And they kvetched over GamerGate…
Reddit's Chairman Pao: All Internet Traffic Metrics Are Fake
Seems like The Shadow Brokers were correct and Snowden is a cia shill mongering fear.
Exactly,this is why the God emperor doesn't want to free that faggot Assange.
Trump 2020.
damn that shecklegrabber isn't smart or really hates the competition so much that she'll throw herself under the bus
Vindictive hapa uses scorched-earth tactics. In other news kike jews man.
He was hired to fuck up NSA. Assange may act like Rick Sanchez but he's no glownigger.
no wonder so many places are pushing their mobile shit
Can confirm. I work with a couple of sites, and every time I ask for a volume bonus for times when my content goes viral, they all have the same answer: "We can't tell how many people are reading you, because we buy a lot of our traffic."
Worst of all Snowden was a TORfag.
Wouldn't that qualify as embezzlement?
I doubt 75 million people even have Facebook watches.
i am convinced that Google is secretly running the world's biggest AI botnet and using it to click fraud their own ads. think about it. have *you* ever clicked on a Jewgle ad? do you know anyone who has? just look at Jewgle ads. they're shit. they spy on all of us even more than the motherfucking NSA and they know everything about our lives and they slot us all into demographic buckets and even still, Jewgle cannot read my mind to show me ads for shit i want to buy. even Amazon has smarter ads than Jewgle, and Amazon is just running dumb non-AI ads by showing me shit that i already bought from them, which i will likely buy again. Jewgle earned $110,000,000,000 in revenue in 2017. 99.9% of that revenue came from ads, because everything else Jewgle does other than ads is never successful and only loses billions of dollars in the market. Jewgle knows this too, and so they structure all of their non-ads products to be funnels for you, to entrap you in their Wall Garden to steal your personal data as you wander around never able to escape from the Jewgle plantation.
how can so many Internet users be so stupid to click on enough ads to add up to $110 BILLION in annual revenue for Jewgle? i don't buy it. that is astronomically improbable math. which can only mean Jewgle is cheating. it is common knowledge among e-commerce that click thru rates are 1% or less on average. in order for Jewgle to have honestly earned $110 billion on clicked ads, that would mean every man, woman, child and dog on the Internet would have to click at least several dozen Jewgle ads per year. but that is not happening. so (((who))) is doing all the clicking on Jewgle ads?
bots. everyone thought the day Jewgle finally cracked Hard AI, with a secret Quantum Computer or some sheeeit, and proved P=NP and then knocked over every hard AI problem in the polynomial hierarchy like dominoes, that Benevolent Dictator Jewgle would share that AI with humanity, and bequeath unto us the self-driving cars and the robo-maids and robo-clothes-folders and drone-shopping-assistants and robo-drone-everything to do all of our work for us and free humanity to live an endless life of leisure and hedonism and consumption. but that's not what Jewgle did. Jewgle used its AI solely for its own selfish pursuit of hoovering up more Shekels from you dumb goy. of course, the very first task Jewgle's AI would be assigned to perform would be to form a global botnet that is so big that it would make NSA shudder in fear, and then to secretly click on its own ads from all over the world, hiding in the traffic from normies. it's probably embded into your Android phone and you don't even know it. the AI lurks, running on the secret co-processor on your phone, and it silently clicks Jewgle's own ads in the background while you surf for thicc trap porn on your lunch break.
It's been well known that any system that does the whole "to each according to his own need" thing doesn't have a lot of oversight to it, to make sure the "need" actually exists. This is why millions starved in the Great Leap Forward, among other retardations.
I never click on Google ads
Google ads are likely still legit because people don't just buy them for clicks, they buy them for conversions. If you $1000 for 1000 clicks to your product that makes you $20 every time someone buys it, you would only do it assuming that at the minimum 51 of those 1000 clicks converted to sales, resulting in a return of $1020. This is the result of 0.5% conversion rate, which you would prefer be 1% or higher, making $200 for every $1000 invested.
Keep in mind that even normies know how to use adblock now.
The Great Leap Forward was an intentional genocide.
Shh, the AI figured it has to bankrupt the jew first to totally neutralize their threat from listening to Tay.
It's potentially better than that. Think about it:
>Create false consensus by publishing bogus bullshit nobody agrees with on Vox, Slate, HuffPo, and so on
>Nobody is actually reading "Five Ways Incest is Like Riding a Bicycle"
It's all fake as fuck. Nobody reads that shit about cuckoldry being the thinking man's fetish, or believes the shit about Syria being a great place to fight wars. The Jews just live in a world of faulty memetic make-believe, backed up by allies who control the metrics. Remember that whites like being white, nobody really feels bad about slavery, and the Jews are going to get one hell of a surprise when their tricks fail on them.
im surprised google doesn't sift through my shitposts over the years. im sure they do I'd love to read a lot of the stuff ive written in my early 20s on Zig Forums when i had more energy to quality post.
Are you retarded? The government can track you. They know Facebook is mostly viewed by bored ebt niggers. They're obviously not going to tell advertisers this though.
Pao isn't a hapa. Her DNA is fully Korean.
Lurk moar, Moishe.
Fucking this! The media is just forcing shitty memes, and we all know that forced memes are hot garbage.
dotcom crash 2.0
This time it'll take the entire economy with it.
Yep, it is.
Faceberg had 500million fake accounts it deleted out of 2 Billion.
I never see google ads
More like all internet traffic metrics from big websites are faked.
Numbers do not lie, nor do they tell the truth.
Alphabet controls millions of fake people SM accounts through AI to sway popular opinion and shape reality.
They control a large portion of human energy on earth through illusory deception.
Obama had many non existent "people" on payroll to the tune of 280k/yr each.
Internet traffic and data is a lie by kikes for ad money and revenue? Why I never.
Projection: The Thread
People are generally retarded and their brains are defenseless against this propaganda. While I'm sure some stats are pumped, people do read this garbage and they do click on ads.
Unrelated, but does anyone have the image for the statement in a higher resolution? I speak Russian and want to verify if what the user translated was correct.
I get the feeling the bottom is going to fall out and gov't, along with the tech kikes, are going to mandate some type of active login for ALL web access… Chairman Pao isn't having this dialog in the interest of transparency.
People (mostly Boomers) will probably be receptive to the idea after they lose their shirts in the tech/internet media burst, and because they have less stake in internet spaces than the younger generations.
I also believe the final goal is to legally treat these digital spaces the same as a privately owned physical spaces…Example: circumventing platform bans would carry the same consequences as criminal trespass