It seems that in a very general sense each race has its own strengths and weaknesses. Asians are smart but conformist, Blacks are agile but nog, etc etc. However, it seems that whites are the balancing act between various physical, spiritual, and mental traits.
They may not be as schmoozy as jews but make great industrialists/businessmen. They may be a few IQ points lower than the Japs or Hans but are much more creative and individualist (creating more works or art than literally anybody plus allowing scientific innovation). They may not have the twitch fibres of nogs but they produce strong fighters and athletes just the same.
In a sense, whites have been selected for various traits which make them so successful even though they may lack full *power* in any one field.
Favoritism is never a good idea. Look at liberals, they are all fucking white.
Adrian Nelson
So what you're saying is European / cupcasions are basically the Jack of all trades? Makes sense I guess. Whenever you see White characters listed in RPG they usually are the "human" type characters and everybody else is an elf or a dwarf or an orc… and human RPG characters tend to be Jack's of all trades. Also called "balanced"
Actually, if you look closely most of them are Jewish and crypto-jews.
Ian Garcia
While not quite random luck, the results of evolving in the European climate and ecology has, by chance, gifted Whites with the best tools to survive. The issue with races born of plenty is that they never had to struggle. Hard times create hard men, and the winters of Europe are the breeding ground for an evolutionary superspecies. We are the industrialists, we are the doers, we are the ones who can puzzle out solutions where there wasn't a question. Why do you suppose that all technology comes from Western and Asian countries, countries far enough away from the Eden of the Equator to create hard men. The difference between the Honorary Aryans and White people is interesting to me. They have an obedience factor that limits creativity and I'm not sure where that stems from, maybe a deeper tribal connection than whites? An interesting question.
Name one thing we didn't invent, create and manifest into reality.
Jose Morris
Both of these groups probably lie about their IQ, as the jews do. The Han absolutely, 100% have been caught totally fabricating their national IQ statistics - the majority of the country is dumber than Arabs - their national average IQ is between 70 and 90.
If that's your sales-pitch against genocide, then I would be worried.
Thomas Wood
Proof is in the pudding and there is no innovation or anything of interest in all of asia. They are bug people, nothing more…boring unempathetic peasants and worthless out of control eaters and breeders. If their IQ was higher than 90 there is no way they would breed and fucking eat everything in their environment and then some. They would display some decorum and thoughtfulness.
Carter Hall
Combination of harsh environment and monogamy. Monogamy is unnatural but a serious advantage to a society, I hate what cukstanity has become but to deny the productive increase of giving a beta man a woman, a family and some skin in the game, is ludicrous. We have had a better diet then the other races for hundreds of years due to that extra production, over time that gave our bodies and brains a huge advantage over the other races. Another advantage if you know anything about economics, is specialization, due not needing every able bodied man to spend all his time trying to feed himself, it let our people do many other things, that's part of why we invented so much shit, created great works of literature, art, it created a spiral of positive technological progress that fed on itself and built the modern world. A lot of our love of liberty, fearlessness, pursuit of the unknown is due to our progress in cultural fields.
We really are the fucking best, god damn I love white people
Jack Hall
The Japs have DNA from the white natives they bred out of existence, no?
Xavier Rivera
I was told this by a Chinese engineer (an immigrant from China) no less. We get the ones that are intelligent enough to figure out how to escape that hell. He insisted vehemently that whites were getting a terribly skewed view of the Chinese due to this fact.
He also told me about visiting Japan and this nightclub with these big recliner easy chairs where you laid back in your chair sucking down booze and staring up at the glass ceiling where hot jap babes in miniskirts and high heels walked and strutted around above. Occasionally one of them would squat and piss or pinch off a loaf for the arousal of the pervy gook fuckers below.
He also told me that they have restaurants there for only the wealthiest clients of the highest status. The restaurants recruit only the most beautiful little girls, 11 or 12 years old from the best families, straight A students. They're little Japanese angels and they dress them up in the most expensive antique kimonos. They're fed a special diet of vegetables and aromatic herbs. They sit in the restaurant and then they shit where the client can see her shitting. There's these specially trained sushi chefs with an additional 10 years of training who take the shit and prepare it elaborately for the customer and serve it to him as a delicacy. In today's money it would be like $1500 a plate. I've checked this with several older japanese guys I'm friends with and they laughed and said it was indeed true.
This is exactly the opposite of the way I feel. I think it has destroyed the spirit of our people to give every beta a woman, they only accomplished this because they murdered our own patriarchs who had our GENETIC interest at heart. You were his sons not his slaves…YOU TRADED BEING SONS TO BE KIKE SLAVES…this was not 'loyal' to ancient Christianity (the pagan values that 'christianity' were forged from) this was a betrayal of all of our values.
Wyatt Sullivan
Alas whitey has similar shit.
Lincoln Robinson
Japan just lost prestige in my book. That is utterly disgusting.
Chase Price
the easterners are truly disgusting people.
Jose Thompson
Nope. Huge myth. Asians are just as nigger as all the other niggers.
you might be right, the ancient romans and greeks were not Christians and accomplished much, I believe ancient Greece did in fact have monogamy without cukstanity
Alexander Johnson
Fuck off yid.
Nathan Phillips
Angry Jew is mad that goy passed him up.
Julian Reyes
Look into the Ainu people. There's probably more than 100,000 of them left in Japan, but most are unaware that they're European, not Asian.
Joseph Adams
I think they had what is called social bonding. I doubt that sexuality was a fucking foreign and weirdly festishized as it is for us. Look at some of the weird assed shit that passes for OP's opinion around here, it is JUST as fetishized as the bug scatological fetish. Sexuality was for reproduction…it would be like festishising eating or IDK some other biological function. The body is simply here to serve the genetic 'tree' that is all…it is not really all that important and certainly not something to festishize into absurdity like the kikes desire…they have a rule for everything…don't shit now, do shit now, don't fuck now, do fuck now…there is no room for HUMANITY TO EVEN FUCKING BREATHE with all their SLAVE RULES about who does what when and how.
Jacob Murphy
Essentially it was monogamy but with caveats. A woman was the responsibility of the male head of the household. So her husband or father. A husband could also let another man make use of his wife and even let them have a child together. But it had to be with his permission.
Daniel Flores
I've seen the Ainu but I'm not sure how European they are. They're an interesting case - I wonder how much of their DNA is still as it once was, or if it was a Persia situation where 99.99% of the Aryan DNA was replaced.
No, larper. Pagans and the paganized catholics did practically nothing to advance human civilization. It wasn't until men rejected both idolatry and popery and instead adopted literal Christian doctrine that humanity finally realized explosive creativity and civilization. Sadly, shitbrain golems like you are dragging us back into the mud.
This is funny because they are MASTER CHEATERS and I hated having them in class with me. All they fucking did was cheat on everything. They are also extremely unfaithful as well, complete whores in every way…but their desire to cheat was expressed in everything they did…RIGHT UP UNTIL THE HIT THE WALL…even the very best of them could not create anything. They had no ability to create at all…they were like fucking bug robots…and it was the one place that their buggy traits feel short completely. It was the one place that they couldn't 'cheat' as well…although they did try, I have seen them hire Whites to complete their projects for them, but ever that utterly failed because no prof would believe that it was their work. Since it wasn't. FUCKING BUG PEOPLE…I HATE THEM FOR THEIR USELESSNESS, LIES AND PRETENTIOUSNESS.
Cooper Ross
>Look at liberals, they are all fucking (((white))) The Bourgeois are not white
Grayson Brown
When did I defend popery faggot? How could you ever even dream of such things?
Also, READ HISTORY…the Germanic peoples were amazing warriors with our own culture and indomitable will and social order long before 'the kike version of christianity' which is simply a amalgamation of OUR TRADITIONS with their fucked up control structures and 'laws' and fucking weird assed festishes about human behavior. Didn't Christ himself tell you to beware of them, BUT YOU DID NOT, you bought it hook line and sinker.
ALSO user…WE DON'T NEED THEM. GET IT THROUGH YOUR BRAIN; YOU HAVE GENETIC LOYALTY TO MONSTERS, THE MOST MONSTROUS OF ALL PEOPLE If Christ is your king PAY HOMAGE TO HIM, our own traditions and people rather than to kike 'fathers' who treat you like slaves, breed you with their rules and laws and genocide you when they please.
Noah Lee
They are not European at all, they are closest to fucking Australian abbos for christ's sake.
Aaron Gomez
I seriously doubt they're very close, considering the average IQ of an abbo is 62 and the average IQ of an Ainu is 98.
Elijah Mitchell
Catholicsm = Idol Worship = Pagan you eternal fucktard. Literally all of Roman Catholicism is pagan fuckery with names from the bible pasted over it. If you want to worship like your ancestors, go to a shrine of "Mary" aka Isis and bow before it like a mudshit while mumbling chants like an autistic nigger while someone swings a smoky incense censer around your empty head. Congrats, you've got the "power of your ancestors"
Ian Howard
Christianity is so much older than 'catholicism' user…it is as old as our own bloodline. You should study more.
Levi Myers
Best adherence to law and oath and education, and therefore cooperation.
It's also our greatest weakness. Imagine you are a people that puts heavy weight on law and oath, education, language and then some tribe comes in that has its fingers permanently crossed behind its back.
Yet, because you know that cooperation with strangers based on a mutually agreed upon code of law gives you superpowers, because the ability to cooperate like this is a superpower, your default is to trust in what they say.
Then you get all sorts of bullshit like "pathological altruism" and the like, which is just a symptom of believing lies being sold as the truth. "Gotta help those 'refugees', they are 'teenagers'. That's what the media says, that's what the government says, and why would we have these things if they didn't tell the truth lol".
Et cetera.
Anyway, whitey also loves the environment and nature the most, and we're also actually the most intelligent, but we allow others to take our spotlight all the time.
That's why you'll find 2304823048230842308 poo in loos talking about "K-maps" on youtube, but they all get BTFO'd by singular white electrical engineers. Notable exception is electroboom, but that's the exception and even his people have it from our people.
Logan Thomas
The significance of that, is, of course, no matter how good you are at math or whatever, if your air is unbreathable, your water undrinkable, and the animals are sick, you're boned anyway.
Aiden Brown
Since there is no IQ data for ainu, your argument is pretty bad. Genes don't lie.
Alexander Wright
Christianity is as old as Christ. Catholicism goes all the way back to Mesopotamia and the first ziggurat builders.
Sebastian Jones
They are the biggest pioneers due to cooperation. They go beyond "jack" level.
Ironically, Elf means white person, it's a Germanic word, and Dwarves are also a kind of elf, at least in actual Germanic folklore.
Also, people have this silly idea (probably due to Tolkien) that Elves have jew names that end in El and Eth and all that, but in reality, Elven names are things like "Alfred" or "Alberich"
Alb, a form of Elf, is similar to the latin "Alb" like Albino or Albumen, which is also related to "white" but that is more coincidence than anything, it really is its own Germanic word.
Elves = white folk, and the only thing, other than the old gods, what the Germanic people allowed as a synonym for humanity. "In fact, 'Germans', their 'name' for themselves just means people, but yeah.
Elves = whito peeporu. Round eyed devils. Us.
Isaac Barnes
Yes the First Man, who was murdered and replaced by 'substitutes'.
Same ol' story same ol' song and dance, my friend.
Kevin Bailey
'J' is that you?
Joshua Rivera
It's kind of hard to look at the conditions that led to whites becoming what they are and not feel there was some divine intervention involved. The right climate, the right terrain, the right animals with the right temperament to become domesticated livestock. Knowing that the out of Africa theory is pure bullshit, it only seems clearer that it was either extreme luck that shaped the conditions of the planet in this exact way to give rise to white civilization, while entire continents, overflowing with natural resources, barely rose above the tribal stage. Idiots love to point to the incans and the arabs developing specific things before proto-europeans, but they also fail to acknowledge the insane levels of retard-level barbarism that remained prevalent in those civilizations for centuries. Of course, (((public education))) has a wonderful way of completely revising history to paint the Europeans as diseased mud farmer up until the 1600s when they just magically jumped to the early stages of modernity. To this day, we're still seeing jackasses spreading the lie of the dark ages destroying knowledge and absurd anecdotes about how Europeans didn't know how to bathe until they met Africans.
If whites were truly lacking in some innate quality that grants us an advantage over all others, I don't think the kike agenda would be so focused on forcing multiculturalism in an attempt to destroy the genes and minds of whites, for the sake of dragging us down and making us easier to rule. The mentally broken lefty masses must be a joy for them to witness. Whites so broken and twisted up in their own heads that they can barely function in society, let alone accept reality.
If you read the link above, they had academic testing to use for IQ data. I don't think you understand what an IQ of 62 implies. Ever met a retarded kid? That's 75. Abbos are literally potatoes. I bet if you ask the aussies on here nicely, they'll tell you about it.
Samuel Flores
I do not know who this J person is. At the very most I avatarfagged with Photon animu pictures for a while, but I never had any name on any imageboard.
Jeremiah Walker
Does that work on cuckchan?
Levi Harris
But the Protestant reformation did not sweep all of Europe and there was a counter-reformation movement shortly thereafter. Furthermore, part of Europe was resisting Ottoman military campaigns and other invaders. The fall of the West Roman Empire also triggered a wave of migrations, which hindered nation-building for a couple centuries. You're cherry-picking one variable that suits your world view and trying to pass it off as the cause of rapid technological progress.
Christopher Long
Go ahead, take it from civilized discussion to name calling. I don't know how you're going to explain the similarities they have to Russians, and the fact that Ainus actually act like they're in the same species as us unlike Apeoriginals, but go ahead. You must be a gookfucker who wants to wash over what the Chinese did to them.
Jackson Clark
Not 'J'. Check. If you had been 'J' I would just want to say that I really enjoyed your online work and that I had learned so much from you and was extremely grateful for everything I learned. But you are not 'J'.
Blake Young
You don't have to explain anything, yet you are trying to talk down to me as if I am retarded. I know what IQ is. I also know there has never been IQ testing done on the ainu, so making up stupid shit isn't productive. DNA does not lie. No amount of "but I think they look like mongols" changes this.
Joshua Bennett
You are truly "progressive" technology is enslaving
Henry Taylor
I see you're not going to address the drastic difference in intelligence, a key part of how this board distinguishes shitskins. They live in Russia, look Russian, have large craniums like mongols, and have the academic ability of a typical white. If you had ever seen how abbos act before, you would almost certainly abandon this stupid shit.
Jayden Bennett
Good to see that online work has effects like that, but, yeah, I'm not 'J'.
I was part of a forum for a while, where I wrote quite a bit of things like these, but even then, my username didn't even include that letter. Come to think of it, I have never had an online handle that contained J.
Wait, that's not true, I played a bunch of Darkstalkers for a while and named some online character Jedah, once.
That's about it. But yeah, this just shows that keyboard warrioring does have an effect. I was certain of this all this time, but it's nice to have some reinforcement of that idea.
Which is good, since the control of the jew begins and ends in the mind of people.
Nolan Williams
The difference can not be addressed because it has never been measured. You are simply regurgitating yellow fever bullshit to try to excuse your lust for subhuman gooks. Ainu are just jomon/chink hybrids:
Benjamin Flores
I think he's shilling or just retarded. You gave him the info he wanted but keeps spewing shit out of the asshole he calls a mouth. And on the abbos, they really are an astounding case of just how retarded humans (I use that term very, very lightly) can still be. Between them and niggers, it's crazy to think with all the help they've been given (by whites) and all the years they've had, they still are below retarded children.
Zachary Myers
Funny, I think you might be the gookfucker, trying to find justification for Asians genociding Europeans. Your article explains the partial Siberian and otherwise northern European heritage of the Ainu and strikes at the heart of why they're not retarded abbos.
Cringe sense of humor user, 4/b/ is down the hall and to the left. And it's notable that to equate "as smart as Europeans" with "not as retarded as abbos" is both a lie and an insult to Europeans. I change my mind, you're not a gookfucker, you're a kike shill.
Leo Scott
They're not humans user. They're literally a different species, a hand over from our earlier evolution. They should be exterminated of course but that isn't going to happen.
Matthew Clark
This. I've worked as the token gweilo in a factor and I can assure you there is nothing special about them.
Gavin Cook
Oh, I see your source was actually (((Chinese))).
Landon Reyes
It astounds me that whites and niggers/abbos can even breed. It shows how far gone they are that most african americans have some white blood and it has made zero discernable difference.
Luis Gomez
Race mixing is quite difficult between negros/abbos and whites. Health defects skyrocket and the children look retarded. The only successful seems to be whites and asians but again, this isn't recommended. Case in point
This seems to coincide with my experience. Someone my mother knew in high school got into drugs and banged a bunch of niggers. I've met the children and not only are they all mentally ill, but for some reason they just stare through you when you try to talk to them.
Juan Martin
No, lets look at what you actually said: Go away you degenerate gookfucking piece of shit. Abbo/chink mongrels are not European.
Aiden Rogers
Are you just going collecting (you)s or something? They're not abbos. You're full aware of it and either trying to excuse a white genocide or D&C the white race. Either way, you're a shill and I'm not going to talk anymore until you present an actual counterpoint because I don't want to contribute to ruining this thread.
Caleb Parker
Gotta disagree with nogs being agile. Thats a stereotype perpetruated by cuckservatives and jews. The reason why nogs are perceived as agile and stronger is because A. Jews B. Economy Why are so many niggers in the NBA? Because theyre on welfare so all they do is play basketball. Why are there so many niggers in the olympic running games but not in others? Because running is cheap, and the countries those runners come from can easily invest in those people that choose to pursue that sport. I.E these ppl will have nothing to do but run allday, they got allday and everyday to work on their running. It pays out for those countries cause theyre poor and the amount of publicity they get from a world champion coming from that country is a huge base of income.
Now you look at western countries, will running keep you afloat? Will it feed your family? Or yourself even? Highly doubtful. Even if youre the national champion in boxing in a certain weightclass, you wont make enough money to live comfortably. That is the downfall of white athletes in any sport. Our countries dont support you financially for it. Then theres also Jews, jews push the stronk negro image, thats the reason why theres so many nogs in american boxing. But once they have to fight russian boxers or boxers from countries where nogs are almost non existant those nogs will go down in a round or 2, cause those boxers havent been emotionally conditioned to think the way jews want you to think.
Thats about it. Nogs arent agile, nogs arent tall(the average nog is pretty short compared to white people).
Noah Nelson
you believe anything chinks write online?
Elijah Roberts
You're a hypocrite, let me guess… you laugh at liberals who say that blacks score lower on IQ tests due to socioeconomic factors?
Luis Richardson
Actually this IS true, but almost exclusively for the African American, and for a much more practical reason. When Africans were brought to the Americas during the slave trade, the women were often bred by northern European studs. The would bring over these giant austrian/viking motherfuckers and they would literally make their living traveling around the colonies impregnating all the sheboons they could. This selective breeding (just like in dogs/livestock/etc) very quickly (within a handful of generations) created a much taller and more muscular/stronger subspecies of african that today are mainly used to entertain the masses by putting balls into hoops or giving each other brain damage on an astroturf field.
Joseph Nguyen
Oh yeah, millenia of life had nothing ever happen until kikest and kikestianity took over. Blow your brains out, subhuman trash.
Oliver Reed
Wyatt Williams
Yeah 100%. I just got out of boot camp and the only people who struggled were black or female. The blacks would look more toned and athletic but would cheat and underperform in every activity. The blacks and females would also get off easy when they fuck up. I used to only want them back in their own lands but holy shit, black females are the worst creatures to ever live amongst man. I'm in my school to learn my specialty (computers) now and it's only whites, asians, and a handful of hispanics. A few token blacks but you never seem them outside of the musters so I don't know what they even do.
Isaac Harris
Innocence and a sense of Absolute Righteousness Whites got more
Ethan Wood
Northern europeans are better athletes then nogs, also older IQ statistics that predate muslim immigration show nordic countries either on par or higher average IQ then east asians.
Ryder Gomez
I laugh at everyone, mostly at liberals tho.
Isaiah Jones
MacDonald summed it up nicely in Culture of Critique. Our greatest weakness is also our greatest strength: our individuality. I'd even go a step further and suggest it's clear evidence of Alfred Rosenberg's idea of the racial soul, but I'll probably lose most of you going into everything that idea entails. The racial soul is absolutely real, and awareness of it is the true power of the jew. This is why Rosenberg was murdered. Anyway, our individualist nature encourages the best of our men to reject dogma and think for themselves. We are naturally driven to innovate, think differently, and reach for the stars. It's absolutely necessary for (and inseparable from) the 'creative spark' of the white man. It also is, as many anons suspect, a natural result of our evolution in the harshest environments. The more cold and harsh the environment, the more Aryan man becomes, given enough time. When pitted against the elements, men care less about in-group vs out-group dynamics and more about "all capable men vs nature". So we are naturally developed a more altruistic attitude towards outsiders, and have less distinction between the in-group and the out-groups. In other words, we are highly trusting and cooperative, but not highly collectivist or racially aware. So naturally as a result, less.. 'effective' peoples flock to the successful nations we create, and we welcome them with open arms, not realizing they do not think like we do. We learn this lesson over and over but are always so quick to (((forget))), as this same combination of individualism and altruism also makes us highly susceptible to divide and conquer tactics, especially those using guilt due to our trusting nature. About the only racial instinct we still have awake and kicking, slowing our extinction, seems to be sexual selection. Most of us who are worth anything are instinctual attracted to Aryan features and repulsed by brown people. Hence why immigration is no longer enough, and race mixing and violence against whites are being pushed.
Mark my words though, when and if the collective racial soul of the white race fully awakens to racial awareness, absolutely no power on earth can stand in our way. The way things are heading, such an awakening is inevitable, as the white man finally appears to be stirring. I only hope I'm still around to witness when it finally comes to a climax.
You call abbo/chink mongrels European and then you try to excuse this by saying anyone who knows what Europeans are is "D&C" and "excusing white genocide"? Good lord Schlomo, go back to JIDF shill school.
Ryder Stewart
Wrong. Dead wrong. When controlled for white students, American IQ scores match Japan's.
Isaiah Reed
Get that fabricated bullshit out of here. There is no mammal on earth that is impossible to domesticate given the thousands of years it took to domesticate wolves. Guns germs and steal is trash and you should feel bad for spreading these fabricated myths.
Ok nigger that's why all their military technology is stolen from us. Because they r smurt.
Nicholas Foster
Since when was allowing lesser specimens to breed a serious advantage to evolution?
Jacob Clark
Oy vey fellow white person, don't blow your cover!
Daniel Reed
This. They are the same as Eskimos and Siberian natives (Yakut, Altai and such).
Michael Sanchez
Actually scientific achievement is correlated with the rise of Romantic/Classical and atheistic thoughts.
Carson Butler
white people excell the most at things you cannot see because its all around us. Whites work very well with each other by encouraging teamwork. the best/strongest civilizations were built by whites because we like building on what other people already have before us. Niggers cannot into progression which is why Africans think "cargo" just exists or wealth is awarded to people instead of generated over a long period of time over many generations. it may seem like whites are middle of the road on lots of things, but what whites are the best at is whats between each other. cohension that can work very efficiently in a small unit, or across a nation. Asians are shit in city size units, in china they dont even like cleaning up around public buildings because they all assume its someone elses job. Niggers are shit in large groups because it always just becomes choas because they take advantage of being a faceless person to fuck over other niggers. in short, whites are best at what makes humans become people, not just animals that walk on 2 legs. meanwhile niggers boast about fucking running fast. There are animals faster and stronger. Asians boast about muh math. Computers can do math better. Beaners boast about muh authenic food. Their food is shit. whites are the best at being social people and building civilization. Nothing else does that.
Hudson Rogers
LIES Only europeans are noble and honest and report true statistics. Azn, Afkn, and jew tell lies.
Jose Sullivan
Fuck off. EUROPEANS ARE MASTER BUILDERS What was once called "Rennaisance Man". pic related is now my waifu
Hudson Cruz
Remember to thank CodeMonkey for this novel content direct from the minds of /int/ deviants.
Every other race is specialized for one environmental niche. If that environment changes they crash and die.
Gavin Walker
They look like Mongolians not Aborigines
Landon Garcia
chinks are absolute NPCs. they actually enjoy being in large crowds, they need a set plan for everything including having fun (japs also do this bullshit) and they would sell their own parents into slavery if they could get away with it.
Brody King
How do you know that they don't?
Lincoln Brooks
The reason our technology shot up so much is because we reverse engineered extra terrestrial technology when we shot down the UFO at Roswell using a scalar energy attack. This gave us chips, fibre optics and basically everything that modern electronic tech uses.
The reason technology shot up a bit before that is because people stopped being such slaves to authority and started going against their teachings and returning to science. Not because they adopted literal christian doctrine…
Andrew Allen
That is not the real alien tech user. That is the stuff that they have held in reserve for thousands of years only choosing to release it now. The real alien tech is (for lack of a better word) SOLID STATE…meaning that it is technology that operates on a quantum scale. if a circuit needs to be made it is made in a solid, there are no mechanical parts. All energy is directed through the solid and pathways are defined within the solid. Think of it like growing crystals in a bath, except much more complicated…this is a quantum superposition of materials. The universe is a solid user, but most people don't have the sensory ability to grasp the mechanics of it…that tech is useless, in terms of really understanding it purpose for someone with a regular human mind…sure, monkeys can operate a machine gun…but they can't explain the physics, the fluid dynamics of it or manage anything remotely elegant with it. Same goes with alien tech…they are like monkeys with a machine gun…meh, not impressed.
Levi Wood
How are Asians able to use it and maintain it if they're not smart? Why don't they let Euro tech fall to ruin like Africans do? Of course they're smart. Their conformity dooms them to be uninventive – inventiveness deviates too far from the herd for them to find it palatable. That's why they don't invent much.