durr hurr goyim!
Jewish journalist thinks getting Commander-in-Chief-supporting female service member fired is funny
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Go back to cuckchan.
I remember that journalists were recently complaining about how Trump didn't respect the troops by not meeting them, but now they're trying to fire one for holding up a flag briefly? Do they have any source of self-awareness or not?
These people are not only tremendously stupid, but immoral. They go through lengths to defend the lawless like antifa/illegals, but they will attack law abiding cops, soldiers, and citizens for their speech. No one should do favors for these dipshits.
They're called roasties
They're called zogbots
It is funny. Females should not be allowed in a military. Getting them fired is good.
Fuck off whore.
Lame attempt at D&C.
Bye bitch.
Lets see some proof of this firing, hmmmm?
get fucked, journos
like i said, get fucked, journo b'ith
You remember it from Christmas Day. It took them 2 days to forget what they'd written to do a full 180 on what they'd said.
Trump neglects troops on Christmas. Bad Trump
Trump visits troops on Christmas. Bad Trump, Trump Grinch steals soldier's Christmas. When will Don Lemonsqueezer die of AIDS? Soon plz.
good post.
Please tell me what I'm seeing here are recruits and not a Standing army.
I'm flat out saying it kike, get the fuck out and don't come back.
Why should we give a fuck at all about this shit? Take your obvious slide thread somewhere else faggot.
Women have no place in the military and should have no authority over men in any capacity. God created man for him, and woman for man. Just like man should have no authority over God, woman should have no authority over man.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
1 Timothy 2:9-15
no, YOU fuck off back to Storyful, kike
That faggot colonel brought his own wings.
Men Going Their Own Way (For Israel)
The point of the thread is not women in the military. The point of the thread is Jewish journo bitches relish getting anyone who opposes their agenda fired to the point they feel they can publicly snark about it with impunity. Why? Because they can. Get it now, Christ-cucker?
This thread's getting shilled to hell and back. Are you lurking, Jenny? People have long since woken up to the fact that the press are their enemies. That means you, kike.
outrage farming from a literal who
kil yourself
Loyal to Israel, always laughing at the goyim, why is this any surprise?
how do you get fired from the military? Are you all retarded? You mean discharged? Why would you get discharged for a flag supporting the president? it didnt happen.
bullshit. why would she bring the flag and assume nobody would take a pic? thats also fucking retarded.
Youre all 85 IQ niggers and this is a shit thread.
so she got fired for having a trump flag?
You know this still pisses them off.
Are you fucking retarded? No, not literally fired. "Busted" is the military slang for it. Partisan political activity while representing the U.S. military is a violation of DoD policy. And what about the word, "getting," do you not understand. This bitch's intention is clearly to get the woman fried by her chain of command. Is anyone in doubt that if the banner instead had said, "I voted for Hillary, wink," Jenny kikey wikey, here (and I joo mean HERE), wouldn't have batted an eye?
What do you faggot gaygans have against Christianity? We preserved your entire religion when we could've just wiped it all out when we gained the upper hand in Europe.
Are you still mad that your dad made you go to church every Sunday morning as a kid instead of letting you play COD?
Forgot to sage this slide thread
If you're against National Socialism and white survival you're ultimately against our cause and I think you would be more suited for a site like
I'm against neither Moishe.
A thread died for this. Sage and report.