's a fact. I think you're letting the kikes make you dizzy.

Kikeposters always take the anti-American position, whether the political class is doing something positive or negative. It's not hard to see their maneuvers.

whats the old saying about a man with nothing to lose crashing this plane with no survivors? Fuck it all, i know if I had a Samson option, i'd use it if everyone and their dog was fucking with me.

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That's okay user, as long as you don't talk for Zig Forums with your post it's fine. Not all of us are American.
I'd say they take the anti-white position. Don't jump on conclusions too fast, hysterical anti-Trump hasbarafag is very easy to recognize with his buzzwords spam and his walltouching pics. I'm convinced you are just two white people arguing because they were sensitive to anti-white D&C shilling at some moment.
Take the white pill. Embrace the fight in its entirety. Shill for whiteness. Be pro-white.

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His base's enthusiasm might be eroding, but they'll still turn out for him in 2020. Its the last election a fellow. white. man. will be president.


Oh, you sweet child.

When the secrets of how the UK ((("legally"))) gave them their nuclear program comes out, it won't be long.

I wouldn't be surprised if he encourages kike demoralization shilling like in this thread so that when he eventually prevails he looks that much stronger. I mean, it's not that hard to outwit kikes. You have to bring the heat for the audience, though.

What they don't realize is that their signature dismissiveness is a signal to onlookers to dig deeper. I know it certainly was when I first arrived here four years ago…

The Samson Option is a meme. The material sold to them was kiked by the American so badly it won't go critical. They had to get British nukes and they're not as numerous as they tell people.

It's the last presidential election in this rotten dystopia you call democracy.

Perpetual war goyim. You must slaughter all life on Earth for us, or else you're anti-Semitic

blah blah blah Drumpf is still the zognald - fuckwards on this shithole of a board.

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Didn't take you kikes long to find this thread, did it? Lolololol. . . your widdle democracy is gonna get gassed to hell and gone, and your big, bad golem won't do shit!


wut, trump was the first one to callout genocide in south Africa you lying kike


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A small office should be created for the sole purpose of correspondence with foreign nations. So, advocates for foreign nations will have to apply for permission to send letters of advocacy to this one office. No more lobbying for foreign countries. Send a letter and maybe it'll get a reply.

Like the Jews will do this. They've built a trillion-dollar economy around defending Israel's interests – from kike banks to Jew-friendly churches, there's no end to the tendrils they've sunk into America. Which is why there's really only one solution that's ever going to work.

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Can anyone remember when Obama whose mother was a communist jewess did everything his jew overlords instructed apart from one day in office when he refused to invade Syria at isreals request
He became the most antisemitic president in US history for that one 'slight'

Today we see the retarded MAGApede spastic NPCs and embedded isreali reporters doing the same with Trump


Fuck off faggot

This is what the kike shills have to shill this week. It has made my month, kek.

he listened to the wrong people, trusted the wrong people. Whoever told him he could bullshit us on the wall and lead us on for 4 years and get reelected by promising to actually build it like for real this time, was a colossal fucking retard and doomed him

They're not as strong as they present themselves.

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i dont know who is jewing who anymore

So the kikes will fuck off Lebanon then? Because Lebanon is a US ally.

But he didn't personally go there and take the boers by the hand and lead them to a feast on the plane to safety while he ordered the troops to restore rightful white clay obviously.

That is not what donald trump did. All trump did was make 1 tweet, that's it, 1 tweet, that he would "look into" the non-compensated land seizures
What did he do about it after that 1 tweet? What did trump do
at all
after 1 fucking tweet? Trump hasn't done shit, trump makes 1 tweet and you faggots won't stop harping about it as if he actually did anything, at all.

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Most never make one tweet, yid.

Oh look

Guess a yid didn't get the memo.

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They either ignore or condone the genocide. Fucking yids never, ever concede points. An honourable white man does so humbly.

spasticposter, I have missed you so.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Trump is a risk averse faggot and he missed his one opportunity to do anything. And he didn't just "get to know the territory." He hired a bunch of traitorous jews and military cucks into his administration while being Paul Ryan's lap dog for two years. And there was no reason to know the territory anyway, since he had the chance to remake the territory completely by firing all of the entrenched bureaucrats and hiring his own supporters, but he passed on it.



Stay mad yid, something was done.

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He put much less effort into it than he put into meeting Kanye West and Kim Kardashian and freeing nigger felons from prison.

Like just pulling out of Syria, then saying ISISrael gets enough gibs and implying they can defend themselves, then being condemned by kike groups right now?
A risk averse faggot doesn't send 50+ missiles at a base causing sweet fuck all damage in order to diffuse some major threats of invasion over a chemical false flag now does he?
He's a fucking wildcard, total chaos and that's what I hate and love about him. He's done some cucked shit and much lipservice but the actions speak loudest of all.
He is the most anti-yidsrael US president in the last century with these actions.
The next bullshit he needs to squash is the oy vey bill, which so far seems more about monitoring under EU guidelines than enforcement. But he probably has no say on it because it's congress?

Shit happened because he tweeted, you moronic kike. As much as I hate that bullshit even I have to admit it was more effective than any other politician is in the world currently on that matter. But you will never concede the point will you, you dirty jew. Keep moving the goalposts.

Welp, nothing more will be done then you useless SAspergs. Why bother putting any more effort into something you won't do yourselves. We'll stop trying so go ahead and die quietly niggers. No more gibs from the white man.

Russians called out the yellow-bellied kikes for trying to hide behind two civilian aeroplanes trying to get Syria to shoot them both down on Christmas. Why don't these stupid kike shill organisations call out such an outrageously evil act of the parasite land they shill for?

It is clearly propaganda by the russian hackers and those flights were never in danger even though they clearly held cargo holds full of isis fighters. Oy!

It is the only thing he has done and the only thing he will do. And it is no longer a risk because he knows that he will already lose 2020 no matter what (and probably be killed after that no matter what).

But you're here with all your isreali hasbara chums as well as teams of redditor MAGApede spastics spamming pro-ZOG pro-Trumpstein spam on every thread still.

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If this is the new bar for what is constitutes as action that's just sad

Sorry when was the last time Shillary went over to SA to discuss the issue?

When did Trump? He said something to appease the pressure brought by the likes of Tucker and other e celebs that did something to bring awareness, then nothing came after.

God, the amount of anti-Trump shills in this thread. It just makes me support this guy even more.

Cry more little bitches, your ending is coming.

He sent pompeo, jew. Link was already provided. Stay REKT

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And again, nothing came of this. Trump never mentioned South Africa again since he did his talk as a formality, and the land grab amendment still passed.

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The most minimal effort given means failure. Who knew? And here you are cheering on failure like the deluded kike you are

maganiggers everybody, this is what they actually believe

Really? what happened? care to elaborate? What happened beyond a single tweet by trump?
What goalpost am I moving by stating, factually, that all trump did was tweet and you faggots lap it up like it's of any meaning?
Or is a single tweet by trump enough for you because you've never felt validated in your entire miserable life?
or maybe you're just a maganigger kushner paid shill

Let me get this straight, kikes are getting fed up with Trump fucking them over and 8ch is making this out to be a bad thing?

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Trumpshills are almost universally not White. They are agents of the occupying power here in America and Trump is their man. Their goal is to continue to extractive operation against White America, not end it. Arguing with them is a waste of time.

This is toddler tier logic.

And filtered.

Trump is vengeful as we all know. Did the jews think he would appreciate non stop abuse from the jew MSM given all he has done for Israel?. Trump is just showing some long overdue dissatisfaction for jew ingratitude for his efforts.

Not at all, just rightly skeptical and cautious

we're reaching levels of plan trusting i didnt even know where possible

i dont argue with shills because I know it is a waste of time, I argue with shills when im here as an exercise for myself, and for the lurkers who would happen to read their bullshit, thats something I cannot allow to happen uncontested.


The fucking audacity of these ferret-faced kike shills. Every time they infect a thread, they insult our intelligence with obvious lies, thinking there's somebody out there that will actually believe it.
Trump has never "denied white genocide in Africa," and as for "supporting Israel"…well, it's his very disregard for Israeli goals in the Middle East that has him in hot water, right now.

The kikes were hoping to unseat him and put in another puppet, hence the kike shills swarming and squirming all over the net, right now.
But Trump is disassembling the U.S. military infrastructure in the Middle East, that previous good goy presidents have installed. This will set them back decades, and maybe even force them to commit another 9/11 false flag, and with each major operation like that, they risk exposure more and more.

And if the deep-state is removed from the U.S. government, all hell breaks loose, as the truth rises to the surface and the kikes are shown to be enemies, not only of the U.S., but the entire fucking world.

Fuck you, Israel, and fuck your filthy clique of ferret/cockroach "people."
You are being cast down, and you are in great wrath because you know your time is short.

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It's not chess it's football. Disgruntled linemen are letting the QB take a fucking sack for being an asshole.