This thread will tell newfags how to spot shills and avoid them
As we all know shills want to disrupt conversation here and make this place more difficult to use with many techniques at their disposal what they attempt to do is they try to shift the topic into something meaningless and they also attempt to weaken our culture. Normally when replying to shills they don't talk back this is because you have already lost. A shills goal is not to convert you to their line of thinking it is simply to swamp topics they do not want discussed with a sea of garbage or alternatively make you think that the world is beyond saving. This thread will go over types of shills, Methods shills use and how to avoid them.
types of shills The demoralization shill This shill wants to make you lose hope that the world can be saved. To do this he will normally post a thread about the state of white men(note that shills will almost exclusive use the word male instead of man because it is likened to dehumanization which is used to weaken our resolve). Or how niggers are amazing. The best way to combat this type of shill is simple you post things that will get people's hopes up lift up there spirits.
The derailment shill Usually used in conjunction with the divide and conquer shill. This ones task is basically to disrupt the flow of conversation with meaningless fluff or change the topic entirely. A popular example of the latter is usually done with pro-trump vs anti-trump or christians vs pagan's vs any other religious sect of the week. This is done to make sure we aren't discussing things that aren't progressing and that we don't start discussing things which could threaten them.
Divide and conquer shill This ones main job is to make us argue among ourselves rather than thinking about how to get rid of the jews. Used to make sure we don't become a serious threat. Obviously people have begun to wise up to this tactic thus used in conjunction with the derailment shill to get people arguing over religion or politics. Obviously the best way to beat this shill is to simply ignore them and continue the conversation of the original thread. However they have also realized this and get a second shill to come in and argue with the other shill.
slide shill this is the shill that uses slide threads practically makes a thread in order to hide something which could be valuable however what make this different from the derailment shill is that they try to hide the entire thing rather than trying to sway the conversation to something else. A simple way to counteract this one is to use the catalog as you can easily see more threads than using index.
Most shills will fall under one of these 4 categories. Thing is they are weak and the only way they can defeat you is if you allow them to. One who is strong is almost impervious to jewry and its antics.
Hello, my name is David Rhodes. In the spring of 1988, I lost my house, my car was repossessed, and the bill collectors were hounding me like you wouldn't believe! Now I roll in riches and can buy anything I want. My friends and family adore me and I shower them in gifts. I now dine with legends like Tom Vu (the intergalactic no-money-down real estate genius) and Dionne Warwick (spokesmodel for the Psychic Friends Network). I always have front-row tickets to Wayne Newton and the annual "Elvis-o-rama."
Sebastian Young
the shill is you
Levi Gutierrez
I never said that trump was good or bad I just said that this was a common angle used by shills to divide and conquer similar to what you are doing right now. Same goes with the Christianity, Pagan shitfest that has infested this board recently. I could easily make a defense for Christianity however that would go against the entire purpose of this thread. Also notice how this person accuses me of being a shill and doesn't provide any evidence for it. A total waste of time. Also doesn't help that he doesn't contribute to the thread other than showing how shill regularly function.
Ryder Gomez
On another note this information is very helpful in spotting shills. It gives you what you need to know and how to apply them as well as gives you examples that actually happened giving the information a high source of credibility. I would suggest people read this.
Carson Perry
as I said:
only asshurt christians complain about people dismantling their jewish religion, and only asshurt MAGApedes complain about people dismantling their jewish president
Josiah Ortiz
It is evident that there have been organizations using divide and conquer tactics to devolve Zig Forums into a shit flinging festival rather than a board of actual discussion. Don't act like this isn't an issue, anyone can see that it is. Op doesn't mention trump. Op doesn't mention Christianity. Op isn't a shill. He is talking about something that has plagued this board for the past few years now. Regardless of Op's personal beliefs, there is no reason a shill would want to discuss how to counter shills. Why are you derailing this thread by bringing up irrelevant topics such as trump and Christianity?
Thank you, I found it on >>>/pdfs/ a while ago and has proven to be a useful guide on spotting and countering disinformation.
People are allowed to have their own opinions. Or is it that you want everyone to conform by using shaming tactics on an anonymous Mongolian yak milk fermentation discussion forum?
Anthony Cook
Hi, paid jewish shill. You’re done.
Grayson Adams
No one cares what you have to say.
Jonathan Harris
Notice how he then goes onto ignore the other parts of my argument and exclusively focuses on Christianity simply because I said that I could defend it. He then goes on to use name calling calling me an asshurt christian while ignoring the rest of my post.
Julian Gonzalez
For fucks sakes there's gentleman's guide for forum infiltrators already in the sticky
Blake Anderson
the truth is not debatable where, faggot?
Austin Turner
Got any sources for that claim there. Believe it or not claiming something to be the truth with no evidence isn't a very strong argument. Also again deviating from the topic of the thread but hey at least you are providing a valid example to the newfags.
Yes, but that hasn't stopped them from turning this board into 4/pol/ anyway
Instead of addressing issues of forum infiltrators, you have decided to start a completely irrelevant argument, which has derailed this fucking thread entirely.
Benjamin James
Trying to pass me off as a retard to make my argument less valid. What is wrong with requesting resources? is it not a good idea to give your argument(of what little you had). a bit of backup? Why would you not want to provide a source? putting the label truth on something doesn't automatically make it the truth. For instance I could say that you aren't a shill and claim it the truth. But that doesn't mean it is the truth because you are a shill.
Kevin Torres
you mean the shit that's been extensively addressed and is available in far greater, and less biased, detail than the shitty OP on every single page on this board? OP defends two major shill groups that have been plaguging this board for a long time: t_D IDF magapedes and Zig Forums it's the same "you're dividing the movement you purity spiraler!" bullshit that the alt kike feds pull
Meanwhile you have consistently avoided the points I brought up and try to accuse two groups of being shill groups with zero evidence. I think there are both to be honest but saying that group A and group B are shills is a huge generalization. Especially with no evidence to back up your points.
Brayden Morgan
Notice that magapedes and Zig Forums are categories of people and not types of shilling. Label people, train others to respond negatively to the label, include enemies in negative category when needed, never respond to the actual argument, just put people in groups.
Sebastian Wright
Yeah exactly. I do actually agree that there are shills in both groups but that doesn't mean that every person in said group is a shill because of a couple of individuals.
Carter Richardson
I'm not mad OP, just a little agitated
Carter Kelly
tbf the thread was about shills.
Blake Lewis
I just want to talk about jews god dammit
Jace Reed
I feel like these are largely subjective. For example, the mentioning the potential impact of artificial wombs in threads about women could be seen as derailment by tradcons, but as addressing a change that will come in the next decade for younger posters.
I don't think you're going to develop objective standards for classifying shills so long as posters here have differing opinions and experiences.
Blake Evans
Agreed. Shills are a problem but i don't see how you can differentiate a clever shill from someone who just thinks differently. Not with strict rules.
Tyler Sanders
Carson Barnes
Based Ojamaposter
Jace Johnson
You would have to ban specific routes of thought, not something CM is into, or ever will be quite frankly. On top of that you would need to mandate only certain thoughts. For example, the famous "who is white" conversation. To eliminate everyone you think of as a shill, you would need to standardize your definition of white, then ban everyone who argued that anyone's but your definition of whites was invalid. So, if we go by Franklin's definition, we would need to ban anyone who says that French, Scandinavians, Slavs, Irish, or mixes of white groups (not pure) are white.
This isn't going to happen, certainly not under CM.
Wyatt Bennett
Ayden Stewart
You forgot the ones where autists call everything they disagree with slides or shills shill
Sebastian Hall
You could always say european instead of white. That would make it somewhat easier though I agree with this person. in that it is pretty subjective. I just want to point out that shills act very similar to each other which can help in identifying them.
Dominic Kelly
That's a good start, but you need to get more specific. You'd have to define more things like what % European genes are European (Argentina, other Hispanics, MENA) or how Jews who are European aren't European. This is already hugely complicated, and even if it is resolved, it's just one issue in a sea of common disagreements. Is it feasible to standardize every definition and ban all dissenters on this site?
Caleb Murphy
Jews are pretty easy to spot with the whole hooked nose and sloped foreheads. Also every kid born from a jewish woman's hellcave is a jew so they should be pretty easy to spot with given training. For the % of european genes I would suggest at least 95% white.
Josiah Long
Luis Hernandez
Now we have the foundations of a rigid definition. How will you convince CM to ban all posters (shills) who don't abide by this definition when posting?
Caleb Wood
Read the gentleman's guide to forum spies, and familiarize yourself with ALL of their tactics. If you learn these thoroughly, shill spotting becomes very easy.
Looks like the A team is still on Christmas break.
Eli Jackson
That's the thing we can't we just have to spread awareness to the people on the site unless we can get in complete touch with him.
Asher Thompson
The most powerful thing we can do about shills is to not engage them in any discourse. Once you determine the shill level make your point and move on. Let them shit their pants in the corner.
NOT ALL JEWS ARE LIKE THAT this is the level of nu-Zig Forums intellect
Carson Campbell
I direct you to this post jews are parasites not human.
Jonathan Ortiz
opinion discarded
Zachary Young
Guess that means my opinion is discarded as well then.
Hudson Morris
Look for neuro-linguistic programming:
Christopher Stewart
these threads ARE SHILL THREADS the un has niggers and fat fucks posting, analyzing, and theorizing about the chan and pol and b, on any image board or forum.
Also reason why I am dismissing your archives is because cuckchan has been compromised and its not worth much anymore. The absolute flood of reddit and other such things ruined the site since 2014 and it has been continually decreasing since. There is a reason people here call it cuckchan other than the fact that it was run by m00t who got cucked by a tumblr whore.
Jaxson Watson
everything u said is retarded. archive ur mistake for future agents to learn from.
Ryder Thompson
I completely forgot about that.
Xavier Flores
Try offering to take down the majority of the nation's coal power plants in exhange for the funding of the wall. Do it sloppy, knife the economy, take a fall. Give the environmentalists cause to advocate for green power and power infrastructure renewal at the scale they dream of - and let them be the "saviors" cleaning up "the mess" a few years down the line.
Adrian Perez
OP you forgot the 5th one; the one and done faggot.
Lucas Cruz
Don't fall for the vapid arguments of the vaginal jew.
Here's the thing that everyone seems to conveniently forgot: Shills don't operate in a vacuum. They don't make a shitpost and that automatically weakens the board. For every shill, there are a dozen anons who are either unable or unwilling to just move on. Someone makes a shit slide, it's obvious that it's a shit slide, yet it just so happens to get bumped by clueless faggots.
William Jenkins
Completely forgot about that one.
Thomas Walker
wat about the shill shill, that warns people about other shills to hide himself in plain sight?
I only agree to an extent - I think it's important to call out a shill in explicit, but never overly verbose, detail. Past that, though, don't engage shills - most of the time they won't engage you anyway if you try to engage them. They'll avoid you like the plague, or dance around your words in order to keep saying the same damn thing over and over again.
Basically, meet the enemy with the same amount of force as they are at you. Merely calling somebody a shill isn't enough, and only muddies the waters of discussion. When you hyperfocus and dedicate too many resources to a shill, they have succeeded. But if you can negate their tactics, other anons will see your points, and in truth will become immunized against their serpentine lies.
True and a very important fact to remember. You don't argue with someone to convince THEM, you argue to convince your shared audience. Between clueless newfags and samefagging shills it becomes very hard to distinguish between malicious intent and mere idiocy however.
Isaac Wright
Lmao thats fucking on point
Joshua Campbell
the most common; constantly claims that standard positions held by Zig Forumsacks are actually those of shills as to bamboozle the newfags
Nathaniel Sullivan
Michael Murphy
Kikes got mad when Trump said we're leaving Syria so now they need new tactics