Is any of this "trauma based mind control" stuff actually real?
>tfw u will never get to join the elite
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MK-Ultra used adult subjects and wasn't very good.
Monarch uses children and its product is now widespread in the USA. Especially in the urban areas. If you were a child in an urban part of the USA while growing up then you have been through some level of monarch programming.
It is real in the heads of schizo jews since they inherited it from whites.
Yeah, but not in the way it's depicted in conspiracy youtube videos.
You know how people become angered through slurs and gestures after being conditioned to act aggressive towards those symbols/words in media? That's the "trauma based mind control" people talk about.
it is best for you to come to your own conclusions after examining all the facts. MK ultra as CIA mind control program in cooperation with Stanford and McGill is proven as a fact.
Mind control is real. you can control minds with propaganda. you are controlling what people think with propaganda. take a look at bernays propaganda and research this subject. there is no doubt that propaganda works under certain aspects.
in economics shock doctrine is extensevly used in multipule countries. it is hard to imagine it would be used if it is not working. there is documentary about shock doctrine from Naomi Klein. (vid related).
shock doctrine is basic doctrine that is used by us military. Shock and awe (technically known as rapid dominance) is a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight.[1][2] Though the concept has a variety of historical precedent, the doctrine was explained by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade in 1996 and was developed specifically for application by the US military by the National Defense University of the United States.
If it does not work…why is used in military ? economics ? propaganda ?and it is used extensively in US. not as much in other country. I would recommend watch documentary about it for you to get better perception of basic concepts.
Yes, and you can't be an elite unless you let them MKUltra you.
LOL no. It goes way beyond that.
Fuck off jew, QTDDTOT
Dunno but Trauma can certainly break some and keep them broken
t. rape victim
greentext the story
Nah kid it's all in your head
You didn't know mikey aquino and no one had you go to those special classes , you know , the ones you don't remember going to
Nah it's all in your head
There was testing, and some horrible shit done in those tests, but it doesn't really get used anywhere to my knowledge. Why spend years engineering a drone when you can just have the media spin whatever you want? False flags don't even require a drone if you just pay them of for doing the prison time, which is still cheaper than using any brainwashing techniques.
sorry moshe, you are talking about social conditioning, MK-ULTRA is a complete program of systematic behavior modification induced by massive repeat trauma to build blank minds as young as 4 years old, thats usually the starting age, 3-4, alter egos are built into one person via splitting the mind with abuse.
americans and more stressed than anyone in any non-wartime point in history
75% of americans are obese
stress causes cortisol release which make you obese
MSM is pure stress inducing doomer hell
yeah we're all under trauma based mind control, what do you think 9/11 was?
Also, same deal for chemtrails; the tech exists and was tested a couple times, but like most wild technologies it went nowhere and got dropped.
fullchan is trauma based mind control, though im not sure if its intentional. but the fact that fucked up people can spam: gore, bestiality, shit eating, loli porn on ANY board definitely fucks you up. these things you cannot unsee. this is a dangerous place that people really need to stop coming to until they clean it up
Stop brain conditioning me bro
My brain my brain
These child-rapist, deceivers, thieves, murderers and degenerates are in no way shape or form Elite. Know the definition of a word before using it to describe our enemies (probably not your enemy, I guess).
It is rather odd how many girls that have come up through the (((DisneyCorp))) star system have wound up going bonkers.
It's because of trauma based mind control, torture your victim until their personality scatters while injecting triggers to activate these multiple personalities. Each personality is programmable as well.
It's a similar situation with e-celebs. If you feed their ego enough, for long enough, they go nuts.
The Cuban Missile Crisis followed closely by the Kennedy/Oswald assassinations was waaay more creepy and stressful. I blame most of the turmoil and demoralization of the late 60's on the mental anguish and nihilism engendered by these two crazed historical events. Seriously the weekend of the Cuban Missile Crisis everybody thought we were all going to die. I don't know and can't know if that's the closest we ever came to full on WWIII nuclear war but it certainly felt like that at the time particularly as I was a child. I was 7 and I had some ugly nightmares about it at the time.
With 911 I deliberately tried to ignore it as much as possible and didn't have the scales fall from my eyes until 2003 when someone posted the Building 7 video online. In a sense 911 was cathartic, it woke us up and focused the world's collective mind on the perps, and I think that in retrospect that was the most healthy thing that could have happened. The world has truly woken up to the International Jew.
Nice victim blaming, lol. These celebrities are tortured into submission.
Oh and for those of you who haven't heard of it before The Vigilant Citizen is perhaps one of the greatest resources for the study of this cultural phenomenon.
Proof then? Because I've seen the internet drive people crazy plenty of times, but nothing on Monarch-style control beyond the testing phase.
I go there once a week to check whether it has updates, though it remains a limited hangout (which is acceptable, since he does publish new information)
Let's use Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained as examples:
The "trauma" component comes from hearing holohoax/slavery propaganda. Evil antagonists hurt minorities for the sake of looking different.
The "mind control" comes from how protagonists react to that behavior where good protagonists kill the evil antagonists in gory detail.
This is repeated ad infinitum in media and academia for decades. As a result, you get submissive whites and aggressive non-whites. I know that it's hitting the surface, but it makes us understand the grand scheme of things.
Did anybody actually go to see that fucking movie though? Or even download it. I know it was discussed around the internet as a curiosity item but I've never heard anyone IRL say "oh I went to see IB and it's really good" or even mention it all all actually.
Look up Victor marcetti
Keep in mind that IB was not the first type of media with that type of propaganda. It was very prevalent in 20th century mainstream comics like Captain America and Hollywood films like Indiana Jones.
This movie was a prototype Indiana Jones/Inglorius Basterds, it had a Jewish scriptwriter but the rest of the crew were gentiles.
What if the core personality is a reincarnation of a Being of both historical and metaphysical significance? What if you can't "break" the outer personality without awakening the Actual and Real one? What if the consequences are incalculable? What if your world is a landmine field of such dangers even as you try and complete projekt worldwide?
Yes. However, the mental picture anons have is perhaps skewed. Look at the news - it's always so bad, and this is not by happen-chance. Mass media consumption produces trauma in an indirect way and is much faster than directly inducing it on a single individual. We are all victims of trauma based mind control. Direct or individual mind control still occurs but rarely as it's a risky endeavor: the subject's life, from birth to Critical Event, is scripted and controlled by his/her various handlers, in what amounts to a very disturbing Truman Show.
The goal of MKULTRA wasn't that sort of thing.
The dream was to be able to kidnap some foreign official while he was on holiday and brainwash him into being a totally obedient spy/saboteur. Using his existing flawless and trusted history to get you information or cause damage to the USAs enemies.
That's why it was deemed a colossal failure. They were never able to achieve those kind of results because MKULTRA subjects are unstable, twitchy and completely messed up.
Even the most stable ones come off as completely insane and are typically homeless lunatics complaining about the government reptilian CIA niggers beaming commands into their colon.
Monarch achieved greater success by brainwashing children who could then go on to achieve these positions on their own. Guided by an inexplicable desire to obtain a career in that sort of field.
Problem is for monarch you have to wait a long time for results and you need to cast a very wide net which means a lot of kids need to be subjected to the process and it takes a long time to get through the process meaning you have to establish fronts in the area to do it with.
It's one of the reasons that most monarch subjects are in the USA and almost all are in urban areas.
How did you manage to snooze through Iran/Contra, and then the Whitehouse call boy scandal? I thought the system worked post-Watergate and began to get hopeful with Reagan, but it began to be clear that the CIA and deepstate organs had supplanted the facade of government. With Bush being elected I knew we were full-on headed towards tyranny.
MK Ultra was just a single program. Others ran concurrently and still do. There is too much corroborative evidence between vast numbers of victims which are all too similar. This is particularly relevant with accounts preceding the internet era, where this information is now easily accessible.
It's "common knowledge" that a person cannot be hypnotized to act outside of their moral and conscious will, yet, there is a striking account of someone considered above reproach in the military being hypnotized to pick up a pistol and shoot their commanding officer. That's low-level technology compared to what's being discussed here.
i would also add that the strategy of rapid dominance is a consequence of the NSC deciding back in the 50's that overwhelming force is the only winning strategy against nuclear detente. when more and more countries acquire nukes, and all of humanity can be anihilated in 33 minutes, you either slither away in fear and lose, or you project force using enormous propaganda resources to head fake the Enemy into believing that even if they nuke first strike you, that you will still second amd third strike them and that nothing can stop you from exterminating them. the 4G warfare we see today, with the whole world fortified as a covert war zone and all laws of war being stratified underneath covert war and war by other means is a direct outcome from nuclear weapons changing warfare forever.
can you explain this with more detail. and what "war by other means" means ? what is 4G warfare in practical terms ?
Of course it's real. Talk to anyone who has been gangstalked.
stop trying to push this meme
Are you suggesting I eat shit because I saw it here? That's a logical fallacy: post hoc ergo propter hoc.
I saw it. This was before I was redpilled, and even then I thought it was over-the-top gruesome anti Nazi sickness.
You're a faggot and a moron.
I was MKUltra'd
Did your handlers give you permission you to tell us that?
I don't have handlers.
OP, you lazy cunt…
you should do an AMA on le reddit
Sure, that will certainly benefit me, while I am at why not just start fucking myself as well.
They are the servants of the Els, so yes, they are the current Elite. There's always another layer with their word games and lies, eh? We have claim to that title only as the bastard descendants of the nephilim/anunakki, and frankly those space niggers don't deserve us so we shouldn't call ourselves theirs.