Internet Down

whats happening bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry don’t have internet can’t post

Fine here.

Don't you remember that Trump somehow did an actual good thing, ie withdraw from the war and point out the Israel funds, for the first fucking time in his administration

I can't read. What did OP say?

he said he's a faggot and you're a nigger

why can't i access this site anymore?

that's what you get for living in a major city

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The ones he approved?

Christmas/New Year holiday usage. Go back to sleep, fool.

Yes, same ones every recent president has approved yet never pointed out.

thats what happens when you have 4 penises, 3 condoms, and alot of spermaside

Good, fuck the ISPs

Yes, they are all the same.
The (allegedly) most powerful man on this planet is brave enough to "point something out". Something he did, by the way.

yeah, I'm confused by the whole thing two, it's a huge face turn from the two years of the kikery he has caused

He has actively sabotaged their plans in Syria (while appearing to do things to normalfags) so it's not really a face turn but for those who watch surface politics it is.
I didn't expect him to pull out till 2020 and use it as a political chip but it seems the kikes are screwing him so now he is screwing them back. I hope he keeps naming the fed. It is one of the biggest redpills and highly, highly inconvenient because it is another way of naming the kike and the rothskike…


No internet in Germany too. Can't post rn.

Oy vey!
Lesser shitposting land here all fine..

Probably Syria kicking off.. not first time net has gone fucky when there is major moves happening. Keep an eye out the kikes love to fuck with internet and got some bad press after bombing Syria recently.



you tell us glownigger, you're the ones doing it.

Whats going on here? Is the internet down or something? Let me email comcast

OMG! My internet just went down!
I had to post this via a carrier pigeon. Sheeeeit!

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Wow something big is going down. I'm really scared this time guys. Russia is going to invade via Mexico and we're powerless to stop them

Everyone should just kill themselves now there is no point resisting

Probably about to start ethnically cleansing Gaza, or something like that

what a cheap shill.

Putin phoned Trump to say he would invade via Cucknada over the North pole because he only needs a single leaf blower and it's better than refried bean gas attack

(((jews))) are dead.
(((kikes))) are dead.
(((they))) are dead.
We are With Life.

even possible (((subversive sarcasm))) has to be and is combated.

No god damned internets here either
Can't post cause muh internets
I need a pringles can and a microwave oven


We leftists now cuzzzz

Fuck you OP. Your thread is shit

Nah, its good.

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Pootinman should glass the place for sake of better world if he tries it.

Internet down, oh no Millennials will have to go outside!

Hurr durr millennials use technology. LAMO look how helpless they are without it. Welp, gotta go work on my 69' rebuilt mustang and listen to some real music i.e. Pink Floyd.

Im in jew jersey and have no issues

fuck you dad

This always happens right before a big event. Remember the huge outages right before 9/11 blamed on a hurricane headed for the East coast?

This is bad, even for nu/pol/ standards. I'm not sure even cuckchan is this bad. What the fuck happened?

Post something good, then.

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oops, wrong thread

Centurylink is shit, moshe.

that's a good one, I'm gonna use that

Daily reminder that these companies took huge grants from the government to upgrade the infrastructure, but pocketed it all to fuck babies in Thailand, leaving the areas where they hold a monopoly with internet infrastructure that's worse than Zambia today.

the internet just flew over my house, whats going on?


Shit thread by the way. No sources, no further information. Retard.

If my modem loses sync how the fuck that website know?

Isn't Downdetector just a bot that watches (((social media))) for ISP names that are trending? So goys start bitching about lag with Comcast on their new Christmas vidya it shows on that map?

No its just centurylink.
No one here noticed because CL is some ghetto DSL provider only poor people and mudds have. Obamanet.

A communications disruption can mean only one thing…

No, retard. Kill yourself. Niggerbrained cunt. It relies on manual reports.

you're breaking up. what did you say?

Actually they provide a lot more than dsl on the infrastructure end. Which is why it's so shit and affects so many when CL's shit goes out.



Seems like your the nigger.

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It's an internet outage in some places. It has happened before and it will happen again. Nothing of any significance emerged from any of the previous because they are literally just internet outages.

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Why so many shills in this thread?

…why is she wearing a life preserver?
Looks like that "Changing the face of Coding" pic

She is getting ready to surf the net.

Attached: surfthenet.gif (947x623, 37.68K)

America truly is a third world country

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It's all due to the 1996 Telecommunications Act. Subsidize vested interests to build nothing; keep potential competitors at bay

As a warlord I will hang em all. Guilty or not, part of those companies whom decided do so such at the time or not. Vote for me when the time comes. When we are done burning the yid empire to the fucking ground, we damned well better have fucking fiber optic ran to ever damned home in whatever the fuck nation we have after this shit settles the fuck down. No fucking excuses, thats an hanging offense. If I don't have excellent vidia and net to use until I die or old age (or rival warlord deals with em) I'll make sure everyone I rule whom isn't of our bent really regrets it.

Fuck off, dumbass.

CenturyLink doesn’t give a fuck if you torrent or what you do with their service, which is nice. But it’s $50 a month for 25Mb/s and they haven’t changed prices or improved speeds for 10 years now.

Think about hive minds, social engineering with meat drones guided by cell phones, covertly manipulated internet topologies, and how all these together serve the Jew/Zog/Commie/Faggot/Child fucker cults that have infested the country steadily for the last 200 years. What's the first thing you do when you decide to fuck up a bunch of organized pieces of shit? Disrupt their communication. Then start chopping off heads. Work on all three tiers simultaneously: Top, Middle, Bottom. That's how you kill it. But I don't expect that much of "Ze Weisskopfs", there are no "White Hats".

Is torrenting even worth it with those speeds

Again, it's the 1996 Telecommunications Act.

Laws are written by lobbyists, rubber-stamped by congress, and sold to plebs as doing the opposite of what they actually do

The soner we have IFPS implementation the better, DNS is a relic of the past.

This is the best sentence written on the internet all year.

Middle of bum fuck no where new mexico checking in. Internet just came back on an hour ago. Still no cell service.

oh no the interwebs are down i'm not posting

It was fine for me in Albuquerque, although the bank website was down.

phone service was on and off for me all day in ABQ but my internet was never effected.

My internet has been down all year. Has been tragic having to shitpost using RFC 2549.

< it must be hackers!!!!11

It could be updated to be remarkably handy for secure communications, as digital otp key exchange.

kikes are so unhinged about syria that they probably trigger the samson option by collective kvetching alone

Internet and cell service was out when I woke up at 6 this morning. Was out all day. Stores and the gas station could only take cash. Gas pump card readers worked though.
This same thing happened last month. No internet or cell service for about 18 hours straight on a pay day.
a few hours southwest of abq
I'm going to buy one of those satilettes that boats use for internet. Because this shit is fucking annoying.

Everyone here has centry link or hughes net. And my phone still has no service.

I just have Table Top. I'm out of the loop here, as their services didn't go down.

Could it be this?

oh, NM. dunno bruh…


But, tbqf, you should learn to meditate & shit. Read books. Dig sex dungeons for kidnapped hookers. OK, no.

911 phone services are disrupted across portions of the entire country, as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of people being without internet. Myself included, have to phone post.

Reddit is unironically a better source of information, Jesus Christ

the more amerisubhumans get owned by their power outages, the better

Sorry for the spastic sentences fam. Been drinking whiskey since 3. Pls no bully. It's Yule and I'm off until January.

Maybe buy an offline game or smth

Are those all sanctuary cities or what?

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No one is shilling to bury the thread, you dumb nigger. They just don't believe there is nefarious subterfuge afoot if an ISP goes down for a few hours.

I fucking hope the Internet goes out forever, maybe I'll finally do something with my life.

My neighbor just pointed out to me that those spic niggers from el paso got released into new mexico today. And last time this happened was the day that they rushed the border in San Diego.

Any other sw anons NOT living in cities itt?

I'm about a mile off of Seligman AZ. More of a small town though.

Communismcast: But that isn't REAL internet.

The town im near is around half that size or so. Being that it's NM there is lots of rez land around. Ive always suspected that they test shit on the natives and the niggers (new Orleans, Chicago) before using it on a large scale.
It hilarious that they make such a huge deal about ski resorts using sewer water to create snow but ignore the fact that unmarked airplanes Picasso their sky every fucking day and night and the fact that their water tastes like when you lick a battery.


CO is a cheap halfassed company. I'll bet they use huawei routers. The same day Trump bans them this happens.


fucking ZTE phone